City Council Meeting Agenda - August 24, 2020




Monday, August 24, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

 420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


  • Pledge to the Flag 
  • Prayer




  • Mayor’s Report
  • Council Members
  • Swearing In – Police Officer Trevor Owen 
  •                      Police Officer Cassie Rogers
  • City Clerk – Petitions for Candidacy
  • Boundary Waters Trip – John Kaltenbach




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf August 10, 2020  (418 KB)

b) Approve Exceptions – pdf 08/05/20-08/11/2 (159 KB) 0, pdf 08/12/20-08/18/20 (126 KB)

c) Approve Payroll – pdf 07/27/20-08/09/20 (57 KB)

d) Accept and Place on File Financial Statement – pdf July 2020 (7.25 MB)

2) (Public Hearing and Action) Resolution Committing Local Funds for a Rebuild Illinois Regional Economic Development Grant Project to Construct an Electric Distribution Substation near Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court 

3) Resolution Approving an Emergency Proposal from Engel Electric Co. for the Replacement of Electric Service to the Police Department 

4) Resolution Approving a Redevelopment Agreement for the Real Estate Located at 600 S. 7th Street with Errett Warehousing, LLC, Series Two 

5) Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle Adding Chapter 94 Article X Entitled “Non-Highway Vehicles”


1) Census 2020 Update



Anyone interested in participating in public commentary remotely should contact City Clerk Sue Messer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 815-562-6161 to make arrangements.

Council members may participate in the City Council Meeting remotely as a result of the Governor suspending

the requirement for in-person attendance at Public Meetings.

The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook

Agenda Item #2 - (Public Hearing and Action) Resolution Committing Local Funds for a Rebuild Illinois Regional Economic Development Grant Project to Construct an Electric Distribution Substation near Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court

Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh, City Manager

Summary: On or about August 31, 2020, the City of Rochelle intends to apply to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant from the Rebuild Illinois program. This program is funded by state funds as included in the 2019 Capital Bill. These funds are to be used for a community development project that will include the construction of the Prologis Park Substation. The total amount of Rebuild Illinois funds to be requested is $2,000,000. The City of Rochelle also proposes to expend $10,000,000 in non-Rebuild Illinois funds on the project. These non-Rebuild Illinois funds will be derived from the following sources: Electrical Utility Capital Fund.

Strategic Plan Goal Application: This request continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals and objectives by continually working to secure funding streams and developing long-term strategies to promote realistic and sustainable growth, including infrastructure needs.

Recommendation: Hold Public Hearing Approve Resolution Committing Local Funds for a Rebuild Illinois Regional Economic Development Grant Project to Construct an Electric Distribution Substation near Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Resolution Committing Local Funds for a Rebuild Illinois Regional Economic Development Grant Project to Construct an Electric Distribution Substation near Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court (200 KB)


Agenda Item #3 - Resolution Approving an Emergency Proposal from Engel Electric Co. for the Replacement of Electric Service to the Police Department

Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk

Summary: Earlier this year, police department staff reported a significant amount of rainwater pouring in through the main electric panel in the basement boiler room. I contacted a local electrician who referred me to Engel Electric due to the extensive nature of the repairs required. Engel Electric staff have been out multiple times to evaluate the situation and take pictures and measurements. They have also met with members of our electric department to discuss the required repairs.  As a result, they have submitted a proposal to replace the 3 phase service with a new 120/208V service, refeed the secondary of the transformer with new conduit and wire to a new disconnect, refeed from the new disconnect to the new service and excavate and repair the roadway and concrete sidewalks where new conduits are installed at a cost of $85,665.

Per Engel Electric, the issue with the existing 800A service is as follows: The parallel conduits from the existing transformer (located outside and underground) to the 800Amp service (located in the boiler room basement) are corroded to the point where the integrity of the conduit to protect the secondary wires is gone. It appears that the conduit is corroded to the point where rainwater enters the conduit and runs into the 800A service. The water inside the panel creates an electrical safety issue for individuals who are near it when the water is present. This is also detrimental to the breakers if they are in direct contact with the water.

