City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• pdf Constitution Week – September 17- 23, 2015 (59 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Project First Rate
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf August 24, 2015 (85 KB)
b) Approve Bills – pdf 08/14/15-08/20/15 (113 KB) , pdf 08/21/15-08/27/15 (80 KB)
c) Approve Payroll – pdf 08/03/15-08/16/15 (49 KB) , pdf 08/17/15-08/30/15 (52 KB)
d) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Police and Fire Commission – pdf June 9, 2015 (186 KB)
e) Authorize the Rochelle Lions Club Annual Candy Sale as Requested – pdf October 2, 2015 (94 KB)
2) Rochelle Fire Department Roof Replacement
3) Rochelle Fire Department HVAC Improvements
4) Proposal to Modify Switchgear Buses 5 and 6 – Caron Road Substation
5) Resolution Modifying Electric Rate Schedule and the General Service Application for Utility Services for Mighty Vine
6) Agreement to Defer Utilities Extension - Haywell, LLC
7) Resolutions for Improvement by Municipality – Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Improvements
Agenda Item #2 Rochelle Fire Department Roof Replacement
pdf Letter of Recommendation from Fehr Graham (517 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the Rochelle Fire Department Roof Replacement
History and Fact:
The existing roof membrane is approximately 25 years old and leaking in several locations. The Department has made several repairs over the past few years but the leaks are often difficult to locate. By the time they are located and repaired, interior repair is often needed. This project includes the replacement of the roof membrane and insulation.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened two bids for the project on September 3rd. Staff and our consultant, Brandy Williams of Fehr Graham, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the low bid from Sterling Commercial Roofing, Inc. in the amount of $114,650.
The 2015-16 Capital Outlay Budget for the Fire Department includes $73,500 to replace the roof. Fehr Graham will review the project and make recommendations on changes to bring the total cost of the work completed more in line with the budgeted amount. In addition, a back-up generator, budgeted at $43,000, can be delayed to offset the higher than expected cost of this project.
Accept the bid for the Rochelle Fire Department Roof Replacement from Sterling Commercial Roofing for $114,650 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #3 Rochelle Fire Department HVAC Improvements
pdf Letter of Recommendation from Fehr Graham (513 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the Rochelle Fire Department HVAC Improvements
History and Fact:
The existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for the living quarters at the Fire Department is at the end of its useful life. It is assumed that it was installed during the original construction of the building. In addition, the system is under sized for certain locations and not zoned to regulate any area. The HVAC Improvements Project consists of the installation of two new furnaces, two new AC units, and three radiant heating tubes in the apparatus bay.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened two complete bids on September 3rd. Staff and our consultant, Brandy Williams of Fehr Graham, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the alternate bid from Anderson Plumbing and Heating, Inc. in the amount of $35,290. The alternate bid includes higher efficiency air conditioning units which are expected to provide energy cost savings in excess of the additional cost.
The 2015-16 Capital Outlay Budget for the Fire Department includes $26,000 for HVAC Improvements.
Accept the bid for the Rochelle Fire Department HVAC Improvements from Anderson Plumbing and Heating, Inc. in the amount of $35,290 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #4 Proposal to Modify Switchgear Buses 5 and 6 – Caron Road Substation
pdf Memo from Electric Operations Superintendent Jason Bird (39 KB)
pdf Recommendation from Sargent & Lundy (1.84 MB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a proposal from Siemens for the addition of 15kV medium voltage vacuum type breakers to existing switchgear buses 5 and 6
History and Fact:
The Caron Road Substation was originally built in 1970 and, due to the industrial growth in the area, is currently down to one available feeder/circuit. Over the past year the Mayor and Council have approved several agreements and equipment purchases to facilitate the expansion of this substation.
RMU’s consultant, Sargent and Lundy, requested a proposal from Siemens to provide the material and services to convert two spare cubicles in the existing 15kV medium voltage switchgear to vacuum type breakers. This modification will reduce future bus outage durations, improve long-term maintenance requirements and improve RMU’s distribution reliability at the Caron Road facility. In addition, this upgrade will provide a safer work environment for RMU employees.
Since Siemens is the original manufacturer of the Bus 5 and Bus 6 switchgear, it makes sense for them to provide the material necessary for the conversion. In addition, Siemens technicians can provide an efficient installation of the breakers and will perform the testing necessary to verify proper installation.
Therefore, Electric Operations Superintendent Jason Bird recommends that the council accept the proposal from Siemens in the amount of $71,302 for material and $44,845 for installation and forego formal bidding.
The Caron Road Substation Expansion Project is currently under budget and this additional cost should be able to be absorbed into the project without going over.
Approve a proposal from Siemens for the addition of two 15kV medium voltage vacuum type breakers to existing switchgear buses 5 and 6 at the Caron Road Substation in the amount of $71,302 for material and $44,845 for installation.
Agenda Item #5 Resolution Modifying Electric Rate Schedule and the General Service Application for Utility Services for Mighty Vine
pdf Memo from Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin (83 KB)
pdf Incentive Letter from City Manager David Plyman (31 KB)
pdf General Service Application for Utility Services (313 KB)
pdf Resolution Modifying Electric Rate Schedule (147 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving a Resolution Modifying Electric Rate Schedule and approving the General Service Application for Utility Services for Mighty Vine
History and Fact:
Mighty Vine is the first hydroponic project in Rochelle, hopefully to be followed by many more. Hydroponic facilities have a unique user profile which is beneficial for electric utilities given its use of natural light during the summer season and electric power for lights at night during the winter. This profile benefits an electric utility’s demand profile overall.
For this Standard Industrial Classification, RMU has, in concert with its rate consultant, created Rate 167. The proposed rate was developed incorporating a three year, ten percent discount to provide incentive for the construction of future phases. RMU has provided incentives in the past to attract industrial development, and this project is important because it will be consuming large amounts of off-peak power and little power during on-peak hours.
The Mighty Vine greenhouse is a Dutch-designed facility. RMU accommodated the project by providing special-order transformers that are common in Europe, but are not standard in the U.S. The voltage produced by these transformers is different than what RMU typically would use. Since RMU does not normally have these types of transformers in its inventory, the customer is purchasing the backup transformer and donating it to RMU. It will be placed in reserve at the greenhouse to eliminate any confusion in our equipment yard and to expedite placing it in service when it becomes necessary. The proposed agreement also provides that RMU will cover $266,341 of additional electrical equipment expense because of the integration of the Dutch-designed facility into our system. However, the customer will reimburse RMU over four years at an interest rate of 3.9% for this additional equipment.
Approve a Resolution Modifying Electric Rate Schedule effective October 1, 2015. Approve the General Service Application for Utility Services for Mighty Vine.
Agenda Item #6 Agreement to Defer Utilities Extension – Haywell, LLC
pdf Agreement to Defer Utilities Extension (84 KB)
pdf Ordinance Approving Agreement to Defer Utilities Extension (Hayden Unit 1) (61 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving Agreement to Defer Utilities Extension (Hayden Unit 1)
History and Fact:
On August 11, 2014 the City Council authorized an ordinance amending the boundaries of the B-2 and PUD-R zoning districts and approving a variance to the front yard setback at 1800 20th Street. This was done at the request of petitioners Tim and Geri Hayden so that they could construct two 40 by 240 foot enclosed storage buildings on a 1.67 acre lot.
This lot is subject to the terms of an annexation agreement between the City and AKCK, LLC as assignee and transferee of Squires Landing, covering a 150 acre tract of land. The annexation agreement includes a provision that the ordinances in effect as of the date of the agreement shall continue in effect with respect to the development of the entire tract. These ordinances require the developer to extend water and sewer mains to the property line of the premise to be served and to post security for the construction of public improvements.
Haywell, LLC is the owner of the 1.67 acre lot known as Lot 1 in Hayden Addition Unit 1. This lot includes 350 feet of frontage along 20th Street that contains easements for utilities, water and gas. Since the present use of the property does not require water or sewer and the adjacent properties are undeveloped, the developer has requested that the City defer the obligation to extend water and sewer along the frontage at this time. In addition, the developer has requested that the City waive the obligation to maintain security. Per the proposed agreement, Haywell’s obligation would remain deferred until adjacent property on the south and north require extension of the water main and sewer main along the frontage of the property. At such time Haywell would extend the water and sewer mains at its sole cost.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving Agreement to Defer Utilities Extension (Hayden Unit 1)
Agenda Item #7 Resolutions for Improvement by Municipality – Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Improvements
pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (90 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Resolutions for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code
History and Fact:
The installation of pedestrian signals and sidewalk ramp upgrades at Illinois Route 38 and Lincoln Highway has been a part of the long term capital improvements plan for a couple of years. On July 13th the City Council approved bids from Williams Charles Electric for the pedestrian signals in the amount of $46,270.50 and O’Brien Civil Work, Inc. for the sidewalk and pavement portion in the amount of $52,400.65.
In order to utilize Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds, the Illinois Department of Transportation requires that the municipality approve a resolution to document the expenditure and appropriate the funds.
Approve a Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code to appropriate funds for the pedestrian signal portion of the Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Improvements
Approve a Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code to appropriate funds for the sidewalk and pavement portion of the Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Improvements