Monday, July 8, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
· Pledge to the Flag
· Prayer
· Mayor
· Council Members
· Remarkable Resident – Kim Montgomery
· We Care Rochelle Update
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf June 24, 2019 (206 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Golf Course Advisory Committee - pdf 5/28/19 (24 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – pdf 6/3/19 (204 KB)
d) Approve Exceptions – pdf 6/19/19-7/1/19 (82 KB)
e) Approve Bills – pdf 7/2/19 (188 KB)
f) Approve Payroll – pdf 6/17/19-6/30/19 (57 KB)
2) Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement between Rochelle Solar, LLC and the City of Rochelle (Public Hearing and Action)
3) Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 15537 E Twombly Road Property Identification Number 25-18-100-005
4) Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Subdivision of Rochelle Solar, LLC
5) Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation of Rochelle Solar, LLC
6) Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential to B-2 Highway Commercial – Flagg Rochelle Park District
7) Ordinance Granting a Setback Variation for Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street. - Flagg Rochelle Park District
8) Resolution Approving the Creation of a Complete County Committee for Census 2020
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook
Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement between Rochelle Solar, LLC and the City of Rochelle (Public Hearing and Action)
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Rochelle Solar or SunEast is a privately held clean energy development company. Since inception in 2012, SunEast has partnered with recognized leaders in the renewable energy industry. Previous and current development partners include Fortune 10 utility subsidiaries, major international utilities, and well-known investment funds.
Over the past four years, the SunEast team has advanced 40 projects totaling over 630 MWs and ~5,400 acres of property. This includes projects that SunEast originated and developed from inception. Additionally, over the past decade, the SunEast team has developed over 700 MWs of renewable generation currently in operation in New York, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts.
Rochelle Solar has an option to purchase the southwest corner of Twombly and proposed N. Caron road extension adjacent to the RMU power substation (15537 E. Twombly Road) to develop a solar farm on the 93.29 acres to produce 13 Mega Watts of renewable energy and use the RMU substation to transfer the power back for distribution.
Rochelle Solar would like to enter into an annexation agreement and annex the property into the City of Rochelle with Rural Development Zoning with a conditional use for a solar farm. The parcel is currently zoned agriculture. It is surrounded by agriculture on the west, east, north and PUD-C on the south.
The annexation shall be complete with all conditions of the agreement meet, with an annexation happening no later than December 31, 2019. Rochelle Solar shall pay an annexation fee $20,000.00. Two installments shall be made; $10,000 upon completion of the annexation of the property and $10,000 on the 1st anniversary of the completion of the property becoming annexed into the City limits.
After a duly noticed public hearing, the City of Rochelle Planning & Zoning Commission has considered all the relevant evidence presented at said hearing on July 1, 2019.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
This project continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals by promoting realistic and sustainable growth.
Hold a Public Hearing
Approve an Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement between Rochelle Solar, LLC and the City of Rochelle
Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement between Rochelle Solar, LLC (81 KB)
pdf City of Rochelle Annexation agreement (547 KB)
Agenda Item #3-5 - Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 15537 E Twombly Rd Property Identification Number 25-18-100-005, Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Subdivision of Rochelle Solar, LLC, Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation of Rochelle Solar, LLC
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Rochelle Solar or SunEast is a privately held clean energy development company. Since inception in 2012, SunEast has partnered with recognized leaders in the renewable energy industry. Previous and current development partners include Fortune 10 utility subsidiaries, major international utilities, and well-known investment funds.
Over the past four years, the SunEast team has advanced 40 projects totaling over 630 MWs and ~5,400 acres of property. This includes projects that SunEast originated and developed from inception. Additionally, over the past decade, the SunEast team has developed over 700 MWs of renewable generation currently in operation in New York, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts.
Rochelle Solar has an option to purchase the southwest corner of Twombly and N. Caron road adjacent to the RMU power substation to develop a solar farm on the 93.29 acres to produce 13 Mega Watts of renewable energy and use the RMU substation to transfer the power back for distribution.
Rochelle Solar would like to annex the property into the City of Rochelle with Rural Development Zoning with a conditional use for a solar farm. The parcel is currently zoned agriculture. It is surrounded by agriculture on the west, east, north and PUD-C on the south.
The planning and zoning commission can recommend to city council an amendment to expand or alter the official zoning map after review of the petition of the owner with a public hearing.
After a duly noticed public hearing, the City of Rochelle Planning & Zoning Commission has considered all the relevant evidence presented at said hearing on July 1, 2019.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
This project continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals by promoting realistic and sustainable growth.
