City Council Meeting Agenda - October 28, 2019




Monday, October 28, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068



Pledge to the Flag






Council Members

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy – Blackhawk Hills Regional Council

Good News - Terry Inman




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf October 15, 2019   (199 KB)

b) Approve Exceptions – pdf 10/9/19-10/21/19  (71 KB)

c) Approve Bills –  pdf 10/21/19 (165 KB)

d) Approve Payroll – pdf 9/23/19-10/6/19  (57 KB)

e) Accept and Place on File Financial Statement – pdf September 2019  (7.33 MB)

f) Approve DRA Request for Old Fashioned Christmas Walk – pdf December 6, 2019  (67 KB)

2) Public Hearing – Meadowbrook Sewer Lining Project CDBG Grant 16-242028

3) Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class B Liquor License

4) Ordinance Approving Third Amendment to Restated Host Agreement for the Operation and Development of Rochelle Municipal Landfill #2 (Mulford Road Construction)

5) Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of a Right-of-Way for the Extension of the City of Rochelle Railroad

6) Resolution Approving Hangar Lease Pricing Effective January 1, 2020

7) Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a First Amendment to a Collocation License Agreement with Illinois Fiber Resources Group, Inc. D/B/A iFiber

8) Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Dark Fiber License Agreement with AT&T

9) Ordinance Amending Section 14-36 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Impoundment and Destruction of Animals





The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook

Agenda Item #2 - Public Hearing - Meadowbrook Sewer Lining Project CDBG Grant 16-242028

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning

Summary: Pursuant to CDBG requirements for the Meadowbrook Phase 1 sewer lining project, we are required to hold a hearing to receive public comments from citizens on the performance of the sewer lining project.  The purpose of this public hearing is to report the results of the grant project and give the residents of the City of Rochelle an opportunity to comment on the project. The grant funds were used to line deteriorated sanitary sewers in the Meadowbrook target area, a low-lying residential area with a seasonally high water table. As a result, during wet weather events, the sewers in this area are subject to chronic Inflow and Infiltration which results in surcharging. When surcharging occurs, the City of Rochelle by-pass pumps the sewage into the storm sewer system to prevent sewage back-ups into residences in the Meadowbrook target area. The grant funds that the City of Rochelle received were combined with local funds to line approximately 4,600 l.f. of 8” and 10” sanitary sewers, grout lateral services, and line manholes in the Meadowbrook target area.


Hold Public Hearing

Close Public Hearing

Supporting Documents:

pdf Notice of Public Hearing (69 KB)

Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class B Liquor License for The Wine Barrel at 308 Lincoln Highway

Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk

Summary: Shane Erdman has submitted an application for a Class B liquor license at 308 Lincoln Highway. The Class B liquor license allows for the retail sale on the premises specified of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises as well as other package retail sales.

The Liquor Commissioner, Mayor Bearrows, has reviewed the application and has no objection to the creation of a Class B liquor license for The Wine Barrel. This action will result in a total of nine Class B liquor licenses in the City of Rochelle.


Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class B Liquor License for The Wine Barrel at 308 Lincoln Highway

Supporting Documents:

pdf Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Class B Liquor License for The Wine Barrel at 308 Lincoln Highway (13 KB)

Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Approving Third Amendment to Restated Host Agreement for the Operation of and Development of Rochelle Municipal Landfill #2 (Mulford Road Construction)

Staff Contact: Tim Isley

Summary: In 2008, The City Council approved certain amendments to the Restated Host Agreement, including an amendment to section 3.12, consisting of a new section 3.12(c), which provided that the operator would complete construction improvements to Mulford Road in two stages. Stage 1, from Route 38 to the existing entrance. Stage 2, from the existing landfill entrance to Creston Road. Stage 1 was completed in 2013. Stage 2 shall be completed not later than the date on which the new entrance to the expanded landfill is required to be completed as stated in sitting condition 16. An amendment to the Restated Host Agreement was passed by City Council on June 25, 2018 allowing the Operator to complete the Mulford Road construction improvements one year from the date, due to the intended relocation of the existing entrance to a point farther south.

Over the past year necessary refinements have been made to the design, including the extension of R.O.W along the west side of Mulford Road, the addition of storm tile on the east side, as well as a new box culvert to meet current standards and improving stormwater conveyance.

