City Council Meeting Agenda - August 13, 2018




Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


* Pledge to the Flag

* Prayer




* Mayor

* Council Members

* Good News – Scott Gross

* School Resource Officer – Superintendent Jason Harper & Police Chief Eric Higby




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meetings – pdf 7/23/18 (319 KB)

b) Approve Minutes of Special City Council Meetings – pdf 7/12/18 (39 KB) , pdf 7/23/18 (599 KB)

c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Utility Advisory Board – pdf 5/16/18 (232 KB)

d) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Railroad Advisory Board –   pdf 5/3/18 (44 KB)

e) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission – pdf 5/7/18 (152 KB)

f) Approve Exceptions – pdf 07/18/18-08/06/18 (82 KB)

g) Approve Bills – pdf 08/07/18 (229 KB)

h) Approve Payroll – pdf 07/16/18-07/29/18 (49 KB)

i) Approve Request from the Artists’ Garden to hold a Grand Opening Event – pdf August 24, 2018 (244 KB)

j) Establish Annual Trick-or-Treat Schedule - October 31, 2018 from 5:00pm-8:00pm

2) Audit Reports for January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017

3) Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 16218 E Steward Road and 16314 E Steward

Road, with Property Identification Numbers 25-32-300-002 & 25-32-300-003

4) Ordinance Approving a Fourth Amendment to Annexation Agreement between Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC, and the City of Rochelle

5) Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of Progressive Park LLC Subdivision located at 16218 and 16314 Steward Road – Parcels 25-32-300-002 & 25-32-300-003

6) Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement between the Landowners of Certain Parcels of Land with Property Identification Numbers 24-13-426-003, 24-13-426-005, 24-13-426-006 and 24-13-426-007 and the City of Rochelle

7) Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Flagg Road and North Caron Road with Property Identification Numbers 24-13-426-003, 24-13-426-005, 24-13-426-006 and 24-13-426-007

8) Ordinance Amending the Boundaries of the B-2 Zoning Districts and Amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Parcels 24-13-426-003, 24-13-426-055, 24-13-426-006 and 24-13-426-007 located at the corner of Flagg Road and Caron Road

9) Ordinance Approving the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project

10) Ordinance Designating the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area

11) Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing

12) Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Article I, Section 6-3 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Liquor License Classifications

13) Ordinance Amending Chapter 25, Article II, Section 26-44 of the Rochelle Municipal Code Pertaining to Liquor License Fees

14) Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle (a Non-Home Rule Entity) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency – Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

15) Resolution Approving a Master Pole Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Mobilitie, LLC

16) Outage Management System

17) Distributed Generation Interconnection Agreement with Tyson

18) Resolution Approving a General Release, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement with Kannay Farms Distilling, LLC

19) Engineering Services Agreement for Improvements at IL Rte. 251 and Steward Rd and along Steward Rd relating to the Loves Travel Stop Development

20) Ordinance Authorizing the Payment for Certain Easement Rights and Privileges to Soy Capital Ag Services and Trust Company pertaining to the Maintenance of Certain Overhead and Underground Utilities by Rochelle Municipal Utilities


VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION IX. ADJOURNMENT The Council Meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook

Agenda Item #2 - Audit Reports for January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017

Staff Contact:  Chris Cardott, Finance Director

Summary:      Sikich, LLP planned and performed the audit in order to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. This included performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The audit also included evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used, significant estimates made by management and evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

The auditor’s opinion, as noted on page 2 of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, indicates that the financial statements “present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Rochelle, Illinois, as of December 31, 2017, and the respective changes in financial position and, where applicable cash flows thereof for the year ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.”

Anthony Cervini, Partner of Government Services for Sikich, will attend the meeting to provide an overview of the City’s Financial Statement and respond to questions from the Mayor and Council members.

Recommendation:     Accept and place on file the Audit Reports for January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017 as prepared and presented by Sikich, LLP.

Supporting Documents: 

pdf City of Rochelle Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – December 31, 2017 (2.30 MB)

pdf Rochelle Municipal Utilities Annual Financial Report – December 31, 2017 (1.14 MB)

pdf Lighthouse Pointe TIF Financial Report – December 31, 2017 (517 KB)

pdf Management Letter – December 31, 2017 (404 KB)

Agenda Items #3-5 - Ordinances Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 16218 and 16314 E Steward Road, with Property Identification Numbers 25-32-300-002 & 25-32-300-003, Approving a Fourth Amendment to Annexation Agreement between Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC and the City of Rochelle and Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of Progressive Park LLC Subdivision

Staff Contact:  Michelle Pease/Kip Countryman

Summary:      Progressive Park LLC (formerly Prologis Park) has petitioned the City of Rochelle to amend the current annexation agreement to include the 2 lots that were excluded in the original Annexation Agreement in 2006. Progressive Park LLC has since purchased the excluded lots.

The purpose of subdividing the lots from 3 to 1 allows the petitioner to develop the property for future expansion of warehouse distribution, office space, and off-street parking.

The City improvements and easements were provided in the original Annexation Agreement but rezoning and a minor subdivision is required along with amending the current annexation agreement.

Progressive Park LLC, along with City staff developed the amended Annexation Agreement which contains a preliminary and final plat of subdivision and Zoning for I-2 General Industry.

The City of Rochelle Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on August 6th to review the petition from Progressive Park LLC. After review of the facts the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends, by a vote of 4-0, that the City Council approve the preliminary and final plat of subdivision for the 3.7 acres contingent upon staff review and comments.


Approve an Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 16218 E Steward Road and 16314 E Steward Road, with Property Identification Numbers 25-32-300-002 & 25-32-300-003

Approve an Ordinance Approving a Fourth Amendment to Annexation Agreement between Progressive Park Rochelle, LLC, and the City of Rochelle

Approve an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of Progressive Park LLC Subdivision located at 16218 and 16314 Steward Road – Parcels 25-32-300-002 & 25-32-300-003

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at 16218 and 16314 E Steward Road (96 KB)

pdf Ordinance Approving a Fourth Amendment to Annexation Agreement (108 KB)

pdf Fourth Amendment to Annexation Agreement (425 KB)

pdf Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of Progressive Park LLC Subdivision (709 KB)

 Agenda Item #6-8 - Ordinances Approving an Annexation Agreement between the Landowners of Certain Parcels of Land with Property Identification Numbers 24-13-426-003, 24-13-426-005, 24-13-426-006 and 24-13-426-007 and the City of Rochelle, Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Flagg Road and North Caron Road and Amending the Boundaries of the B-2 Zoning Districts and Amending the Official Zoning Map

Staff Contact:  Michelle Pease/Kip Countryman

Summary:      City staff members have negotiated annexation agreements with four property owners on N Caron Road south of Flagg Road in order to include these properties in the Northern Gateway TIF district. The purpose of the proposed ordinances is to approve the annexation agreements and to amend the zoning map to include these properties in the proper zoning district consistent with the comprehensive plan once development takes place.

The City of Rochelle Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on August 6th to review the petition. After review of the facts the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends, by a vote of 4-0, that the City Council amends the official zoning map and changes the four parcels to B-2 Commercial Highway.


Approve an Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement between the Landowners of Certain Parcels of Land with Property Identification Numbers 24-13-426-003, 24-13-426-005, 24-13-426-006 and 24-13-426-007 and the City of Rochelle

Approve an Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Flagg Road and North Caron Road with Property Identification Numbers 24-13-426-003, 24-13-426-005, 24-13-426-006 and 24-13-426-007

Approve an Ordinance Amending the Boundaries of the B-2 Zoning Districts and Amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Parcels 24-13-426-003, 24-13-426-055, 24-13-426-006 and 24-13-426-007

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement (104 KB)

pdf Annexation Agreement (208 KB)

pdf Ordinance Annexing and Zoning the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Flagg Road and North Caron Road (109 KB)

pdf Ordinance Amending the Boundaries of the B-2 Zoning Districts and Amending the Official Zoning Map (268 KB)

Agenda Item # 9-11 - Ordinance Approving the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project, Ordinance Designating the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area and Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing

Staff Contact:  Jeff Fiegenschuh, City Manager & Michelle Pease, Community Development Director

Summary: The City of Rochelle, Illinois desires to implement a tax increment financing district pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74,4-1. As described in the TIF Redevelopment Plan and Project, the proposed Rochelle Northern Gateway TIF consists of approximately 1 1/2 acres and 100 parcels.

In creating the Northern Gateway TIF, the City of Rochelle hopes to address property blight and vacancy, aging infrastructure and assist with overall redevelopment of the district.

Next Steps:

Registration of TIF with the County Clerk


Approve an Ordinance Approving the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project

Approve an Ordinance Designating the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area

Approve an Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing

Supporting Documents:

pdf Ordinance Approving the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project (100 KB)

pdf Exhibit B Redevelopment Plan and Project (18.48 MB)

pdf Ordinance Designating the Rochelle Northern Gateway Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area (85 KB)

pdf Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing (91 KB)

Agenda Item #12-13 - Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Article 1, Section 6-3 of the Municipal Code Pertaining to Liquor License Classifications and Ordinance Amending Chapter 26, Article II, Section 26-44 of the Municipal Code pertaining to Liquor License Fees

Staff Contact:  Sue Messer, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk

Summary: The owners of Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC and Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC d/b/a Kyte Creek Brewery have applied for liquor licenses to operate both a distillery and brewery at 416 Lincoln Highway in Rochelle.  The proposed modifications to Chapter 6, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Rochelle Municipal Code include the creation of the following new Class M licenses:   Class M-1 Microbrewery, Class M-2 Distillery and Class M-3 Manufacture of Wine.  In addition, proposed modifications to Chapter 26 include the establishment of annual fees for each of the new Class M licenses of $1800, based on a comparison of other communities.    


Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Article 1, Section 6-3 of the Municipal Code Pertaining to Liquor License Classifications

Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 26, Article II, Section 26-44 of the Municipal Code pertaining to Liquor License Fees

Supporting Documents:

pdf Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Article 1, Section 6-3 of the Municipal Code Pertaining to Liquor License Classifications (187 KB)

pdf Ordinance Amending Chapter 26, Article II, Section 26-44 of the Municipal Code pertaining to Liquor License Fees (183 KB)

Agenda Item #14 - Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle (a Non-Home Rule Entity) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

Staff Contact:  Adam Lanning, Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent

Summary:      Baxter Woodman is currently finishing up the design to construct several wastewater treatment plant upgrades. In order to proceed with funding the project as planned, it is necessary to adopt an ordinance authorizing a loan agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Illinois EPA.  This ordinance will authorize the City of Rochelle to borrow funds from the Waste Pollution Control Loan Program in the aggregate principal amount of $7,000,000.00 to provide funds to pay the costs of the Project.

 Funding Sources:    
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
Illinois EPA Loan Not Budgeted $7,000,000

Recommendation:     Adopt an ordinance to authorize the City of Rochelle to borrow funds from the Illinois EPA in the amount not to exceed $7,000,000. 

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle (a Non-Home Rule Entity) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (171 KB)

Agenda Item #15 - Resolution approving Master Pole Agreement between The City of Rochelle and Mobilitie, LLC

Staff Contact:  Jason Bird, Superintendent of Electric Operations

Summary: The Illinois General Assembly recently enacted Public Act 100-0585, known as the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act, which became effective on June 1, 2018. 

The City is authorized to enact appropriate regulations relative to small wireless facilities, distributed antenna systems and other personal wireless telecommunication facility installations in the public right-of-way and pole attachment agreement, as long as it done not conflict with state and federal law.  The proposed resolution and the Master pole agreement defines the cost of attachments and codes that need to be followed.


Approve the Resolution approving a master pole agreement between The City of Rochelle and Mobilitie, LCC

Supporting Documents:

pdf Resolution approving a master pole agreement between The City of Rochelle and Mobilitie, LLC (166 KB)

pdf Master pole attachment agreement (172 KB)

Agenda Item #16 - Outage Management System

Staff Contact:  Jason Bird, Superintendent of Electric Operations

Summary:      PSE assisted Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) in generating a Request for Proposal for an outage management system (OMS). In turn, RMU assisted in the evaluation of the responses.

Proposals were received from four vendors. The table below lists the vendors as well as the initial and 5 year on-going costs for each proposed system.

 Vendor Initial System Price Annual Maintenance 5 Year Cost
dataVoice $96,570 $12,250 $159,045
Milsoft $78,750 $12,000 $138,750
OSI $199,700 $19,200 $298,021
Utilismart $104,250 + TBD $44,484 $326,670

To determine which system is best for RMU, each vendor was evaluated based on the following five categories: Functional Requirements, Key Technical Questions, Integrations, References and Experience with similar utilities and Price.

From this evaluation, dataVoice is the clearly preferred system for the following reasons:

* Functional Requirements - dataVoice was stronger on functional requirements. Other vendors required additional software modules not included in the base bid to meet critical functionality including notifying crews of outages and allowing crews to interact with the OMS.

* Key Questions - dataVoice offered a strong solution to the questions posed.

* Integrations - To perform the necessary functionality, the OMS must integrate with Caselle CIS, Esri GIS, Elster AMI and CRC call center. dataVoice offered the strongest solutions for integrations with RMU software systems. Other vendors required significant additional software to be developed to support the integration, either by the vendor at a cost or by RMU.

* References - dataVoice had the strongest references with similar municipal utilities.

* Price-  dataVoice was competitive on price.

While each vendor had strengths, the totality of the solution proposed by dataVoice best meets the functionality required by RMU and best overall value.

 Funding Sources:    
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure
CIP $150,000 $108,820

Recommendation:     Accept the proposal from datavoice for an Outage Management System in the amount of $108,820 for the first year and an additional $12,500 annual maintenance fee for four years thereafter.

Agenda Item #17 - Distributed Generation Interconnection Agreement with Tyson Foods

Staff Contact:  Jason Bird, Superintendent of Electric Operations

Summary:      This agreement governs the terms and conditions under which the distributed generation facility will interconnect to and operate in parallel with, the utility’s electric distribution system.  This agreement does not constitute an agreement to purchase or deliver the interconnection customer’s power.

Nothing in this agreement is intended to affect any other agreement between the utility and interconnection customer.

Terms used in this agreement are defined in Attachment 1 hereto unless otherwise noted.

Recommendation:     Authorize the City Manager to sign a Distributed Generation Interconnection Request Agreement with Tyson Foods

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Distributed Generation Interconnection Request Agreement (183 KB)

Agenda Item #18 - Resolution Approving a General Release, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement with Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC

Staff Contact:  Dave Sawlsville, Fire Chief

Summary:      Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC has recently purchased two buildings on North 6th St. (421 and 427) with the intent of demolishing the buildings.  Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC has agreed to allow the Fire Department to use the existing buildings for training before they are torn down with the execution of an Indemnification Agreement.  Training will consist of forcible entry, search and rescue, ladder work and downed firefighter drills.  Due to the location of the buildings the Fire Department will use a smoke generator for training and minimize the use of actual fire.  

Recommendation:     Approve a Resolution Approving a General Release, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement with Kenny Farms Distilling, LLC

Supporting Documents

pdf Resolution Approving a General Release, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement with Kennay Farms Distilling, LLC (167 KB)

pdf General Release, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement  (77 KB) \

Agenda Item #19 - Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Improvements at IL Rte. 251 and Steward Rd and along Steward Rd relating to the Loves Travel Stop Development

Staff Contact:  Sam Tesreau, City Engineer


As part of the Loves development project, it was agreed that Steward Rd would be widened to accommodate a three lane pavement section with shoulder and/or curb as required. Furthermore, certain geometric and traffic signal improvements will be built at the IL Rte. 251 intersection as required and approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation as a result of their permit review process. Now that the Intersection Design Study (IDS) has been approved, the engineering design for the roadway construction plans has begun.

The annexation agreement contains provisions for reimbursement of a majority of the Preliminary Engineering design and construction engineering associated with the proposed development.

Willett Hofmann, who has developed the traffic analysis and IDS phase, has submitted a proposal for a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement (PESA) related to the Preliminary Engineering design of the Steward Rd/IL Rte. 251 construction plans at the above identified location. Approval of this PESA will allow the final step of the IDOT review process to continue and keep this critical project on schedule for eventual bidding and commencement of construction in Fall 2018.

Funding Sources:     
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure
Engineering Services Reimbursable $73,000


Consider approval of the Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Willett Hoffman& Associates for preliminary design of IL Rte. 251 and Steward Rd relating to the Loves Travel Stop Development.

Supporting Documents: 

pdf Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Willett Hoffman for preliminary design of IL Rte. 251 and Steward Rd (900 KB)

Agenda Item #20 - Ordinance Authorizing the Payment for Certain Easement Rights and Privileges to Soy Capital Ag Services and Trust Company pertaining to the Maintenance of Certain Overhead and Underground Utilities by Rochelle Municipal Utilities

Staff Contact: Jason Bird, Superintendent of Electric Operations

Summary: City staff are working to clean up paperwork so that there are records of all easements that the transmission lines are currently located on. Therefore, city staff recommends acquiring a permanent easement along Paw Paw Road from Soy Capital Ag Services, in order to maintain the transmission lines at a cost of $5,750.

 Funding Sources:    
Source: Budgeted Amount: Proposed Expenditure:
Transmission Budget   $5,750

Recommendation: Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Payment for Certain Easement Rights and Privileges to Soy Capital Ag Services and Trust Company pertaining to the Maintenance of Certain Overhead and Underground Utilities by Rochelle Municipal Utilities in the amount of $5,750.00.

Supporting Documents:
pdf Ordinance (246 KB)
pdf Easement Letter (4.19 MB)
pdf Signed Easement agreement (3.16 MB)