Monday, April 26, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
· Pledge to the Flag
· Prayer
· Arbor Day – pdf April 30, 2021 (265 KB)
· Municipal Clerks Week – pdf May 2 – May 8, 2021 (48 KB)
· Motorcycle Awareness Month – pdf May 2021 (79 KB)
· Mayor’s Report
o Appointment of Lyndon Leisher to the Planning & Zoning Commission as a voting member for a term to expire July 1, 2025
o Appointment of Chris Cardott to the Police and Fire Pension Boards for a term to expire April 30, 2023
· Council Members
· Good News
o Jason Burdin, Jake Bjorneby, Troy Mowry, Blake Toliver, and Tim Tyszka Fiber Outage at Rochelle Community
o Jamey Sullivan, Jake Bjorneby, and Tim Tyszka Fiber outage for Verizon
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf 4/12/21 (262 KB)
b) Approve Exceptions – pdf 04/06/21-04/12/21 (185 KB) , pdf 04/13/21-04/19/21 (124 KB)
c) Approve Payroll – pdf 03/22/21-04/04/21 (61 KB) , pdf 04/05/21-04/18/21 (60 KB)
d) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board Meeting – pdf 1/18/21 (204 KB)
e) Accept and Place on File Ogle County Election Results - pdf April 6, 2021 (155 KB)
f) Accept and Place on File Financial Statement – pdf March 2021 (990 KB)
2) Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code - 2021 Annual Seal Coat Street Maintenance
3) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase Certain Pieces of Heavy Equipment from Maplehurst, Inc.
4) Resolution Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Commonwealth Edition for substation parcel at Progressive Park
5) Resolution Establishing Emergency Service Price Schedule
6) Resolution Amending the City of Rochelle COVID Temporary Leave Plan
7) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Fergusson Waterworks the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Water Meters
8) Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Quigg Engineering, Inc. for Construction Phase Services at Rochelle Municipal Airport
9) Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement (Public Hearing and Action) and Ordinances Annexing and Zoning the Property, Approving and Accepting a Preliminary and Final Plat for Rochelle Northeast Subdivision, Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation, Granting Variation Related to a Solar Farm, and Granting a Special Use to Allow Rochelle Solar LLC to Operate a Solar Farm Rochelle at the Southeast Corner of Twombly Road and North Caron Road
1) PJM Demand Response Program
2) Addition of Administrative Assistant in Police Department Due to New Policing Bill
Anyone interested in participating in public commentary remotely should contact Deputy City Clerk Rose Hueramo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 815-562-6161 to make arrangements.
Council members may participate in the City Council Meeting remotely as a result of the Governor suspending
the requirement for in-person attendance at Public Meetings.
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook
Agenda Item #2 - Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code - 2021 Annual Seal Coat Street Maintenance MFT section#21-00000-00-GM
Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
Various streets and/or alleys were identified to receive a seal coat (A1 & A2) surface treatment this fiscal year (FY) to provide for much needed roadway maintenance and preservation. The areas are shown on the attached exhibit A. Additional areas may be considered by the City Engineer and approved by the City Manager during the construction process as funds allow.
The above referenced project was advertised in the Illinois Dept. of Transportation (IDOT) Notice to Contractor’s Bulletin 21-13 as well as the Rochelle News Leader. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on April 6, 2021 at 10 am for the above referenced project. Two separate bids were received as follows:
Helm Civil Constructors, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $128,375.00
AC Pavement Striping Co. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $159,360.00
The lowest bid is approximately 10% lower than the Engineers estimate of cost. The various streets general maintenance project is funded with Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds administered through IDOT. A transfer from the CY 2021 MFT fund 17-00 will be made to the CY 2021 CIP fund 36-00-86092 to cover the Local Agency (LA) costs associated with the General Maintenance project of various streets with Sec#21-00000-00-GM. The City Street Department crews will provide pavement patching, surface preparation and sweeping in advance of seal coat operations.
City Council approval of resolution (BLR 14220) will allow the City to move forward with providing funding associated with engineering, maintenance and/or construction on the referenced project from the MFT fund. Enclosure (1) uses the standard IDOT resolution to document the requested expenditure.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
MFT/CIP | $150,000 | $150,000 |
Strategic Plan Goal: Infrastructure Effectiveness and Improvement
Recommendation: Approve Resolution for Maintenance of Street and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 14220) appropriating MFT funds up to $150,000 for general maintenance of various streets described herein at the discretion of the City Manager. Accept the low bid proposal and award the contract to Helm Civil Constructors, Inc. and reject all other bids received.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase Certain Pieces of Heavy Equipment from Maplehurst, Inc.
Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
Summary: In recent discussions with the City Manager and Directors Tim Isley and Jay Mulholland an opportunity has presented itself for purchase of certain pieces of construction equipment. Maplehurst is liquidating its rental division of the company and has three pieces of equipment that the City Public Works and RMU departments have used over the past several years for routine and special projects including underground utility pipe replacements, deep manhole construction, pavement and soil removal, and various drainage and emergency repair projects. The equipment is identified as follows:
2005 Volvo 240 BLR (long reach excavator) – SN 11390 2005 John Deere 330 CLC excavator with 3 buckets – SN 82851 2006 John Deere Dozer 6 way Series 2 wide track – SN 942150
Maplehurst has been a responsive and convenient equipment rental vendor over the past years. With the loss of this local service and the added familiarity of City crews operating this select equipment we believe this is a benefit for operations and maintenance. On average rental fees are $1200 per day not to mention the Public Works and RMU departments have invested more than $100,000 over the past 6 years in equipment rental of these, or equivalent, pieces of equipment.
After discussion with Maplehurst a price of $150,000 has been agreed to for all three pieces. However, City Council would need to waive bids and authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement for purchase of the equipment as identified herein. The expense would be divided as shown in the funding sources column.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure |
CIP | $77,000 | |
RMU Water | $60,000 | |
Public Works | $13,000 | |
Total | $150,000 |
Strategic Plan Goal: Infrastructure Effectiveness and Improvement
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase Certain Pieces of Heavy Equipment from Maplehurst, a cost of $150,000.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #4 - Resolution Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company
Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh
Summary: Last year the City purchased approximately 16.5 acres for the development of a new substation at the intersection of Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court. The City subdivided the parcel into three separate lots and has determined that Lot 1 of the subdivided parcel is no longer necessary for the operation of the electric utility and found it to be surplus property by the City Council.
This lot is zoned for industrial use in the I-2 General Industrial Zoning District and the City has negotiated a purchase and sale agreement with Commonwealth Edison for the purchase of Lot 1, which consists of approximately 5.697 acres. As part of the subdivision the City recorded utility easements on Lot 1, leaving approximately 4 acres of net usable land for Commonwealth Edison. Commonwealth Edison is constructions a transmission substation that will provide the RMU’s new distribution substation with electricity.
The City obtained an appraisal and the sales price is equal to 80 percent of the appraised value of the remaining net usable land after deducting the acreage for the easements on a per acre basis as required by 65 ILCS 5/11-76-4.1.
Further, the City will provide Commonwealth Edison with a Drainage Easement and an Access Easement to utilize the private access driveway that will be constructed by the City on the City’s property.
By approving this resolution, the City is authorizing the City Manager to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Commonwealth Edison property in the amount of One Hundred Thirty Nine Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Three and No/100 Dollars ($139,383.00). Further, the City Manager is authorized to purchase the Progressive Park Transmission Easement (as defined in the Purchase and Sale Agreement) in an amount not to exceed Six Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Six and 67/100 dollars. The Transmission Easement is on an adjacent property and the City is required to purchase the easement pursuant to the previously approved Interconnection Agreement with Commonwealth Edison that was part of the sale of the Transmission Assets and it is necessary for the development of the City’s new electrical distribution substation.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Community & Economic Development, Explore, develop and improve strategies for industrial growth.
Recommendation: Authorize a Resolution Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Commonwealth Edison and authorize the City Manage to execute said agreement and ancillary agreements.
Supporting Documents:
pdf Purchase and Sale Agreement with Commonwealth Edison (182 KB)
pdf Drainage Easement (239 KB)
pdf Grant of Electrical Transmission Utility Easement (194 KB)
pdf Access and Buffer Easement (170 KB)
Agenda Item #5 - Resolution Establishing Emergency Service Price Schedule
Staff Contact: David Sawlsville
Ambulance rates were last updated in 2017. The City’s participation in the Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) program along with a review of comparative rates in the region and northern Illinois contributed to this proposal. The Fire Department proposes a new rate schedule as described in Exhibit A. Comparative rates for local communities and across Northern Illinois are described in Appendix B.
In 2019, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services issued rules for participation in the Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) program, funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and administered by the State of Illinois. For participating agencies (including Rochelle Fire Department Ambulance), GEMT supplements the standard Medicaid reimbursement schedule up to 50% of the “cost” of an ambulance transport in a given municipality, as determined through the GEMT application process. Based on the GEMT analysis, the City of Rochelle Fire Department Ambulance is eligible for approximately $795 in total reimbursement (Medicaid + GEMT) for BLS calls and $965 for ALS calls. An ambulance rate less than this reimbursement eligibility results in a lower reimbursement rate; therefore our recommendation is to set the base rates for BLS and ALS according to these amounts. Though the GEMT program only supplements Medicaid payments, rates must be the same no matter the method of payment (e.g., private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid). Approximately 31% of ambulance calls in 2020 were Medicaid. The ratio of these new proposed base rates for ALS and BLS to the previous rates were used to set the non-resident rates and ALS 2 rates.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
- Maintain Fiscal Stability & Balanced Budget
- Improve/Create Intergovernmental Partnerships for Economies of Scale
Approve a Resolution Establishing Emergency Service Price Schedule
Supporting Documents:
pdf Resolution Establishing Emergency Service Price Schedule (12 KB)
pdf Exhibit A: Proposed Rates (82 KB)
pdf Appendix B: Ambulance Rate Comparisons (17 KB)
Agenda Item #6 - Resolution Amending the City of Rochelle COVID Temporary Leave Program
Staff Contact: Nancy Bingham
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) act expired on December 31, 2020; the federal/state mandates were not renewed for 2021.
The City of Rochelle implemented a new leave program in January of 2021, which was approved for 30 days, then was extended until February 28, 2021. This program is not the same program or an extension of the federally mandated program that was effective in 2020. The City has created this new program to allow for benefits into 2021 for those exposed to or contracted COVID. Although COVID cases have decreased and the vaccine is available, COVID is still appearing in our community.
Program Details:
- Exposure to COVID: Employee will be asked to be tested and results will determine if/when the quarantine will take place. If not tested and no symptoms, the employee will be required to quarantine and use sick leave to cover the absence.
- Testing: If an employee has been exposed to COVID and is being tested, the employee will be placed on COVID Administrative Leave while awaiting test results with no use of leave.
- Positive Test Results – the employee will receive up to 80 hours of CTL while on quarantine. The length of quarantine will be based on the recommendation of the health department. Document of positive test results must be sent to HR within 24 hours of notification. If no letter is received to confirm test results, employee may be required to use sick leave from their leave bank.
- Negative Test Results– the employee may return to work under modified quarantine guidelines: wear mask, physical distance, and monitor symptoms. Documentation of the negative results must be sent to HR prior to returning to work.
Per this program, employees will be asked to submit any documentation they may receive from testing facility and/or the designated health department.
This program is monitored and based on each employee’s case. The COVID Temporary Leave (CTL) hours are designated per case, but a total for all exposures until June 30, 2021. Sick Leave may be used to cover absences related to illness during this time.
The COVID Temporary Leave Program does not included the mandated childcare provisions that FFCRA required for school closings and/or remote learning.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
-Dynamic planning and evaluation in City wide planning efforts.
-Budget - A tool to attract and retain quality employees allowing the departments to provide quality services to the City and its residents.
Approve a Resolution Amending the City of Rochelle COVID Temporary Leave Program
Supporting Documents:
pdf Resolution Amending the City of Rochelle COVID Temporary Leave Program (101 KB)
pdf Employee Memo: January 2021 – COVID Update (51 KB)
Agenda Item #7 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Ferguson Waterworks the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Water Meters
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning, Utilities Superintendent
Summary: With the implementation of the new ERP/EAM software update the Water department is moving forward to complete the replacement of approximately 1200 water meters throughout the City. The new Neptune automated meters will eliminate manual and radio readings, facilitating a more accurate and smooth billing process by reducing the billing cycles from 5 to 1 per month. Automated reads will also allow customers online access with the new software implementation in the future.
