City Council Meeting Agenda - June 26, 2017


  • Pledge to the Flag
  • Prayer






  2. Ordinance Approving a Height Variance for Proposed Development for Americold – 1010 Americold Dr
  3. Ordinance Approving the Rezoning from Rural Development to I-2 for Americold – 1010 Americold Dr
  4. Temporary Construction and Permanent Ingress-Egress Easement Agreement w/ RTHS – Well 11
  5. Amendment to Well 11 Agreement – Radium Removal
  6. Leaf Vacuum


1) USDA Rural Loan Application – Rail Expansion


1) The (appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal) of specific employee(s). Section (c)(1)

2) Setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the City. Section (c) (6)


Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Approving a Height Variance for Proposed Development for Americold – 1010 Americold Drive

Staff Contact:

Kip Countryman


On June 19, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition for Americold LLC for a proposed 183,000 square foot automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) at 1010 Americold Drive.

Americold is proposing to construct an 183,000 square foot building that will be attached to the existing building on the south end. The proposed building will have a height of 140 feet. The current Rochelle Municipal Code in Section 110-731 allows for buildings to have a maximum height of 60 feet.

Americold has provided documentation of approval from the Federal Aviation Association, the Illinois Tollway Authority, and the proposed building meets the proper setbacks as required by the building height and area requirements found in the adopted International Building Code. The building will be setback 123.65 feet on the south, 101 feet on the west, attached to the existing building on the north, with truck docks on the east.

Americold has proposed to extend and pave the existing fire lane around the entire development, loop the current dead end water main, and has met the required interior parkway, buffer yard requirements, along with off street parking and loading set forth in the Rochelle Municipal Code.

The property is surrounded by General Industry on the West, I 88 on the south, Wiscold Drive on the North, and Residential park district property on the east.


After review of the facts, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that since the petitioner has provided documentation of approval from the FAA, the Illinois Tollway Authority, the building meets the proper setbacks required in the International Building Code under heights and areas, is proposing to extend and pave the required fire lane, provided interior parkway, buffer yard, and off street parking and loading requirements; the proposed addition is not dangerous to public health, will not impair property values in the neighborhood, will not impede normal development of the surrounding properties, will not impair light to adjacent property, congest public streets, or increase the risk of fire, and recommends that the City Council approve a variance of height for the proposed building of 140 feet, the legal description of which is attached.
Vote 3 to 1.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Approving the Rezoning from Rural Development to I-2 for Americold – 1010 Americold Drive

Staff Contact:

Kip Countryman


On June 19 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition of Americold LLC to re-zone parcel 25-29-300-019 from Rural Development to I-2 for storm water detention, and off street parking requirements at 1010 Americold Drive.

Americold has proposed to provide storm water detention for the 183,000 square foot addition. The addition of off street parking has met the required interior parkway and buffer yard requirements abutting residential zoning, landscaping, off street parking and loading requirements set forth in the Rochelle Municipal Code.

The property is surrounded by General Industry on the West, residential park district on the south, undeveloped residential property on the North, and Residential park district property on the east.


After reviewing the facts, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that since the petitioner Staff has provided documentation of approval for the development of an (ASRS) facility, provided interior parkway, buffer yard, storm water detention, and off street parking and loading requirements; the proposed zoning is not dangerous to public health, will not impair property values in the neighborhood, will not impede normal development of the surrounding properties, will not impair light to adjacent property, congest public streets, or increase the risk of fire, and recommends that the City Council approve to re-zone the property from rural development to I-2, the legal description of which is attached.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #4 - Approval for a Permanent and Temporary Construction easement agreement with the Rochelle Township High School (RTHS)

Staff Contact:

Adam Lanning


Well 11, located on Flagg road is a main supply well that has been taken out of service due to radium exceedances. With this occurrence, the City of Rochelle entered into a compliance commitment agreement with the Illinois EPA which requires the City to construct a radium removal plant for that well.

During the design process we realized a permanent access road from the terminus of north 20th connecting to the well house would be necessary for the construction of the treatment plant along with the ongoing maintenance traffic due to operating and maintaining the plant. RTHS expressed an interest in constructing a two lane access road since as part of their master plan they will construct a parking lot in that same vicinity to accommodate access to their facilities. The easement would allow the city to construct a two lane access road along the north end of RTHS property and would eventually connect to the City owned well house. RTHS commits to paying for the cost of constructing the blacktop for one lane of the road at a cost estimate of $18,000 and cover half of the ongoing associated maintenance costs. Due to our contribution to constructing the road, RTHS waived any purchase costs for acquiring the easements. The estimated cost for the City to contribute for that section of the road is $19,000.

The easement agreement also details a section along the east to run utilities as necessary for the project along with any future water main extension projects.

Funding Sources:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
Equipment Replacement Fund Budgeted $10.00 (plus estimated $19,000)


Approve the easement agreements with Rochelle Township High School for a cost of $10 plus partial construction costs ($19,000) of the permanent access road.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #5 - Approval of Amendment 1to the Original Engineering Agreement with Willett Hoffman & Associates for Well 11 Radium Removal Project

Staff Contact:

Adam Lanning


Well 11, located on Flag road is a main supply well that has been taken out of service due to radium exceedances. With this occurrence, the City of Rochelle entered into a compliance commitment agreement with the Illinois EPA which requires the City to construct a radium removal plant for that well.

During the design process we discovered unexpected issues requiring additional engineering services outside the original scope provided by Willett Hofmann & Associate’s. These include the design of a permanent access road from 20th avenue, permitting, calculations and preparation for the construction drawings because the water treatment plant site is in a newly mapped floodway of the Kyte River.

The original agreement amount will be increased from $453,000 to $477,675.

Funding Sources:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
IEPA Loan $24,675 $24,675


Approve amendment 1 in the amount of $24,675

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #6 - Purchase of One New Leaf Vacuum

Staff Contact:

Tim Isley


In 2010 the City of Rochelle implemented a fall leaf collection program that encouraged residents to rake leaves from their yards into the city parkways for Street Department personnel to collect and remove. The leaf collection program has grown each year and last year collected an estimated 2,000 square yards of leaves. To complete this task the Street Department uses two leaf vacuums, a 2010 Titan, 99 hp. diesel engine leaf vacuum and a 1994 Metro, 73 hp. Gasoline engine leaf vacuum. The 1994 Metro leaf vacuum is undersized for our current operation and has become very unreliable. As of the end of last season this machine is inoperable and in need of major repairs to the engine. In order to maintain our weekly leaf collection schedule and keep repair and labor costs down it is important that we have two reliable and efficient machines in operation.

During the 2017 budget planning process, funds for replacing the 1994 Metro leaf vacuum were removed from the Street Department capital outlay expenditures. Budgeted funds of 65,000 for the purchase of one used bucket truck remain. The current bucket truck, a 2000 Chassis with a 1987 Altec boom lift passed the annual dielectric testing requirements allowing this vehicle to remain in service. With this vehicle in service, I recommend the budgeted funds go towards the purchase of a new leaf vacuum to replace the inoperable 1994 Metro leaf vacuum.

The above referenced leaf vacuum was advertised in the Rochelle Newsleader and the City website. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on June 20, 2017 at 10 am for the above referenced project. Two separate bids were received as follows:

  • Bonnell Industries submitted a bid of $51,766.45 for a Titan Pro Plus leaf vacuum meeting all specifications, full factory warranty submitted and certificate of liability insurance submitted.
  • R.N.O.W., Inc. submitted a bid of $45,742.00 for a DinkMar Leaf Master with two deviations in the specifications regarding the hydraulic valve and joystick control. Full factory warranty was not submitted and certificate of liability insurance was not submitted.

Funding Source:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
General Fund 01-41 $65,000 $51,766.45


Delay the purchase of one used bucket truck in the amount of $65,000 and consider acceptance of Bonnell Industries bid proposal of $51,766.45 meeting all specifications and providing certificate of liability insurance and full factory warranty.

Supporting Documents:

Discussion Item #1: Additional Funding Opportunity for the City of Rochelle Railroad - USDA Rural Development Loan Application

Staff Contact:

Jason Anderson


The USDA provides funding to small rural communities for public infrastructure projects through a loan program that provides a guaranteed fixed interest rate over a 40 year term. After presenting the need to expand the CIR to the USDA, we have been invited to submit a pre-application which will determine if we would qualify for the loan program. The City could be eligible for up to $7M which would allow a second rail expansion project. This is necessary as there are three rail served industries (two existing and one new) who intend to build/expand operations in 2018 which will add a significant amount of new traffic to the CIR and require additional rail switching and storage capacity.

Funding Sources:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
USDA (potential) $7m TBD  


Advance the pre-application with the USDA to determine if the next rail expansion project could qualify for a USDA infrastructure loan. Fehr & Graham Engineering-Environmental will provide the engineering requirements, drawings, and data to process and advance a pre-application to the USDA at a cost of $3,500.

Supporting Documents: