Rochelle City Council Meeting Agenda
City Hall Council Chambers | 420 North 6th Street, Rochelle | 6:30PM
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• National Everybody Eats Week –
August 25 through August 31, 2019
(269 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Remarkable Residents
o Kim Montgomery
o Geri Hayden
• Good News Award – Rochelle Police Department
1) Mapping the Future of Your Community
2) Strategic Plan Update
3) Mission/Vision/Values Statement
4) Graffiti Ordinance
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meetings –
July 22, 2019
(174 KB)
b) Approve Exceptions –
(83 KB)
c) Approve Bills –
(208 KB)
d) Approve Payroll –
(57 KB)
e) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Utility Advisory Board Meeting –
March 20, 2019
(233 KB)
f) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Golf Course Advisory Board Meeting –
June 24, 2019
(24 KB)
g) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting –
July 5, 2019
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h) Approve Request from Rochelle Moose Lodge No. 903 to hold a Cancer Benefit -
August 24, 2019
(260 KB)
i) Establish Annual Trick-or-Treat Schedule - October 31, 2019 from 5:00pm-8:00pm
2) Resolution Approving an Amendment to the City of Rochelle’s Mission/Vision/Values Statement
3) Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Estate for a Public Purpose - 121 N. 7th Street, 522 W. 2nd Avenue, 127 N. 6th Street, 608 W. 2nd Avenue, 622 W. 2nd Avenue and 100 Block of 6th Street
4) Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Dog Training Facility in the I-2 (General Industry) Zoning District Located at 2000 West 8th Avenue
5) Purchase of 2019 Digger Derrick Truck
6) Ordinance Amending Chapter 94, Article III, Division 3 Entitled “Speed” - Reducing the Speed Limit from 30 Miles Per Hour to 20 Miles Per Hour on N. 14th Street from Lincoln Avenue to 8th Avenue
7) Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
8) Resolution Authorizing the Payment of the City of Rochelle’s Local Share for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
9) Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of two 2500 KVA Transformers – Mighty Vine Project
10) Change Order for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvements South Rail Extension
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook
Agenda Item #2 - Resolution Approving an Amendment to the City of Rochelle’s Mission, Vision and Values Statement
Staff Contact: City Manager Jeff Fiegenschuh
Summary: As previously discussed, the City’s existing Mission, Vision and Values Statement was approved in 2007. Following the approval of the 2018 Strategic Plan, a committee was organized to review and revise the statement to coincide with the plan’s five key strategic priorities as follows: Core Service Delivery, Community Inclusivity & Engagement, Economic & Business Development, Financial & Management Stability and Infrastructure Effectiveness & Improvement. Committee Members included Chet Olson, Dan McDermott, Jeff Fiegenschuh, Sue Messer, Jenny Thompson, Peggy Friday, Barbara Bell, Michelle Pease, and Tim Isley.
Strategic Plan Goal Application: To align the Mission, Vision and Values Statement with the key priorities identified in the 2018 Strategic Plan
Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Approving an Amendment to the City of Rochelle’s Mission, Vision and Values Statement
Supporting Documents:
pdf Mission, Vision and Values Statement (1.05 MB)
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Estate for Public Purpose - 121 N. 7th Street, 522 W. 2nd Avenue, 127 N. 6th Street, 608 W. 2nd Avenue, 622 W. 2nd Avenue and 100 Block of 6th Street for the 2nd Avenue RMU Well House Project
Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh & Michelle Pease
Summary: RMU wishes to construct a new well house located on the 2nd Avenue corridor, just east of the RMU Electric Offices. The City currently owns several lots located on the east end of 2nd Avenue where the old Patterson Lumber Company storage area was. To move forward with the construction of the new well house, several properties need to be purchased.
These properties included:
608 W 2nd Avenue
121 N 7th Street
100 Block of 6th Street
522 W 2nd Avenue
127 N 6th Street
622 W 2nd Avenue
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
RMU Water | $205,000 | $131,000 |
Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Estate for Public Purpose
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Estate for Public Purpose
(44 KB)
Contract for Purchase of 121 N 7th Street
(59 KB)
Contract for Purchase of 522 W 2nd Avenue and 127 N. 6th Street
(58 KB)
Contract for Purchase of 608 W 2nd Avenue
(59 KB)
Contract for Purchase of 622 W. 2nd Avenue
(58 KB)
Contract for Purchase of Real Estate Located at the 100 Block of 6th Street
(58 KB)
Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Dog Training Facility in the I-2 (General Industry) Zoning District Located at 2000 West 8th Avenue
Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: Eloy and Claudia Cervantes are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to lease out space for a dog training facility located at 2000 W. 8th Avenue. The property is currently used for Cervantes Trucking. The Cervantes’ plan to rent out a portion of the building and feel that a dog training facility will be a good fit in their building and location. The property is zoned I-2 and is surrounded by I-2 zoning and the cemetery. If approved, Don Blair, CIA K9 Dog Training will rent out the space for his dog training business.
According to Section 110-291 of the District Use Classification list under dog training facilities, the use of a dog training facility requires a Conditional Use Permit. Under Division 2- Conditional Use Permits, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing, shall review the site, existing and proposed structures, architectural plans, neighborhood uses, parking areas, driveway locations, highway access, traffic generation and circulation.
The Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing on August 5, 2019. The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend the Conditional Use Permit.
Strategic Plan Goal Application:
To promote, retain and enhance small business development.
Approve an Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Dog Training Facility in the I-2 (General Industry) Zoning District Located at 2000 West 8th Avenue
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Dog Training Facility in the I-2 (General Industry) Zoning District Located at 2000 West 8th Avenue
(85 KB)
Agenda Item #5 - Purchase of a 2019 Digger Derrick Truck
Staff Contact: Jason Bird
Summary: The 2019 Capital Outlay Summary for Electric includes the replacement of a digger truck. Staff would like to purchase a 2019 Altec DH50 Digger Derrick truck through the Cooperative Purchasing program, formally know as National Joint Purchasing Agreement (NJPA), which Rochelle is a member of. This truck would replace a 2006 Altec GMC Digger Derrick. We will be using the old truck as a trade in. However, that value is still to be determined.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Electric CIP | $250,000 | $231,002.00 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: To assure that our crews are able to work in a safe environment, with equipment that is safe and not broken down all the time.
Recommendation: Approve the purchase of a 2019 Altec DH50 Digger Derrick truck through the Cooperative Purchasing Program.
Supporting Documents:
Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
(2.53 MB)
Specifications for 2019 Altec DH50 Digger Derrick
(4.04 MB)
Agenda Item #6 - Ordinance Amending Chapter 94, Article III, Division 3 Entitled “Speed” - Reducing the Speed Limit from 30 Miles Per Hour to 20 Miles Per Hour on N. 14th Street from Lincoln Avenue to 8th Avenue
Staff Contact: Tim Isley
Summary: In 2001, the 400 block of north 15th Street was permanently closed for an expansion of Silgan Containers. This expansion closed north 15th Street approximately 500 feet north of Lincoln Avenue. As a result of the north 15th Street closure, north 14th Street was listed as an authorized truck route allowing access to the northside of Silgan Containers and other businesses located along 8th Avenue.
Truck traffic using north 14th Street has since increased with the addition of a trucking company that has located off 8th Avenue. With this increase in truck traffic, residents located along this stretch of N. 14th Street are concerned with the amount of truck traffic, deterioration of the roadway, noise from the trucks, and the speed of trucks going through their neighborhood.
City staff have examined this area and believe that adding additional signage and reducing the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph will help in reducing these concerns. Lowering the speed limit to 20mph in this area will increase safety for residents as well as reducing engine noise from the trucks and bouncing of trailers.
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 94, Article III, Division 3 Entitled “Speed”
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance Amending Chapter 94, Article III, Division 3 Entitled “Speed”
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Agenda Item #7 & 8 - Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois and Resolution Authorizing the Payment of the City of Rochelle’s Local Share for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
Staff Contact: Mike Hudetz
Summary: IDOT has determined through pavement evaluation studies and the weight of heavy aircraft that land here, that a portion of our asphalt runway is in need of refurbishment. In order to move forward with this project, the City Council must authorize the City Manager to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois and authorize the payment of the City’s 5% local share of $94,063. The 2019 Capital Outlay Summary for the Airport includes funding for the runway improvements.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Federal | $1,693,134 90% | $1,693,134 |
State | $94,063 5% | $94,063 |
Local | $94,063 5% | $94,063 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Infrastructure Effectiveness and Improvement
Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Payment of the City of Rochelle’s Local Share for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
Supporting Documents:
Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
(78 KB)
Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
(723 KB)
Resolution Authorizing the Payment of the City of Rochelle’s Local Share for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4580
(108 KB)
IDOT Cover Letter
(30 KB)
Certification Regarding Lobbying
(101 KB)
Certification and Disclosure Regarding Potential Conflicts of Interest
(728 KB)
Periodic Reporting Report
(155 KB)
Agenda Item #9 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirement and Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2500 KVA Distribution Transformers for the MightyVine Expansion Project
Staff Contact: Jason Bird
Summary: On May 28, 2019 the City Council approved the execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with MightyVine to facilitate the expansion of its existing commercial greenhouse facility. This agreement includes a provision that RMU will purchase two transformers for the Phase 3 and 4 expansion and MightyVine will reimburse RMU for the purchase.
