Monday, January 25, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
· Pledge to the Flag
· Prayer
· Mayor’s Report
· Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf 1/11/20 (461 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission – pdf 12/07/20 (153 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board – pdf 8/17/20 (367 KB)
d) Approve Exceptions – pdf 1/5/21-1/11/21 (217 KB)
e) Approve Payroll – pdf 12/28/20-1/10/21 (58 KB)
f) Authorize Closure of 10th Avenue between Illinois 251 and 8th Street – pdf 2021 Outdoor Markets (221 KB)
2) Ordinance Granting Variation Related to Signage for Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District
3) Resolution Authorizing Creation of a City of Rochelle COVID Vaccination Policy
4) Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Authorizing the Delivery and Carry Out of Mixed Drinks by Licensed Establishments
5) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Wesco Distribution the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Cobra Head Streetlights
6) Preliminary and Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Wendler Engineering Services, Inc. for 7th Avenue Bridge Replacement over the Kyte River
1) Police Department Year in Review
Anyone interested in participating in public commentary remotely should contact City Clerk Sue Messer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 815-562-6161 to make arrangements.
Council members may participate in the City Council Meeting remotely as a result of the Governor suspending
the requirement for in-person attendance at Public Meetings.
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook
Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Granting Variation Related to Signage for Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: The petitioner is seeking a variance of signs in order to construct a proposed electronic message board, located at 802 Jones Road, which is zoned B-2, Commercial Highway.
Per Section 110-674 Prohibited Signs (5) Any flashing sign, subject to the provisions relating to non-conforming signs.
Per Section 110-661 Flashing sign means any directly or indirectly illuminated sign, either stationary or animated, which exhibits changing natural or artificial light or color by any means whatsoever.
A public hearing was held on Monday, December 7, 2020. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to approve the Variance of signage by a vote of 6 to 0.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Granting Variation Related to Signage for Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District
Supporting Documents:
pdf Sample Sign Graphic (484 KB)
Agenda Item #3 - Resolution Authorizing Creation of a City of Rochelle COVID Vaccination Policy
Staff Contact: Nancy Bingham
The City of Rochelle has determined that the SARS COVID 19 virus and the global pandemic has created a significant health risk for the local community and desires to take certain steps to ensure the health and welfare of its employees by creating a COVID vaccination policy to be known as “The City of Rochelle -COVID Vaccination Policy”.
The COVID Vaccination is not a mandatory vaccine but will be offered to all employees currently on staff. We are working with the Ogle County Health Department in regard to the administration of the vaccine.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
-Dynamic planning and evaluation in City wide planning efforts.
-Budget - A tool to attract and retain quality employees allowing the departments to provide quality services to the City and its residents.
Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Authorizing Creation of a City of Rochelle COVID Vaccination Policy
Supporting Documents:
pdf City of Rochelle - COVID Vaccination Policy (77 KB)
Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Authorizing the Delivery and Carry Out of Mixed Drinks by Licensed Establishments
Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager, City Clerk
Summary: In 2020, in response to the economic impact of COVID-19 on establishments holding liquor licenses, the State legislature amended the Illinois Liquor Control Act to temporarily provide for the delivery and carry out of mixed drinks.
A couple of existing liquor license holders have expressed an interest in being allowed to sell mixed drinks to patrons for delivery and carryout. The proposed ordinance allows for the sale of a cocktail or mixed drink in a sealed container, with a secure, tamper-evident lid, by a retail licensee if the following requirements are met:
- The cocktail is transferred within the licensed premises, by a curbside pickup, or by delivery by an employee of the licensee who: a) Has been trained in accordance with the provisions of Section 6-27.1 of the Illinois Liquor Control Act; b) Is at least twenty-one years of age; and c) Upon delivery, verifies the age of the person to whom the cocktail is being delivered
- If the employee delivering the cocktail is not able to verify the person’s age or level of intoxication, the employee shall cancel the sale of alcohol and return the product to the retail licenses;
- The sealed container is placed in the trunk of the vehicle or if there is not trunk, in the vehicle’s rear compartment that is not readily accessible to the passenger area;
- The sealed container shall be affixed with a label or tag that contains the following information: a) The cocktail or mixed drink ingredients, type and name of alcohol; b) The name, license number and address of the retail licensee that filled the original container and sold the product and the date sold; c) The volume of cocktail or mixed drink in the seal container; and d) The sealed container was filled less than seven days before the date of sale. e)If there is an executive order in effect, the employee delivering the mixed drink or cocktail must comply with any requirements of that order, including but not limited to, wearing gloves and a mask and maintaining distancing requirements.