The replacement of outdated water meters first began in 2019 and approximately 1000 meters were replaced that year. Due to the pandemic in 2020, we were unable to replace any of the meters that were budgeted for FY2020 in the amount of $236,000. For FY2021 we budgeted $150,000.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Water & Water Rec Funds | $386,000 (includes 2020 amount) | $413,058.76 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: 20-Year CIP Plan – Conduct infrastructure needs analysis for current & future needs.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Ferguson Waterworks the Purchase Order for the Purchase of Water Meters in the amount of $413,058.76.
Supporting Documents:
pdf Ferguson Waterworks Quote (83 KB)
Agenda Item #8 - Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Quigg Engineering, Inc. for Construction Phase Services for Project No. RPJ-4765 at Rochelle Municipal Airport
Staff Contact: Mike Hudetz, Airport Manager
Summary: Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics (IDOT) has determined through pavement evaluation studies in relation to type and weight of aircraft that land at the Rochelle Municipal Airport, that a portion of the center ramp asphalt is in need of replacement with concrete. To move forward with this project, the City Council must authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Quigg Engineering, Inc. and authorize the Construction Phase Services. The 2021 Capital Outlay Summary for the Airport includes funding for the center ramp improvements.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Federal | $98,602.91 90% | $98,602.91 90% |
State | $5,477.93 5% | $5,477.93 5% |
Local | $5,477.93 5% | $5,477.93 5% |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Infrastructure Effectiveness and Improvement.
Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Quigg Engineering, Inc. for Construction Phase Services for Project No. RPJ-4765.
Supporting Documents:
pdf Standard Agreement with Quigg Engineering, Inc. for Construction Phase Services (1.84 MB)
Agenda Item #9 - Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement (Public Hearing and Action), and Ordinances Annexing and Zoning the Property, Approving and Accepting a Preliminary and Final Plat for Rochelle Northeast Subdivision, Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation, Granting Variation Related to a Solar Farm, and Granting a Special Use to Allow Rochelle Solar LLC to Operate a Solar Farm Rochelle at the Southeast Corner of Twombly Road and North Caron Road
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary:Rochelle Solar is proposing a plat of annexation to enter into an annexation agreement for 91.4 acres with the City of Rochelle at the southwest corner of Twombly Road and North Caron proposed extension road (parcel 25-18-100-005) to develop a solar farm.
City staff have reviewed the preliminary and final plat of subdivision for conformance with the comprehensive plan, the provisions hereof, and all other applicable ordinances of the Rochelle Municipal Code (RMC). Pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-12-8, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall deny or recommend approval of the preliminary and final plat of subdivision within 60 days of the acceptance of the annexation agreement.
Rochelle Solar would like to annex the property into the City of Rochelle with Rural Development Zoning with a special use for a solar farm. The parcel is currently zoned agriculture. It is surrounded by agriculture on the west, east, north and PUD-C on the south. The Planning and Zoning Commission can recommend to the City Council an amendment to expand or alter the official zoning map after review of the petition of the owner with a public hearing.
Conditions of the special use for a solar farm would include the following:
1) Dedication of City easements (15’ width minimum), as approved by the City Engineer, for a shared use path along the easterly boundary of the subdivision.
2) Dedication of right-of-way (ROW), as approved by the City Engineer, along the southerly and northerly boundary lines of the subdivision for existing and/or future roadway or utility improvements or extensions along Twombly Rd and future Flagg Road east of Caron Road.
3) Posting of the necessary surety as per the City Engineer’s estimate of cost for said roadway and/or utility improvements (ie, public improvements) and as per section 86-51 through 86-56 of the Rochelle Municipal Code in the amount of $1,125,000. If the developer/petitioner fails to complete the improvements the City may draw upon the surety and use said funds for the public improvements within the ROW.
4) Dedication of a City/drainage easement for the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) also known as the floodplain/floodway as depicted on the FEMA FIRM maps #17141C0483E City of Rochelle and Ogle County effective dated 8/17/2016.
5) The internal light duty maintenance driveways may be chip sealed due to the limited Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 10 vehicles per day (VPD) within the solar field perimeter. However, any and all access driveways from Twombly Road or other City owned ROWs shall meet the requirements for driveway approaches from a street and hard surfacing of driveway as measured 130 feet from the applicable ROW line.
6) All final site plans and applications for permits shall be reviewed and approved by City staff as the development proceeds forward in accordance with the Rochelle Municipal Code except as may be varied from herein.
