City Council Meeting Agenda - March 9, 2020




Monday, March 9, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

 420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068

I.                                           CALL TO ORDER:

·         Pledge to the Flag – Girl Scouts

·         Prayer

II.                                        ROLL CALL:

III.                                     PROCLAMATIONS, COMMENDATIONS, ETC:

·        pdf Girl Scout Week March 8-14, 2020 (309 KB)

IV.                                      REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS:

·         Mayor

·         Council Members

·         Remarkable Resident – Dennis Swinton

·         Vince Carney Community Theater Check Presentation

·         Good News Award – Water Department for Perfect Compliance in 2019 with the Illinois Public Water Supply Regulation Act

·        pdf School Resource Officer Program (3.66 MB)

V.                                         PUBLIC COMMENTARY:  

VI.                                      BUSINESS ITEMS:


a)       Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf February 24, 2020 (204 KB)

b)       Approve Exceptions – pdf 02/19/20-03/02/20 (94 KB)

c)       Approve Bills – pdf 03/03/20 (216 KB)

d)       Approve Payroll – pdf 02/10/20-02/23/20 (58 KB)

e)       Accept and Place on File Minutes of Railroad Advisory Board – pdf 08/15/19 (232 KB)

f)        Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – pdf 1/6/20 (160 KB)

g)       Approve Closure of City Streets for the Sunshine Bakery Lucky Hub Dash – pdf March 14, 2020 (274 KB)

2)    2nd Avenue Reconstruction Project from 12th to 14th Street and along 12th Street

3)    Agreement for Electric Cost of Service and Rate Design Study

4)    Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pole Attachment Agreement with Uniti Fiber, LLC

5)    Engineering Agreement for NPDES Compliance Assistance

6)    Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of One Used 2009 Freightliner Classic Semi-Truck

VII.                                  DISCUSSION ITEMS:

1)        2020 United States Census

VIII.                               EXECUTIVE SESSIONIX.                                     ADJOURNMENT

The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook

Agenda Item #2 - 2nd Avenue Reconstruction Project from 12th to 14th Street and Along 12th Street

Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer

The 2nd Avenue reconstruction and urbanization project was included in the 2020 budget. The project extends along 2nd Ave from 12th to 14th Street and along 12th Street south of IL Rte 38 (Lincoln Avenue) to the BNSF RR.

The above referenced project was advertised in the Rochelle News Leader and on the City website. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on February 20, 2020 at 10am for the above referenced project. Six separate bids were received as follows:

 Porter Brothers Asphalt and Sealing, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $358,480.19
 Northern Illinois Service Company submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $389,956.15
 Martin and Company Excavating submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $439,012.82
 O’Brien Civil Works submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $451,841.10
 N-TRAK Group LLC submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $455,060.64
 Fischer’s Excavating, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $473,670.85

The low bid is approximately 18% lower than the Engineer’s estimate of cost. The project will be funded through the CIP fund with infrastructure bond revenues. Given the favorable contract unit prices for multiple construction items it is recommended that approval be given to the City Manager and/or the City Engineer to negotiate further change order work, not to exceed $72,000, within the proposed contract to facilitate other improvements and upgrades to streets adjacent to this project. It is anticipated the construction project will be substantially complete by the end of July 2020. Lastly, new streetlights will be incorporated into the project limits by RMU during the construction progress to reflect the new urban residential standard.

Funding Sources:     
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
CIP 36-00-86074 $470,000 Bid Proposal Plus Change Order $431,000

Strategic Plan Goal application:

infrastructure effectiveness and improvement short term complex


• Accept the low bid proposal and award the contract to Porter Brothers Asphalt and Sealing, Inc. in the amount of $358,480.19 and reject all other bids received.
• Approve and authorize a not to exceed $72,000 improvement add on (contract change order) to be negotiated by the City Manager and/or City Engineer for improvements to City Streets adjacent to the project limits.

