City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Park and Recreation Month – pdf July 2016 (58 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf June 27, 2016 (216 KB)
b) Approve Bills – pdf 062416-063016 (94 KB)
c) Approve Payroll – pdf 062016-070316 (53 KB)
d) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission – pdf June 6, 2016 (159 KB)
2) Electric Cost of Service and Rate Design Study
3) Proposal for Professional Construction Services – Northern Interchange Yard
4) Resolution Establishing Hangar Rates at Kortiz Field/Rochelle Municipal Airport
5) Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Personal Property – Inoperable Vehicle
6) Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code to Allow Package Sales through Drive-up Window
7) IBEW Agreement for Generation Plant Employees
Agenda Item #2 Electric Cost of Service and Rate Design Study
Recommended Action:
Consider an electric Cost of Service and Rate Design Study proposal from UFS for Rochelle Municipal Utilities.
History and Fact:
UFS has provided financial services to electric utilities in 43 states, Canada, Guam and the Caribbean including financial projections, cost of service and rate design studies. RMU has retained Universal Financial Solutions, LLC (UFS) since 2012 to perform electric rate design analysis.
At the request of City staff, UFS has submitted a proposal to perform a Cost of Service and Rate Design at a cost of $21,000 (excluding out of pocket expenses). The deliverables resulting from this proposal include an executive summary for management and the City Council, rate design for one year, detailed report for management and a presentation to management and the City Council.
Authorize the City Manager to sign a Cost of Service and Rate Design Study Proposal with Utility Financial Solutions, LLC (UFS) for $21,000.
Agenda Item #3 Proposal for Professional Construction Services – Northern Interchange Yard
pdf Memo from Economic Development Director Jason Anderson (36 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a Proposal for Professional Construction Services associated with the Expansion of the Northern Interchange Yard from Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental.
History and Fact:
The City Industrial Rail (CIR) is currently operating at or above its designed capacity. As a result, the Mayor and Council awarded a bid for the Expansion of the Northern Interchange Yard to Swanson Contracting on June 13th for $649,510. The project includes the construction of one 2000’ parallel storage track, lengthening track #4 approximately 500’ and relocating one and constructing two additional turnouts.
At the request of RMU staff, Fehr Graham has submitted an Agreement for Professional Construction Services associated with the Expansion of the Northern Interchange Yard. The agreement includes the following scope of services: securing signed agreements, payment and performance bonds, coordinating construction meetings with the contractor, providing construction layout, verification of materials and testing of materials, reviewing shop drawings, providing oversight of the project, reviewing and approving pay requests for work completed, preparing construction record drawings and close out of the project.
Economic Development Director Jason Anderson recommends proceeding with the scope of work as outlined at an estimated cost of $48,000, based on time and materials. The Expansion of the Northern Interchange Yard will be financed through current railroad revenues.
Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental for professional construction services associated with the City Industrial Rail Expansion of the Northern Interchange Yard at an estimated cost of $48,000.
Agenda Item #4 Resolution Establishing Hangar Rates at Koritz Field/Rochelle Municipal Airport
pdf Memo from Airport Manager Michael Hudetz (175 KB)
pdf Hangar Rate Comparisons (10 KB)
pdf Detailed Hangar Rates (24 KB)
pdf Resolution Establishing Hangar Rates at Koritz Field/Rochelle Municipal Airport (75 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving a Resolution Establishing Hangar Rates at Koritz Field/Rochelle Municipal Airport
History and Fact:
It has been nearly 10 years since the hangar leases have been reviewed and reconciled against the increase in costs of the airport. In addition, the Rochelle Municipal Airport is a public airport, accepting state and federal grant money for improvements, and therefore must comply with requirements for uniformity and the nondiscriminatory sale of service and products. Currently there is a wide discrepancy in the lease rates based on cents per square foot per month and hangar classification.
