City Council Meeting Agenda - March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
pdf Week of the Young Child April 11- April 17, 2020 (373 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf March 9, 2020 (172 KB)
b) Approve Exceptions – pdf 03/04/20-03/16/20 (84 KB)
c) Approve Bills – pdf 03/17/20 (215 KB)
d) Approve Payroll – pdf 02/24/20-03/08/20 (57 KB)
e) Accept and Place on File Financial Statement – pdf February 2020 (710 KB)
2) Resolution Authorizing Payment for Right-of-Way and Temporary Construction Easement Rights Pertaining to the South Main Street Project with DC Rochelle
3) South Main Street Project from Steam Plant Road to Steward Road and along Steward Road
4) Material Procurement for Watermain & Appurtenances for Well #4 Wellhouse and Watermain
5) Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class T Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Store #1181 located at 1201 E IL Route 38
6) Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Certain Routine and Recurring Expenses
7) Ordinance Temporarily Suspending Late Fees as Identified in Chapter 98 Article I of the Rochelle Municipal Code
8) Amendment #1 to Construction Phase Engineering Services Agreement with Hanson Engineering for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvements
9) Railcar Transload Agreement between the Burlington Junction Railroad and a Transloader to Utilize the Rochelle Transloading Center for the Purpose of Transloading Windmill Components


Council members may participate in the City Council Meeting remotely as a result of the Governor suspending
the requirement for in-person attendance at Public Meetings

The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook

Agenda Item #2 - Resolution Authorizing Payment for Right-of-Way and Temporary Construction Easement Rights Pertaining to the South Main Street Project with DC Rochelle

Staff Contact: City Engineer Sam Tesreau

Summary: Attached is an agreement for the purchase of right of way parcels and/or easements for the South Main Street Phase 1 reconstruction project. The subject site is owned by DC Rochelle LLC and is the former site of the Rochelle Truck Center.

As a result of the final engineering plans it was determined that certain additional right of way parcels and easements were necessary to complete the construction of the improvements. Appraisals were conducted on each property. After over a year of negotiations the property owner has agreed to the purchase of right of way and easements which will allow the enlarged signalized intersection improvements to be constructed as part of the S Main Street/Steward project. Included in the price is the acquisition and removal of an existing 900 sf building that was formerly used as a residence and office space.

Funding Sources:

 Source: CIP South Main Street Ph1 improvements

Budgeted Amount:

Within total budgeted project expense of $3.6M for 2020

Proposed Expenditure: 
 DC Rochelle LLC
ROW (0.332 Acres +/-)
TCE (0.435 Acres +/-)
PIN 25-31-100-003
 Right of way and Temporary easement  $75,000.00 (including applicable damages to the property identified in agreement)

Strategic Plan Goal application:

Acquisition of the right of way and/or easements allow the City to move forward with improving infrastructure throughout the community

Approve Resolution Authorizing Payment for Right-of-Way and Temporary Construction Easement right Pertaining to the South Main Street Project with DC Rochelle

Supporting Documents:
  pdf Resolution Authorizing Payment for Right-of-Way and Temporary Construction Easement right Pertaining to the South Main Street Project with DC Rochelle (79 KB)
  pdf Agreement for Right of Way and a Temporary Construction Easement (79 KB)
  pdf Exhibit A (34 KB)
  pdf Exhibit B (211 KB)

Agenda Item #3 - South Main Street Project from Steam Plant Road to Steward Road and along Steward Road (Sec#12-00112-00-FP)

Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer

The City Council approved a joint State /Local Agency EDP agreement with IDOT for the South Main Street project several years ago and since that time there has been additional funds awarded to the project. Over the past years plans have been developed, and recently approved by IDOT for moving forward to bidding and award. Furthermore, ROW and easement acquisition have been ongoing for the past 2 years. The South Main Street project was anticipated to be bid and awarded in 2020 and subsequently included in the 2020 CY budget. The project extends along South Main Street, from Steam Plant Road to Steward Road and along Steward Road for approximately 1700’.