The proposed ordinance was modeled after one approved by the City of Dixon. Chief Higby spoke to Dixon Police Chief Howell who said that they have not had any problems.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Promote, Retain, Enhance Small Business Development
Recommendation: Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Authorizing the Delivery and Carry Out of Mixed Drinks by Licensed Establishments
Supporting Documents:
pdf Example of Cocktails to Go in Dixon (45 KB)
Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Wesco Distribution the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Cobra Head Streetlights
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning, Utilities Superintendent
Summary: The City of Rochelle has purchased streetlights from Wesco on a monthly basis under the Sourcewell contract for many years. As we are working towards a more efficient and responsive maintenance program, we wish to purchase a years’ worth of streetlights to continue replacing deteriorating infrastructure. A total of 360 Cobra Heads Streetlights will be purchased for the year 2021.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Electric Funds | $100,000 | $71,280 |
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Wesco Distribution the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Cobra Head Streetlights in the amount of $ 71,280.
Strategic Goal: Develop and implement plan to replace/repair infrastructure to work in concert with the CIP
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #6 - Preliminary Engineering Update and Construction Engineering Services Agreements for the 7th Avenue Bridge replacement over Kyte River (Str. No. 071-6005), pedestrian walkways and roadway approaches modifications from Kelly Drive to west of the new bridge structure.
Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
The replacement of the nearly 55-year-old 7th Avenue bridge structure has been a part of the City’s long term 10 year Capital Improvements Plan. The Preliminary Engineering Design services phase for the replacement of the 7th Avenue bridge structure, related roadway approach improvements, professional services for necessary right of way acquisition and other drainage and utility systems work was programmed in the FY 2021 budget. Wendler Engineering Services has conducted routine bridge inspections and reports, as required by the Illinois Department of Transportation, for the City of Rochelle over the past several years. Previous and current reports identify spalling of concrete, exposed reinforcement, wingwall tipping as well as deterioration of the deck slab, substructure and the pedestrian walkway. The existing bridge structure has been posted at a weight limit of 22 tons as required by the IDOT Bureau of Bridges and Structures due to the condition ratings. This bridge has a limited effective opening for conveyance of water and routinely collects debris and sediment being washed downstream within the waterway. This project has been identified as a multi-year capital improvement project and the engineering and construction is funded in the current FY 2021budget. The IDNR permit has been received for the project and the construction is expected to be complete by the end of 2021. The new structure will be a traditional bridge with updated pedestrian crossings along the north and south sides that will connect into adjacent sidewalk systems. The new bridge will help increase the effective opening and improve conveyance through this area.
MFT funds are being considered for partial funding towards the engineering and/or construction. However, the sales tax or infrastructure bond fund will be used to pay for most or all the expenses related to the project. If MFT funds are eventually used this agreement will suffice for the IDOT process but a resolution may be required in the future to document that expense. Wendler Engineering Services has submitted a proposal for remaining design services as well as construction engineering services. This agreement will need to be approved prior to developing the necessary construction plans, documents, specifications and other supporting information which will ultimately be submitted to IDOT, if necessary, and other applicable state and federal agencies for review and approval prior to the bid letting for the construction project. Remaining engineering design and final permit approvals are expected to take approximately 3 months before bidding. Once construction begins it will take about 4 months to complete the project if there are no utility conflicts encountered during the process. The roadway will be closed to traffic during this time. The ROW/easement plats and acquisition is estimated to cost an additional $4,000. Furthermore, if environmental services/permitting is required it will be approximately $5,000. These costs will be made on a time and material basis depending on the extent of the work and submitted to the City Engineer, for his review and approval, prior to commencement of any additional work.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Remaining Preliminary Engineering Design Services, Construction Engineering Services agreement + T&M | $1,400,000 | Est. PE $21,905 Est. CE $113,670 + $9,000 T&M |
Recommendation: Approve the Preliminary Engineering and Construction Engineering Services Agreements with Wendler Engineering Services, Inc.
Supporting Documents:
Discussion Item #1 - 2020 Police Department Statistics
2020 was a unique year for the Rochelle Police Department. During this year, we were able to get fully staffed, and for the first time we have two school resource officers. Although most of the numbers are in line with a “normal” year, the Covid 19 pandemic did significantly curtail officer activity. We hope to be able to have National Night Out and participate in other community events in 2021.
Supporting Documents: