Monday, August 27, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
* Pledge to the Flag
* Prayer
* Mayor
* Council Members
* Presentation to Rochelle Community Foundation
* New Employee Introductions
o Matthew Beach
o Kyle White
o Kyle Bridgeman
* Good News Award
o Administrative Services Department
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf 8/13/18 (250 KB)
b) Approve Minutes of Special City Council Meetings - pdf 7/30/18 (51 KB) , pdf 8/13/18 6:30, 8/13/18 6:45 (82 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Rochelle Municipal Airport - pdf 4/23/18 (54 KB)
d) Approve Exceptions – pdf 08/8/18-08/20/18 (66 KB)
e) Approve Bills – pdf 08/21/18 (215 KB)
f) Approve Payroll – pdf 07/30/18-08/12/18 (50 KB)
g) Approve Hay Day Committee request to close various streets and parking lots – pdf October 13, 2018 (107 KB)
h) Approve RTHS Homecoming Parade Request – pdf September 27, 2018 (342 KB)
i) Accept and Place on File Financial Statement – pdf July 2018 (629 KB)
j) Approve Vinny’s Barbershop Customer Appreciation Day Request – pdf September 15, 2018 (28 KB)
2) Ordinance Approving the Adoption of the City of Rochelle 2017-2018 Strategic Plan
3) Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code to Create One M-1 Liquor License – Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC d/b/a Kyte Creek Brewery
4) Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code to Create One M-2 Liquor License – Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC
5) Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 18-4784 and Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone Description for Recording
6) Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 45-OH - Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone
7) Cleaning Service Agreement – City Hall and Rochelle Police Department
8) Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for Well 12 Filtration Improvements
9) Resolution Approving Support and Commitment of Local Funds – Electrical Distribution Expansion
10) Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Street Lights that have Reached a Useful Lifespan
11) Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Flow Technics a Purchase Order for the Purchase of a Replacement Submersible Pump
12) Resolution Approving the Execution of an Amendment to the Rider to Plat of Easement Pertaining to the City’s Easement Rights Across Certain Real Property Owned by Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC
13) Resolution Approving the Execution of an Access Easement Agreement Pertaining to the City’s Easement Rights Across Certain Real Property Owned by Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC
VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1) Promotion of City Fiber
The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook
Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance Approving the Adoption of the City of Rochelle 2017-2018 Strategic Plan
Staff Contact: Jeffrey A. Fiegenschuh, City Manager
Summary: Since January 2018, the City of Rochelle has been working with Northern Illinois University on a new strategic planning document. Part of the process for instituting the new plan included three community meetings with residents, business owners and civic leaders, along with a two-night retreat with Mayor Olson, the city council and staff. Attached to this report is the final document along with a power point presentation highlighting the short-term and long-term goals determined by the city council.
As staff moves from formulation to implementation of this document, most future policy and spending proposals will tie back to the plan. Each future agenda report will specifically state which goal in the strategic plan it supports.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Adoption of the City of Rochelle 2017-2018 Strategic Plan
Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Approving the Adoption of the City of Rochelle 2017-2018 Strategic Plan (244 KB)
pdf NIU Strategic Plan Power Point Presentation (838 KB)
pdf City Manager Strategic Plan Power Point Presentation (2.47 MB)
Agenda Item #3 & #4 - Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One M-1 Liquor License – Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC d/b/a Kyte Creek Brewery and Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One M-2 Liquor License – Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC
Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk
Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC, located at 416 Lincoln Highway, has submitted applications for both a Class M-1 liquor license and a Class M-2 liquor license. The Class M-1 license allows the manufacture of beer products on the premises and the retail sale of alcoholic liquor, including the manufactured beer products for consumption on the premises. In addition, the Class M-1 license allows for the retail sale for off premises consumption of the manufactured beer products in packaged form. The Class M-2 license allows the on-site production and storage of alcoholic liquor, specifically including spirits, sale by the bottle for off premises consumption or by the glass for consumption in an accessory tasting room or retail outlet. The Liquor Commissioner, Mayor Olson, has reviewed the applications and has no objection to the creation of both a Class M-1 and a Class M-2 liquor license. The addition of these licenses will result in a total of one Class M-1 liquor license and one Class M-2 liquor license in the City of Rochelle.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One M-1 Liquor License – Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC d/b/a Kyte Creek Brewery
Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One M-2 Liquor License – Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #5 & #6 - Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 18-4784 and Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone Description for Recording and Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 45-OH - Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone
Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk
Summary: In December of 2015 the Mayor and Council approved an Ordinance Establishing the Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone. The new zone encompassed the City of Rochelle along with the City of Dixon, Ogle County and Lee County. The zone was established to provide incentives to promote the economic growth of the area, to reduce unemployment and to encourage expansion, rehabilitation and new construction of structures within the zone for a term of 15 years.
