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City Council Meeting Agenda June 22, 2015

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor - pdf Appointment of Members to Boards and Commissions (24 KB)

• Council Members

• Employee Introduction – pdf Kyle Buch (62 KB)


• League of United Latin American Citizens



a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf June 8, 2015 (219 KB)

b) Approve Minutes of the Committee of the Whole – pdf June 8, 2015 (20 KB)

c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Stormwater Advisory Committee – pdf January 14, 2015 (349 KB)

d) Approve Bills – pdf 052915-060415 (90 KB) , pdf 060515-061115 (118 KB)

e) Approve Payroll – pdf 052515-060715 (53 KB)

f) Approve Wine on Lincoln Committee Request – pdf September 26, 2015 (104 KB)

2) Rochelle Municipal Utility Technology Center Roof Project

3) Subsidy for Fairways Golf Course Operations

4) 2015 Sidewalk Project

5) Permitted Facilities Agreement with BP Pipelines– RMU Driveway North of the Wiscold Drive Improvement Project

6) Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Illinois Department of Transportation for Municipality Maintenance of Roadways under State Jurisdiction

7) Amendment to Local Agency Agreement and Supplement to Preliminary Engineering Services for Federal Participation – Jack Dame Road Overpass Project

8) Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Teska Associates– Downtown & Southern Gateway TIF District

9) Memorandum of Agreement with BHMG Engineers, Inc. – Caterpillar Power Module Control System Upgrade Units 13, 14 and 15





Agenda Item #2 Rochelle Municipal Utility Technology Center Roof Project


pdf Memo from Advanced Communications Superintendent Scott Koteski (98 KB)

pdf Letter of Recommendation from Fehr Graham (323 KB)

pdf Bid Tabulation (34 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Rochelle Municipal Utility Technology Center Roof Project

History and Fact:

In the spring of 2011 a storm moved through the Rochelle area producing high winds with recorded gust of 75MPH. Shortly after the storm staff noticed a section of the Rochelle Municipal Utility (RMU) Technology Center roof membrane ballooning in the wind. At that time the roof was temporarily repaired and ballasted with tires. After investigations performed by RMU and our insurance provider it was determined that the roof failed due to excessive winds. The original roof warranty carried a wind rating of 60MPH and the recorded 75MHP winds were above the warranty coverage.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened one complete bid on June 10th. Staff and our consultant, Brandy Williams of Fehr Graham, have reviewed the bid and recommend the acceptance of the base bid of $155,473 for the technology center roof, Alternate #1 of $1,579 for the 20 year 90 MPH warranty and Alternate #2A of $14,859 for the addition of vapor barrier from Metalmaster for a total of $171,911.

RMU has received a payment of $137,808.72 from the insurance company to replace the main roof on the technology center. In addition, the 2015-16 Capital Outlay Budget for Advanced Communications includes $55,000 to upgrade the roof to a 90MHP warranty and add an additional vapor barrier to the structure.


Accept the bid for the Rochelle Municipal Utility Technology Center Roof Project from Metalmaster including the base bid, alternate #1 and Alternate #2A, for a total of $171,911 and reject all other bids.


Agenda Item #3 Subsidy for Fairways Golf Course Operations


pdf Memo from Economic Development Director Jason Anderson (28 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider a subsidy for Fairways Golf Course operations.

History and Fact:

On March 20, 2013 the Mayor and Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District for the Purchase of the Golf Course and Restaurant and Leasing of the Golf Course and Restaurant to a Third Party, a Purchase Contract for Golf Course and Restaurant and a Facility Lease Agreement with the Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation (GREDCO). Since that time GREDCO has been under contract with the City and Park District to provide the oversight, maintenance and operations of the golf course and banquet facilities. GREDCO has closely monitored the cash flow of the golfing operation and has come to realize that without on-going support from the City and Park District, the golf course is not viable. In order to maintain the golf course through the end of the year, the City and Park District will each need to contribute $50,000 for the 2015-16 fiscal year.


Economic Development Director Jason Anderson recommends that the City Manager be authorized to allocate $50,000 from Community Development funds to GREDCO for the sole purpose of maintaining the operations of Fairways Golf course for the current fiscal year.

The 2015-16 Hotel/Motel Fund Budget, administered by Community Development, includes $50,000 to subsidize the golf course for this fiscal year.

Representatives from GREDCO will be in attendance at the council meeting to answer questions from the Mayor and Council.


Authorize the City Manager to allocate $50,000 from Community Development funds to GREDCO for Fairways Golf Course operations.


Agenda Item #4 2015 Sidewalk Project


pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (94 KB)

pdf Bid Tabulation Sheet (103 KB)

pdf Map of 2015 Sidewalk Maintenance Locations (183 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the 2015 Sidewalk Project

History and Fact:

Over the past several years the City has removed and replaced sidewalks throughout the community based on their condition. The 2015 Sidewalk Project includes the removal and replacement of approximately 16,400 square feet of sidewalk, twelve accessibility ramps and 450 linear feet of concrete curb and gutter on School Avenue, Caron Road and Irene Avenue.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened three bids for the project on June 11th. City Engineer Sam Tesreau reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Campos Construction, Inc. with a bid of $140,014.50. The City of Rochelle will purchase the detectable warning plates for use on the accessibility ramps and the contractor will provide curb replacement around the handicap ramp locations. The 2015 Sidewalk Project will be funded through the Capital Improvements Fund.


Accept the bid from Campos Construction, Inc. in the amount of $140,014.50 and reject all other bids.


Agenda Item #5 Permitted Facility Agreement with BP Pipelines – RMU Driveway North of the Wiscold Drive Improvement Project


pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (95 KB)

pdf Permitted Facilities Agreement (402 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider a Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City and BP Pipelines, Inc.

History and Fact:

In 2009, in association with the expansion of Sara Lee Corporation, the City of Rochelle was awarded a grant through the Economic Development Program of up to 50% for roadway upgrades along Wiscold Drive, not to exceed $1,123,860. Late last year the Mayor and Council approved a Permitted Facilities Agreement with BP Pipelines to facilitate the construction of the new Wiscold Drive roadway alignment over the pipeline located east of Steam Plant Road and awarded the bid to Martin and Company for the Wiscold Drive improvements.


Construction is currently underway on the Wiscold Drive Improvement Project. As a result, it was determined that an additional permitted facilities agreement would be required from BP to allow an access driveway and pavement to be constructed over a portion of the pipeline easement located adjacent to the new Wiscold Drive alignment and immediately east of the Caron and Steam Plant Road intersection.

BP officials have provided a permitted facility agreement for the encroachment with certain conditions for construction of the facilities. These conditions include an earthen berm approximately 10 feet west of the pipeline to create a barrier between the pipeline and vehicles using the access driveway or paved area. In addition, BP will have the right to remove portions of the permitted facilities if necessary for maintenance or construction of the pipeline. Per the agreement, the City will be solely responsible for all costs and expenses for constructing, operating, maintaining and removing the permitted facilities.

Approval of this agreement will allow the City to continue with construction of this facility and provide access to the existing Rochelle Municipal Utility peaker plant north of Wiscold Drive.


Authorize the City Manager to sign the Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BP Pipelines of North America related to the RMU Driveway North of the Wiscold Drive Improvement Project


Agenda Item #6 Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Illinois Department of Transportation for Municipality Maintenance of Roadways under State Jurisdiction


pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (92 KB)

pdf Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rochelle and IDOT (413 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rochelle and IDOT

History and Fact:

The City and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) have an existing agreement for maintenance of certain State routes with the City of Rochelle corporate limits which expires on June 30, 2015. IDOT has submitted an updated Intergovernmental Agreement to the City for the term July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2025. The scope of work and areas identified for routine maintenance are generally identified in the agreement. This maintenance does not include major reconstruction or resurfacing projects. The total compensation for the term is estimated at $544,375.


Staff met with IDOT in early June to discuss the scope of services and identify some questionable maintenance limits contained within the agreement. Those issues have since been resolved.

The City has participated in the maintenance of State routes and/or said agreements for nearly 50 years as the local municipality’s public works are the first response, in many situations, to address the immediate and short term maintenance needs of local streets and highways within its corporate limits.

The agreement includes a clause to allow modifications to the agreement when mutually agreed to by both parties. City Engineer Sam Tesreau recommends that the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets be designated as the City’s representatives who are authorized to approve these modifications.


Authorize the Mayor to Sign an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Rochelle and IDOT for Routine Maintenance of State Routes for the term July 1, 2015-June 30, 2025.
Designate the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets to act on behalf of the City for the term of the agreement.


Agenda Item #7 Amendment to Local Agency Agreement and Supplement to Preliminary Engineering Services for Federal Participation – Jack Dame Road Overpass Project


pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (108 KB)

pdf Amendment to Local Agency Agreement (106 KB)

pdf Supplement to Preliminary Engineering Services (200 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider an Amendment to the Local Agency Agreement and Supplement to Preliminary Engineering Services for Federal Participation for the Jack Dame Road Project

History and Fact:

In 2011 the Mayor and Council approved a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates for phase one of the Jack Dame Road Overpass project and a Federal Participation Agreement for Federal funds to be used towards engineering services. At that time there was $245,000 of appropriated Surface Transportation Funds to be applied towards initial engineering elements. Since then $204,263 has been exhausted for the preliminary alignment layout, environmental assessment, right of way identification plat development, coordination with State and railroad agencies and other services identified in the original preliminary engineering services agreement. Staff has requested that IDOT release the remaining appropriated funds of approximately $40,737 for the next phase of engineering development.


