City of Rochelle Council Chabmers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
o Appointment of John "Skip" Kenney to the Airport Advisory Board as a Voting Member for a term to expire July 1, 2019
o Appointment of Gary Dunn to the Airport Advisory Board as a (non-voting) Member at Large for a term to expire July 1, 2019
o Appointment of Doug Smith to the Airport Advisory Board as a (non-voting) Member at Large for a term to expire July 1, 2018
• Council Members
• pdf Financials – October 2016 (798 KB)
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf November 14, 2016 (120 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Trucking Advisory Committee – pdf December 16, 2014 (266 KB)
c) Approve Bills – pdf 110416-111016 (100 KB) , pdf 111116-111716 (95 KB)
d) Approve Payroll – pdf 102416-110616 (52 KB)
e) pdf Approve City of Rochelle Meeting Dates for 2017 (20 KB)
f) pdf Approve City of Rochelle Legal Holidays for 2017 (24 KB)
2) Ordinance Adopting 2016 Tax Levy
3) Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2016 - Taxable General Obligation Bonds
4) Ordinance Adopting the 2016 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Rochelle
5) Ordinances Adopting the International Building Code, the International Fire Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Residential Code, the National Electrical Code, the International Existing Building Code, the International Fuel Gas Code and the International Property Maintenance Code
6) Blue Cross Blue Shield 2017 Health Insurance Renewal
7) Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking - Brookside Drive
1) Budget Fiscal Year 2017
Agenda Item #2 Ordinance Adopting 2016 Tax Levy
pdf Memo from Finance Manager Chris Cardott (20 KB)
pdf Real Estate Tax Rate Extension (16 KB)
pdf Ordinance Levying Taxes for the City of Rochelle (34 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Levying Taxes for the City of Rochelle
History and Fact:
The State of Illinois requires the City annually to adopt and file a Property Tax Levy Ordinance on or before the last Tuesday in December. Last year the City’s Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) was $224,558,825 and its property tax rate was $1.014090 per $100 of EAV, which allowed the City to collect $2,277,229 in property taxes. For the upcoming year, Ogle County has estimated the City’s EAV at $231,369,031.
Finance Manager Chris Cardott led a discussion on the 2016 Tax Levy at the November 14th City Council meeting. The proposed levy calculations would result in the City collecting $2,386,221 in property taxes, an increase of 4.99% over 2015. Based on the estimated EAV, the tax rate would decrease by .017258 per $100 EAV, compared to 2015, to a rate of 1.031348. The proposed 2016 levy includes funding the Police and Fire Pension Funds as recommended by the City’s actuarial studies.
Approve an Ordinance Levying Property Taxes for the City of Rochelle for the Fiscal Year January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017
Agenda Item #3 Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2016 – Taxable General Obligation Bonds
pdf Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2016 – Taxable General Obligation Bonds (200 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2016 to Pay Debt Service on Taxable General Obligation Bonds
History and Fact:
In 2010 the Mayor and Council approved an ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds to finance offsite improvements related to the Lighthouse Pointe Subdivision and Route 38 corridor. The City subsequently issued Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010 (Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds) in the amount of $2,940,000. In April of 2013, due to federal budget cuts which affected the subsidy available through the Recovery Zone Bond program, the council approved the issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,125,000, which included interest and bond issuance costs.
The annual debt service related to these bonds is being paid through TIF revenues, instead of property taxes, when sufficient funds are available. In order to abate the property taxes, the proposed ordinance must be approved annually and forwarded to Lee and Ogle County.
Approve an Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2016 to Pay Debt Service on Taxable General Obligation Bonds
Agenda Item #4 City of Rochelle Comprehensive Plan
pdf Memo from Community Development Director Michelle Pease (122 KB)
pdf Comprehensive Plan (5.34 MB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Adopting the 2016 Comprehensive Plan
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle adopted its first Comprehensive Plan in 1973, with the most recent update in 2009. The Comprehensive Plan is intended to provide a framework for future development and revitalization based on existing conditions, trends, goals and objectives. In order to be an effective tool, the Plan should be updated every 5-7 years. In keeping with this guideline, the City hired Teska and Associates to assist with a revision to the 2009 plan.
Since contracting with Teska, City staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission have worked diligently with our consultant to modify and update the plan based on specific projects and new initiatives. Several significant updates have been included in the revised Plan including the implementation of the Quiet Zone, new FEMA floodplain maps, the rebranding initiative, Downtown & Southern Gateway TIF, rail expansion, airport runway expansion and the installation of the 4th water tower. New development has also been added to the plan including Mighty Vine, Bright Farms, Nippon Sharyo, Chicagoland Skydiving, Box Office Distillery and several others. The 2016 Comprehensive Plan reflects the progress made thus far, future planning strategies and land use, plan initiatives and action items to move forward.
The Comprehensive Plan was discussed in detail at the October 3rd Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. In addition, a Public Hearing was held at the November 7th Planning and Zoning meeting and the commission subsequently voted to recommend approval of the Plan by a vote of 6-0.
Approve an Ordinance Adopting the 2016 Comprehensive Plan
Agenda Item #5
Ordinances Adopting the International Building Code, the International Fire Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Residential Code, the International Existing Building Code, the International Fuel Gas Code, the International Property Maintenance Code and the 2014 edition of the National Electrical Code
pdf Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman (20 KB)
pdf Northwest Illinois Regional Building Code (1.40 MB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Building Code (113 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Fire Code (161 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Mechanical Code (113 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Residential Code (227 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2014 Edition of the National Electrical Code (127 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code (101 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code (109 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code (99 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Ordinances
History and Fact:
The City Code provides in Chapters 22 and 42 for the adoption by reference of several national and state building and construction related codes including the National Electric Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Fire Code, etc. Several of these codes were last updated in 2004 when the Mayor and Council approved the adoption of the 2002/2003 editions of several International Code Council codes and the National Electric Code.
Beginning in 2015, the City of Rochelle, along with 30 other surrounding communities including the Counties of Ogle, Lee, Jo Daviess, Winnebago, DeKalb and Boone in conjunction with the City of Rockford created 5 committees to review and implement a Regional Building Code for the surrounding Counties in Northern Illinois. As part of the process, Code Officials from the surrounding communities reviewed past adopted Building Codes and amendments with a goal of creating a Unified Regional Building Code with Building Codes and Amendments that are consistent throughout Northwest Illinois.
By the end of 2015, the Northwest Illinois Regional Building Code was finalized and has since been adopted by multiple communities which include; the City of Rockford, Winnebago County, Loves Park, Ashton, Hillcrest, Oregon, Freeport, Galena, Rock Falls, Dixon and Belvidere. Several other communities will follow. The ordinances recommended for adoption tonight include the various codes, with amendments which conform to the Northwest Regional Building Code.
Efforts have been made to notify contractors who commonly work in Rochelle of the changes. Once approved these ordinances will become effective immediately.
Approve Ordinances Adopting the International Building Code, the International Fire Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Residential Code, International Property Maintenance Code, the International Existing Building Code, the International Fuel Gas Code and the 2014 National Electrical Code with amendments.
Agenda Item #6 Blue Cross Blue Shield 2017 Health Insurance Renewal
Recommended Action:
Consider renewal of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance policy for 2017.
History and Fact:
The City currently offers health insurance benefits to all full-time employees. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois is our current carrier. The policy expires at the end of the year.
Insurance agent Ray Rice of Williams-Manny has notified the City that Blue Cross/Blue Shield will renew the current policy beginning January 1, 2017 at an increased cost of 1.5 percent.
The City offers full-time employees the option of selecting either a single or family plan. Employees pay 15 percent of the total premium and the City pays the remainder. During 2016, the single plan premium cost $736.35 per month and family plan premium cost $1,883.37. After the 1.5 percent increase effective January 1, 2017, the single plan will increase to $747.40 and the family plan will increase to $1,916.70.
The total estimated cost of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance will be $1,992,937.20 during 2017. The expense is budgeted within each department across all city funds. The proposed 2017 budget anticipates an increase in health insurance cost.
Approve renewal of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois health insurance plan for 2017.
Agenda Item #7 Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking – Brookside Drive
pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (95 KB)
pdf Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code (58 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to prohibit parking along the southerly 100 feet along the east side of Brookside Drive
History and Fact:
In July of this year several Brookside Drive residents attended a city council meeting to voice their concerns about parking issues on their street. These concerns included the ability of emergency vehicles to navigate down the street, especially off of Illinois Route 38. A petition signed by many of the Brookside Drive residents was presented at that time.
As a result of the residents’ concerns, staff members evaluated the street width and the geometrics of the Fire Department’s largest emergency vehicle. The City of Rochelle Municipal Code allows for parking on one side of the street in a single family residential district when the street is 31 feet in width. Brookside Drive is approximately 31 feet from back of curb to curb. Therefore, City Engineer Sam Tesreau recommended prohibiting parking on the entire west side and the southerly 100 feet of the east side of Brookside Drive.
City Council reviewed staff’s recommendation at the October 11th and 24th council meetings. After much discussion Council determined that parking would remain on both sides of the street with the exception of the southerly 100 feet, as measured from the northerly right-of-way line of Illinois Route 38, along the east side of Brookside Drive.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code to prohibit parking along the southerly 100 feet along the east side of Brookside Drive
Discussion Item #1 Budget Fiscal Year 2017
The City Council met as a Committee of the Whole on October 24th and November 7th to discuss the upcoming 2017 budget. During the meetings, management staff provided information on expenditure projections for May 1- December 31, 2016 and requests for new hires, capital purchases and projects for 2017. These meetings gave council the opportunity to interact directly with the staff for clarifications and questions.
City Manager Plyman has reviewed the draft budget prepared by staff. He will provide council with a detailed list of modifications necessary for a balanced budget for 2017.