In addition, RMU will need to replace the primary underground wire and move the transformer to a new location on the island next to the existing utility pole. The cost of moving the transformer would normally be passed onto the customer but RMU will absorb this cost. RMU believes this project needs to be done as the existing steel conduit has almost completely rusted away which could cause a cable fault outside the building or worse yet a panel fault on the inside of the building due to the water passing into the panel through the rotten conduit. RMU will work with the contractor in order to minimize outage times during this project. If this project is not completed and there is a fault in the wire or the panel, we will be looking at a significant outage at the police department. This outage would be several days if not a week to repair everything.

Strategic Plan Goal Application: This request continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals and objectives by maintaining core service delivery.

Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Approving an Emergency Proposal from Engel Electric Co. for the Replacement of Electric Service to the Police Department

Supporting Documents:

pdf Resolution Approving an Emergency Proposal from Engel Electric Co. for the Replacement of Electric Service to the Police Department (212 KB)

pdf Proposal from Engel Electric (425 KB)

pdf Pictures of existing, corroded conduits and cracked transformer pad (970 KB)

Agenda Item #4 - Resolution Approving a Redevelopment Agreement for the Real Estate Located at 600 S. 7th Street with Errett Warehousing, LLC, Series Two

Staff Contact: Jeffrey A. Fiegenschuh, City Manager

Summary: City Staff has been working with representatives from Errett Warehousing on the demolition of the property located at 600 South 7th Street in Rochelle (Rochelle Printing Building). The total projected costs are $75,000 and Errett Warehousing is requesting $50,000 in TIF reimbursement for the demolition. The $50,000 will be paid over two years in separate payments from the Downtown TIF. The payments will be made in December of 2021 and 2022 to ensure there is adequate TIF funding available. According to the agreement the entire building except for an approximately 6,000 square foot area in the NW corner will be demolished by March 31, 2021. It is intended that the remaining 6,000 square feet will be redeveloped or repurposed later.

Strategic Plan Goal Application: This request continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals and objectives by addressing community blight

Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Approving a Redevelopment Agreement for the Real Estate Located at 600 S. 7th Street with Errett Warehousing, LLC, Series Two

Supporting Documents:

pdf Resolution Approving a Redevelopment Agreement for the Real Estate Located at 600 S. 7th Street with Errett Warehousing, LLC, Series Two (138 KB)

pdf Agreement for Economic Development Grant (176 KB)

Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle adding Chapter 94 Article X Entitled “Non-Highway Vehicles”

Staff Contact:  Jenny Thompson, Director of Marketing, Public Relations and Tourism

Summary: Following discussion at the August 10th, 2020 City Council Meeting, an ordinance was drafted to allow golf carts and UTVs on City Streets.  The proposed ordinance defines allowable non-highway vehicles; establishes hours of operation; prohibits operation on particular high-traffic roadways and the bike path; and includes requirements for safety including seatbelts for all passengers.  All non-highway vehicle owners who wish to operate said vehicle on City streets will be required to obtain a registration sticker at the Rochelle Police Department beginning September 1st.  Drivers of non-highway vehicles are subject to all provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code which prohibits open containers of alcohol and driving while impaired.  The proposed ordinance establishes a fine and registration suspension schedule.

Strategic Plan Goal Application:  Community Inclusivity & Engagement

Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle adding Chapter 94 Article X Entitled “Non-Highway Vehicles”

Supporting Documents:  

pdf Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle adding Chapter 94 Article X Entitled “Non-Highway Vehicles” (308 KB)

 Discussion Item #1 - 2020 Census

Members of Rochelle’s Local Complete Count Committee have been working diligently for nearly a year to inform, educate and motivate our residents about the 2020 Census.  Now more than ever, we need every single Rochelle resident to be counted!  For every person counted, $18,000 comes into Rochelle to fund firefighters, schools, social services, Medicaid, Medicare, student loans, senior citizen services and so much more.  The last date to complete your Census is September 30th, 2020.  Sue Messer will provide information on the outreach efforts to date, upcoming events and the current response rates. 

Supporting Documents: pdf Census 2020 Presentation (2.57 MB)