City Council Meeting Agenda - June 12, 2017


  • Pledge to the Flag
  • Prayer




  • Mayor
  • Council Members



  2. Ordinance Approving Option to Purchase Real Estate – 413 W. 4th Avenue
  3. 2017 Sidewalk Project
  4. Purchase of Gas Valve for the Solar Turbine
  5. Consulting Services Agreement between RMU and Bethel Electric Rate Company – 3rd Transmission Interconnect
  6. Agreement with IMPA Service Corp, request for proposal for recommendations for power supply
  7. Ordinance Amending Cell Phone Policy


1) Airport Updates


1) The (appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal) of specific employee(s). Section (c)(1)

2) Pending or threatening litigation. 5ILCS120(c)(11)


Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Approving Option to Purchase Real Estate - 413 W. 4th Avenue

Staff Contact:

Michelle Pease


The City of Rochelle is the current property owner of the real estate located at 413 W. 4th Avenue, Rochelle, Illinois which is located in the Downtown and Southern Gateway TIF District. Walter Wayne Development, LLC is interested in redeveloping the property and is requesting an option to purchase. This option to purchase will allow Walter Wayne, LLC to assess the viability of the redevelopment and perform its due diligence activities.

Walter Wayne, LLC shall pay the City $250 as consideration for the option period. Walter Wayne, LLC may extend the option period in two three-month increments, by payment of $250 for each extension, limited to exercising two extensions. The total option period can be a maximum of nine (9) months from the date it is fully-executed by both parties.

During the option period, including extensions, Walter Wayne, LLC shall have the right to purchase the Property, and the City shall not sell the property to a third-party unless 1) Walter Wayne, LLC notifies the City it will not purchase the property 2) the option period lapses, or 3) a third-party submits a bid or proposal that is greater than the purchase price submitted by Walter Wayne, LLC.

In the event the option is exercised, City agrees to negotiate in good faith with Walter Wayne, LLC for purchase and sale terms and conditions contained in the contract.

Funding Sources:



Approve the Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute the Option to Purchase Real Estate for the property located at 413 W. 4th Avenue, Rochelle, Illinois.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #3 - FY 2017 City of Rochelle Sidewalk/Pedestrian Paths Improvement Project

Staff Contact:

Sam Tesreau, City Engineer


The annual sidewalk/pedestrian path improvements project, as administered by the Engineering Department, provides for the replacement of existing and/or constructs new sidewalks and pedestrian paths and other related items throughout the City. The program provides for improved accessible pedestrian access routes including ramps for the disabled and other users. This is part of an effort to continuously improve our pedestrian network for all users and meet certain ADA and PROWAG standards. The program is primarily funded through the Utility Tax Fund (UTF) established in 1997 in an effort to routinely address the needed and required upgrades to the City’s pedestrian sidewalk system, associated curb and gutter replacement, street pavement restoration and landscaping. Since its inception nearly 700,000 square feet of sidewalk and/or other pedestrian paths and hundreds of accessibility ramps have been improved through replacement and/or new construction. The UTF has been utilized to supplement new sidewalk construction on other roadway projects such as the Wiscold Drive reconstruction, School Ave bridge replacement, 10th Ave SRTS and the Southeast quadrant neighborhood street urbanization.

The above referenced project was advertised in the Rochelle Newsleader and the City website. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on May 30, 2017 at 10 am for the above referenced project. Six separate bids were received as follows:

  • Stenstrom Excavation and Blacktop Group submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $199,553.66
  • O’Brien Civil Works, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $208,440.30
  • N-Trak Group, LLC submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $225,138.45
  • AA Construction, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $234,420.25
  • Alliance Contractors, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $248,885.00
  • B. Kearns Concrete submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $293,525.80

The lowest bid is approximately 2% higher than the estimated costs for the project. The project is funded with UTF administered by the Engineering Department. A transfer from the FY 17 UTF #18-00 will be made to the FY 17 CIP fund #36-00-86500 to cover costs associated with the project. The City will purchase detectable warning plates for use on the project and the Street Department crews will provide pavement patching and restoration along new curb and gutter sections.

Funding Sources:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
UTF/CIP $140,000 (#36-00-86500) $199,554 (low bid)
UTF/CIP $135,000 (#36-00-86095) alt  


Consider acceptance of the low bid proposal and award the 2017 City of Rochelle sidewalk project to Stenstrom Excavation and Blacktop Group and reject all other bids received. Furthermore, such approval shall be subject to all specifications, contract documents and supplementary information, and notice of award documents.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #4 - Purchase of a Gas Valve for the Solar Turbine

Staff Contact:

Jason Bird


The gas valve on the Solar Turbine was bad, without the valve being replace the unit would not be able to run. The Run schedule started on June 1st and to cover ourselves the part was ordered and replaced. This unit is a 3 MW and during the 2016 run schedule the unit saved RMU customers $299,032.00. The cost of the valve was $22,125.00.

Funding Sources:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
54-40 Maintenance $27,500 $22,125


Approve the emergency purchase of the gas valve with a 3/5 vote of council, per City Code.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #5 - Consulting Services Agreement between RMU and Bethel Electric Rate Company, Services Project to be Identified by the Parties as Project #2 3rd Transmission Interconnection.

Staff Contact:

Jason Bird


Rochelle and BERC hereby agree, pursuant to the terms of the Consulting Services Agreement and the provisions of this Agreement No. 2, that BERC will provide electric transmission rate related consulting services to RMU in connection with RMU’s efforts to effect the planning, construction and recovery of the costs of a third interconnection between RMU transmission facilities and those of Com Ed transmission zone of the PJM interconnection.

BERC and RMU will communicate regularly as to the specific tasks associated with this project to be undertaken by BERC, any specific deliverables and timeline for deliverables required by RMU and BERC from time to time, and any information required by BERC from RMU from time to time to complete deliverables and meet deadlines for deliverables to be provided by BERC, consistent with the provisions of the Consulting Services Agreement and this amendment.

Funding Sources:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
54-40 Outside Engineering $75,000 Not to exceed $20,000


Approve the agreement with BERC to provide the electric transmission rate related consulting services.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #6 - Agreement with IMPA Service Corp, Request for Proposal for Recommendations for Power Supply for Rochelle

Staff Contact:

Jason Bird


This project will develop recommendations concerning the amount of energy Rochelle will require for its power supply needs from June 2018 through May 2021. The recommendation will be based on Rochelle’s forecasted demand and existing power supply portfolio, and consider historical load usage and information from Rochelle concerning certain large customers and estimates of their power usage.

After Rochelle accepts or modifies these recommendations and approves a not to exceed average cost for the purchase power, IMPA Service Corp will issue a request for bids to Rochelle approved counterparties. Rochelle’s City Manager or Interim City Manager must be available to approve or reject incoming offers at the time the bids are scheduled to be received.

Funding Sources:

Source Budgeted Amount Proposed Expenditure
54-90 Contract Service   $3,000


Approve the agreement to allow IMPA Service Corp to provide Rochelle with a RFP for power supply contract. The not to exceed limit shall be 34 MW. Give the City Manager/Interim City Manager authority to approve the bids once they come in.

Supporting Documents:

Agenda Item #7 - Ordinance Amending the Cell Phone by Employee

Staff Contact:

Nancy Bingham


This policy has been amended to clarify current and set further guidelines on cell phone use by the employees of the City of Rochelle. The City recognizes the value of cell phones and with proper use it’s a great means of keeping connected with today’s workforce and customers. The current policy, last revised in July of 2005, was amended to include specifics regarding use of cell phone, including phone calls and text messages, types of use, excess use, FOIA regulations and limits on the type/model of phone(s) available for purchase with upgrade specifications. The section on damaged or lost cell phones now includes reporting requirements and replacement limitations. Amendments to these guidelines will set the expectations regarding the use of cell phones, monitoring such use and enforcing policy.

Funding Sources:



Approve an Ordinance Amending the Cell Phone by Employee

Supporting Documents:

Discussion Item #1 - Rochelle Municipal Airport Update

Mike Hudetz, Airport Manager, will give an update on Rochelle Municipal Airport/Koritz Field recent and present activities. Upcoming activities and improvement plans being executed, and discussed, will also be covered.