City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Employee Introduction – pdf Toby Lindeland (217 KB)
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf January 23, 2017 (115 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board – pdf October 24, 2016 (311 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Railroad Advisory Board – pdf January 22, 2015 (229 KB)
d) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Utility Advisory Board – pdf October 19, 2016 (237 KB)
e) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – pdf December 5, 2016 (152 KB)
f) Approve Bills – pdf 1/13/17-01/19/17 (119 KB) , pdf 01/20/17-01/26/17 (86 KB) , pdf 01/27/17-2/2/17 (74 KB)
g) Approve Payroll – pdf 1/2/17-1/15/17 (50 KB) , pdf 1/16/17-1/29/17 (53 KB)
h) Authorize the City’s Assistance with the Hospital Hustle 5K Fun Run/Walk – pdf June 3, 2017 (23 KB)
i) Authorize Closure of 10th Avenue between Illinois 251 and 8th Street – pdf 2017 Outdoor Markets (23 KB)
j) Authorize Additional Closure St. Paddy’s Day Parade and Irish Hooley – pdf March 11, 2017 (155 KB)
k) pdf Accept and Place on File Annual Community Development Department Report (3.64 MB)
2) Ordinance Approving a Variance of Setback for a Ground Sign at 1140 N 7th Street – Elixir Real Estate
3) Ordinance Amending Section 98-6 of the Municipal Code – Utility Reconnection Fees
4) Purchase of Parts for Peaker Engine 2 Rebuild
5) Proposal for Professional Services – Project Co-Op Rochelle Rail Expansion
Agenda Item #2 Ordinance Approving a Variance of Setback for a Ground Sign at 1140 N 7th Street – Elixer Real Estate
pdf Planning and Zoning Report of Findings (105 KB)
pdf Elixer Real Estate Sign Location (61 KB)
pdf Ordinance Approving a Variance for Signage (14 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving a Variance for Signage
History and Fact:
Construction is underway on a new 8,500 square foot commercial building at 1140 N. 7th Street in Rochelle. The proposed development meets the required setbacks of 50 feet, provides parking in the front of the building and also provides a 20 foot interior parkway adjacent to the City right of way along N. 7th Street. The zoning for a ground sign in the B-2 zoning district is one half the required building set back of 50 feet which would be 25 feet. This requirement would force a development in the B-2 zoning district to provide an interior parkway of 25-30 feet to allow for a ground sign rather than the required 10 feet.
Elixir Real Estate has petitioned the City to allow the installation of a ground sign 15 feet from the property line. Per Staff, this is consistent with other signs in the same zoning district and will not interfere with any easements.
On February 6th the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition for a variance to the sign ordinance. The commission found that the variance is not detrimental or dangerous to public health, will not impair property values in the neighborhood, will not impede the development of surrounding properties, will not impair light and air to adjacent properties, will not congest public streets, and will not increase the risk of fire. Based on these findings the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the request.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Variance for Ground Signage for Elixer Real Estate LLC subject to City staff reviewing and approving the proposed signage and the agreement of the petitioner to maintain the sign in good repair.
Agenda Item #3 Ordinance Amending Section 98-6 of the Municipal Code – Utility Reconnection Fees
pdf Memo from Customer Service Supervisor Barbara Bell (152 KB)
pdf Ordinance Amending Section 98-6 of the Municipal Code (92 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving an Ordinance Amending Section 98-6 of the Municipal Code – Utility Reconnection Fees
History and Fact:
According to Section 98-6(7) of the Municipal Code, “Any customer whose electric service has been terminated for non-payment may have the service restored by paying all arrears, paying a security deposit, and paying a reconnection fee of $25.00 during those times the business office is open or $50.00 if the business office is closed. Section 98-6(7) also states “Any customer whose water service has been terminated for nonpayment may have the service restored by paying all arrears and a reconnection fee of $40.00 during those times the business office is open or $60.00 if the business office is closed.”
