City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
o Appointment of Daniel Carmichael to the Utility Advisory Board for a term to expire July 1, 2016
o Appointment of Joseph Orlikowski to the Utility Advisory Board for a term to expire July 1, 2018
• Council Members
• Employee Introduction – pdf Andrew Rogde (127 KB)
• Financial Statement pdf August 2015 (788 KB)
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf September 28, 2015 (66 KB)
b) Approve Bills – pdf 09/18/15-09/23/15 (96 KB) , pdf 09/24/15-10/01/15 (90 KB)
c) Approve Payroll – pdf 09/14/15-09/27/15 (52 KB)
2) Sale of Used Centrifuges
3) SCADA Upgrade
4) Relay Replacement – Twombly Substation
5) Relay Testing – Distribution and Generation Systems
Agenda Item #2 Sale of Used Centrifuges
pdf Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Adam Lanning (94 KB)
pdf Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Used Centrifuges (84 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Used Centrifuges
History and Fact:
In May of 2014 the City Council accepted a bid of $1,794,000 from Boller Construction Company to replace three centrifuges at the Water Reclamation Plant. The three units were approximately 30 years old and at the end of the expected life cycle.
The dewatering equipment upgrade is now complete at the plant and the three Sharples PM 38000 centrifuges are of no use to the facility. City staff estimates a scrap value of $6,000 for the three units and advertised the units on a bidding website for one month with no response. Superintendent Lanning received an offer from Ecopac Equipment Inc. of $12,500, which includes pick up of the equipment in “as is” condition with no warranty. Therefore, his recommendation is to authorize the sale of the units in an amount not less than $12,500.
Per State Statute, the Mayor and Council can authorize the sale of property which is no longer necessary or useful. This is accomplished by a simple majority vote of the City Council.
Approve an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Used Centrifuges
Agenda Item #3 SCADA System Upgrades
pdf Memo from Electric Operations Superintendent Jason Bird (85 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider the quote from OSI in the amount of $83,976 for upgrades to the SCADA system.
History and Fact:
Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) Electric Operations has been using OSI for its Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system which provides control and monitoring of remote equipment. This system is essential to the operation of the electric distribution system and must be upgraded periodically due to advancements in equipment and growth of RMU’s grid.
The last upgrade to the SCADA system was done five years ago and another upgrade is necessary at this time. The proposed upgrade will allow RMU to meet the new requirements resulting from the complete integration with PJM. In addition, the upgrade will allow RMU to take full advantage of the improvements in meter technology and provide better distribution system monitoring for increased reliability and reduced restoration times.
OSI has provided a quote of $83,976 for the SCADA system upgrade which includes additional work on remote breaker control.
Funds for this project are included in the 2015/16 Electric Fund Capital Outlay Budget.
Authorize the City Manager to sign the purchase order for OSI in the amount of $83,976 for upgrades to the SCADA system.
Agenda Item #4 Relay Replacement – Twombly Substation
pdf Memo from Electric Operations Superintendent Jason Bird (97 KB)
pdf Proposal from BHMG Engineers and Service Corp. (87 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider proposal for relay replacement at Twombly Substation
History and Fact:
Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) recently had BHMG Engineers and Service Corp perform an inspection of the protection relays at the Twombly Substation. The existing distribution and transformer relays being used are ABB series. This particular model of relay was discontinued by ABB about ten years ago and has now become obsolete since replacement parts are no longer being manufactured.
BHMG has provided a proposal to replace the ABB relays with new SEL feeder and transformer relays. In addition, BHMG proposed adding in an additional communications processor just for the distribution side of the system. This would separate the communication of the 138kV system and the distribution system at Twombly and provide better security. This would also allow for data stacking on the distribution side going to SCADA for optimal data collection.
The benefits of replacing the existing relays now are better reliability for the distribution system, being able to bring back additional data to our SCADA system and getting better fault data analysis to determine the root cause of an outage. Also there will be better protection coordination between the substation and distribution reclosers in the system. Both controllers would be SEL and therefore the protection curves between the two devices could be the same without the possibility of any overlap causing a nuisance trip.
OSI, our SCADA software supplier, will also need to be involved once the relays have been changed out. They will need to upgrade the SCADA screens at Twombly in order to allow for additional data that will be available.
The funding for this project is available due to a transmission line rebuild which was budgeted and will be delayed until a future budget year. The 2015/16 Electric Fund Capital Outlay Summary includes $2,460,000 for that project.
Approve the proposal from BHMG Engineers and Service Corp. for replacement of relays at the Twombly Substation at an estimated cost of $106,283.
Agenda Item #5 Relay Testing - Distribution and Generation Systems
pdf Memo from Electric Operations Superintendent Jason Bird (39 KB)
pdf Proposal from BHMG Engineers and Service Corp. (127 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider proposal for relay testing
History and Fact:
It is recommended that electromechanical relays be tested every 2-5 years and solid state/microprocessor relays be tested every 5 years. Currently no records can be found of any of Rochelle Municipal Utilities’ distribution or generation relays being tested. Therefore, RMU staff requested a proposal from BHMG Engineers and Service Corp. for relay testing of both the distribution and generation protection relays.
BHMG has provided a proposal for verification of the programming, setting and testing of approximately 140 relays at an estimated cost of $39,653. This includes approximately 84 generation relays, most of which are electromechanical, and approximately 57 distribution relays which is split between electromechanical and microprocessor based.
Superintendent of Electric Operations Jason Bird recommends proceeding with this testing in order to have a baseline of when relays were tested, including test reports.
The funding for this project is available due to a transmission line rebuild which was included in the 2015/16 Electric Fund Capital Outlay Summary and will be delayed.
Approve the proposal from BHMG Engineers and Service Corp. for programming and testing distribution and generation relays at an estimated cost of $39,653.