City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• League of Women Voters “Making Democracy Work Day” – pdf March 24, 2015 (40 KB)
• Mayor’s Day of Recognition for National Service – pdf April 7, 2015 (44 KB)
• Arbor Day – pdf April 24, 2015 (37 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Financial Statement – pdf February 2015 (730 KB)
• Community Center/YMCA Project Update
o pdf Updated Results: Area Resident Reaction to a New Community Center/YMCA in Rochelle (162 KB)
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf March 9, 2015 (181 KB)
b) Approve Bills – pdf 022715-030515 (90 KB) , pdf 030615-031215 (91 KB)
c) Approve Payroll – pdf 030215-031515 (131 KB)
d) Approve Closure of Centerpoint Drive North of the RC2 Entrance for Project Red Construction Material Staging March-May
e) Authorize Rochelle Lions Club Tootsie Pop Fund Raiser – pdf May 1, 2015 (179 KB)
2) 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project – Steward Road
3) Engineering Services for Sewer Main Relocation Project – Rochelle Community Hospital
4) Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BNSF Railway Company – Quadrant Gates at 15th Street
5) PJM Letter of Commitment - Transmission Tariff
6) Cable Television Franchise Agreement Extension and Ordinance Adopting Cable/Video Service Provider Customer Service Standards
Agenda Item #2 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project – Steward Road
pdf Memo from Superintendent of Electric Operations Joe Orlikowski (112 KB)
pdf Letter of Recommendation from BHMG Engineers (105 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project
History and Fact:
RMU currently has a 138kV transmission line, Line 1, which extends along Steward Road from CHS to Hayes Road. Due to the age of the line and to serve the future needs of this area, in particular Well #12, RMU plans to rebuild approximately .55 miles of the line on steel poles with distribution underbuild and one self-supported pole foundation.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened one bid for the Transmission Line Rebuild Project on Wednesday, March 18th from M.J. Electric. The bid included two proposals as follows: 5.01 for the line energized at a cost of $674,877.99 and 5.02 for the line de-energized at a cost of $449,918.66
The engineering estimate for this portion of the project was $347,500. However, the total project costs will still be within the project budget if proposal 5.02 is selected and there is a need to provide power to the new well on Hayes Road this year. Therefore, Superintendent of Electric Operations Joe Orlikowski and our consultant from BHMG recommend the acceptance of proposal 5.02 from M.J. Electric for the line de-energized at a cost of $449,918.66
The Transmission Line Rebuild Project is being funded through Electric Revenue System Bonds issued last year.
Approve the bid from M.J. Electric, proposal 5.02, for the 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project at a cost of $449,918.66 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #3 Engineering Services for Sewer Main Relocation Project – Rochelle Community Hospital
Memo from Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning
(98 KB)
Engineering Proposal
(292 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an engineering proposal from Willett Hofmann & Associates for the design and construction observation of a sewer main relocation project along the south side of the Rochelle Community Hospital property.
History and Fact:
Last year the Mayor and Council approved the rezoning of several properties near Rochelle Community Hospital (RCH) and the issuance of a special use permit to allow the hospital to expand its campus. The hospital has since demolished several residential dwellings to prepare for the expansion.
RCH plans to expand their current facility to the south. This new construction will take place over existing Rochelle Municipal Utility (RMU) water and sewer lines. RMU personnel have already shut off the water line and have confirmed that abandoning this line will not cause any issues. However, this is not the case with the sewer line which must be relocated so that RMU can maintain access to the line.
At the request of RMU staff, Willett Hofmann & Associates has submitted an engineering proposal for the design and construction observation of a sewer main relocation project along the south side of the RCH Property. The sewer improvements to be constructed on the hospital property include the construction of a twelve inch sanitary sewer from the current sewer terminus along the western line of the hospital’s property, north within the North 3rd Street right-of-way, to the sewer located within the West 10th Avenue right-of-way.
Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning recommends proceeding with the scope of work as outlined at a cost of $34,700.
The total cost of this project including design and construction costs is estimated at $228,000. The current annexation agreement proposal includes funding of the project by Rochelle Community Hospital.
Authorize the City Manager to sign an engineering proposal from Willett Hofmann & Associates for the design and construction observation of a sewer main relocation project along the south side of the Rochelle Community Hospital property.
