Monday, May 24, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
· Pledge to the Flag
· Prayer
• Rochelle Community Hospital Staff and Associates Award
· Mayor’s Report
· Council Members
· Good News – Master of Public Administration Degrees with Honors Ben Johnson, Jennifer Thompson and Jason Underwood
· Good News - American Public Works Association Project of the Year Water Reclamation Facility Improvements
· Employee Introductions – Tod Luxton Water Operator
Ryan Miller Wastewater Operator
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf 05/10/21 (237 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Golf Course Advisory Committee – pdf 09/28/20 (24 KB)
c) Approve Exceptions – pdf 05/04/21-05/10/21 (143 KB) , pdf 05/11/21-05/17/21 (162 KB)
d) Approve Payroll – pdf 05/03/21-05/16/21 (61 KB)
f) Accept and Place on File Financial Statement – pdf April 2021 (7.16 MB)
2) Resolution Opposing SB2298 Amending the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code
3) Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Personnel Manual (City of Rochelle Employee Handbook)
4) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Johnson Tractor the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Mower and Tractor
5) Change Order for Well House #4 Project to Contract with Larson & Larson Builders, Inc.
6) Change Order for Well House #4 Project to Contract with Cahoy Pump Service
7) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding WESCO the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Electric Supplies Inventory
8) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Gasvoda & Associates Inc the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Flowmeter Scada Devices
9) Resolution Approving a Cable Franchise Agreement by and between the City of Rochelle and Comcast of California/Colorado/Illinois/Indiana/Michigan, LLC
10)Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Agreements with the Progressive Park Rochelle for the Purchase of Two Utility Easements
Anyone interested in participating in public commentary remotely should contact Deputy City Clerk Rose Hueramo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 815-562-6161 to make arrangements.
Council members may participate in the City Council Meeting remotely as a result of the Governor suspending
the requirement for in-person attendance at Public Meetings.
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on our YouTube Channel: Rochelle Illinois
Agenda Item #2 - Resolution Opposing SB2298 Amending the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: The Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the State of Illinois (the “Act”) creates tax increment financing to stimulate and induce redevelopment and to provides cities with a mechanism to construct public infrastructure to spur economic development and job growth within their jurisdiction.
The Act makes it possible for municipalities like the City of Rochelle to incentivize development within the areas that are found to be “blighted areas” in order to reduce or eliminate the factors that cause such areas to be designated as “blighted areas” by reimbursing others for the payment of eligible redevelopment project costs as defined in Section 11-74.4-3(q) of the Act.
SB2298, sponsored by Senator Ann Gillespie and co-sponsored by Senator Melinda Bush, attempts to eliminate the effectiveness of the most important tool available to municipalities to enhance positive economic change.
Proposed Changes:
- Removes or modifies various factors for the definitions of “blighted area” and “conservation area” that will greatly reduce the eligibility for many distressed areas throughout Illinois communities.
- Requires all new redevelopment projects to have a completion date no later than the end of the 10th year after a TIF Ordinance is adopted, instead of the 23 years currently allowed.
- Prohibits new or modified redevelopment project areas that overlap with other previously approved project areas, eliminating the ability for communities to successfully develop or redevelop contiguous areas that may not have been eligible at the time the TIF District was originally adopted.
- Imposes stricter requirements for EAV decline and it would eliminate common TIF eligibility criteria such as dilapidation, deterioration, code standards, excessive vacancies, lack of ventilation, obsolete platting, diversity of ownership, and adjacent deterioration.
Consider approving Resolution Opposing SB2298 Amending the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code
Supporting Documents: pdf Resolution Opposing SB2298 Amending the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code (74 KB)
Agenda Item #3 - Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Personnel Manual (City of Rochelle Employee Handbook)
Staff Contact: Nancy Bingham
Summary: The City of Rochelle “Handbook” Personnel Policies Manual was fully updated in October of 2018. The Personnel Policies Manual is in constant review and revisions shall be made periodically to be consistent with all applicable laws, employment policies and current technology.
Amend the Employee percentage of the total premium for the chosen level of health coverage for non-union effective 1/1/2022.Chapter 4: Benefits, Article A: Health Coverage, paragraph 3. Current Employees: 15% for Employee Only and 18% for Family Change to: 16% for Employee Only and 19% for Family.This amendment would reflect the same percentage as the union employees.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Dynamic planning and evaluation in City wide planning efforts. -Budget - A tool to attract and retain quality employees allowing the departments to provide quality services to the City and its residents.
Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Personnel Manual
Supporting Documents: pdf Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Personnel Manual (104 KB)
Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Johnson Tractor the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Mower and Tractor
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning, Utilities Superintendent
Summary: The Electric department received a quote for a new tractor and mower in the amount of $53,408.99 from Johnson Tractor under the Sourcewell pricing. The Sourcewell program is a cooperative purchasing plan that streamlines the procurement process by developing RFPs on behalf of public entities securing the best price available for its members.
Currently the Tech Center, Electric, Water and Water reclamation departments are spending more than $1,000 a month in mowing services. In effort to cut down on the cost of maintaining large grassy areas throughout the City we wish to purchase an adequate piece of equipment to efficiently and on a timely manner keep up with the mowing in these areas.
The new mower is a 15 feet batwing model that will encompass a larger area in a shorter amount of time to effectively upkeep all the RMU facilities in a more manageable manner. The mower and tractor will be a collective purchase between the Electric, Water and Water Reclamation departments.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Electric, Water & Water Rec Funds | $60,000 | $53,408.99 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Develop and implement plan to replace/repair infrastructure to work in concert with the CIP.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Johnson Tractor the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Mower and Tractor.
Supporting Documents:
pdf Sourcewell/Johnson Tractor Quote (90 KB)
Agenda Item #5 - Change Order for Well House #4 Project to Contract Larson & Larson Builders, Inc
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning, Utilities Superintendent
Summary: The Well 4 rehabilitation project contract #2 for the construction of the well house was bid and awarded to Larson & Larson Builders on November 25, 2019. Due to the Covid pandemic in 2020 the project was on hold. In May the Well 4 pump malfunctioned and was taken out of service. With reduced system capacity we must proceed with the total rehab of well 4 as planned for the upcoming development in a couple of months.
Unfortunately, with the recent increase in all labor and materials cost due to the pandemic the total project increase is 7% in the amount of $103,810.11 bringing the total project cost to $1,527,228.62 from $1,423,418.62 back in November 2020. We have seen these increases across the board due to the shortage of building materials.
The following are changes to the contract documents are as follow: (1) Add $103,810.11 to the contract for the increase in material and labor; (2) Revised completion date of November 20, 2021.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Water Funds | $1,416,000 | $1,527,228.62 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Develop and implement plan to replace/repair infrastructure to work in concert with the CIP
Recommendation: Approve a Change Order for Well House #4 Project to Contract Larson & Larson Builders, Inc for an additional amount not to exceed $ 103,810.11 and a total award contract of $1,527,228.62.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #6 - Change Order for Well House #4 Project to Contract Cahoy Pump Service
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning, Utilities Superintendent
Summary: The Well 4 rehabilitation project contract #1 for the pump and motor was bid and awarded to Cahoy Pump Service on November 25, 2019. Due to the Covid pandemic in 2020 the project was on hold. In May the Well 4 pump malfunctioned and was taken out of service. With reduced system capacity we must proceed with the total rehab of well 4 to plan for the upcoming development in a couple of months.
The following are changes to the contract documents: (1) Add additional compensation of $1,400 due to line item cost increases; (2) Add additional compensation of $ 29,074 due to updated items and changes; (3) Revised completion date of November 20, 2021.
Funding Sources: Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure: Water Funds $135,129 $165,603
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Develop and implement plan to replace/repair infrastructure to work in concert with the CIP
Recommendation: Approve a Change Order for Well House #4 Project to Contract Cahoy Pump Service for an additional amount not to exceed $30,474 and a total award contract of $165,603.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #7 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding WESCO the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Electric Supplies Inventory
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning, Utilities Superintendent
Summary: For the last five years the Electric department has depleted their electric supplies inventory without restocking the supplies used. To minimize disruptions in the distribution system the department wishes to replenish their supplies inventory. As we focus on system upgrades and maintenance, we need to have materials to replace old or faulty infrastructure such as pads, poles, and transformers.
With lead times for construction materials up to 6 months; the need to have materials in stock to replace equipment during power outage events are critical for reliable service delivery.
We requested quotes from three electric suppliers and the lowest Sourcewell price received was from WESCO Distribution in the amount of $143,661. The Electric department has a long-standing relationship with WESCO and recommends awarding the purchase order for the needed supplies to WESCO.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Electric Fund | $250,000 | $143,661 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
Develop and implement plan to replace/repair infrastructure to work in concert with the CIP
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding WESCO the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Electric Supplies Inventory in the amount of $143,661.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #8 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Gasvoda & Associates Inc the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Flowmeter Scada Devices
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning, Utilities Superintendent
Summary: As we work towards improving our systems and service delivery, we need some system upgrades to our sewer flowmeters. In order to automate the readings of industrial sewer customers we are looking to purchase fifteen (15) SCADA flow monitoring devices. These devices will enable accurate and automated readings of sewer discharge that will be directly transmitted to our system. Currently we are manually obtaining these readings or rely on third-party water readings that are then entered manually each month before each billing cycle.
By purchasing these devices, we are improving our billing practices, saving resources, and adequately billing our customers. We are requesting the purchase of these devices from our local supplier which is the only option available for this upgrade and compatible with our current equipment.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Water Reclamation Funds | $75,000 | $50,125 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Develop and implement plan to replace/repair infrastructure to work in concert with the CIP.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Gasvoda & Associates Inc the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Flowmeter Scada Devices at a cost of $50,125.
Supporting Documents:
pdf Quote from Gasvoda & Associates, Inc. (202 KB)
Agenda Item #9 - Resolution Approving a Cable Franchise Agreement by and between the City of Rochelle and Comcast of California/Colorado/Illinois/Indiana/Michigan, LLC
Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh
The previous franchise agreement with Comcast expired in 2015 and was never renegotiated. In 2018, staff once again began meeting with representative from Comcast to update the previous agreement. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic the negotiations were postponed, and the agreement was not finalized.
Last month our team met again with representatives from Comcast to finalize a new agreement for council approval. Below are the changes that are being proposed:
- The Comcast entity has changed. The new one is reflected in the title, preamble, Grantee definition, and signature block. Same company, just a change in the entity from an LP to an LLC.
- Definitions, Public Way—added the cite from the City’s Municipal Code.
- Section 4.6.1, GA Comp TV service—The Third Order was issued by the FCC in August 2019. That is the new Federal regulation, and this new language reflects that.
- Section 8.2, Emergency Alert System—The new Federal EAS regulations were issued starting in 2010 (continuing to date). This language reflects that.
- Section 8.5, Allocation and Use of the PEG Access Channel—corrected this language to reflect only one PEG channel (not two). The option is there should the City decide to pursue it.
- Section 9.4, Enforcement—Changed this section to reflect the language used in all other franchise agreements.
- Section 10.2, Notice-Comcast updated their address.
- The new agreement is a 10-year agreement upon execution.
Recommendation: Authorize a Resolution Approving a Cable Franchise Agreement by and between the City of Rochelle and Comcast of California/Colorado/Illinois/Indiana/Michigan, LLC and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement
Supporting Documents:
pdf Cable Television Franchise Agreement (161 KB)
Agenda Item #10 - Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Agreements with The Progressive Park Rochelle LLC for the Purchase of Two Utility Easements
Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh Summary: RMU is in the process of installing a substation in Progressive Park, which will be the new supply for 1600 Ritchie Court. The new feeder cable will be in an underground duct package that will be on the East side of 1600 Ritchie Court and then continue on the North side of the building to the unit substations for that property. As a result of the new feeder cable duct package, the City will need to cross two parcels owned by Progressive Park Rochelle LLC. The City has already purchased one easement for a transmission easement, which was part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Commonwealth Edison. By approving this resolution, the City is authorizing the City Manager to execute two additional agreements with Progressive Park Rochelle LLC for the purchase of two utility easements in the amount of $13,333.33
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Electric Fund Capital Budget | $9Million for Substation Project | $13,333.33 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Community & Economic Development, Explore, develop and improve strategies for industrial growth. Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Agreements with the Progressive Park Rochelle LLC for the Purchase of Two Utility Easements ancillary agreements.
Supporting Documents:
pdf Utility Easement Agreements with attached exhibits – PIN 25-32-201-003 (561 KB)
pdf Utility Easement Agreements with attached exhibits – PIN 25-32-201-005 (435 KB)