City Council Meeting Agenda - July 10, 2017


• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer



• Mayor
• Council Members
• Appoint Garrett Williams to Planning and Zoning Commission Term 07/17-07-21


a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf June 26, 2017
b) Approve Bills – pdf 7/3/17
c) Approve Exceptions – pdf 6/21/17-7/2/17
d) Approve Payroll –   pdf 06/05/17-06/18/17
e) Approve Request from Living Water Community Church - Family Fun Day - pdf July 29, 2017
2) Radium Treatment Plant Well 11
3) Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Municipal Code – Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages
4) Purchase of Property – Rail Trans loading Yard

1) Dement Road EDP Application

1) The (appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal) of specific employee(s). Section (c)(1)



Agenda Item #2 - Bid Approval for Well 11 Radium Removal Project

Staff Contact: Adam Lanning


Well 11, located on Flagg Road is a main supply well that has been taken out of service due to radium exceedances. With this occurrence, the City of Rochelle entered into a compliance commitment agreement with the Illinois EPA which requires the City to construct a radium removal plant for that well.

Proposals for the radium treatment plant were received and opened on June 23 at 11:00 am at the Rochelle City Council chambers. A total of 7 proposals were received and all proposals were submitted with the required bid security. The bids ranged from $2,784,000 to $3,254,704 putting the low bid $56,515 lower than the engineering estimate. Once approved by the City, Illinois EPA will also approve the contract before construction may begin.


 Funding Sources:    
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
IPEA Loan Budgeted $2,784,000

Recommendation: Award the contract, contingent upon Illinois EPA approval, to Leander Construction, Inc., Canton, ILtheir low bid of $2,784,000.

Supporting Documents:
  pdf Notice of Intent to Award

Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Municipal Code – Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages

Staff Contact: Bruce McKinney


The City needs to create a new Class R Liquor License to allow retail sale of alcoholic liquor by restaurants, with a bar, for consumption on the premises and on public golf course property. The holder of a Class R-4 license shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 6-7 (Possession or Consumption in Public) and Article III (Outdoor Liquor Sales) of this chapter.

Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code – Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages

Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance

Agenda Item #4 - Purchase of Additional Rail ROW for Railroad Transloading Site

Staff Contact: Jason Anderson


In 2011 the Boyle family farm located on S. Steward Rd sold a 30 acre parcel to Coated Sand Solutions (CSS) for their new sand operations. As part of the transaction GREDCO negotiated with CSS and the Boyle Family a donation of 8.8 acres (200’ x 1900’) north of the CSS plant for future City of Rochelle Railroad (CIR) switching/transloading/railcar storage. In 2016 the City received an EDA grant to expand the CIR which includes the construction of a transloading yard on the proposed site. Recently the City had Fehr & Graham layout a design for the track on the transload site and discovered it will require an additional 50’x 1,900’ strip to be added to the donated land to accommodate a dual transloading operation. The cost of the purchase for this land is $144,401.40. The 2017 Railroad Budget currently has the funds set aside for the purchase. Once constructed, the transload operations on this site will load 3-4 unit trains per month adding $38,000 – $50,000 of monthly revenue to the CIR. Note: 75% of the cost to construct the transloading site will be covered by grant funding.

 Funding Sources:    
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
2017 Railroad Capital Budget $226,800 $144,401.40

Recommendation: Purchase the additional railroad right of way for the purpose of constructing a transloading yard.

Supporting Documents:
pdf Contract for Purchase
pdf Site Drawing
pdf Ordinance

Discussion Item #1 -  Dement Road Extension Phase 2 Improvements EDP Application

Staff Contact: Sam Tesreau, City Engineer


In 2000 the construction of the 1st Phase of Dement Road was completed from Ranger Drive to Creston Road. The project cost exceeded $3.6M and was paid for through ICC GCP funds, IDOT MFT funds, Ogle County bridge funds and local City Funds. Since that time Dement Road has provided a critical route for traffic, including a majority of the truck traffic, accessing Caron Rd and the adjacent industrial area south of Creston Road primarily along Wiscold Drive. The City has planned for an eventual extension of Dement Road, south of Creston Road intersection, for nearly two decades. However, there have been and continues to be many hurdles to overcome with the current floodway and floodplain occupying the proposed road alignment and the cost of constructing such a project under those conditions. As per my discussions with Jason Anderson, ED/CIR manager, increasing rail traffic over the past decade and the introduction of two new City Industrial rail crossings along Caron Road have increased delays along Caron Road for motorists. This situation will only continue to get worse.

Recently Americold has considered the expansion of the existing cold storage facility located at the east end of Wiscold Drive. Along with this expansion they intend to create and/or retain jobs within the community and the State of Illinois. This expansion would allow the City to apply for Economic Development Program funds for a possible extension of Dement Road, from Creston Road to Wiscold Drive, to provide an 80,000 lb. Class 2 truck route and other vehicular access to the expanding facility. This program could potentially provide up to $2M in funding towards the construction and other eligible items of the Dement Road Phase 2 project. Additionally, another $85,000 could be available through the IDOT Truck Access Route Program.

The current estimate of cost for Dement Road Phase 2 is $6.7M excluding right of way (ROW) acquisition. If the City were successful in receiving IDOT EDP funding then the City would be responsible for the remaining $4.7M. It is anticipated that design, permitting, ROW acquisition and bid letting for the project would take in excess of 4 years from the time a joint state/local EDP agreement is executed. While the City is responsible for the $4.7M difference, from available local funds, it is possible that other state and/or federal funding resources could assist in this proposed project and reduce the $4.7M obligation. The majority of the City’s obligation would be required at the time of bid letting for the construction portion of the project.