• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Good News – Barbara Bell
Michelle Knight
Rochelle Community Foundation Pledges
• Retirements – Mark Beck
Dan Miller
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meetings –
(242 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Railroad Advisory Board –
(62 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Golf Course Advisory Committee –
(81 KB)
d) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Utility Advisory Board –
(185 KB)
(270 KB)
e) Approve Exceptions –
(73 KB)
f) Approve Bills –
(222 KB)
g) Approve Payroll –
(50 KB)
h) Approve Request from Colonial Flowers and Gifts for 50 Years Celebration Event –
(338 KB)
i) Accept and Place on File Financial Statement -
April 2018
(725 KB)
2) 2018 Annual Seal Coat Street Maintenance MFT Section #18-00000-00-GM
3) 2018 City of Rochelle Sidewalk/Pedestrian Paths Improvement Project
4) An Ordinance to Set Date for a Public Hearing for the City of Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Project
5) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Wesco Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase and Installation of LED Streetlights for Lincoln Highway
6) Engineering Agreement for Design of a Radium Removal Plant at Well 12
7) Response Letter to Illinois EPA Regarding Well 12 Violation Notice for Radium
1) RMU Website Redesign
Agenda item #2 - 2018 Annual Seal Coat street maintenance MFT section#18-00000-00-GM
Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
Various streets and/or alleys were identified to receive a seal coat (A1 & A2) surface treatment this fiscal year (FY) to provide for much needed roadway maintenance and preservation. The areas are shown on the attached exhibit A. Additional areas may be considered by the City Engineer during the construction process as funds allow.
The above referenced project was advertised in the Illinois Dept. of Transportation (IDOT) Notice to Contractor’s Bulletin 18-17 as well as the Rochelle Newsleader. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on May 8th for the above referenced project. Two separate bids were received as follows:
Civil Constructors, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $106,873.00
Porter Brothers Asphalt & Sealing, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $112,826.07
The lowest bid is approximately 28% lower than the Municipal estimate of maintenance costs submitted to IDOT and approved on April 16th. The various streets general maintenance project is funded with Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds administered through IDOT. A transfer from the FY 18 MFT fund 17-00 will be made to the FY 18 CIP fund 36-00-86086 to cover the Local Agency (LA) costs associated with the General Maintenance project of various streets with Sec#18-00000-00-GM. The City Street Department crews will provide pavement patching, surface preparation and sweeping in advance of seal coat operations.
City council approval of resolution (BLR 14220) will allow the City to move forward with providing funding associated with engineering, maintenance and/or construction on the referenced project from the MFT fund. Enclosure (1) uses the standard IDOT resolution to document the requested expenditure.
Funding Sources:
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
MFT/CIP 125,000 106,873.00 (low bid)
Recommendation: Approve Resolution for Maintenance of Street and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 14220) appropriating MFT funds for general maintenance of various streets described herein at the discretion of the City Engineer. In addition, please consider acceptance of the low bid proposal and award the contract to Civil Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $106,873 and reject all other bids.
Supporting Documents:
Exhibit A
(3.16 MB)
Agenda Item #3 - 2018 City of Rochelle Sidewalk/Pedestrian Paths Improvement Project
Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
The annual sidewalk/pedestrian path improvements project, as administered by the Engineering Department, provides for the replacement of existing and/or constructs new sidewalks and pedestrian paths and other related items throughout the City. The program provides for improved accessible pedestrian access routes including ramps for the disabled and other users. This is part of an effort to continuously improve our pedestrian network for all users and meet certain ADA and PROWAG standards. The program is primarily funded through the Utility Tax Fund (UTF) established in 1997 in an effort to routinely address the needed and required upgrades to the City’s pedestrian sidewalk system, associated curb and gutter replacement, street pavement restoration and landscaping. Since its inception nearly 800,000 square feet of sidewalk and/or other pedestrian paths and hundreds of accessibility ramps have been improved through replacement and/or new construction. The UTF has been utilized to supplement new sidewalk construction on other roadway projects such as the Wiscold Drive reconstruction, School Ave bridge replacement, 10th Ave SRTS and the Southeast quadrant neighborhood street urbanization.
The above referenced project was advertised in the Rochelle Newsleader and the City website. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on May 8t for the above referenced project. Six separate bids were received as follows:
Bruns Construction, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $133,700.34
AA Construction Concrete, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $150,267.80
O’Brien Civil Works, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $159,588.45
Stenstrom Excavation and Blacktop Group submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $179,626.40
Nicam Construction submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $234,398.15
The lowest bid is approximately 14% lower than the estimated costs for the project. The project is funded with UTF administered by the Engineering Department. A transfer from the FY 18 UTF #18-00 will be made to the FY 18 CIP fund #36-00-86500 to cover costs associated with the project. The City will purchase detectable warning plates for use on the project and the Street Department crews will provide pavement patching and restoration along new curb and gutter sections.
Funding Sources:
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
UTF/CIP | $112,000 | $133,704.34 |
UTF/CIP (alternate) | $20,000 |
Recommendation: Accept the low bid proposal and award the 2018 City of Rochelle sidewalk project to Bruns Construction, Inc. in the amount of $133,700.34 and reject all other bids subject to all specifications, contract documents and supplementary information, and notice of award documents.