On January 18th the Utility Advisory Board recommended presenting electric and water reconnection fee increases to the City Council. The current reconnection fees have been in place for several years. Increasing the electric and water reconnection fees to $50.00 each during business hours would ensure most costs are covered, including salary and equipment. The UAB also recommended that the electric and water reconnection fees after hours be based on the actual cost, but not less than $50.00. The after hours reconnection costs can fluctuate based on the reconnect day and the amount of time required for the reconnection.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 98-6 of the Municipal Code – Utility Reconnection Fees
Agenda Item #4 Purchase of Parts for Peaker Engine 2 Rebuild
Recommended Action:
Consider approval of an emergency purchase from Fairbanks Morse Engine for replacement parts to rebuild Peaker 2
History and Fact:
Due to the scheduling changes in our electric generation department, our crews have been able to perform preventive maintenance on our engines more effectively. While changing the oil in Peaker 2 in late January, staff discovered metal shavings. An oil sample was subsequently analyzed, revealing high iron and copper counts. Upon inspection, it was determined that both the pistons and linings need to be replaced. In addition the rods were being hammered out due to excessive clearance. Peaker 2 is a Fairbanks-Morse Opposed Piston Engine which was built and installed in 1996. The failed parts are original.
According to IMPA (our consultant that coordinates with PJM to determine when we should generate power), this engine saved the City a total of $179,419 last year. Therefore, it is extremely important that we get this engine back on-line so that it is available for summer peak shaving.
RMU Staff contacted Fairbanks to see if there were any new units available. There were none available and staff was advised it would take 18 months to make one. However, Fairbanks was able to assist staff with locating a unit in Texas that has very low hours. The parts have been tested, are in great shape and are available for 50% of the cost of new parts. Due to the urgency of obtaining and installing the parts, the order was placed on February 1st. The parts are expected to arrive by the end of February and the goal is to complete the rebuild before the end of May.
The Rochelle Municipal Code, Section 2-373, allows contracts for emergency services or repairs to be excluded from the requirement of competitive bidding. Therefore, staff recommends approving the payment to Fairbanks Morse Engine in the amount of $165,612.
Approve the emergency purchase from Fairbanks Morse Engine for replacement parts to rebuild Peaker Engine 2 at a cost of $165,612.
Agenda Item #5 Proposal for Professional Service – Project Co-Op Rochelle Rail Expansion
pdf Memo from Economic Development Director Jason Anderson (23 KB)
pdf Agreement for Professional Services (874 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental
History and Fact:
On August 8, 2016 the Mayor and City Council approved a Resolution in Support of an Application to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Program to extend the City of Rochelle Railroad. In late September of 2016 the City was notified that we were successful in obtaining an EDA grant for $3.42M of a $7M project to construct a rail bridge and three new tracks south of the current terminus.
The City has solicited proposals from engineering firms to design and construct approximately 13,000 linear feet of rail structures and a rail bridge. The next step to advancing the project is to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services with a qualified Engineering firm to design the rail structures & bridge, prepare bid specifications, qualify prospective rail construction companies, supervise construction of the project, enforce compliance of all building codes, manage the payouts and support the City in getting the project done on time and within budget.
Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental (FGEE) has submitted a response to the RFQ which outlines their qualifications to manage Project Co-Op. They are the only firm that submitted a proposal. This is the 5th rail project FGEE has been recommended to manage over the past 6 years for CIR expansion. Staff recommends entering into the attached Agreement for Professional Services between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental. The agreement includes a lump sum cost of $450,000 for preliminary and final design as well as the bidding or negotiating stage. In addition, hourly rates and reimbursable expenses of not to exceed $375,000 are included for services during the construction phase, the post-construction phase and grant administration.
Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental for professional services associated with the Project Co-Op Rochelle Rail Expansion at a cost of $450,000 for preliminary and final design as well as the bidding or negotiating stage and a cost of not to exceed $375,000 for services during the construction phase, post-construction phase and grant administration.