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City Council Meeting Agenda July 13, 2015

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer



•  pdf Park and Recreation Month – July 2015 (47 KB)


• Mayor
• Council Members




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting –  pdf June 22, 2015 (245 KB)

b) Accept and Place on File Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes – pdf May 4, 2015 (175 KB)

c) Approve Bills – pdf 061215- 062515 (105 KB) , pdf 062615-070215 (75 KB)

d) Approve Payroll –  pdf 060815-062115 (49 KB)

2) Quiet Zone Improvements

3) Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Signals and Sidewalk Ramp Upgrades

4) Purchase of Compact Excavator – Street and Cemetery Departments

5) Rochelle Community Hospital Sanitary Sewer Relocation Project

6) Above Grade and Below Grade Installation for the Caron Road Substation Expansion Project

7) Security Door Access Equipment and Installation – RMU Generation Facility

8) Transmission System Operator Services Agreement




Agenda Item #2 Quiet Zone Improvements


pdf Letter of Recommendation from Fehr Graham (49 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider Quiet Zone Improvement Bids

History and Fact:

The City of Rochelle experiences nearly 100 trains per day traveling through our community on the Union Pacific and BNSF Railway lines. Over the past decade the public has consistently identified train horns as having a negative impact on the quality of life in Rochelle. As a result, the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the City Council’s Strategic Planning Summary both identify the need to eliminate or mitigate the train noise.

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) provides the regulatory authority to establish a quiet zone and the City of Rochelle has completed the engineering and feasibility study steps necessary to establish such a zone. By constructing various FRA approved improvements at the at-grade rail crossings within the City of Rochelle, a quiet zone can be established. In March, the City Council approved a Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement which provides for the installation of four-quadrant flashers and gates at 15th Street by the BNSF Railway at an estimated cost to the City of $768,651.

Discussion: Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened two bids on July 2nd for the remaining Quiet Zone Improvements which include concrete raised medians, centerline delineators, grading and excavation, concrete curb and gutter, hot-mix asphalt pavement, concrete sidewalk, storm sewer and drainage inlets, pavement markings, signage and restoration. Although the bids are considerably higher than the engineer’s estimate, City Engineer Sam Tesreau and our consultant, Fehr Graham, recommend awarding the contract to the low bidder, Martin & Company, in the amount of $889,487.25. Since the project includes re-mobilizing to 10 different locations throughout the City, our consultant attempted to factor this into the individual unit prices on the estimate. Based on a review of the bids, it is apparent that they underestimated the contractor’s cost for mobilizing between the sites.

The Quiet Zone Improvement project is being funded through General Obligation Debt Certificates issued on July 7th for $2,000,000.


Approve the bid from Martin & Company for the Quiet Zone Improvements in the amount of $889,487.25 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #3 Illinois Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Signals and Sidewalk Ramp Upgrades


pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (124 KB)

pdf Memo from Fehr Graham – Traffic Light Section (28 KB)

pdf Bid Tabulation – Traffic Light Section (57 KB)

pdf Memo from Fehr Graham – Sidewalk Section (29 KB)

pdf Bid Tabulation – Sidewalk Section (58 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Illinois Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Signals and Sidewalk Ramp Upgrades

History and Fact:

The installation of pedestrian signals and sidewalk ramp upgrades at Illinois Route 38 and Lincoln Highway has been a part of the long term capital improvements plan for a couple of years. The new pedestrian signals are designed to accommodate pedestrians, users with disabilities and increase the time available to cross the intersection. In addition, the improvements will include new sidewalk ramps and pavement striping to better identify the pedestrian routes when crossing the intersection. Engineering began on the project in late 2013 and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) approved the project and its funding in September of 2014.
The City solicited bids for the Illinois Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Pedestrian Traffic Signal Upgrade Project last fall and again this spring. In both cases the lowest bid was found to be more than 50% higher than the engineer’s estimate and all bids were subsequently rejected by council.


Following discussions with IDOT, the project was split into two sections, traffic light and sidewalk, in hopes of obtaining more competitive bids. In addition the engineer’s estimate was increased by approximately $92,000.

Subsequent to the required public notice, the Deputy City Clerk opened a single bid for the traffic light section of the project on June 22nd. Although the bid is 12 % higher than the engineer’s estimate, City Engineer Sam Tesreau and our consultant, Fehr Graham, recommend acceptance of the bid from William Charles Electric, LLC in the amount of $46,270.50 since this project has been rebid three times.

The Deputy City Clerk also opened three bids for the sidewalk section of the project. The lowest bid was approximately 5% higher than the engineer’s estimate. Since this project has also been rebid multiple times, City Engineer Sam Tesreau and our consultant, Fehr Graham, recommend acceptance of the bid from O’Brien Civil Works, Inc. in the amount $52,400.65.

These projects will be funded through the Capital Improvements fund which includes a revenue transfer from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund (MFT) for the infrastructure construction and related construction engineering expenses. Other costs for non-eligible items will be paid with local funds.


Accept the bid from Williams Charles Electric, LLC for the IL Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Signal Modification – Traffic Light Section in the amount of $46,270.50 and reject all other bids.
Accept the bid from O’Brien Civicl Work, Inc. for the IL Route 38 and Lincoln Highway Signal Modification – Sidewalk Section in the amount of $52,400.65 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #4 Purchase of Compact Excavator – Street and Cemetery Departments


pdf Memo from Superintendent of Streets & Cemetery Tim Isley (42 KB)

pdf Bid Tabulation (194 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the purchase of a compact excavator for the street and cemetery departments.