Agenda Item #4 Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BNSF Railway Company – Quadrant Gates at 15th Street
pdf Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement (2.59 MB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BNSF Railway Company for quadrant gates at 15th Street
History and Fact:
The Comprehensive Plan and the City Council’s Strategic Planning Summary developed in 2011 recognize the need to eliminate or mitigate the train noise in our community. This has been identified as a quality of life issue, especially for those living and working near the tracks.
In 2012 the City hired Quiet Zone Technologies to conduct an evaluation of the BNSF and UP roadway and pedestrian crossings. To supplement the report, Fehr Graham prepared an analysis of the roadway improvements and estimated costs necessary to meet the Federal Railroad Administration’s requirements for a full Quiet Zone. Based on the evaluation and analysis, the Mayor and Council approved an agreement in 2014 with Fehr Graham for the selection and design of crossing treatments and filing of the required Notice of Intent (NOI). Thus far, Fehr Graham has issued the NOI to Establish a Quiet Zone for both the UP and BNSF corridors and completed 90% of the construction plans. The firm intends to finalize the plans once the public comment period for the NOI ends in April.
The BNSF Railway Company has prepared a Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement which provides for the installation of four-quadrant flashers and gates at 15th Street by the BNSF Railway at an estimated cost to the City of $768,651. In addition, the City would be responsible for the installation of a pavement marking stop bar and advance warning signs in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Once the agreement is executed, it is anticipated that the BNSF will install the quad gates within 180 days.
The current status of the Quiet Zone project will allow for bidding in early May and construction to commence by the end of June. With the completion of the quad gates by the BNSF and the crossing improvements by the City of Rochelle, the Quiet Zone could be established by the end of 2015.
As discussed at the recent Committee of the Whole Budget Workshop, the City plans to issue either alternate revenue bonds or debt certificates to fund the Quiet Zone project estimated at $1,750,000-$2,000,000.
Authorize the City Manager to sign a Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BNSF Railway
Agenda Item #5 Letter of Commitment for PJM Integration
pdf Memo from Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin (93 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Letter of Commitment for PJM Integration
History and Fact:
In December of 2014 the Utility Advisory Board approved the recommendation from Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) staff to proceed with a transmission tariff application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). (See Attachment B.)
Since this approval, RMU staff and consultants have completed the FERC Tariff Application which shows that due to RMU’s interconnect to the grid, our assets have the potential to generate yearly revenue of $1,244,000. This revenue has potential to grow with additional transmission investment, some of which is going to be required very soon, and this revenue is a way to fund those investments. (See Attachment A.)
Discussion: As part of applying for the FERC transmission tariff RMU staff and consultants have also worked with PJM, the regional transmission operator, to prepare for a formal integration in PJM (RMU has been connected with PJM since 2005, this integration is tied to having the correct designation in order to apply for the transmission tariff). As part of this integration, which will cost about $200,000, PJM is requesting a letter of commitment from the City of Rochelle DBA RMU. This integration is dependent on RMU being approved for the transmission tariff and will not be charged to the utility if the tariff is not approved.
It is preferable to have this commitment letter sent in with the tariff application.
Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Letter of Commitment for PJM Integration
Agenda Item #6 Cable Television Franchise Agreement Extension and Ordinance Adopting Cable/Video Service Provider Customer Service Standards
pdf Memo from City Attorney Alan Cooper (366 KB)
pdf Cable Television Franchise Agreement Extension (6 KB)
pdf Ordinance Adopting Cable/Video Service Provider Customer Service Standards (89 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a Cable Television Franchise Agreement Extension and an Ordinance Adopting Cable/Video Service Provider Customer Service Standards
History and Fact:
The Mayor and City Council approved a five year Cable Franchise Agreement with Comcast on March 9, 2010. The contract was subsequently executed by the City on March 23rd, which then became the effective date, and expires on March 23, 2015.
Over the past few weeks City Attorney Alan Cooper has been negotiating a new franchise agreement which will allow Comcast to continue to operate a cable television system in the City. The contract is close to being finalized and it is anticipated that a public hearing and approval of the new agreement will take place at the April 13th City Council meeting. Therefore, Attorney Cooper recommends approving an extension of the current Comcast franchise agreement to April 27th.
The proposed franchise agreement currently being negotiated with Comcast includes cable/video customer service standards included in the Illinois State Statutes. For that reason, Attorney Cooper recommends that the City amend Chapter 26, Cable/Video Service Regulations, to enforce the customer service and privacy protection standards provided by the Cable and Video Customer Protection Law.
Approve the Cable Television Franchise Agreement Extension
Approve an Ordinance Adopting Cable/Video Service Provider Customer Service Standards