The above referenced project was advertised in the Rochelle Newsleader, the IDOT Contractor’s Bulletin #20-10 and on the City website. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on March 17, 2020 at 10am for the above referenced project. Five separate bids were received as follows:

 Martin and Company Excavating submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $2,476,941.72
 Fischer Excavating, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $2,795,986.14
 N-TRAK Group LLC submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $2,885,420.93
 Stenstrom Excavating and Blacktop Group LLC submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $3,258,929.17
 Alliance Contractors, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $3,807,422.10

The low bid is approximately 26% lower than the Engineer’s estimate of cost. The project will be funded through the CIP fund with City Sales Tax funds, infrastructure bond revenues and IDOT EDP funds which will account for approximately 50% of the project. Furthermore, Given the favorable contract unit prices for multiple construction items it is recommended that approval be given to the City Manager to negotiate further change order work, not to exceed $448,000, within the proposed contract to facilitate other improvements and upgrades to streets adjacent to this project. It is anticipated the construction project will be substantially complete by the end of November 2020.

Source:  Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure
CIP 36-00-86040 $3,340,000 construction  Bid Proposal plus Change Order $2,925,000

Strategic Plan Goal application:

infrastructure effectiveness and improvement short term complex

• Accept the low bid proposal and award the contract to Martin and Company Excavating in the amount of $2,476,941.72 and reject all other bids received.
• Approve and authorization a not to exceed $448,000 improvement add on (contract change order) to be negotiated by the City Manager for improvements to City Streets adjacent to the project limits

Supporting Documents:
pdf Bid tabulation sheet (19 KB)
pdf Recommendation letter from Fehr Graham (226 KB)

Agenda Item #4 - Material Procurement for Watermain & Appurtenances for Well #4 Wellhouse and Watermain

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning

The well 4 project was bid and awarded to Leander Construction and Leander is expected to begin work this spring or early summer. The watermain work was originally bid as an alternate and we decided to reject it due to the cost of it coming in at around $200,000. On March 18th we held a bid opening to procure the materials for that work to be done in-house and a total of two bids ranged from $83,776.62 to $86,497.60. The low bid was provided by Furgeson Waterworks.

Funding Sources:     
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure
Cash Reserve $1,416,000 $83,776.62

Strategic Plan Goal Application: Short-Term Routine & Long Term Complex Goal Create a 20 Year Capital Improvement Plan, review & modify plan as needed.

Recommendation: My recommendation is to award the bid to Furgeson Waterworks in the amount of $83,776.62 and reject all other bids

Supporting Documents:
pdf Award Recommendation (93 KB)


Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class T Liquor License for the Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Store #1181 located at 1201 E IL Route 38

Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk

Summary: Pilot Travel Centers has submitted an application for a Class T liquor license at 1201 E IL Route 38. The Class T liquor license allows for the retail sale of packaged alcoholic liquor, not for consumption on the premises where sold, for Licensed Truck Stop Establishments as defined by the Illinois Video Gaming Act.

The Liquor Commissioner, Mayor Bearrows, has reviewed the application and has no objection to the creation of a Class T liquor license for Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Store #1181. This action will result in a total of three Class T liquor licenses in the City of Rochelle.

Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class T Liquor License for the Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Store #1181 located at 1201 E IL Route 38

Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class T Liquor License for the Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Store #1181 located at 1201 E IL Route 38 (13 KB)

Agenda Item #6 - Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Certain Routine and Recurring Expenses

Staff Contact: Sue Messer

The Governor recently declared a state of emergency in the State of Illinois due to the effects of the Covid-19 virus. Due to the pandemic, it may be difficult to schedule meetings of the City Council and ensure there is a quorum of members available to conduct business. The proposed resolution ensures that routine and recurring City expenses including electricity, gas, water, employee compensation, etc. can be paid timely during this state of emergency.

Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Certain Routine and Recurring Expenses

Supporting Documents:
  pdf Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Certain Routine and Recurring Expenses (60 KB)

Agenda Item #7 - Ordinance Temporarily Suspending Late Fees as Identified in Chapter 98 Article I of the Rochelle Municipal Code

Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and the effects it will have on our customers I am requesting that you approve an ordinance allowing the City Manager to waive all late fees for residential customers through April 30th. The ordinance also allows the City Manager to approve the waiver of all late fees for an additional 30 days if the emergency declaration continues.

Recommendation: Authorize an Ordinance Temporarily Suspending Late Fees as Identified in Chapter 98 Article I of the Rochelle Municipal Code through April 30th with the option of one 30 day extension

Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Temporarily Suspending Late Fees as Identified in Chapter 98 Article I of the Rochelle Municipal Code (80 KB)

Agenda Item #8 - Amendment #1 to Construction Phase Engineering Services Agreement with Hanson Engineering for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvements

Staff Contact: Jason Anderson – Economic Development Director

Summary: The rail improvement project called Project Co-Op commenced on August 17, 2018 with an anticipated completion date no later than January 20, 2019. Due to the early onset of winter which brought more than 4” of snow on October 30, 2018 and the extraordinary amount of rain that followed in the Spring of 2019, the project was plagued with numerous stops and starts. The project is ~80% complete and is now estimated to be completed in late summer or early Fall of 2020 which means the project will take more than 800 days to complete. Hanson Engineering’s contract was estimated to cover construction services for 6 months. Due to the extraordinary length of time for the project to be completed Hanson has requested additional compensation. (See breakdown of the charges for construction services attached.)

Staff recommends approving Agreement Increase Request #1 from Hanson Engineering for the added work to supervise and administer the billings and grant reimbursements that was necessary due to the more than 600 days over what was allotted to complete the project. It should be noted that in spite of the increased costs of the project the whole project will be completed under the engineering estimate of $7,000,000.

Funding Souces:

Source  Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
EDA  $109,000 (48.87%)  
City Industrial Rail   $114,103 (51.13%)  
   TOTAL:  $223,103

Strategic Plan Application: Expanding the City of Rochelle Railroad Capabilities to Advance Industrial Development

Recommendation: Approve Amendment #1 to Construction Phase Engineering Services Agreement with Hanson Engineering for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvements in the amount of $223,103 of which $109,000 will be covered through the EDA grant.

Supporting Documents:
pdf A (441 KB) pdf greement Increase Request from Hanson (441 KB)
pdf Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement, Amendment No. 1 (45 KB)

Agenda Item #9 - Railcar Transload Agreement between the Burlington Junction Railroad and a Transloader to Utilize the Rochelle Transloading Center for the Purpose of Transloading Windmill Components

Staff Contact: Jason Anderson – Economic Development Director

Summary: The recent opening of the Rochelle Transloading Center (RTC) has begun to attract a number of rail to truck transloading opportunities. The Burlington Junction Railroad (BJRY) operates a number of transloading operations in other locations and is seeking to enter into this contract with a heavy equipment transloader who has extensive experience in transloading windmill blades, towers, hubs and nacells. The revenue derived from this project is significant. Switching windmill railcars generates $415/car with $140/rail car going to the City. The revenue for use of the RTC is $75/railcar and the unloading/staging of component ranges from $300 - $500 per component that is unloaded from a railcar. Depending on the number of windmills to be transloaded, the total revenue to the railroad for this project would range between $100,000 to $1,200,000.

Upon approval for this agreement the City and the transloader will draft an agreement outlining the cost associated with the use of local truck routes by the transloader to move their truckloads from the RTC to IL Rt 251 and I -88. Additional revenue to the City will come in the form of overweight/oversized permitting which will be determined by the number of trucks required to move the components out of Rochelle.

Strategic Plan Application: Expanding the City of Rochelle Railroad Capabilities to advance Industrial Development and increase railroad revenues.

Recommendation: Approve the Railcar Transload Agreement between the Burlington Junction Railroad and a Transloader to Utilize the Rochelle Transloading Center for the Purpose of Transloading Windmill Components

Supporting Documents:
pdf Railcar Transload Agreement (85 KB)