City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Rochelle Township High School Interact Club
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf February 22, 2016 (159 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting - pdf January 4, 2016 (156 KB)
c) Approve Bills – pdf 021216-021816 (103 KB) , pdf 021916-022516 (96 KB) , pdf 022616-030316 (80 KB)
d) Approve Payroll – pdf 020116-021416 (49 KB) , pdf 021516-022816 (53 KB)
e) pdf Accept and Place on File Annual Fire Department Report (2.56 MB)
f) pdf Accept and Place on File Annual Police Department Report (5.01 MB)
g) Approve Ale on Lincoln Planning Committee Request – pdf June 11, 2016 (101 KB)
h) Authorize the use of City Streets for the Rochelle Middle School Color Run – pdf May 21, 2016 (217 KB)
i) Authorize the Closure of 4th Avenue from 6th Street to Lincoln Highway for Vinny’s Barber Shop Customer Appreciation Day – pdf July 10, 2016 (35 KB)
j) pdf Approve Resolution Establishing a Golf Course Advisory Commission (49 KB)
k) Authorize the Catholic Church of St. Patrick to use City streets for a Procession on pdf March 25, 2016 (19 KB)
2) City of Rochelle Strategic Plan 2016-2018
3) Engineering Proposal for GIS Modifications – Water/Water Reclamation Division
4) Well #12 Project Change Order
5) Purchase of Transformer for Skid Load 6 MW Generator Project
6) Purchase of Full Size 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup Truck – Engineering Department
7) Engineering Proposal for Additional Track at North Switch Yard – City Industrial Railroad
Agenda Item #2 City of Rochelle Strategic Plan 2016-2018
pdf Strategic Plan 2016-2018 (576 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Adopting City of Rochelle Strategic Plan 2016-2018
History and Fact:
In August of 2016 the City hired Dr. Alicia Schatteman to assist with the development of a Strategic Plan for the City of Rochelle. After the initial data collection, Dr. Schatteman met with the City Council and Senior Staff to discuss the process and perform a SWOT analysis. Dr. Schatteman then prepared a draft of strategic issues and met with Council and staff again to discuss her report and build consensus on the related goals. Dr. Schatteman subsequently delivered a draft City of Rochelle Strategic Plan for 2016-18 for council review and adoption in December. The draft Strategic Plan was later discussed at a December council meeting, followed by further discussion at a Committee of the Whole meeting on January 4th where modifications were suggested.
The suggested modifications have been incorporated in the final plan as presented.
Strategic issues identified in the plan include the following:
• Issue #1 Economic Development – the need to promote employment opportunities for current and potential residents. The vision is to have a vibrant and diverse economy for the City of Rochelle
• Issue #2 Financial Sustainability – the need to match service delivery to resource constraints. The vision is to balance the needs of current residents with fiscal resources and investment in long-term growth potential. Vision is to create the most efficient, effective and equitable government services.
• Issue #3 Community Engagement – the need to increase participation in local governance from all residents. Vision is to build on the uniqueness and strengths of its residents by embracing the opportunities that a diverse population has to offer.
The plan also includes 3-4 goals and measurable objectives associated with each.
Adopt the City of Rochelle Strategic Plan 2016-2018
Agenda Item #3 Engineering Proposal for GIS Modifications – Water/Water Reclamation Division
pdf Memo from Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning (51 KB)
pdf Engineering Proposal (3.21 MB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an engineering proposal from Willett Hofmann & Associates for GIS Modifications.
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle currently utilizes a digital mapping system called geographic information system (GIS). This digital mapping system allows for identification of both underground and above ground infrastructure. The maps are currently in a preliminary state and need to be advanced to the next stage of development so that field crews can fully utilize the maps.
At the request of RMU staff, Willet Hoffman & Associates has provided a proposal to modify the existing GIS system and provide GPS surveying and inspection of all of the sanitary manholes and lift stations in order to provide a complete GIS system. This data and the existing information will be combined to create a single GIS map and database for all of the Water and Water Reclamation assets (7,163 points) including manholes, fire hydrants, shut off valves, etc. In addition, the water main and sanitary sewer main lines will be color coded based on the size of the main.
Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning recommends proceeding with the scope of work as outlined at a cost of $121,660. He plans to space this work out over a three year period in order to stay within an annual budget amount of $50,000 for GIS services. The proposal is quoted on an hourly basis. If staff can find a more economical way to get this work done, including performing some of the field work in-house or with seasonal help, they will.
Authorize the City Manager to sign the engineering proposal from Willett Hofmann & Associates for GIS Modifications.
Agenda Item #4 Well 12 Project Change Order
pdf Memo from Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning (96 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider change order #2.
History and Fact:
The construction of a new well in the southeast quadrant of the City has been necessitated by the continued industrial growth in the area. As a result, the Mayor and Council approved bids for a well house, pump, connecting water main and water tower associated with Well 12 on June 8, 2015. The contract for the water tower was awarded to CB&I Constructors Inc. with a bid of $2,223,900 to furnish and install a 750,000 gallon storage tank.
The Well 12 elevated tower was originally bid with specifications similar to other elevated towers in regards to the lighting requirements mandated by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). Since the well tower will be 50 feet higher than our other towers and in close proximity to the Rochelle airport, the FAA’s requirements are more stringent than usual. Therefore an upgraded lighting system is needed for this tower. In addition, an upgrade to LED technology will extend the life expectancy of the unit and minimize the number of trips up the tower for bulb maintenance. These two lighting upgrades are included in the proposed change order at a total cost of $8,872.50.
The water tower bid also included a standard logo since a new logo had not been selected or approved at the time. The newly approved City logo has more intricate details and will require more time and material to complete. The additional cost for the logo is $15,000.
Superintendent Adam Lanning recommends approving the change order associated with this project. This change order increases the contract price from $2,223,900 to $2,247,772.50
Approve the change orders from CB&I Constructors in the amount of $23,872.50 for a total project cost of $2,247,772.50.
Agenda Item #5 Purchase of Transformer for Skid Load 6 MW Generator Project
pdf Memo from Director of Utilities Business Management and Energy Production Dan Westin (157 KB)
pdf Transformer Quotes (177 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider purchase of transformer for skid load generator project.
History and Fact:
Council approved the overall project for 6 MW of additional peak shaving generation at the October 27, 2015 meeting. This item is a component of the previously presented project total.
RMU staff, Altorfer and BHMG have created a project for these generators which includes a highly efficient integration into RMU’s distribution network with a large amount of reuse of the initial skid load project.
Three transformers are required for the generator project. Director of Utilities Business Management and Energy Production Dan Westin recommends the purchase of one transformer for the generator project from RESCO at a cost of $24,210; the other two are in stock. Competitive quotes were received and the chosen vendor provided both short lead time and the lowest price. Approving the purchase of this component for the gen sets will enable them to be readied for implementation into the overall project in the spring of 2016.
Funds for this project are in the budget as part of the transmission line upgrade which is now moved out of FY16 and the rest coming from the Depreciation, Improvement and Extension account.
Approve the purchase of a 2500 KVA 3 phase transformer from RESCO at a cost of $24,210.
Agenda Item #6 Purchase of Full Size 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup Truck for the Engineering Department
pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (112 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider the purchase of a full size 4x4 crew cab pickup truck for the Engineering Department.
History and Fact:
The 2015-16 Engineering Capital Budget includes $28,000 for the purchase of a full size 4x4 crew cab pickup truck with ample storage for field equipment and personnel. The existing 2004 pickup is beginning to have some maintenance issues. It will be retained for local use only by summer help that will typically be driving to and from construction sites.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened bids on February 26 for a 2016 full size 4x4 crew cab pickup truck from two dealers. City Engineer Sam Tesreau reviewed the bids and found that the low bidder, Prescott Brothers Ford, met all of the specifications. Therefore, Tesreau recommends the acceptance of the bid from Prescott Brothers Ford in the amount of $32,395.
This vehicle is available per the minimum specification and/or alternate options for $31,357 through the State’s vendor. However, the delivery time will be longer than expected.
Approve the purchase of a 2016 full size 4x4 crew cab pickup truck from Prescott Brothers Ford in the amount of $32,395 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #7 Engineering Proposal for Additional Track at North Switch Yard – City Industrial Railroad
pdf Engineering Proposal (123 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an engineering proposal with Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental for additional track at the City Industrial Rail North Switch Yard.
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle Railroad (CIR) has been an economic driver in our region for the past several years. It offers local industries a competitive advantage by providing access to both the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroads for their shipping needs.
The increasing demand for efficient rail service across the country is creating economic development opportunities for Rochelle. The CIR is currently operating at or above its designed capacity. Therefore, an extension of the rail system is necessary for further development of rail related industries.
At the request of City staff, Fehr Graham has submitted an engineering proposal for the design of track #5 at the CIR North Switch Yard, located just south of Creston Road. The project includes the design of one parallel storage track, track #5, approximately 2000 linear feet in length and lengthening track #4 approximately 500 linear feet. The design also includes relocating one and constructing two additional turnouts.
Adding this additional track will afford the City the ability to interchange with the BNSF without using the Ryder yard. It will also open up additional options for storage and block switching.
The net revenue this fiscal year from the CIR as of the end of January is $1,027,876. The construction portion of this project is estimated at $750,000 and is included in the proposed 2016/17 Railroad Fund Capital Outlay Budget. Economic Development Director Jason Anderson recommends proceeding with the scope of work as outlined at a cost of $28,800.
Authorize the City Manager to sign the engineering proposal with Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental for additional track at the City Industrial Rail North Switch Yard at a cost of $28,800.