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City Council Meeting Agenda April 8, 2019

City or Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068

6:30 pm 


• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer



•   pdf Telecommunications Week 2019 (148 KB)


• Mayor
• Council Members
• Remarkable Resident – Sara Hall




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf March 25, 2019 (213 KB)

b) Accept and Place on File Rochelle Fire and Police Commission Minutes – pdf 12/18/18 (107 KB)

c) Accept and Place on File Utility Advisory Board Minutes – pdf 1/16/19 (174 KB)

d) Accept and Place on File Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes – pdf 3/4/19 (161 KB)

e) Approve Exceptions – pdf 3/20/19-4/1/19 (72 KB)

f) Approve Bills – pdf 4/2/19 (160 KB)

g) Approve Payroll – pdf 3/11/19-3/24/19 (52 KB)

h) Approve Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival Request – pdf August 16-18, 2019 (102 KB)

i) Approve Resolution Authorizing Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival Parade – pdf August 18, 2019 (100 KB)

j) Approve Living Water Community Church Request to Hold a Family Fest – pdf September 7, 2019 (27 KB)

k) Approve Living Water Community Church Request to Use the Gazebo on pdf June 30 and September 29, 2019 (21 KB)

2) Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at 108 South Main Street from I-1 Light (Limited) Industry to PUD-C Planned Unit Development Commercial (Vincent Carney Community Theater, Petitioner)

3) Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the International Association of Firefighters with a term of May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2023

4) Resolution Authorizing an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Ogle County Sheriff’s Department and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the use of Rochelle Firefighters as Tactical Medics with the Ogle County Emergency Response Team.

5) An Ordinance Authorizing the Payment for Certain Easement Rights and Privileges to Randy and Deborah Eisele Pertaining to the Maintenance of Certain Overhead Utilities by Rochelle Municipal Utilities

6) Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 2 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to the Oath of Office




The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook

 Agenda Item #2 Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at 108 South Main Street from I-1 Light (Limited) Industry to PUD-C Planned Unit Development Commercial (Vincent Carney Community Theater, Petitioner)

Staff Contact: Michelle Pease, Community Development Director


Vincent Carney Community Theater (VCCT) is a not-for-profit organization that relies on highly-talented, local volunteers and generous (tax-deductible) donations to bring three quality productions a year to the local stage. VCCT has purchased the former Lincoln Elementary School to re-develop the property and hold events.

The parcel is currently zoned I-1 due to the City of Rochelle amending the Official Zoning Map back in 2016 for the Kennay Rick House. VCCT is proposing to zone the property as Planned Unit Development Commercial PUD-C.

The PUD Zoning is intended to encourage improved design in the development of land by providing relief from traditional zoning requirements which may cause undue hardship or complication for desirable but unconventional development, and to establish standards for the issuance of a conditional use permit to achieve a creation of a variety of uses, in compatible arrangements and to provide a greater choice of employment opportunities.

The petitioner, in addition to the amended zoning, is petitioning for a conditional use for a mixed use of assembly with the opportunity to provide another use for the unused portion of the structure in the future.

VCCT has provided preliminary plans to remodel and make improvements to the exterior of the property and maintain the property in good standing with the City of Rochelle.

The property is surrounded by R-5 Multi Family on the West, East, South and I-1 Light Industry on the North.

Under Section 110-434 no PUD shall be authorized by the city council unless the planning and zoning commission shall find evidence establishing that the 17 criteria listed shall be met except for #7 for minimum lot size of 20 acres.

The City of Rochelle Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on April 1st to review the petition from VCCT. After review of the facts, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends to City Council that the City amend the current Official Zoning Map to create a PUD-Commercial and grant a conditional use for a mixed use of assembly with the opportunity for additional commercial use within the property. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended to allow the proposed rezoning change from an I-1 to a PUD-Commercial by a vote of 6-0.

Strategic Plan Goal Application:

This project continues to support the City’s Strategic Plan goals by promoting realistic and sustainable growth.


Approve an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at 108 South Main Street from I-1 Light (Limited) Industry to PUD-C Planned Unit Development Commercial (Vincent Carney Community Theater, Petitioner)

Supporting Documents:

  pdf Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Located at 108 South Main Street from I-1 Light (Limited) Industry to PUD-C Planned Unit Development Commercial (Vincent Carney Community Theater, Petitioner) (275 KB)


Agenda Item #3 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)

Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh, City Manager & Nancy Bingham, Human Resource Coordinator


The current collective bargaining agreement with the IAFF is set to expire on May 1, 2019. Our team met with their group over the course of four meetings in March to negotiate a new agreement. Our teams reached a tentative agreement for the entire package on Monday April 1st. The IAFF unanimously ratified the collective bargaining agreement that same evening. The proposal represents a good compromise, where both sides gave and received concessions.

Attached to this staff report is the redlined tentative agreement with the new provisions. Most of the provisions from the current agreement carried over into the new one. Below is a brief summary of the major changes to the current agreement that expires on May 1.

Term of Contract- 4 years beginning May 1, 2019

Residency-Changed from 15 miles to 15 minutes from the corporate limits.

Dues Deduction and Fair Share Due to the Janis ruling all language related to collection of fair share dues has been removed from the new contract.

Personal Day-As with the previous contracts the City agreed to increase from 1 to 2 personal days per year. These days cannot be carried over from year to year.

Vacation Leave and Sick Leave Compressed the vacation time but left the top vacation time earned the same. Under the new agreement after 14 years of service the employee will earn 10 days of paid vacation instead of 9. At 16 years of service, the employee will receive 12 days of paid vacation instead of 11 days.