Supporting Documents:
Enclosure (1)
(111 KB)
Exhibit A
(284 KB)
Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance to Set the Date for a Public Hearing for the City of Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Project
Staff Contact: Jeff Fiegenschuh, City Manager & Michelle Pease, Community Development Director
Summary: Under the requirements of the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, the Corporate Authorities of the Municipality are required to hold a public hearing on the proposed Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Projects, Redevelopment Project Area and Adoption of Tax Increment Allocation Financing.
The required public hearing will be held on Monday, July 23, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rochelle City Hall located at 420 North 6th St, Rochelle, Illinois.
Next Steps:
1. The City will mail, via certified mail, the TIF Plan & Feasibility Study to all affected taxing districts and DCEO.
2. The City will send notice to affected taxing districts, and DCEO, of the Public Hearing date by providing a copy of the above resolution and invite comments.
3. The City will send notice to all affected Taxing Districts of the Joint Review Board (JRB) meeting that will be held June 19, 2018 (3:00 PM, City Hall)
Approve an Ordinance to Set the Date for a Public Hearing for the City of Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Project Monday, July 23, 2018.
Supporting Documents:
Ordinance to set the date for a public hearing for the City of Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Project
(152 KB)
Proposed Northern Gateway TIF map
(1.54 MB)
Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Wesco Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase and Installation of LED Streetlights for Lincoln Highway
Staff Contact: Jason Bird
Summary: Staff would like to purchase and install 50 LED streetlights on Lincoln Highway from 6th Avenue to the UP rail tracks. A committee selected the color, style and type of light in early 2013. The new lights will be LED. The current lights cost us about 43.80 a year per fixture and the new one will cost us about 28.91 per fixture per year. The lifespan of the old lights were about 6,000 hours and the new lights will be about 50,000 hours. Another improvement on the new lights will be that the outlets will be at the top of the lights; this will save on maintenance cost on replacing the outlets and makes theft of service more difficult. The new lights will have the capability to add flags and banners. The current lights have been in place since the mid 1980’s. The lights will remain in the same location as they are currently.
Funding Sources:
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
Electric Distribution budget $100,000.00 $103,539.54
This includes lights and bases
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Wesco Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase and Installation of LED Streetlights for Lincoln Highway at a cost of not to exceed $103,539.54.
Supporting Documents:
Quote from WESCO
(24 KB)
Cut sheets of the fixture and poles
(415 KB)
LED vs HPS cost comparison
(44 KB)
Map of Lighting Locations
(1.00 MB)
Visual with new Lighting Fixtures
(96 KB)
Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Wesco Englewood Electric the Purchase Order for the Purchase and Installation of LED Streetlights for Lincoln Highway
(244 KB)
Agenda Item #6 - Engineering Agreement for Design of a Radium Removal Plant at Well 12
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning
Well 12, located at the intersection of Steward and Hayes Roads, was recently issued a notice of violation by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for combined radium exceeding the maximum contaminant level (MCL). According to state statute, RMU is required to respond in writing next month to the IEPA outlining what actions we will take to return the well back into compliance. Also, we must state whether we are willing to enter into a compliance commitment agreement (CCA) with the state. The City of Rochelle has also been placed on restricted status as a result of this.
Based on our experience with how the IEPA responded to the well 11 project we feel it is best to move forward with planning and designing for constructing a radium removal plant at well 12. In the CCA we will request for a 2nd option like we did with well 11 and hope that continued sampling will bring us back in compliance to avoid building a removal plant.
A project plan report was submitted to the IEPA on May 7th which is a requirement to qualify for a 20 year low interest loan in order to finance this project. The probable engineering cost estimate for construction is $3,108,000 and will include a new sanitary sewer along Steward Road. After review, Adam Lanning recommends that Willet Hoffman and Associates fulfill the requirements of the City to complete the design of the removal plant. Money was not budgeted for these services but the costs will be eligible for reimbursement through the loan program. For now, the expenses will be paid out of the cash reserve fund.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Cash Reserve | N/A | $400,000 |
Recommendation: Approve an engineering agreement with Willet Hoffman and Associates to complete the design of a radium removal plant at a cost of $400,000.
Supporting Documents:
Engineering Agreement with Willet Hoffman and Associates
(310 KB)
Agenda Item #7 - Response Letter to Illinois EPA regarding Well 12 Violation Notice for Radium
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning
Well 12 located at the intersection of Steward and Hayes roads was issued a violation notice dated April 30th, 2018 for exceeding the radium maximum contaminant levels (MCL) for 2018. In the letter the City is required to respond in writing to the Illinois EPA within 45 days. In the response, we must indicate how we plan to deal with the violation notice and whether or not we will agree to enter a compliance commitment agreement (CCA). In our response, we have indicated that we are willing to enter into a CCA and proposed two alternatives to resolving the VN. Alternative 1 is to continue sampling the well in hopes the levels come back down and the 2nd alternative is to construct a radium removal plant. Constructing a filter plant is estimated to cost $3,108,000 plus engineering costs of $400,000.
Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager and the Responsible Operator in Charge to sign the response letter.
Supporting Documents:
Violation Notice
(76 KB)
Notice of Violation Response Letter to IEPA
(201 KB)
Discussion Item #1 - RMU Website Redesign
Staff Contact: Jenny Thompson
Summary: In early 2018, Staff began the process of the RMU Website Redesign. Along with updating the site’s look, the back-end security features have also been upgraded. The new site was launched in mid-May and features language options, an easy-to-navigate menu and all RMU forms. Marketing & PR Manager Jenny Thompson will give Council a tour of the new site.