City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
6:30 pm
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
1) Well 12 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Radium Removal Plant and Rehabilitation Projects
Agenda Item #1 Well 12 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Radium Removal Plant and Rehabilitation Projects
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning
Summary: Well 12, located on Hayes road is a main supply well that has been taken out of service due to radium exceedances. With this occurrence, the City of Rochelle entered into a compliance commitment agreement with the Illinois EPA which requires the City to construct a radium removal plant for that well. This project will include installing a sanitary sewer, rehabilitating the well and constructing the filter plant.
Proposals for the radium treatment plant were received and opened on April 25, 2019 at 11:00 am at the Rochelle City Council chambers for three contracts. A total of 13 proposals were received and all proposals were submitted with the required bid security. For contract one to install the sanitary sewer, bids ranged from $598,589.41 to $1,073,187.80 putting the low bidder (N-trak) $166,127.59 below the engineering estimate. For contract two to construct the filter and building, bids ranged from $1,903,100 to $2,562,00 putting the low bid (Larson and Larson) $85,510 lower than the engineering estimate. For contract three to rehabilitate the well, bids ranged from $99,665 to $124,276 putting the low bid (Great Lakes) $8,735 lower than the engineering estimate. Once approved by the City, Illinois EPA will have to also approve the contract before construction may begin.
Funding Sources:
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
IEPA Low Interest Loan Budgeted $2,601,354.41
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Short-Term Route & Long Term Complex Goal Create a 20 Year Capital Improvement Plan, review & modify plan as needed.
Award the Well 12 Sanitary Sewer Project (Contract No. 1), contingent upon Illinois EPA approval, to N-Trak Group, LLC with a bid of $598,589.41
Award the Well 12 Radium Removal Plant Project (Contract No. 2), contingent upon Illinois EPA approval, to Larson & Larson Builders, Inc. with a bid of $1,903,100.
Award the Well 12 Rehabilitation Project (Contract No. 3) contingent upon Illinois EPA approval, to Great Lakes Water Resources Group, Inc. with a bid of $99,665.
Supporting Documents:
folder Willett Hofmann Recommendation letter
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