City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Rail Safety Week Award – Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Financial Statement – pdf December 2015 (806 KB)
• Ogle County Clerk and Recorder Candidate Laura Cook
• Creston Booster Days – Dave Brown
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf January 11, 2016 (147 KB)
b) Approve Bills – pdf 12/31/15- 1/7/16 (82 KB) , pdf 1/8/16-1/14/16 (86 KB)
c) Approve Payroll – pdf 12/21/15-01/3/16 (49 KB)
2) Resolution Adopting Brand Style Guide for City of Rochelle
3) Vendor Management Inventory Program - Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Division
4) Revised Public Water Supply Loan Program Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement- Well 12
5) Engineering Agreement – South Main Street Improvement Project
6) Proposal to Provide Professional Audit Services – Sikich LLP
7) Rochelle Community Hospital Sanitary Sewer Relocation Project Change Orders
Agenda Item #2 Resolution Adopting Brand Style Guide for City of Rochelle
References: pdf Resolution Adopting Branding Style Guide for City of Rochelle (56 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Resolution Adopting Brand Style Guide for City of Rochelle.
History and Fact:
In 2014 the City of Rochelle, along with several community partners, hired the Roger Brooks International firm to develop a unique brand for our community. After seeking public input in a variety of forums, Brooks unveiled the new brand in May of 2015. The associated brand promise states “Providing an enriching social experience in an amazing downtown: An intimate gathering place alive with music, food, an incredible year-round public market, and multi-cultural entertainment more than 250 days a year for every resident of Greater Rochelle.”
As discussed at the January 11th council meeting, the Brooks firm has created a Brand Style Guide which sets the parameters and guidelines for creating a cohesive visual identity for our community. The Plan recommends that the City adopt the Rochelle branded community-wide “Style Guide” and begin the process of transitioning to the new brand identity. According to Brooks, “The Style Guide will be the bible every organization will use to create continuity with your brand direction.”
The Brand Leadership Team (BLT) respectfully requests that the Mayor and Council move forward with adopting the Brand Style Guide for the City of Rochelle and the Downtown. This coupled with the authorization to solicit bids for the development of Downtown Plaza and Pavilion renderings, budget and timeline will show solidarity in our common goal of creating a new brand for our community.
Approve Resolution Adopting Branding Style Guide for City of Rochelle
Agenda Item #3 Vendor Management Inventory Program - Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Division
pdf Memo from Superintendent of Electric Operations Jason Bird (39 KB)
pdf Response to Inventory Management Services Request for Information – Anixter (981 KB)
pdf Response to Inventory Management Services Request for Information – Wesco (4.91 MB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Inventory Management Services for Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) Electric Division
History and Fact:
Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Division has a very large inventory which can be challenging to manage. One way to better control both the inventory and cost is a Vendor Management Inventory (VMI) program. A VMI program will help maintain real time inventory counts, allow for overstock items to be sold back and provide assistance in finding a buyer for excess items when necessary. VMI will also provide a larger pool to draw from for materials in an emergency response situation and put us on a 24/7 call list with the vendor.
RMU asked four vendors to submit responses to a Request for Information for Inventory Management Solutions. Of those, Anixter and WESCO submitted responses, both of which have provided materials to RMU in the past.
After carefully reviewing both applications, Superintendent Bird recommends selecting Anixter to Provide Inventory Management Services for Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Division based on cost and reliability. If approved, the next step would require Anixter Power Solutions to draw up a contract and RMU legal staff to review it.
Approve the Selection of Anixter Power Solutions to Provide Inventory Management Services for Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Division
Agenda Item #4 Revised Public Water Supply Loan Program Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement– Well Southeast Quadrant
pdf Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Adam Lanning (27 KB)
pdf Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement (153 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a Public Water Supply Loan Program Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement
History and Fact:
In 2012 the Mayor and Council approved an Ordinance Authorizing a Loan Agreement with the Illinois Environmental Agency (IEPA) in order to borrow up to $4,300,000 from the Water Supply Loan Program. The original project plan associated with this ordinance was for the construction of a new well and well house in the southeast quadrant, connecting the well to the main, looping the system and replacing well house #4. At the request of the IEPA, the construction of the water tower was moved up in the schedule and subsequently added to the approved project plan. Since then council has approved contracts for drilling and developing the well, construction of the well building, purchase and installation of the well pump, connection of the water main and construction of the water tower.
Due to the addition of the water tower, the loan amount needs to be increased. The proposed ordinance authorizes the City to borrow up to $5,000,000 from the Water Supply Loan Program to finance the majority of the revised project plan. The ordinance was prepared by the project engineering consultant, Fehr Graham & Associates, working with the IEPA and has been approved by the IEPA. Section 5 of the proposed ordinance states that “repayment of the loan…pursuant to this Ordinance is to be solely from the revenue derived from the revenues of the System” and therefore does not constitute a general obligation of the City.
