Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
· Pledge to the Flag
· Prayer
· Mayor
· Council Members
· Remarkable Resident – Pete Alfano
· Good News Award
-Professional Community & Economic Developer – Michelle Pease
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf September 23, 2019 (169 KB)
b) Approve Exceptions – pdf 9/18/19-10/7/19 (95 KB)
c) Approve Bills – pdf 10/8/19 (264 KB)
d) Approve Payroll – pdf 9/9/19-9/22/19 (61 KB)
e) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Golf Course Advisory Committee – pdf 8/26/19 (25 KB)
f) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – pdf 9/16/19 (107 KB)
2) Ordinance Granting Certain Sign Variations at 601 Flagg Road (HP Rochelle Real Estate, LLC, Petitioner) - Benny’s Corner Market
3) Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of the City of Rochelle Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Conditional Use Treatment of Cannabis Establishments in Certain Areas of the City of Rochelle
4) Ordinance Placing a Moratorium on Imposing Permit Fees for Residential Building Permits for Calendar Year 2020
5) Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with the Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation for Economic Development Services
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook
Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Granting Certain Sign Variations at 601 Flagg Road (HP Rochelle Real Estate, LLC, Petitioner) - Benny’s Corner Market
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: HP Rochelle Real Estate, LLC is asking for a variance of the sign ordinance from the allowed 25’ off the right of way to allow their ground sign 5’ off the right of way, which will be 25’ behind the existing sidewalk. (Sec. 110-675 (1) Setback. Each sign shall be set back from the public right of way a distance of at least one-half the required minimum setback building line.)
They are asking for this variance because they feel they are at a disadvantage because of the additional right of way IDOT purchased based on the Kyte Creek bridge being built for the possible expansion of IL Route 251 to five lanes.
HP Rochelle Real Estate, LLC are prepared to physically move the ground sign and would be fully responsible for any and all costs involved in relocating the sign if the roadway expansion occurs.
HP Rochelle Real Estate, LLC feels that a variance from the sign ordinance is necessary in order to obtain the most basic gas station imaging. A variance to increase the square footage of their ground sign is also being requested to meet the requirement of Mobil’s signage.
The Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing on October 7, 2019. The Commission voted 6:0 to recommend the sign variance.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Granting Certain Sign Variations at 601 Flagg Road (HP Rochelle Real Estate, LLC, Petitioner) - Benny’s Corner Market
Supporting Documents:
pdf Exhibit 1 Benny’s Corner Market- Exterior Building Signage (891 KB)
pdf Exhibit 2 Benny’s Corner Market- Canopy Signage (1.19 MB)
pdf Exhibit 3 Benny’s Corner Market- Mobil Ground Sign (541 KB)
pdf Exhibit 4 Legal Description of 601 Flagg Road (34 KB)
pdf Variance of Setbacks Site Plan (541 KB)
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of the City of Rochelle Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Conditional Use Treatment of Cannabis Establishments in Certain Areas of the City of Rochelle
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: The State of Illinois has made the recreational use of cannabis legal, beginning January 1, 2020. Currently within the City of Rochelle’s zoning code there is no location identified for an allowable use, or with a conditional use, for adult use cannabis businesses, as allowed by the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.
The Planning and Zoning Commission can recommend to the City Council to allow (1) adult use cannabis craft growers (2) adult use cannabis cultivation centers (3) adult use cannabis infuser organizations and (4) adult use cannabis processing organizations within an I1 Light Industry, I2 General Industry and I3 Heavy Industry zoning district with a conditional use. Cannabis transportation will also be identified in the code.
Conditions can be set forth on all of the cultivation centers and organizations that the facilities may not be located within a set amount of feet, which the Planning & Zoning Commission will recommend to City Council, of the property line of a pre-existing public or private nursery school, preschool, primary or secondary school, day care center, day care home or residential care home. Facilities may not be located within said amount of feet of the property line of a pre-existing property zoned or used for residential purposes.
The Planning and Zoning Commission can recommend to the City Council to allow adult use cannabis dispensing organizations within a B2 Commercial Highway zoning district with a conditional use. Conditions can be set forth on dispensaries that the facilities may not be located within a set amount of feet, which the Planning & Zoning Commission will recommend to City Council, of the property line of a pre-existing public or private nursery school, preschool, primary or secondary school, day care center, day care home or residential care home. Facilities may not be located within said amount of feet of the property line of a pre-existing property zoned or used for residential purposes.
The Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing on October 7, 2019. The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend the following zoning for adult use cannabis business operations as defined in the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act:
• Cultivation Centers allowed in all Industrial Zones (I-1, I-2 & I-3), with a set-back of 200 feet from the property line of a pre-existing public or private nursery school, preschool, primary or secondary school, day care center, day care home or residential care home.
• Dispensaries allowed in all Commercial Highway (B-2), with a set-back of 200 feet from the property line of a pre-existing public or private nursery school, preschool, primary or secondary school, day care center, day care home or residential care home.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of the City of Rochelle Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Conditional Use Treatment of Cannabis Establishments in Certain Areas of the City of Rochelle
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of the City of Rochelle Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Conditional Use Treatment of Cannabis Establishments in Certain Areas of the City of Rochelle
(162 KB)
Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Placing a Moratorium on Imposing Permit Fees for Residential Building Permits for Calendar Year 2020
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: For 2019, the City Council approved the waiving of building permit fees, sewer, water and electric connection fees for all new single-family residential construction.
The savings per house on average is around $400.00 for the building permit depending on the square footage, a $700.00 sewer connection fee, and a $50.00 electric connection fee for a total of $1150.00.
Over the last decade, the City has on average permitted 3 houses per year. To date, 4 single family homes have been built and taken advantage of the permit fee waiver.
City staff is proposing again to City Council to approve the waiving of building permits, electric, sewer and water fees for all single family residential new construction housing in 2020.
In addition to new construction, staff is requesting the waiving of these same fees for properties that have been vacant for 6 months or more, with a minimum investment of $15,000. This additional request will assist with addressing blight in our community and encourage habilitation of existing housing.
Staff feels the Equalized Assessed Value will out gain the original permitting cost for all taxing bodies.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Placing a Moratorium on Imposing Permit Fees for Residential Building Permits for Calendar Year 2020
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #5 - Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with the Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation for Economic Development Services
Staff Contact: Jeffrey A. Fiegenschuh, City Manager
Summary: In 2017, the City entered into a rail revenue sharing agreement with the Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation (GREDCO). The agreement was to run with the term of the Mayor, which ended in May 2019. For the past several months, staff has been working with the executive board of the GREDCO to finalize a new agreement. This agreement constitutes, what is believed to be a fair and equitable compromise. The major provisions of the new agreement are below:
- GREDCO shall receive 5% of the annual revenues received by the City of Rochelle Rail. There will no longer be a minimum amount received, nor will there be a dollar amount cap.
- The agreement shall expire upon the conclusion of the current term of the mayor. It may be renewed up to two additional 2-year terms if agreed to by both parties no less than 90 days prior to the expiration of the initial term.
- GREDCO shall not use any CIR funds for the purchase or acquisition of property that will eventually be purchased by the City of Rochelle.
- All accounting and reporting requirements from the first agreement remain in the new agreement.
- GREDCO shall not use any CIR funds toward the pay or compensation of its CEO.
- GREDCO shall use the funds exclusively for the continued development of the CIR and other economic development purposes that benefit the City of Rochelle and its citizens.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Explore, develop and improve strategies for industrial growth
Staff Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with the Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation for Economic Development Services
Supporting Documents:
pdf Proposed Agreement (77 KB)