City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• pdf Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran’s Day, March 29, 2016 (38 KB)
- Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
• Mayor- Appointment of Sue Messer to the Police and Fire Pension Boards for a Term to Expire May 1, 2018
• Council Members
• Financial Statement – pdf February 2016 (845 KB)
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf March 14, 2016 (166 KB)
b) Approve Bills – pdf 030416-031016 (85 KB) , pdf 031116-031716 (94 KB)
c) Approve Payroll – pdf 022916-031316 (50 KB)
2) Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street (Public Hearing and Action)
3) Fraud Prevention and Detection Policy
4) Skid Load 6 MW Generator Project Phase II – Additional Project Components
5) Ordinance Authorizing Sale of a 1995 Fire Engine
6) First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Flagg Rochelle Community Park District – Rochelle Golf Course Property
Agenda Item #2 Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street (Public Hearing and Action)
pdf Planning & Zoning Commission Report of Findings (74 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street
History and Fact:
Keith Scott has petitioned the City for a Special Use Permit to allow outdoor storage at 1310 N 7th Street. This property is approximately 0.86 acres in size and includes the El Tapatio Mexican restaurant. The lot fronts Illinois Highway 251 on the east and North 8th Street on the west.
Mr. Scott would like to use the additional parking area to the west, not required for the restaurant, for vehicle storage associated with his towing business. If approved the area will contain perimeter fencing and pervious paving. The property is currently zoned B-2, Highway Commercial, and “Storage Outdoor” is a permitted use in this zoning district if a special use permit is issued.
The Planning and Zoning Commission heard the original petition on November 2, 2015 and recommended that the City Council deny the request for a special use permit. On November 23, 2015 the Mayor and Council referred the petition back to the Planning and Zoning Commission in order for the petitioner to appear before the Commission, which had not occurred on November 2nd.
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition at its meeting on January 4th. Following some discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission prepared a report of findings which includes:
• The proposed use is allowed in the proposed zoning district with a special use permit
• The proposed use is detrimental or dangerous to public health due to the possible infestation of rodents, fluid run off that might leak in to the ground and stormwater drainage.
• The proposed use will impair property values in the neighborhood because you wouldn’t want to own property there with concerns of rodents and an empty restaurant with only an outdoor storage facility.
• The proposed use will not impede on the normal development of the surround properties because the properties are already developed with consistent land uses.
Based on these findings, the Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 6-0, recommended that the City Council deny the issuance of a special use permit for outdoor storage at 1310 N 7th Street.
This Special Use Permit was included on the January 11th council agenda but was removed at the petitioner’s request until a later date.
Deny a Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street
Agenda Item #3 Fraud Prevention and Detection Policy
pdf Memo from Finance Director Chris Cardott (23 KB)
pdf Fraud Prevention and Detection Policy (425 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving Fraud Prevention and Detection Policy
History and Fact:
Unfortunately, municipal fraud schemes are becoming more common as evidenced in the news media. This type of employee dishonesty can result in massive financial losses for local governments that are already functioning within budget constraints. In addition, it can negatively affect the reputation of the City, damage employee morale and result in the loss of public confidence.
While employee dishonesty will never go away, it can be managed. We have to first understand the issue and second have procedures in place to minimize the opportunity for fraudulent behavior. It is the responsibility of all City officials and employees to protect the assets of the City.
The proposed policy sets out specific guidelines and responsibilities regarding appropriate actions that must be followed for the investigation of fraudulent conduct and other similar irregularities. The goal of the policy is to establish and maintain an environment of fairness, ethics and honesty for City employees, the citizens, vendors and anyone else with whom the City has a relationship. Once approved, all employees, Council Members and appointed committee/board members will be required to read and sign the Fraud Prevention and Detection Policy every three years.
Approve Fraud Prevention and Detection Policy
Agenda Item #4 Skid Load 6 MW Generator Project Phase II – Additional Project Components
pdf Memo from Director of Utilities Business Management and Energy Production Dan Westin (159 KB)
pdf Fuel Tank Purchase Recommendation (80 KB)
pdf Altorfer Proposal Change Order 2 (166 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider additional project components for skid load generator project.
History and Fact:
Council approved the overall project for 6 MW of additional peak shaving generation at the October 27, 2015 meeting. These items are components of the previously presented project total.
RMU staff, Altorfer and BHMG have created a project for these generators which includes a highly efficient integration into RMU’s distribution network with a large amount of reuse of the initial skid load project.
This recommendation is for executing the purchase of the following for the gen sets so they can be readied for implementation into the overall project in the spring of 2016:
- Fuel Tank: $ 15,491.14
- Additional work on the units for readiness per Altorfer Quote change order 2: $ 26,847.00
The change order also includes a higher level of warranty which includes all components.
Funds for the units are in the budget as part of the transmission line upgrade which is now moved out of FY16 and the rest coming from the Depreciation, Improvement and Extension account.
Approve the purchase of a Fuel Storage Tank from Illinois Oil Marketing at a cost of $15,491.14.
Approve Change Order 2 from Altorfer at a cost of 26,847.00.
Agenda Item #5 Ordinance Authorizing Sale of a 1995 Fire Engine
pdf Ordinance Authorizing Sale of a 1995 Fire Engine (68 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of a 1995 Fire Engine
History and Fact:
In January of 2015 the Mayor and City Council approved the purchase of a new fire engine to replace a 1995 model in use at the time. The bid was awarded to Alexis Fire Equipment in the amount of $462,040. On March 3rd of this year the new engine was delivered and is now in service.
The disposition of the 1995 engine was not addressed in the original bid. However, per State Statute, the Mayor and Council can authorize the sale of property which is no longer necessary or useful. The proposed ordinance allows the City Manager to dispose of the engine through a cash sale, with or without advertising for an appropriate amount. The engine will be sold “as is” and without a warranty.
Approve an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of a 1995 Fire Engine
Agenda Item #6 First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Flagg Rochelle Community Park District – Rochelle Golf Course Property
pdf First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement (84 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement – Rochelle Golf Course Property
History and Fact:
On March 20, 2013 the Mayor and Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District relating to the acquisition and leasing of 74.285 acres improved with a golf course and restaurant. The City and Park District subsequently entered into lease agreements for the operation of the golf course and restaurant. All of the leases and subleases have since expired or been terminated and no leases are currently in effect.
The City and Park District have agreed to operate the golf course for the 2016 golf season, excluding the restaurant. The terms of the joint operation included in the proposed First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement are as follows:
• The City, with the consent of the Park District, will hire a golf course manager and other golf course employees as necessary, all of whom will be City employees.
• The golf course manager will supervise golf course employees and will report to the Park District Executive Director.
• All revenues and expenses of the golf course will be processed through the City’s financial department, with each party ultimately being responsible for 50% of any net gain or loss annually.
• Both parties are responsible for obtaining and maintaining insurance coverage to cover each party’s interest in the golf course and potential liability.
• The parties will defer listing the property for sale or selling the property until the parties no longer jointly operate the golf course.
Approve a First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Flagg Rochelle Community Park District – Rochelle Golf Course Property