Currently, Fehr Graham is finalizing the bid set of plans for stage 2 of the Mulford Road construction improvements. These plans are expected to be out for bid by the end of this year.

City Staff recommends completion of the Mulford Road improvements be extended to July 31, 2020 and the full amount of the estimated construction costs which is estimated to be $1,773,493.43, less the City’s contribution of $886,746.71, be placed into an escrow account no later than January 31, 2020.

Funding Sources:

Source: Budgeted Amount:  Proposed Expenditure:
53-00-89000 $900,000 $886,746.71

Strategic Plan Goal Application: Develop and implement plan to replace/repair infrastructure to work in concert with CIP

Recommendation: Authorize an ordinance approving third amendment to restated host agreement for the operation and development of Rochelle Municipal Landfill #2 (Mulford Road Construction)

Supporting Documents:

pdf Ordinance (93 KB)

pdf Amended Agreement (59 KB)

Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of a Right-of-Way for the Extension of the City of Rochelle Railroad

Staff Contact: Jason Anderson

Summary: The growth of the City of Rochelle Railroad is contingent upon the ability to acquire land for rail expansion. Last year the Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation was able to purchase 22.99 acres of land east of the new Rochelle Railroad Transloading Center for a total of $348,950.00. This purchase allows the CIR to extend to the Lee County line which is adjacent to the new RMU Water Tower, Well and Radium plant. Contingent upon the City’s purchase of this right of way, GREDCO is prepared to purchase an adjoining right of way that will connect to this rail right of way and open more than 400 acres to new Industrial Development.

Funding Sources:

Source:  Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
City of Rochelle Railroad Budget $400,000 $348,950

Strategic Plan Goal Application: Under Goal LTR-2 Explore, Develop, and improve strategies for industrial growth including a fully developed rail system used by industries that provide good paying jobs.

Recommendation: Approve the purchase of 22.99 acres for the expansion of the City of Rochelle Railroad for $348,950.00

Supporting Documents:

pdf Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of a Right-of-Way for the Extension of the City of Rochelle Railroad (84 KB)

pdf Map of Rail right of way (529 KB)

pdf Purchase Agreement (1.92 MB)

Agenda Item #6 - Approval of Airport Hangar Rental Rate Update

Staff Contact: Mike Hudetz


Hangar rental rates have not been reviewed or adjusted for 3 years. New rates for some tenants will be applied when new Hangar Permits go into effect  January 1, 2020. Going forward, a percentage increase will be added each year on some hangars. 

Hangar rows A and E will have a 3% change per year, and the Community and FBO hangar will have a 6% change per year.     

Strategic Plan Goal Application:   

Maintain a balanced Budget by following practices to promote fiscal soundness 


Approve new hangar rental rates starting in January 2020, continuing through December 2024 – to be reviewed prior to January 2025. 

Agenda Item #7 - Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a First Amendment to a Collocation License Agreement with Illinois Fiber Resources Group, Inc. D/B/A iFiber

Staff Contact: Jason Bird

Summary: Document the existing collocation agreement between iFiber and RMU 

Strategic Plan Goal Application:   To continue to grow our Communication Department and work with other Government agencies. 

Recommendation: Approve the Resolution with Illinois Fiber Resources Group  

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Resolution authorizing the execution of a first amendment to a collocation agreement with Illinois Fiber Resources Group, Inc. D/B/A iFiber  (88 KB)

pdf Fiber agreement document  (434 KB)

Agenda Item #8 - Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Dark Fiber Lease Agreement with AT&T

Staff Contact: Jason Bird

Summary: Enter into an agreement with AT&T to lease 2 point to point dark fiber connections. These connections will run from AllState to I-39.

Funding Sources:

Strategic Plan Goal Application: To continue to grow our Communication Department and work with outside vendors to provide telecommunications services to customers within the RMU service area.

Recommendation: Approve the Resolution for Authorizing the Execution of Fiber Optic Cable Lease Agreement with AT&T

Supporting Documents:

pdf Resolution authorizing the execution of a fiber optic cable lease agreement with AT&T (91 KB)

pdf Fiber agreement document (274 KB)

 Agenda Item #9 - Ordinance Amending Section 14-36 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Impoundment and Destruction of Animals

pdf Ordinance (292 KB)