Approve a Public Water Supply Loan Program Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement. Once approved, RMU will publish the approved ordinance giving electors the right to file a petition opposing the provisions of the ordinance.
Agenda Item #5 Engineering Agreement – South Main Street Improvement Project
pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (36 KB)
pdf Agreement between the City and Fehr Graham Engineering and Environmental (114 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham for preliminary engineering services related to the South Main Street Improvement Project
History and Fact:
In 2011 the City of Rochelle submitted an Economic Development Program (EDP) grant application to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in an effort to acquire funding for South Main Street improvements related to the expansion of the Graphic Arts Bindery. As a result, the City received an award letter from IDOT in the amount of $1,102,997 for roadway improvements on South Main Street between Steward and Steam Plant Roads, including 800 feet of improvements along Steward Road. In addition, IDOT committed $75,000 of Truck Access Route Program funding. The Mayor and Council subsequently approved a State/Local Joint Agreement and a Local Agency/Company Agreement related to the EDP funding and a resolution establishing South Main Street as a Class II Designated Truck Route. The State has since approved the joint agreement, which secured the EDP funds, and given the City until December 31, 2016 to award the construction portion of the project.
Fehr Graham Engineering and Environmental has provided a scope services for the preliminary engineering associated with the project for a fee of $193,750. Approval of this agreement will allow the necessary construction plans, specifications and other supporting information to be developed with a goal of construction in spring of 2017. This is a multi-year project and the 2015-16 Capital Projects Summary includes funds for the preliminary engineering work required for this improvement project.
Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering and Environmental for preliminary engineering services related to the South Main Street Improvement Project
Agenda Item #6 Proposal to Provide Professional Audit Services – Sikich LLP
pdf Memo from Finance Director Chris Cardott (28 KB)
pdf Proposal to Provide Professional Audit Services (570 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider the Proposal from Sikich LLP to Provide Professional Audit Services
History and Fact:
In 2010, Finance Director Chris Cardott sent a request for proposal to several firms for quotes on providing audit services for the City of Rochelle, Rochelle Municipal Utilities, and the Police and Fire Pensions. Out of the five firms submitting proposals, Sikich LLP was selected to perform the audits for years ending April 30, 2010, 2011, and 2012. In 2012 the Mayor and Council authorized another three year contract with Sikich.
In the final meeting for fiscal year 2015, City and Sikich staff members discussed the implementation of GASB 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions in fiscal year 2016. The implementation follows that of GASB 67 from fiscal year 2015. As a result, Sikich LLP submitted a proposal to provide audit services for the next three years. The proposal includes no increase for fiscal year 2016 and a 2%-3% increase for fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
Finance Director Chris Cardott recommends contracting with Sikich LLP for audit services for the next three years at a proposed cost of $63,288, $64,655, and $66,040 respectively.
Authorize the City Manager to contract for audit services with Sikich LLP for the years
ending April 30, 2016, 2017, and 2018 based on their proposal.
Agenda Item #7 Rochelle Community Hospital Sanitary Sewer Relocation Project Change Orders
pdf Memo from Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Adam Lanning (120 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider change orders.
History and Fact:
The Rochelle Community Hospital (RCH) expansion project currently underway necessitated the relocation of a 12 inch sanitary sewer line so that Rochelle Municipal Utility (RMU) crews have access to the line. The project was designed by Willet Hoffman & Associates, Inc. and a public bid opening was held in June of 2015. The contract was subsequently awarded to the low bidder, Martin Excavating Inc. in the amount of $309,102.64.
A Redevelopment Agreement between the City and RCH was approved by council on April 13th. This agreement includes a provision for the hospital to fund the sanitary sewer improvements up to and beyond $228,000.
During the construction Martin exposed an existing 6 inch water main which was in a deteriorated condition. Since the water main was in such poor condition and the contractor was on-site, the decision was made to replace the water main. This was approved under an emergency situation because the construction season was quickly coming to a close and the road needed to be restored and reopened. This additional work increased the original contract price from $309,102.64 to $502,882.19. The difference of $193,779.55 covers the cost of installing the water main and street restoration and is the sum of change orders 1 and 2. The entire project cost will be divided as follows: RCH $324,774.52 for sanitary sewer costs, RMU Water $129,269.54 for the water main portion and street department $48,838.13 for partial street restoration.
Superintendent Adam Lanning recommends approving the two change orders associated with this project.
Approve the two change orders from Martin and Company for a total of $193,779.55.