7) All landscaping shall be maintained by the petitioner/developer in accordance with all Rochelle Municipal Codes and as required by City staff. Annual inspections shall be performed by City staff to determine if damaged, dead or diseased plantings need to be removed and replaced to ensure the landscape buffer remains as shown on the plan.
8) All stormwater impact fees, in accordance with Chapter 22 of the Rochelle Municipal Code, shall be paid at $1300/Acre of the subdivision prior to the issuance of a special use permit or recording of the Final Plat of the Rochelle Northeast Subdivision.
The petitioner is requesting a variance from *Section 82-14 – “Barbed Wire and Electric Fences” of the Municipal Code by asking for one foot of barbed wire on a six-foot fence. Per the petitioner, national standards for this type of facility require barbed wire to adequately secure the site and prevent unauthorized access. The petitioner feels that due to the location of the property and lack of foot traffic, there is little risk of someone coming into contact with the barbed wire. The proposed use of the property requires the property be adequately secured so as to prevent the general public from coming into contact with the equipment on site.
The petitioner is requesting a variance from **Section 110-405 – “Buffer Yards” of the Municipal Code by asking to eliminate all berming. The applicant feels that berming creates difficulties due to the topography and water flow through the property. In place of berming, the applicant is proposing a landscape plan with tree plantings surrounding the property to create a visual buffer.
The petitioner is requesting a variance from ***Section 110-634 – “Surfacing of Parking Areas” of the Municipal Code by asking to use gravel for surfacing rather than the required compacted macadam base or equal with either asphalt or concrete surface. The petitioner and staff have discussed a compromise, due to the limited maintenance vehicles within the site, by completing all paving in the Right of Way and up to the fenced area around the solar field to meet the required code and all access roads within the fence be chip and seal surface. The average vehicles per day (VPD) will not exceed 10 once the facility is built.
At the April 19, 2021 the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 to 0 to approve the proposed Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision, Plat of Annexation, Zoning Map Amendment, Rezoning to Rural Development, Special Use for a Solar Farm, and Variance of Municipal Code Sections 82-14 and 110-405 for Rochelle Solar.
Hold a Public Hearing on an Annexation Agreement between Rochelle Solar, LLC and the City of Rochelle Consider the approval of the Ordinances Approving an Annexation Agreement, Annexing and Zoning the Property, Approving and Accepting a Preliminary and Final Plat for Rochelle Northeast Subdivision, Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation, Granting Variation Related to a Solar Farm, and Granting a Special Use to Allow Rochelle Solar LLC to Operate a Solar Farm Rochelle at the Southeast Corner of Twombly Road and North Caron Road
Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Approving Annexation Agreement (103 KB)
pdf Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property (107 KB)
pdf Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation (552 KB)
pdf Ordinance Granting Variation Related to a Solar Farm (112 KB)
pdf Ordinance Granting a Special Use to Allow Rochelle Solar to Operate a Solar Farm (94 KB)
pdf Annexation Agreement (663 KB)
pdf Preliminary Plat of Subdivision (614 KB)
pdf Final Plat of Subdivision (518 KB)
pdf Plat of Annexation (591 KB)
pdf Vegetative Screening Management Plan (2.28 MB)
Discussion Item #1 - PJM Demand Response Program
The City of Rochelle has a utility Rider 3, which offers a demand response program. This program allows industrial customers with a certain load profile to receive savings if they shave load during the five critical peak days as determined by PJM. Staff feels the program and our customers are better served by contracting with a third party vendor who will work with the industrial customers and PJM directly. Kellen Bollettino, with CPower will be attending virtually to discuss how a demand response works and the programs they offer that will assist the city with the implementation of its program.
Reference Document:
pdf PJM Demand Response Presentation (1.03 MB)
pdf What is Demand Response? (722 KB)
Discussion Item #2 - Police Department Administrative Assistant due to new Policing Bill
The administrative assistant position in the police department has been vacant since 2016. Since that time, police training, reporting of calls and record keeping requirements have changed. The new police reform bill includes mandates that start on July 1st of 2021 and continue to be stepped in until January of 2025.
The training and reporting requirements, included in the reform bill, are particularly important as a municipality can face sanctions from various state entities for non-compliance. For example, officers who have not met the new training requirements will be placed into “inactive” status by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. When officers are inactive, they are not allowed to work as officers.