RMU has received the following quotes for the purchase of two 3 phase 2500 KVA Pad-mount transformers:
Anixter $70,886.74 with a lead time of 19 weeks
Wesco $83,140 with a lead time of 14-19 weeks
UUSCO $82,468 with a lead time of 14-16 weeks.
The proposed ordinance allows RMU to waive the bidding requirements and purchase the transformers from Anixter at a cost of $70,886.74.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
RMU Electric | $70,886.74 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Economic and Business Development - Promote Realistic Growth
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirement and Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2500 KVA Distribtu9ion Transformers for the MightyVine Expansion Project from Anixter at a cost of $70,886.74
Supporting Documents:
Bids from Anixter, Wesco, and UUSCO with specs for the 3 phase 2500 KVA Transformers
(531 KB)
pdf Ordinance Waiving Competitive Bidding (66 KB)
Agenda Item #10 - Change Order for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvements South Rail Extension
Staff Contact: Jason Anderson
Summary: Due to the extraordinary wet Spring, additional soil stabilization is required to remove moisture from the borrowed soils being used to build the six track railbed south of Johns Creek.
The change order for soil stabilization amounts to $540,514. Since the bids for the project came in $650,000 under the budgeted $7M project, the project will still be completed under budget.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
EDA | $264,149.00 | |
IDOT | $100,000 | |
City | $176.365.00 |
Strategic Plan Goal Application: Expansion of the City of Rochelle Railroad
Recommendation: Approve Change Order 3-1 for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvements South Rail Extension in the amount of $540,514 of which the City’s portion is $176,365.
Supporting Documents:
Change Order 3-1
(83 KB)
Discussion Item #1 - Mapping the Future of Your Community
The City of Rochelle is partnering with Western Illinois University for the “Mapping the Future of Your Community” program to take Rochelle to the next level.
You have probably noticed some exciting changes over the past few years: a renewed excitement brewing with community events; new Downtown businesses including Kennay Farms Distilling, the Artist’s Garden, Glo Wellness and Cheri Picked Vintage; new community wayfinding signage and downtown lights with banners; and new murals. To encourage new business development, the City of Rochelle now offers a blade sign contest, façade improvement program and a Downtown Historic District as well as a partnership with resources through Kishwaukee College and the Sauk Valley Small Business Development Center. In 2020, area residents will enjoy the new Rochelle Park District Community Center.
Our neighbors to the west in Oregon, Illinois, recently went through the WIU program and the results have been incredible. Their downtown boasts more retail business in rehabilitated historical buildings and residents are enjoying beautification projects, special events and recreation opportunities throughout the community – all thanks to the work of about sixty community volunteers. City Manager Fiegenschuh has already approached local businesses for sponsorship to cover the entire $5,000 cost.
Gisele Hamm of the Western Illinois University Institute for Rural Affairs will present details of the program.
Discussion #2 - Strategic Plan Update
The City Council formally approved the new strategic plan in August of 2018. Since that time staff has developed, with Council approval, goals and objectives geared towards the full and ongoing implementation of the new plan. Attached to this report is the latest update of the goals and objectives for the first 6-months of 2019
Supporting Documents:
pdf 2019 Goals & Objectives list (134 KB)
pdf 2019 power point update (3.41 MB)
Discussion #3 - Mission, Vision, Values
Last year a new Strategic Plan was approved that includes the following priorities: Core Service Delivery, Community Inclusivity & Engagement, Economic & Business Development, Financial & Management Stability and Infrastructure Effectiveness & Improvement. The updated strategic plan was used as a guide to create the proposed mission, vision and values statement. Our Mission Statement is based on the principles of high quality and continuous improvement. Our Vision Statement presents a compelling future. Both our mission and our vision are founded on the basic values that guide the actions of our employees and elected officials.
The City of Rochelle’s existing Mission, Vision and Values Statement was adopted in March of 2007.
Reference: pdf Mission, Vision and Values Statement (1.05 MB)
Discussion #4 - Graffiti
Graffiti is one of the most visible crimes that a community can have. The presence of a first rash of graffiti tends to attract more as a response to the initial "tagging". When this is gang-related, communities may have other crimes that follow. The proposed ordinance gives the city leverage to clean damaged property in the event the owner cannot or is unwilling to do so in a timely manner.
Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Amending Chapter 66 Article III Entitled “Offenses Against Property” (122 KB)