Supporting Documents:
pdf Bid tabulation sheet (288 KB)

Agenda Item #3 - Agreement for Electric Cost of Service and Rate Design Study

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning

Summary: Upon request Utility Financial Solutions, LLC has provided the City a proposal to perform a cost of service study for the electric utility. Terms of the agreement include recommendations for residential electric vehicle Time of Use (TOU) rates, City owned car charging stations, discount rates, transmission cost analysis and commercial rate structure. It is estimated to take 12 weeks to complete this study and will follow up with a formal presentation to council.

Funding Sources     
Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
Electric $48,000 $34,400

Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Utility Financial Solutions, LLC in the amount of $34,400.

Supporting Documents:
pdf Electric Cost of Service and Rate Design Study (1.29 MB)

Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pole Attachment Agreement with Uniti Fiber, LLC

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning

Summary: Uniti Fiber, LLC has recently purchased Windstream and would like to sign a new pole attachment agreement with the same terms as we had before. The current terms are for $15.70/pole with a 3% annual escalator.

Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pole Attachment Agreement with Uniti Fiber, LLC

Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pole Attachment Agreement with Uniti Fiber, LLC (89 KB)
  pdf Pole Attachment Licensing Agreement (719 KB)

Agenda Item #5 - Engineering Agreement for NPDES Compliance Assistance

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning

The recently issued NPDES discharge permit for the water reclamation facility outlines several new compliance requirements. These include a phosphorous discharge optimization plan, industrial pretreatment survey and a feasibility study outlining costs to reduce phosphorous levels in the treatment plant discharge. Baxter & Woodman has extensive experience in preparing these plans.

Funding Sources     
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
Cash Reserve $100,000 $71,250

Strategic Plan Goal Application: Short-Term Route & Long Term Complex Goal Create a 20 Year Capital Improvement Plan, review & modify plan as needed.

Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Baxter & Woodman for NPDES Compliance Assistance in the amount of $71,250

Supporting Documents:
pdf Baxter & Woodman Engineering Agreement (1.01 MB)

Agenda Item #6 - Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of One Used 2009 Freightliner Classic Semi-Truck

Staff Contact: Tim Isley

Summary: The 2020 Solid Waste budget includes funds to purchase one used semi-truck. Each year the Street and Engineering Departments combined spend well over $80,000 for semi-trucks to transport many different types of materials and equipment to and from job sites. These materials include brush, trees, leaves and mulch for our landscape waste programs; several different types of electronics for our weekly and quarterly electronic recycling programs; construction spoils and many different types of rock and materials during construction projects. Semi-trucks are also hired to transport City equipment such as excavators, asphalt paver, roller, disabled dump trucks and other types of heavy construction equipment.

Over the past few months Street Department staff have driven and inspected several different semi-truck options to find the most efficient, reliable and cost-effective vehicle that best fits the daily requirements of the Street Department. After inspecting these vehicles and taking into consideration the vehicle costs, condition, and required options, staff concluded that a 2009 Freightliner Classic be in the City’s best interest. This 2009 semi-tractor has 342,000 miles (relatively low miles for a used semi) and comes equipped with a 450 hp diesel engine, with a 10-speed auto-shift transmission, twin screw/drive with interaxle lock and differential lock, air sliding fifth wheel, and a dual line wet kit.

The proposed vehicle is to be purchased from Stewart Farms Partnership in the amount $25,000

Funding Sources:     
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
53-00-83000  $25,000 $25,000

Strategic Plan Goal Application: Short term routine – replacing infrastructure/assets

Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of One Used 2009 Freightliner Classic Semi-Truck from Stewart Farms Partnership.

Supporting Documents: pdf Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of One Used 2009 Freightliner Classic Semi-Truck from Stewart Farms Partnership. (81 KB)

Discussion Item #1 - 2020 Census

Staff Contact: Sue Messer

In July of 2019 the City Council approved a Resolution Authorizing the Creation of a Local Complete Count Committee (LCCC) for the City of Rochelle.  Since that time City staff members have been working with local partners that reflect a cross section of our community, particularly those populations identified as hard to count.    Sue Messer will provide information about the importance of the Census, how the 2020 Census will work, activities to date and future plans for the LCCC.

Supporting Documents: pdf Census 2020 (2.04 MB)