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City Council Meeting Agenda October 24, 2016

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members

pdf Financial Statements September 2016 (818 KB)




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf October 11, 2016 (61 KB)

b) Approve Bills – pdf 093016-100616 (104 KB) , pdf 100716-101316 (100 KB)

c) Approve Payroll – pdf 092616-100916 (52 KB)

2) Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking - Brookside Drive

3) Ordinance Approving Roadway Dedication Agreement – Cherry Avenue and First Street

4) Well 8 Invoices

5) Purchase of Utility Truck – RMU Electric Division


1) RMU Electric Cost of Service Study

2) RMU Water/Water Reclamation Rate Studies



Agenda Item #2 Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking – Brookside Drive


  pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (52 KB)

  pdf Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code (80 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to prohibit parking along the west side of Brookside Drive between Illinois Route 38 and the northerly terminus of Brookside Drive and partially on the east side of Brookside Drive

History and Fact:

In July of this year several Brookside Drive residents attended a city council meeting to voice their concerns about parking issues on their street. These concerns included the ability of emergency vehicles to navigate down the street, especially off of Illinois Route 38. A petition signed by many of the Brookside Drive residents was also presented.


As a result of the residents’ concerns, engineering staff members evaluated the street width and the geometrics of the Fire Department’s largest emergency vehicle. The City of Rochelle Municipal Code allows for parking on one side of the street in a single family residential district when the street is 31 feet in width. Brookside Drive is approximately 31 feet from back of curb to curb. Therefore, City Engineer Sam Tesreau believes it is reasonable to limit parking to one side of the street on Brookside Drive. Since the mailboxes and fire hydrants are located on the west side of the street and the east side contains fewer driveways, the recommendation is to prohibit parking on the entire west side of Brookside Drive. In addition, the ordinance prohibits parking on the east side for 100 feet north of the Illinois Route 38 right-of-way line to provide better access for emergency vehicles.

This agenda item was discussed at the October 11th council meeting and tabled pending further action.


Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to prohibit parking along the west side of Brookside Drive between Illinois Route 38 and the northerly terminus of Brookside Drive and partially on the east side of Brookside Drive

Agenda Item #3 Ordinance Approving Roadway Dedication Agreement – Cherry Avenue and First Street


  pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (51 KB)

  pdf Roadway Dedication Agreement (3.61 MB)

  pdf Ordinance Approving Roadway Dedication Agreement (60 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider Ordinance Approving Roadway Dedication Agreement – Cherry Avenue and First Street

History and Fact:

In 2004 Patricia Burch approached the City regarding vacating a portion of Cherry Avenue and Van Buren Street. At that time, Mrs. Burch proposed a planned development that would provide rail service to adjacent properties as well as transloading facilities. On October 25, 2004 the Mayor and Council approved an ordinance vacating the east terminus of both streets as requested.


Over a year ago Patricia Burch approached the City asking to rededicate the road right of way since the original development proposal never came to fruition. As a result, City staff members have negotiated a Roadway Dedication Agreement with Mrs. Burch. The agreement includes certain conditions for the acceptance of the vacated roadway including the satisfactory construction of roadway improvements, an easement to assist in snow removal, and drainage easements to be used if it becomes necessary to relocate a storm sewer which presently runs beneath a building.


Approve an Ordinance Approving Roadway Dedication Agreement – Cherry Avenue and First Street

Agenda Item #4 Well 8 Invoices


  pdf Memo from Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning (51 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider invoices related to Well 8 lighting damage

History and Fact:

In September, lighting struck Well 8 damaging several pieces of electric equipment. Since we are not currently using Well 11, we needed Well 8 back in service immediately. RMU staff contacted multiple vendors and determined that Municipal Well and Pump could replace the damaged equipment the soonest and had the well back in service in less than two days.


The total cost of replacing the damaged equipment at Well 8 was $39,190.08. This includes upgrading from a soft start to a variable frequency drive (VFD) since the soft start was on backorder. The VFD likely increased the cost by $5000-6000 but is far more efficient. Staff is currently working with our insurance company and the majority of this claim should be covered.

All of the work has been completed but some invoices are still outstanding. Superintendent Adam Lanning recommends approving payment of invoices in the amount of $39,190.08 to repair lightning damage to Well 8.


Approve payment of multiple invoices for a total amount of $39,190.08 to repair lighting damage to Well 8.

Agenda Item #5 Purchase of Utility Truck – RMU Electric Division


  pdf Memo from Electric Superintendent Jason Bird (48 KB)

  pdf Quote from Prescott Brothers (86 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider the purchase of a utility truck for the Electric Division.

History and Fact:

The FY 2016-17 capital budget includes $25,000 for the purchase of a replacement pickup truck for the electric division. After evaluating the equipment, staff found that the current pickups are in good working condition. However, there is a need for a medium size utility truck that can be used for underground projects. These projects currently tie up a bucket truck or digger truck that is then unavailable to other crews.


The Illinois Department of Central Management Services Joint Purchasing Program has a 2017 Ford, 4x4 utility truck available for $41,065. Prescott Brothers has provided RMU with a quote which matches the State bid. RMU Electric Superintendent Jason Bird recommends the acceptance of the quote for a 2017 Ford, utility truck from Prescott Brothers in the amount of $41,065.


Approve the purchase of a 2017 4x4 utility truck from Prescott Brothers Ford in the amount of $41,065.

Discussion Item #1 

On July 11th the City Council authorized a Cost of Service and Rate Design Study Proposal with Utility Financial Solutions, LLC which includes the following deliverables: an executive summary for management and the City Council, rate design for one year, detailed report for management, and a presentation to management and the City Council.

Mark Beauchamp, President of UFS, will attend the meeting to provide an overview of the Cost of Service and Rate Design Study and respond to questions from the Mayor and City Council.

Discussion Item #2

The last rate reviews for the Water and Water Reclamation Divisions were completed in 2014 by Willett Hofmann & Associates. Earlier this year, Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Adam Lanning hired the firm once again to perform rate studies.

Matt Hansen, Vice-President of Willett Hofmann & Associates, will attend the meeting to provide an overview of the rate studies and respond to questions from the Mayor and City Council.