- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- Mayor
- Council Members
- pdf Financials April 2017 (745 KB)
- Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – May 8, 2017
- Approve Bills – pdf 04/28/17-05/04/17 (98 KB) , pdf 05/05/17-05/16/17 (251 KB)
- Approve Payroll – pdf 04/24/17-05/07/17 (52 KB)
- Approve Mayor Olson Expense Report – pdf 04/25/17 - 04/27/17 (57 KB)
- Ordinance Amending Travel, Meal and Lodging Expenses Policy
- Ordinance Establishing Electronic Communications and Technology Policy
- Ordinance Establishing Social Media Policy
- 20th Street Roadway Improvement Project
- 2017 Seal Coat Project
- Main Street improvements (Phase 1) – Proposal for Appraisals
- Approval for the Purchase of a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) at Well 10 Under Emergency
1) The (appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal) of specific employee(s). Section (c)(1)
Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Regulating Travel, Meal and Lodging Expenses Consistent with Public Act 99-0604
Staff Contact:
Chris Cardott, Finance Director
In 2016, Governor Rauner signed the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act into law (Public Act 099-0604). This law requires all non-home rule units of local government, including municipalities, school districts, special districts and community college districts, to regulate travel expenses at the board level. Thus, every covered unit of local government must adopt a resolution or ordinance that, at a minimum, contains the following provisions:
- Allowed reimbursable activities (e.g., conference attendance, travel for business meetings, etc.);
- The maximum amount that the unit of local government will reimburse for travel, meal and lodging expenses; and
- A standardized form for documenting travel, meal or lodging expenses, as well as “the nature of the official business” for which reimbursement is sought.
Travel, meal or lodging expenses may not be approved unless the minimum documentation requirements have been met.
The attached policy amends the policy adopted in December of 2016.
Funding Sources
Source | Budgeted Amount | Proposed Expenditure |
NA |
Authorize an Ordinance Regulating Travel, Meal and Lodging Expenses Consistent with Public Act 99-0604.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Adopting the Electronic Communications and Technology Policy.
Staff Contact:
Nancy Bingham, Human Resource Coordinator
This policy will be added to update the current Employee Handbook which was last revised 10 years ago. Electronic communications and technology allows employees and elected officials to conduct day-to-day operations throughout the City of Rochelle and potentially worldwide with a vast variety of contacts. Setting this policy will set the expectations regarding the use and the regulations will help monitor and enforce the use. With today’s society and wide use of technology this will also assist with reducing potential risk and liability for the City.
Funding Sources:
Source | Budgeted Amount | Proposed Expenditure |
NA |
Approve an Ordinance Adopting the Electronic Communications and Technology Policy.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Establishing Social Media Policy
Staff Contact:
Jenny Thompson, Marketing & PR Manager
The City of Rochelle recognizes the value of social media for reinforcing brand recognition, engaging constituents, employees and elected officials in conversation, and for delivering information to the public. The City intends to leverage the power and reach of social media to communicate and deliver messages directly to citizens and to encourage citizen involvement, interaction and feedback.
Because the City supports open dialogue and the exchange of ideas, this policy has been created to provide guidelines for staff involved in the use of social media. To best manage online relationships and conversations, only those officially designated by the City of Rochelle have the authorization to speak on behalf of the City.
Given the immediate nature of these tools, the City will take a controlled, strategic approach to the use of social media to ensure information is current and appropriate and that responses to constituent requests and questions are accurate and timely. Employees and elected officials involved in social media management are responsible to know and uphold the policy.
The Marketing & Public Relations (“PR”) Manager is responsible for acting as the City’s central public information center; for coordinating the release of information to the public through all available avenues; for selecting, testing, and implementing the use of communications tools, including social media; for monitoring and responding to public comments, questions, and requests; for integration of social media into various City websites; and for creating and posting video to social media outlets.
Funding Sources:
Source | Budgeted Amount | Proposed Expenditure |
NA |
Approve an ordinance establishing a Social Media Policy.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #5 - 2017 20th Street Pavement HMA surfacing and related improvements
Staff Contact:
Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
The 20th Street widening and pavement improvements project, between 8th Ave and Carrie Ave, was divided into two phases over the past four years. While portions of the project have been contracted out the City Street Department crews have been working on this project, and many others, so as to extend the City’s limited infrastructure funds. The binder course was constructed last year to allow traffic over the roadway during a six month period. The final HMA surface course was programmed for this year to complete Phase 2 of the project. In addition, a geotextile layer will be installed on portions of the project to extend the life of the pavement.
The above referenced project was advertised in the Rochelle Newsleader and on the City website. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on May 18, 2017 at 10 am for the above referenced project. Three separate bids were received as follows:
- Rock Road Company submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $202,087.08
- William Charles and Company submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $195,214.73
- Martin and Company Excavating submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $187,608.90
The 20th Street project is funded with infrastructure Sales Tax funds (STF) administered by the Engineering Department. A transfer from the FY 17 STF 17-00 will be made to the FY 17 CIP fund 36-00-86097 to cover the costs associated with the 20th Street project. The construction is expected to be substantially complete by June 30, 2017 weather permitting.
Funding Sources:
Source | Budgeted Amount | Proposed Expenditure |
STF/CIP | $180,000 | $187,608.90 |
Consider acceptance of the low bid proposal and award the contract to Martin & Company Excavating and reject all other bids received.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #6 - 2017 Annual Seal Coat street maintenance MFT section#17-00000-00-GM
Staff Contact:
Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
Various streets and/or alleys were identified to receive a seal coat (A1 & A2) surface treatment this fiscal year (FY) to provide for much needed roadway maintenance and preservation. The areas are shown on the attached exhibit A. Additional areas may be considered by the City Engineer during the construction process as funds allow.
The above referenced project was advertised in the Illinois Dept. of Transportation (IDOT) Notice to Contractor’s Bulletin 17-17 as well as the Rochelle Newsleader. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on May 11, 2017 at 10 am for the above referenced project. Two separate bids were received as follows:
- Civil Constructors, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $122,107.25
- AC Pavement Striping Co. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $146,962.38
The lowest bid is approximately 9% lower than the Municipal estimate of maintenance costs submitted to IDOT and approved on April 26, 2017. The various streets general maintenance project is funded with Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds administered through IDOT. A transfer from the FY 17 MFT fund 17-00 will be made to the FY 17 CIP fund 36-00-86086 to cover the Local Agency (LA) costs associated with the General Maintenance project of various streets with Sec#17-00000-00-GM. The City Street Department crews will provide pavement patching, surface preparation and sweeping in advance of seal coat operations.
City council approval of resolution (BLR 14230) will allow the City to move forward with providing funding associated with engineering, maintenance and/or construction on the referenced project from the MFT fund. Enclosure (1) uses the standard IDOT resolution to document the requested expenditure.
Funding Sources:
Source | Budgeted Amount | Proposed Expenditure |
MFT/CIP | $100,000 | $122,107 (low bid) |
Consider approval of enclosure (1) Resolution for Maintenance of Street and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 14230) appropriating MFT funds for general maintenance of various streets described herein. In addition, please consider acceptance of the low bid proposal and award the contract to Civil Constructors, Inc. and reject all other bids received.
Supporting Documents:
Resolution for Maintenance of Streets & Highways
(22 KB)
pdf (2.03 MB) - pdf Seal Coat Map (2.03 MB)
Agenda Item #7 - S. Main Street improvements (Phase 1) – Proposal For Appraisals
Staff Contact:
Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
A state/local joint Economic Development Program (EDP)/TARP Agreement was approved by the City Council and executed by Mayor Olson in June 2013 for the above referenced project. After final review, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) executed the agreement in August 2013. This project will include pavement rehabilitation, reconstruction, widening, updated traffic control devices and other associated improvements, along South Main Street, from south of Steam Plant Road to the Steward Road intersection. The partial EDP funding was made possible by the expansion and job creation/retention for the Graphic Arts Bindery facility located immediately south of Steam Plant Road. Since that time Engineering design plans have been completed by Fehr Graham and Associates and nearing the final approval by the IDOT.
Currently the state/local agency EDP agreement calls for the project to be bid out by the end of 2017 as amended from the original agreement. However, additional right-of-way (ROW) and/or easements will need to be acquired as part of the project to allow for the construction of the improvements as determined by the construction plan project limits. A certified IDOT appraiser, Davidson and Associates, has been selected to develop appraisals of the multiple parcels to be acquired in accordance with IDOT policies and procedures. These appraisals will then allow City staff to begin the necessary acquisition of the ROW/easements needed for construction. Acquisition of the parcels will also satisfy the check list item for IDOT so the project may proceed to bid letting.
All expenses related to the ROW/easement acquisition are the responsibility of the local agency (City) per the approved state/local EDP agreement. The construction portion of the project is anticipated to begin spring 2018 and the associated construction and engineering expenses will be programmed into the FY 2018 budget.
Funding Sources:
Source | Budgeted Amount | Proposed Expenditure |
EDP/STF/CIP | $1,600,000 | $41,600 + cost to cure estimates |
Please consider approval of the agreement letter (enclosure (1)) with Davidson and Associates and give authorization to the City Engineer to approve cost to cure estimates.
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #8 - Approval for the Purchase of a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) at Well 10 Under Emergency
Staff Contact:
Adam Lanning
Well 10, located on Southview drive is a main supply well that has recently become inoperable due to changing aquifer conditions.
With well 11 offline due to radium exceedances, it is imperative to get well 10 operational to avoid the possibility of not meeting demand. A VFD operates electric motors more efficiently than a standard soft start and will give us better control of the well. We have a cash reserve with approximately $4 million and will defer spending on other projects to offset the unexpected expense.
Funding Sources:
Source | Budgeted Amount | Proposed Expenditure |
Equipment Replacement Fund | Not Budgeted | $34,690 |
Approve the purchase of a VFD for well 10 without competitive bidding from Municipal Well and Pump for $34,690 installed.
Supporting Documents: