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City Council Meeting Agenda November 23, 2015

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members

• Employee Introduction – pdf Nathan Timm (61 KB)

• Financials – pdf October 2015 (879 KB)




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf November 9, 2015 (115 KB)

b) Approve Bills – pdf 110615-111215 (78 KB)

c) Approve Payroll – pdf 102615-110815 (50 KB)

d) pdf Accept and Place on File Municipal Compliance Report – Fire Pension Fund (80 KB)

               e) Accept and Place on File Municipal Compliance Report - Police Pension Fund

2) Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street (Public Hearing and Action)

3) Blue Cross Blue Shield 2016 Health Insurance Renewal

4) Proposal for Professional Services Flood Modeling - Rochelle Rail Expansion

5) Preliminary Engineering Design Services Agreement – Seventh Avenue Bridge

6) Engineering Agreement - 20th Street and 8th Avenue Water Main Extension

7) Purchase of Skid Load 6 MW Generators


1) Tax Levy 2015-16



Agenda Item #2 Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street (Public Hearing and Action)


Planning & Zoning Commission Report of Findings

Recommended Action:

  pdf Consider Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street (69 KB)

History and Fact:

Keith Scott has petitioned the City for a Special Use Permit to allow outdoor storage at 1310 N 7th Street. This property is approximately 0.86 acres in size, includes a restaurant facility (the former Pizza Hut) and is zoned B-2 Commercial Highway. The lot fronts Illinois Highway 251 on the east and North 8th Street on the west.

The petitioner plans to restore the restaurant facility on the property to a similar use. In addition, he would like to use the parking area to the west for vehicle storage associated with his towing business. If approved, the storage area would include perimeter fencing and pervious paving.


The Rochelle Municipal Code currently allows “Storage, Outdoor” in the B-2 district if a special use is issued.

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition at its meeting on November 2nd. Following some discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission prepared a list of findings which includes: the use requires a special use permit, the use of the property for a restaurant conforms to the “District Use Classification, the use would be detrimental or dangerous to public health due to the potential for rodent infestation in this type of storage, the use may impair property values in the neighborhood and is better suited in Industrial Districts, the use will not impede on the normal development and improvement of the surround properties, the use will not impair light and air, congest public streets, increase the rise of fire or substantially diminish property values within the vicinity but it may endanger the public health due to increased risk of rodent infestation. Based on these findings, the Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 6-0, recommended that the City Council deny the issuance of a special use permit for outdoor storage at 1310 N 7th Street.


Deny a Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street


Agenda Item #3 Blue Cross Blue Shield 2016 Health Insurance Renewal

Recommended Action:

Consider renewal of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance policy for 2016.

History and Fact:

The City currently offers health insurance benefits to all full-time employees. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois is our current carrier. The policy expires at the end of the year.


Insurance agent Ray Rice of Williams-Manny has notified the City that Blue Cross/Blue Shield will renew the current policy beginning January 1, 2016 at an increased cost of 6.1 percent.

The City offers full-time employees the option of selecting either a single or family plan. Employees pay 15 percent of the total premium and the City pays the remainder. During 2015, the single plan premium cost $694.14 per month and family plan premium cost $1,780.12. After the 6.1 percent increase effective January 1, 2016, the single plan will increase to $736.35 and the family plan will increase to $1,883.37.

The total estimated cost of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance will be $1,996,111 during 2016. The expense is budgeted within each department across all city funds. The 2015-16 budget anticipated an increase in health insurance costs during the January through April period.


Approve renewal of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois health insurance plan for 2016.


Agenda Item #4 Proposal for Professional Service - Flood Modeling Rochelle Southern Rail Expansion


  pdf Memo from Economic Development Director Jason Anderson (85 KB)

  pdf Agreement for Professional Services (88 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental

History and Fact:

The City of Rochelle Railroad has been an economic driver in our region for the past several years. It offers local industries a competitive advantage by providing access to both the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroads for their shipping needs.


The City of Rochelle Railroad is currently operating at or above its designed capacity. Extending the rail system is necessary for further industrial development of rail related industries. The City and GREDCO own 2.2 miles of rail right of way south of the current terminus which will allow additional track to be built which will open up hundreds of acres for development.

The Economic Development Department recommends that the City begin the process of flood modeling and associated floodway/floodplain permitting in the City’s rail right-of way from John’s Creek south to the Gratton/Ravnaas property line, continuing east to Steward Road. This modeling and permitting are important steps in the design of a future rail extension to the south.

Fehr Graham Engineering and Environmental has provided a scope of services for the flood modeling and associated floodway/floodplain permitting for a fee of $54,090. The cost of the study will be paid out of the railroad revenue funds which are exceeding budgeted levels for the current fiscal year. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the proposal to proceed with the study


Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental for flood modeling and associated floodway/floodplain permitting associated with the future extension of the City of Rochelle Railroad.


Agenda Item #5 Preliminary Engineering Design Services Agreement – Seventh Avenue Bridge Project


  pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (97 KB)

  pdf Agreement between the City and Wendler Engineering Services (223 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Wendler Engineering Services related to the Seventh Avenue Bridge Project

History and Fact:

The Seventh Avenue structure was installed nearly 50 years ago. Over the past few years bridge inspections and reports, required by the Illinois Department of Transportation, have identified spalling of concrete (broken, flaked or pitted), exposed reinforcement, wingwall tipping and deterioration of the deck slab, substructure and the pedestrian walkway. The existing bridge structure has been posted at a weight limit of 22 tons for some time due to these condition ratings. In addition, this bridge has a limited effective opening for conveyance of water and routinely collects debris and sediment.


At the request of City Engineer Sam Tesreau, Wendler Enginering has submitted a proposal for the engineering design and surveying services to prepare plans and specifications for the bidding to replace the structure including roadway approaches. The base engineering scope of services identified in the agreement includes a fee not to exceed $44,000. In addition, the right of way/easement plats and acquisition are estimated to cost $7,500 and environmental services/permitting, if required, will cost approximately $10,000.

Staff has identified this project as a multi-year capital improvement project. The 2015-16 Capital Improvements budget includes $70,000 for this project and the remaining construction and related items will be included in the FY 2016-2017 budget, assuming the necessary permits can be obtained within that timeframe. This project will be funded through sales tax and/or motor fuel tax funds.

Once complete, the new structure will be a traditional bridge with updated pedestrian crossings along the north and south sides of the sidewalk system. The new bridge will help increase the conveyance of the Kyte River.


Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and

Wendler Engineering Services related to the Seventh Avenue Bridge Project


Agenda Item #6 Engineering Agreement - 20th Street and 8th Avenue Water Main Extension


  pdf Memo from Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning (28 KB)

  pdf Engineering Agreement (5.04 MB)

Recommended Action:

Consider an Engineering Agreement with Willett Hofmann & Associates for 20th Street and 8th Avenue Water Main Extension.

History and Fact:

RMU Water/Water Reclamation staff have planned a project to extend 12 inch water main along 20th Street from 10th Avenue to 8th Avenue and along 8th Avenue from 20th Street to 15th Street. In addition, the project would include the replacement of approximately 1,000 feet of 6” galvanized main that is known to be a problem. This water main extension will provide a critical path for water to travel from the north side of town to the central part of the city.


At the request of RMU staff, Willett Hofmann & Associates has submitted an engineering agreement for the design and construction phase assistance, including observation, for the water main extension project. The total project will include the construction of 3,120 feet of 12” water main.

Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning recommends proceeding with the scope of work as outlined at an estimated cost of $67,000. Funding for this agreement is available in the 2015-16 Water Department Capital Outlay Budget.


Authorize the City Manager to sign an Engineering Agreement with Willett Hofmann & Associates for 20th Street and 8th Avenue Water Main Extension.


Agenda Item #7 Purchase of Skid Load 6 MW Generators


  pdf Memo from Director Utilities Business Management and Energy Production Dan Westin (100 KB)

  pdf Altorfer Proposal (476 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider purchase of skid load generators.

History and Fact:

Council approved the overall project for 6 MW of additional peak shaving generation at the October 27th meeting.


RMU staff and BHMG have created a project for these generators which includes a highly efficient integration into RMU’s distribution network with a large amount of reuse of the initial skid load project.

This recommendation is for executing the purchase of the gen sets so they can be readied for implementation into the overall project in the spring of 2016.

Funds for the units are in the budget as part of the transmission line upgrade which is now moved out of FY16 and the rest coming from the Depreciation, Improvement and Extension account.


Approve the purchase of 3 – 2 MW Skid Load Generators from Altorfer at a cost of $1,649,000 and related 5 year maintenance of $48,880.


Discussion Item #1 

The Mayor and City Council are required to adopt a Tax Levy Ordinance annually and file it with the County Clerks on or before the last Tuesday in December. The Ordinance Levying Taxes for the City of Rochelle 2015-16 will be included as a business item on the December 14th City Council Meeting. Finance Director Chris Cardott will provide information on the various components and discuss options related to the levy. In addition, Rochelle Police and Fire Pension Fund representatives will discuss their respective recommendations and respond to questions from the Mayor and Council.


 Rochelle Police Pension Fund Recommendation – Rochelle Police Pension Board

  pdf Rochelle Police Pension Fund Recommendation – Lauterbach & Amen, LLP (347 KB)

pdf Rochelle Fire Pension Fund Recommendation – Rochelle Fire Pension Board (353 KB)

  pdf Rochelle Fire Pension Fund Recommendation - Lauterbach & Amen, LLP (324 KB)