History and Fact:

The 2015-16 General Fund Budget includes $40,000 in the capital outlay summary for a compact excavator, divided equally between the street and cemetery departments. If approved, this equipment will allow both departments to work in constricted areas which will improve production and reduce costly restoration work.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened six bids from equipment suppliers on July 2nd. Superintendent of Streets & Cemetery Tim Isley reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the lowest responsible bid from CSR Bobcat in the amount of $53,300, minus $10,500 for the trade in of a 1987 front end wheel loader for a total cost of $42,800.

Although the recommendation is over budget by $2,800, Superintendent Isley plans to adjust or delay other purchases in these departments to offset the increase.


Approve the bid from CSR Bobcat in the amount of $42,800 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #5 Rochelle Community Hospital Sanitary Sewer Relocation Project


pdf Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Adam Lanning (263 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Rochelle Community Hospital Sanitary Sewer Relocation Project

History and Fact:

Rochelle Community Hospital plans to expand its current facility to the south with the construction of a new 26,000 square foot medical office building. This new building will be constructed over an existing Rochelle Municipal Utility (RMU) sewer line. Therefore, the sewer line must be relocated so that RMU can maintain access to the line.

In March the Mayor and Council approved an engineering proposal with Willett Hofmann & Associates for the design and construction observation of a sewer main relocation project. The sewer improvements to be constructed on the hospital property include the construction of a twelve inch sanitary sewer from the current sewer terminus along the western line of the hospital’s property, north within the North 3rd Street right-of-way, to the sewer located within the West 10th Avenue right-of-way.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened four bids for the sanitary sewer relocation project on June 30th. Although the bids are higher than the engineer’s estimate of $258,060, Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Adam Lanning recommends awarding the contract to the low bidder, Martin & Company, in the amount of $309,102.64 in order accommodate the hospital’s construction schedule. The main reasons for the higher bids are an increase in the price of pipe and construction costs due to the busy schedule of contractors this summer.

Although this project was not budgeted, the Redevelopment Agreement approved on April 13th between the City and Rochelle Community Hospital includes a provision for the hospital to fund the improvements up to and beyond $228,000, including engineering costs. Certain expenses related to the upsizing of pipes and potentially storm sewer will be borne by the City.


Approve the bid from Martin & Company Excavating in the amount of $309,102.64 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #6 Above Grade and Below Grade Installation for the Caron Road Substation Expansion Project


pdf Letter of Recommendation from Sargent and Lundy (3.56 MB)

Recommended Action:

Consider Above Grade and Below Grade Installation for the Caron Road Substation Expansion

History and Fact:

The Caron Road Substation was originally built in 1970 and later expanded in 1985 and 2005. Due to the industrial growth over the past several years, the substation is down to only one available feeder/circuit. As a result, the Mayor and Council approved an Engineering Services Agreement on November 24, 2014 with Sargent & Lundy for the expansion of the substation. Earlier this year the City Council approved the purchase of a circuit breaker, disconnect switches, instrument transformers and switchgear for this project.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened three bids on July 7th for above grade and below grade installation required for the substation expansion. Assistant Superintendent of Electric Operations and our consultant, Sargent & Lundy, have reviewed the bids and recommend acceptance of the bid from Michels Power in the amount of $998,449.70. This bid is below the engineer’s estimate and includes an alternate route proposed by Michels Power which reduces the lump sum price, even considering an increase in material costs for RMU, by over $78,000.

The Caron Road Substation Expansion project is being funded through Electric Revenue System Bonds issued last year.


Award the bid for the Above Grade and Below Grade Installation Bids for the Caron Road Substation Expansion to Michels Power in the amount of $998,449.70


Agenda Item #7 Security Door Access Equipment and Installation – RMU Generation Facility


pdf Memo from Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin (122 KB)

pdf Quote from Rock River Service Company (176 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider the purchase of a security door access equipment and installation at the RMU Generation facility

History and Fact:

Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) has engaged with PJM for a full integration of RMU’s electrical transmission system into the regional transmission operations. This integration requires a higher degree of control room security to meet North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) /Reliability First and PJM requirements.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the RMU transmission tariff on June 23rd . This tariff is expected to be effective August 1st and will include the ongoing update of the tariff on a yearly basis.


Since the project is on a tight schedule and this type of equipment and installation expertise is fairly unique, Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin recommends that the council accept the quote from Rock River Service Company of $21,049 and forego formal bidding of the equipment.

The tariff cost basis includes expenses incurred for provisioning the transmission system so this improvement in control room security is covered by the tariff calculations.


Approve the purchase of security door access equipment and installation at the RMU Generation facility from Rock River Service in the amount of $21,049.

Agenda Item #8 Transmission System Operator Services Agreement


pdf Memo from Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin (121 KB)

pdf Press Release – FERC Order on Transmission Tariff (79 KB)

pdf Transmission System Operator and Services Agreement (512 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider a Transmission System Operator Services Agreement

History and Fact:

As stated in the previous agenda item, Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) has engaged with PJM for a full integration of RMU’s electrical transmission system into the regional transmission operations. This integration requires a control center that is a “Transmission Operator” control center with personnel that are certified by the Northern American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and PJM to meet NERC/Reliability First and PJM requirements.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the RMU transmission tariff in June and the tariff is expected to be effective August 1st.

The tariff cost basis includes the costs incurred for provisioning the transmission system so this control center service is covered by the tariff calculations.


RMU generation plant personnel are being trained in Transmission Operations procedures and will be supported fully in achieving this certification. Approval of this agreement provides a ramp-up for them to have a solid operation in place for full reliability management of Rochelle’s role in the Bulk Electrical System.


Authorize the City Manager to sign a Transmission System Operator Services Agreement between Rochelle Municipal Utilities and Gridforce Energy Management, LLC at a monthly cost of $20,000 for one year.