The Airport Advisory Board held three meetings on the topic of creating reasonable and non-discriminatory rates for the different categories of airport hangars. Hangar rates from dozens of surrounding airports were reviewed. The board also reviewed what effect the changes would have on each of the current tenants. It was also determined that it would be much more manageable if tenants paid their rent semi-annually or annually rather than on a monthly basis. Therefore, the recommended rates include a discount if the rent is paid annually or semi-annually.
The Airport Advisory Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed changes to the hangar rental schedule at its meeting on June 20th. As a result, the airport staff recommends that the City Council approve the schedule of new lease rates for hangars at Rochelle Municipal Airport.
Approve a Resolution Establishing Hangar Rates at Koritz Field/Rochelle Municipal Airport Effective January 1, 2017
Agenda Item #5 Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Personal Property – Inoperable Vehicle
pdf Memo from Airport Manager Michael Hudetz (97 KB)
pdf Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Personal Property (57 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Personal Property
History and Fact:
In 2014 the Street and Cemetery Department purchased a new Ford F350 truck and subsequently transferred a 1992 GMC Sierra truck to the Rochelle Municipal Airport for snow plowing.
The 1992 truck is no longer running and has been inoperable for some time. The vehicle has high mileage, is very rusty and has a failing transmission. Repairs for the transmission and other issues have been determined to be more than the truck is worth. Therefore, City staff members recommend selling the vehicle for scrap metal. Per State Statute, the Mayor and Council can authorize the sale of property which is no longer necessary or useful, including selling the vehicle for scrap metal. This is accomplished by a simple majority vote of the City Council.
Approve an Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Personal Property – Inoperable Vehicle
Agenda Item #6 Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Municipal Code to Allow Package Sales through Drive-Up Window
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Municipal Code to Allow Package Sales through Drive-Up Window
History and Fact:
Section 6-9 of the Municipal Code prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages to any person occupying a motor vehicle. However, the Code does allow the delivery of alcoholic beverages in the original container to the vehicle of a person who purchases the goods inside the licensed premises.
One of our existing liquor license holders has requested the ability to sell packaged liquor to customers in motor vehicles through a drive-up window. The proposed ordinance would allow any liquor license holder authorized to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises to do so through a drive up window located on the premises.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Municipal Code to Allow Package Sales through Drive-Up Window
Agenda Item #7 IBEW Agreement for Generation Plant Employees
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between City of Rochelle and Local 196 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) effective May 1, 2014-April 30, 2019
pdf Memorandum of Agreement between IBEW 196 and City of Rochelle (87 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a Memorandum of Agreement between IBEW 196 and City of Rochelle amending existing CBA with regards to generation plant employees’ wages.
The current IBEW contract provides for hourly shift pay differential of $.80 for second shift and $1.10 for third shift for generation plant personnel. In May, the City changed the normal manning hours of the generation plant from 24 hours per day/7 days per week to 8 hours per day/five days per week, thereby effectively eliminating shift differential pay. This schedule change should allow staff to better maintain and operate its engines while reducing overtime and other labor costs. It should also allow the City to reduce positions as operators retire over the next few years. However, the existing collective bargaining agreement that covers generation plant employees did not anticipate the changes in their normal work shifts and the union asked to meet to discuss the financial impact on their members.
City Manager Plyman has negotiated an amendment to the existing agreement with the union that provides a $0.80 per hour wage increase for all generation plant personnel. This increase represents the existing shift differential under the current contract for second shift personnel. With the change, employees who would have would have worked the third shift will experience a pay reduction and while former first shift employees will get an increase. The City will be able to achieve savings from avoiding overtime caused by absences due to sick leave and vacations as well as overtime for working on holidays. The change in work schedules allow operators to enjoy the benefit of avoiding work on weekends, holidays and second and third shifts except in unusual circumstances. I believe it is a fair compromise. Upon your approval, employees will receive the increase pay rate retroactive to May 1.
Approve a Memorandum of Agreement between IBEW 196 and City of Rochelle amending existing CBA with regards to generation plant employee wages.