Monday, February 25, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting –
February 11, 2019
(166 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Utility Advisory Board –
November 14, 2018
(160 KB)
c) Approve Exceptions –
(78 KB)
d) Approve Bills –
(217 KB)
e) Approve Payroll –
(52 KB)
Accept and Place on File Budget Summary Month Ending 1/31/19
(788 KB)
Approve Closure of City Street for the 102.3 Coyote Lucky Hub Dash 5K – March 16, 2019
(76 KB)
Authorize Closure of 10th Avenue between Illinois 251 and 8th Street – 2019 Outdoor Markets
(66 KB)
2) Ordinance to Set the Date for a Public Hearing in Connection with Proposed Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for, and the Proposed Addition of Additional Properties to, the City of Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area
3) Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 38 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Emergency Services – Alarm Systems
4) Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) Dump Trucks from CIT Trucks, LLC
5) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding a Contract to Exceleron Software, LLC - Prepaid Meters
6) Engineering Agreement – Northeast Area Sanitary Sewer Lining Project
1) Illinois State University Findings of Radium Investigation
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook
Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance to set the Date for a Public Hearing in Connection with Proposed Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for, and the Proposed Addition of Additional Properties to, the City of Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area
Staff Contact: Jeffery Fiegenschuh, City Manager & Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: As required by the TIF Act, the Municipality is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed TIF Amendments. This required meeting shall be at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 22, 2019, at the City Hall, 420 North 6th St, Rochelle, Illinois.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: The overall establishment of the Northern Gateway TIF assists in addressing blight within the area. This is a Short-Term Complex Goal which addresses community blight in affected areas via multiple leveled strategies.
Recommendation: Approve Ordinance to set the Date for a Public Hearing in Connection with Proposed Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for, and the Proposed Addition of Additional Properties to, the City of Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 38 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Emergency Services - Alarm Systems
Staff Contact: Chris Cardott, Finance Director, and Eric Higby, Police Chief
Summary: Chapter 38 of the Rochelle Municipal Code pertaining to Emergency Systems includes a section for Alarm Systems. In the past, the City charged an annual fee of $25 for residences and businesses that had alarm systems installed that were connected directly to the Rochelle Police Department Dispatch Center. With the advances in technology, residences and businesses have contracts with alarm billing companies that have their own monitoring centers. The amended Alarm System Code eliminates the annual charge, updates the definitions, and lists new rates for false alarm fees. Once passed, the Code will be mailed to the residential and business customers who were billed in 2018 notifying them of the change in false alarm fees and the discontinuation of the annual fee. The Police Department will monitor the false alarms.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Review and revise current practices
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 38 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Emergency Services
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 38 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Emergency Services – With Revisions
(96 KB)
Agenda Item #4 - Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) Dump Trucks from CIT Trucks, LLC
Staff Contact: Tim Isley
Summary: Over the past two years Street Department staff have driven, tested, and inspected several different dump truck options to find the most efficient, reliable and cost-effective vehicles that best fit the daily requirements of the Street Department. After a final review of these vehicles and taking into consideration the vehicle costs, efficiencies, and reliability staff concluded that the Kenworth T370 cab & chassis with a Bonnell dump body and snow plow package to be in the City’s best interest.
The 2019 Street Department budget includes funds to finance the 2019 annual payment for the purchase of two new single axle dump trucks equipped with hydraulic dump bodies and snow plow packages. Plow truck 1 is priced at $166,174.00 and plow truck 2 including a wing plow is priced at $177,724.00 for a combined total cost of $343,898.00. These vehicles will be financed through a local bank not to exceed a 4-year term and at an interest rate not too exceed 4.75 percent.
Each year the cost of these vehicles including the dump body and plow packages increase 3 to 5 percent on average. By financing two of these vehicles at the same time we can eliminate the annual increase of cost for one of these vehicles and this savings may be considered as offsetting the financed interest rate. These new vehicles will be replacing an existing 2002 and 2003 dump trucks. Replacing these existing dump trucks will reduce maintenance costs as well road salt costs by incorporating new technology.
The proposed vehicles are to be purchased through CIT Trucks LLC in Rockford, IL under Sourcewell procurement contracts (081716-KTC) and (080818 BNL). Sourcewell is a governmental unit providing competitively solicited cooperative contracts ready for use by governmental entities. Sourcewell’s rigorous procurement process meets or exceeds all local and state purchasing requirements. (30 ILCS 525 /2)
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
General Fund | $95,000 | $95,000 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Short term routine – replacing infrastructure/assets
Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) Dump Trucks from CIT Trucks, LLC
Supporting Documents:
2020 KW T370 Plow Truck
(8.44 MB)
2020 KW T370 Wing Plow
(8.17 MB)
Acceptance of Award Bonnell
(394 KB)
Acceptance of Award Kenworth
(1.48 MB)
Illinois Legal Reference
(450 KB)
Sourcewell Solicitation Process
(408 KB)
Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) Dump Trucks from CIT Trucks, LLC
(81 KB)
Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding a Contract to Exceleron Software, LLC - Prepaid Meters
Staff Contact: Barbara Bell, Supervisor of Customer Service
Summary: A pre-pay meter program allows customers to pay for utility services prior to delivery. As customers use their utilities, the credit balance is reduced. Customer benefits include no late charges, deposits and past due balances paid over time, better control over their budget and tracking their usage in dollars versus kWh. The utility benefits include avoiding field visits associated with disconnects, reducing credit-related costs (collections, employee costs), and reducing energy consumption to achieve energy efficiency goals.
Exceleron Software, LLC provides a pre-pay metering program which is compatible with the Elster meters and the Caselle billing software. The company is PCI compliant and maintains a secure data warehouse. The agreement with Exceleron Software, LLC is for 3 years which will allow time for implementation, testing, and customer involvement.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
CS Budget - Professional Services (Integration fee MyUsage) | $15,000 | $15,000 |
CS Budget - Professional Services (Integration fee Caselle) | $10,000 | $10,000 |
CS Budget - Professional Services (monthly fee) | $2,000/mo. | $2,000/mo. |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Maintain fiscal stability and improve core service delivery
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding a Contract to Exceleron Software, LLC
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding a Contract to Exceleron Software, LLC
(66 KB)
MyUsage Prepaid Software Access Agreement
(174 KB)
Agenda Item #6 - Engineering Agreement Northeast Area Sanitary Sewer Lining Project
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning
Summary: In 2018 RMU rehabilitated approximately 4,500 feet of sanitary sewer in the Meadowbrook area along with 16 manholes by installing a cure in place liner. This area experiences frequent flooding and sewer backups partially due to the condition of the sanitary sewer. RMU intends to line approximately 7,000 feet of sewer in that area using the same technology as a continued effort to reduce infiltration in our system.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Equipment Replacement Fund | $473,800 | $56,100 |
Recommendation: Approve an engineering agreement with Willett Hofmann and Associates in the amount of $56,100 to provide design and construction management services for Meadowbrook sewer lining phase 2.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Short term routine- replacing infrastructure.
Supporting Documents:
Engineering Agreement for Northeast Area Sanitary Sewer Lining Project 2019
(259 KB)
Discussion Item #1 - Radium Investigation Update
David Malone is a professor for Illinois State University Geology department. He is the main point of contact regarding the radium investigation he and his team are conducting for Rochelle. Professor Malone will be in attendance to discuss some preliminary findings.