Approve an Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 15537 E Twombly Rd Property Identification Number 25-18-100-005
Approve an Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Subdivision of Rochelle Solar, LLC
Approve an Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation of Rochelle Solar, LLC
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 15537 E Twombly Rd Property Identification Number 25-18-100-005
(87 KB)
Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Subdivision of Rochelle Solar, LLC
(214 KB)
Final Plat of Subdivision
(636 KB)
Ordinance Approving and Accepting a Final Plat of Annexation of Rochelle Solar, LLC
(87 KB)
Final Plat of Annexation
(437 KB)
Agenda Item #6-7 - Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential to B-2 Highway Commercial – Flagg Rochelle Park District and Ordinance Granting a Setback Variation for Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street. - Flagg Rochelle Park District
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: The Flagg Rochelle Park District plans to construct a community recreation center and wishes to rezone the property located at the SE corner of Jones Road and 9th Street in Rochelle to B2 Commercial Highway. The property is currently zoned R1 Residential. The property is approximately 6.48 acres of vacant land. A recreation center is not allowed in an R1 zoning district but is allowed in a B2 zone.
The Flagg Rochelle Park District is also requesting a variance of set backs from the required 50’ to 20’, a variance of 30’ on the frontage side facing 9th Street. The reason for the variance request is the community center has been designed to be an “unlimited building area” facility. An unlimited building area is a necessary requirement for all fieldhouse buildings.
Without this designation, they cannot have a large open space under a roofed structure. This building classification requires the building to be at least 60 feet from the nearest property line, which in this case in the property line of the neighboring properties on Tilton Park Drive. Without meeting this distance from the nearest property line, the fieldhouse cannot be built without firewalls that would eliminate all recreational use in the fieldhouse. When designing the facility, this requirement dictated the location of the west wall of the building.
After a duly noticed public hearing, the City of Rochelle Planning & Zoning Commission has considered all the relevant evidence presented at said hearing on July 1, 2019.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
This project continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals by promoting realistic and sustainable growth.
Approve an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential to B-2 Highway Commercial – Flagg Rochelle Park District
Approve an Ordinance Granting a Setback Variation for Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street. - Flagg Rochelle Park District
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential to B-2 Highway Commercial – Flagg Rochelle Park District
(98 KB)
Ordinance Granting a Setback Variation for Certain Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Jones Road and 9th Street. - Flagg Rochelle Park District
(98 KB)
Agenda Item #8 - Ordinance Authorizing the Creation of a Local Complete County Committee for the City of Rochelle
Staff Contact: Sue Messer and Jenny Thompson
Summary: Every 10 years the federal government conducts a population count of everyone in the United States. Data from the census provides the basis for distributing more than $675 billion in federal funds annually to communities across the country to support vital programs impacting housing, education, transportation, employment, health care, and public policy. Census data is also used to determine the number of congressional representatives; provides the basis for distributing grants; helps developers determine where to build factories, offices and retail stores; and is used for public safety and emergency preparedness.
Illinois was historically undercounted in the 2010 Census, costing billions in lost federal funding over the past decade. The United States Census Bureau estimates that Ogle County had an 84% participation rate which means that 8,560 people were not counted. As a result, it is estimated that Ogle County lost approximately $15,408,000 in federal funds per year since 2010.
On the local level, the City of Rochelle’s 2019 budget includes $1.17 million, or $122.37 per capita, from Illinois’ income tax and use tax. These funds are used to support Police, Fire, Streets, Cemetery, City Manager, City Clerk, Community Development, Economic Development, etc. This amount is 10.6% of the total General Fund revenue budget. In addition, the City receives Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) which is used for street improvements and projects. In 2019 the MFT budget was $258,000 or $26.94 per capita.
Local Complete Count Committees (CCC) are being established to help with outreach and awareness for the upcoming 2020 Census. They work in conjunction with the U.S. Census Bureau and the state-wide Complete Count Commission.
The 2010 Census motto is:
• Educate the community on the importance of participation
• Encourage trusted partners and community leaders to get involved and help motivate the residents and the neighborhoods.
• Engage grassroots organizations to become involved in educating the community.
Our local CCC will be organized to include members that reflect a cross section of our community in order to access as many people as possible. We will identify those populations or areas that are considered hard to reach and develop a communication plan to encourage maximum participation.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
This initiative supports the City’s Strategic Plan goals of maintaining fiscal stability & balanced budget and community outreach & inclusivity.
Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Creation of a Local Complete Count Committee for the City of Rochelle
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Authorizing the Creation of a Local Complete Count Committee for the City of Rochelle
(74 KB)