Acting Lieutenant Pay- Maintain the status quo for the first 4 hours a Lieutenant is absent. From the 4-24 hour the acting Lieutenant will receive actual Lieutenant pay and not the 10% differential.

Group Insurance: The IAFF did not choose to go with a two-tier plan, however they did agree to increase the amount existing employees pay for insurance beginning January 1, 2020. Below is a synopsis of the new amounts:

Employee Only: 15% 16% 17% 18%
Family: 18% 19% 20% 20%

Boot Allowance-Increased boot allowance to $175 per contract year or $350 at one time for two years.

Appointment of Interim Fire Chief- The following language was added to the contract to cover new language housed in state statute and to ensure if a current Lieutenant or member of the collective bargaining group is appointed interim chief, the open spot will be considered a vacancy for staffing purposes.

“In Accordance with the authority granted to the City Manager in Section 2-62 of the Rochelle Municipal Code, the City Manager has the sole authority to appoint an interim Fire Chief when a vacancy occurs. Nothing herein shall restrain the authority of the authority of the City Manager in any interim appointment, hire or termination of a Fire Chief. Should the City Manager, in his or her sole discretion, determine that a vacancy in the position of Fire Chief will be filled on an interim basis by an individual in the rank of the Lieutenant, the City agrees that such appointment will create a temporary vacancy in the rank of lieutenant, which must be filled by an acting lieutenant for a maximum of 180 days, or by promotion after 180 days. The temporary vacancy in the rank of lieutenant shall be filled by a bargaining unit member who is qualified as an acting lieutenant as defined by the contract.”

Longevity Pay: Language was added stating after 20 years of service and with a minimum three month notification an individual who chooses to retire will receive 6 weeks of severance. This is a compromise from their original request of a 1% longevity bump and years 15 and 20. The reason our team agreed to this is that it is a non-pensionable benefit.

Wages: Effective May 1, 2019, 2%; effective January 1, 2020, 2%; effective January 1, 2021, 2.75%; and effective January 1, 2022, 2.75%.; effective 2023 2.75%. This is inline with the recently approved FOP and IBEW contracts.


Approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the International Association of Fire Fighters with a term of May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2023

Supporting Documents:

  pdf Redline Tentative Agreement (389 KB)

 Agenda Item #4 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Ogle County Sheriff’s Department and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the use of Rochelle Firefighters as Tactical Medics with the Ogle County Emergency Response Team

Staff Contact: Dave Sawlsville Fire Chief


The Ogle County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Response Team is made up of personnel from multiple agencies throughout the county. Within Emergency Response Teams or SWAT Teams the use of specially trained Tactical Medics has become standard practice. A study by the International Association of Chiefs of Police shows that in 2014 half of all SWAT Teams in the US included Tactical Medics.
In February of 2015 four medics from the Rochelle Fire Department began to train with the County ERT
Team on a trial basis. In that time, having medics on the ERT Team has proven to be a great asset in providing immediate care to an injured Officer, rendering care to a victim or an injured offender. Having proven to be beneficial the Sheriff’s Office and the Fire Department is now seeking a formal MOU.
The language in the attached MOU is from a similar program currently operating in Princeton, IL and a similar MOU is currently in place between the Sheriff’s Office and the Rochelle Police Department. The MOU will address candidate selection and vetting, the chain of command, required training, and response procedures.

Strategic Plan Goal Application:

Explore sharing services with other government agencies and improving service delivery models


Resolution Authorizing an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Ogle County Sheriff’s Department and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the terms of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) for the use of Rochelle Firefighters as Tactical Medics with the Ogle County Emergency Response Team

Supporting Documents:

  pdf Draft copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (317 KB)

  pdf Resolution Authorizing an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Ogle County Sheriff’s Department and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the terms of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) for the use of Rochelle Firefighters as Tactical Medics with the Ogle County Emergency Response Team (141 KB)


 Agenda Item #5 Ordinance Authorizing the Payment for Certain Easement Rights and Privileges to Randy and Deborah Eisele Pertaining to the Maintenance of Certain Overhead Utilities by Rochelle Municipal Utilities

Staff Contact: Jason Bird


Upon review of the City records it has been determined that the City does maintain the easement rights to this location. However, the City desires to ensure its records are complete and accurate.
This property is located west of Mulford Road and north of I88.

Funding Sources:

Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
Transmission $2,480.00

Strategic Plan Goal Application:

Maintain fiscal stability & balanced budget, explore improving service delivery models,


Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Payment for Certain Easement Rights and Privileges to Randy and Deborah Eisele Pertaining to the Maintenance of Certain Overhead Utilities by Rochelle Municipal Utilities

Supporting Documents:

  pdf Ordinance Authorizing the Payment for Certain Easement Rights and Privileges to Randy and Deborah Eisele Pertaining to the Maintenance of Certain Overhead Utilities by Rochelle Municipal Utilities (101 KB)

  pdf Easement Agreement (2.79 MB)

 Agenda Item #6 Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 2 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to the Oath of Office

Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk


Due to scheduling conflicts on May 1st, the swearing in of the Mayor and Council members will not take place on the first business day in the month of May as defined in the Rochelle Municipal Code. The proposed changes in this ordinance allow for the swearing in on the first business day in May “or at a time that is reasonably practical without undue delay.”


Approve an Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 2 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to the Oath of Office

Supporting Documents:

  pdf Ordinance Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 2 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to the Oath of Office (100 KB)