The original Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone included 9,600 acres divided between the two counties and two cities with 1000 acres left “undesignated” to allow for expansion. In September of 2017 and January and June of 2018 the Rochelle City Council approved ordinances which expanded the zone.
A few months ago the council approved ordinance 18-4784 to expand the zone by adding a project site in Mount Morris. The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has since notified the Zone Administrator that the ordinance needs to be amended to change the legal description for the site.
The parties of the Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone would like to further amend the zone to include industrial and commercial property in the City of Oregon and Village of Ashton.
Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone Administrator Andy Shaw will attend the meeting to answer any questions.
Authorize an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 18-4784 and Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone Description for Recording
Authorize an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 45-OH - Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone
Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 45-OH - Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone (5.71 MB)
Agenda Item #7 - Cleaning Service Agreement – City Hall and Rochelle Police Department
Staff Contact: Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk
Summary: In anticipation of our custodian’s retirement, the City solicited quotes from three cleaning companies for service at City Hall, the police department and engineering/community development. Unfortunately, the provider with the lowest quote was unable to find staff to perform the services and therefore withdrew their quote. V&C Cleaning had the second lowest quote and agreed to match the lowest provider’s price. V&C has been cleaning all three facilities on a month to month basis since our custodian’s retirement. Staff has been satisfied with their service and V&C has been very responsive in addressing any concerns.
At the City’s request, V&C has provided a one year contract for cleaning city hall and the police department from September 1, 2018 to September 1, 2019 at a weekly cost of $575. If approved, this expenditure will be included in the 2019 budget.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
City Hall | Not Budgeted | $29,000 annually |
Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Cleaning Service Agreement with V&C Cleaning from September 1, 2018 to September 1, 2019 at a weekly cost of $575 for Rochelle City Hall and the Rochelle Police Department.
Supporting Documents:
pdf C (12 KB) pdf ontract with V&C Cleaning (12 KB)
Agenda Item #8 - Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for Well 12 Filtration Improvements
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning
Summary: Well 12, located on Steward and Hayes Road was issued a violation notice in April of 2018. As required by Illinois EPA, council approved a compliance commitment agreement between the City of Rochelle and Illinois EPA. This agreement committed the City to construct a radium removal plant at well 12 to resolve the radium violation notice.
In order to complete this project, it is necessary to borrow funds from the Illinois EPA low interest loan program in order to finance the project. Willett Hofmann and Associate’s is currently working on the design of a radium removal plant at this well.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
IEPA Low Interest Loan Program | Not Budgeted | $4,500,000 |
Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for Well 12 Filtration Improvements
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #9 - Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds - Electric Distribution Expansion
Staff Contact: Jason Bird
Summary: MightyVine, located on Centerpoint Drive, plans to expand its facility in the near future with the addition of phase three and phase four. As a result, the City and Rochelle Municipal Utilities need to expand and enhance the electrical distribution infrastructure to meet MightVine’s electrical needs by constructing a second feeder to the site. City Staff and the City Manager are in the process of applying to the State of Illinois for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to assist with some of these costs. The CDBG Program requires financial participation by the grantee in conjunction with an award of grant funds. In order to apply, the City needs to commit $2,100,000 from the Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Fund for use in conjunction with an Illinois Community Development Block Grant Program grant.
The total cost of the project, based on engineer estimate will be $3,000,000 plus.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
$3,000,000 |
Approve the Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds
Supporting Documents:
pdf Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds (93 KB)
Agenda Item #10 - Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Street Lights that have Reached a Useful Lifespan
Staff Contact: Jason Bird
Summary: RMU electric division has replaced several cement poles and street light fixtures over the past couple of weeks on Lincoln Highway in downtown Rochelle. These outdated street light fixtures are no longer necessary or useful for the City to retain ownership of and have minimal resale value. City staff members have determined that each street light should be sold in an amount not greater than $200.00.
Anyone wishing to purchase a streetlight must be able to load and unload it themselves, the city will not be responsible for moving them. The purchaser must pay for the lights at 700 West 2nd Avenue before picking them up and checks may be written out to RMU or the City of Rochelle.
Recommendation: Approve Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Street Lights that have Reached a Useful Lifespan
Supporting Documents:
Agenda Item #11 - Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Flow Technics a Purchase Order for the Purchase of a Replacement Submersible Pump
Staff Contact: Adam Lanning
The City of Rochelle currently operates and maintains a wastewater lift station located along First Avenue near the street department shop. This lift station serves Creston, the landfill and most of the north east side of Rochelle pumping approximately 800,000 gallons per day.
Recently, one of the 2 pumps experienced a failure and at this point the cause is unknown. Adam Lanning received a quote for a new replacement ABS 2800 gallon per minute pump through Flow Technics, Inc. at a cost of $34,503 (plus freight). This pump is a proprietary item so we did not solicit multiple bids, instead just got a quote through the original supplier. If we were to use a different brand, it would require modifications to the mounting hardware thus driving up the cost. Installation of the pump will be done in-house.
This is a critical piece of equipment, so Adam Lanning recommends approving the purchase of a new ABS submersible pump to replace the damaged equipment.
Funding Sources: | ||
Source: | Budgeted Amount: | Proposed Expenditure: |
Equipment Replacement Fund | Not Budgeted | $34,503.00 |
Approve an Ordinance Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Awarding Flow Technics a Purchase Order for the Purchase of a Replacement Submersible Pump
Supporting Documents:
pdf Quote from Flow Technics (148 KB)
Agenda Item #12 - Resolution Approving the Execution of an Amendment to the Rider to Plat of Easement Pertaining to the City’s Easement Rights Across Certain Real Property Owned by Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC
Staff Contact: Jason Bird
Summary: The proposed Amendment to Rider to Plat of Easement will give the City of Rochelle and RMU the right to construct underground and/or above-ground water, sewer, electric, and any other City of Rochelle utility facilities within the Utility Easement Area, the right to maintain, make all necessary repairs, and/or replace underground and above-ground utility facilities, as may be reasonable and proper, together with the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, and/or replacing utility facilities, together with the right to construct, maintain, repair, and/or replace the necessary appurtenances for utility facilities below, over, along, upon and through the Utility Easement Area.
Approve Resolution Approving the Execution of an Amendment to the Rider to Plat of Easement Pertaining to the City’s Easement Rights Across Certain Real Property Owned by Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC
Supporting Documents:
pdf Amendment to Rider to Plat of Easement (1.00 MB)
Agenda Item #13 - Resolution Approving the Execution of an Access Easement Agreement Pertaining to the City’s Easement Rights Across Certain Real Property Owned by Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC
Staff Contact: Adriana Milan
Summary: On May 14th, 2018, City Council approved the land lease agreement between the City of Rochelle and LAMAR companies. The proposed access agreement allows for the construction, maintenance, and repair of the existing billboards advertisement signs along I-88. The easement is limited to ingress and egress over the easement area.
Authorize Resolution Approving the Execution of an Access Easement Agreement Pertaining to the City’s Easement Rights Across Certain Real Property Owned by Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC
Supporting Documents:
pdf Access Easement Agreement (844 KB)
Discussion Item #1 - Promotion of City Fiber
Summary: Sikich was hired to examine how the City could better promote and market the fiber. Scott Kolbe, partner of Sikich Marketing & Public Relations, will attend the meeting to share the findings with the City Council.