It is estimated that phase two of engineering design which includes a project design report, State and railroad permitting, updated environmental assessment, ROW platting, cost estimates, project specifications and other elements identified in the scope of services will cost approximately $325,000. Based on the current Federal participation cap of $245,000, the City would need to contribute approximately $80,000. Therefore, supplemental #1 to the engineering services agreement includes a scope of services for certain engineering elements for a fee of $120,734.

IDOT has provided Amendment #1 to the Local Agency Agreement for council approval for the extension of the Surface Transportation Funds and further provisions to continue the approval and reimbursement process for the preliminary engineering costs. The City will be responsible for payments until reimbursement is received by IDOT or for any ineligible costs or those that exceed the agreement terms. Other engineering and construction phase agreements will follow once IDOT approves them.

Once the agreement is executed by IDOT, the City may proceed with the remaining preliminary engineering. However, if right of way acquisition or actual construction of the project is not started within 10 years following the signing of the agreement, the City will be required to repay the State any Federal funds received under the terms of the agreement.


Authorize the Mayor to Sign Amendment #1 to the Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for the Jack Dame Road Overpass Project
Authorize the Mayor to Sign Supplemental #1 to the Preliminary Engineering Services for Federal Participation for the Jack Dame Road Overpass Project


Agenda Item #8 Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Teska Associates – Downtown & Southern Gateway TIF District


pdf Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Teska Associates (68 KB)

pdf Attachment A – Scope of Services (195 KB)

pdf Rochelle Downtown & Southern Gateway TIF Schedule (30 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Teska Associates

History and Fact:

On June 8th the Mayor and Council approved a Development Agreement with MTI, Inc. for the redevelopment of the Hub Theater and the Graber Building. As part of this agreement the City agreed to pursue the formation of a Tax Increment Financing District to include the properties that MTI has a contract to purchase and other properties in the downtown and South 7th Street areas. In addition the City Council approved an Inducement Resolution as the first step in the process of establishing the TIF District.


At the request of City staff, Teska and Associates have provided a three phase scope of services for the Downtown & Southern Gateway TIF District at a not to exceed cost of $34,865. The first phase, Eligibility Study, includes a field inventory, data collection and base map preparation, data analysis and an eligibility findings report. The second phase, Redevelopment Plan and Program, includes a housing impact study, redevelopment plan preparation, redevelopment plan formulation, boundary survey and legal description, City Council workshop and community meeting. The final phase, Public Review and Adoption, includes public notice of meeting and interested parties registry, Joint Review Board meeting, public hearing, city council deliberations, minor amendments, adjustment to survey and legal description and ordinances.

If the TIF process commences at this time, Teska estimates that the TIF District can be established as early as November of this year.


Authorize City Manager to Sign an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Teska Associates for the Downtown and Southern Gateway TIF District.


Agenda Item #9 Memorandum of Agreement with BHMG Engineers, Inc.– Caterpillar Power Module Control System Upgrade Units 13, 14 and 15


pdf Memorandum of Agreement (35 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BHMG Engineers, Inc.

History and Fact:

In 2014 the Mayor and Council approved the purchase of three generators in order to provide Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) with an additional 6 MW of capacity. The units were installed and certified late last year. These generators are important for peak shaving and can be deployed into the distribution system to provide power during emergencies.


The three generators each have individual controls located within the enclosures that require someone to enter each enclosure to start them. RMU staff would like to automate the controls so that the units can be started remotely from the diesel plant, similar to the gas turbine. Therefore, staff requested a proposal from BHMG to upgrade the controls to allow remote start up and remove the controls from the vibration of the containers. The proposed scope of services includes designing a control system for the three CAT generators; designing and installing a 12’ x 16’ building near the generators; reworking the existing control panels; designing, procuring and installing three complete control panels in the new building; designing and installing a touchscreen to allow operation of the Solar turbine from the control building; preparing documentation of the control system upgrade; and on-site training for a fixed fee of $388,000.

Electric Operations Assistant Superintendent Jeff Sartorious recommends approval of the Memorandum of Agreement so these units can be started remotely and upgrade the analog controls.

Funding for the project is included in the FY 16 Electric Fund Capital Outlay Budget.


Authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BHMG, Inc. for the Caterpillar Power Module Control System Upgrade, Units 13, 14 and 15.