City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf July 27, 2015 (89 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board – pdf May 26, 2015 (206 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission – pdf July 6 (137 KB) & pdf July 27, 2015 (70 KB)
d) Approve Bills – pdf 071715-072315 (99 KB) , pdf 072415-073015 (137 KB)
e) Approve Payroll – pdf 070615-071915 (52 KB)
f) Authorize Rochelle Township High School Homecoming Parade – pdf October 1, 2015 (375 KB)
g) Establish Annual Trick-r-Treat Schedule October 31, 2015 from 5:00pm-8:00pm
2) Special Use Permit and Setback Variance for a Solar Farm at the Rochelle Landfill (Public Hearing)
3) Purchase of Street Sweeper – Street Department
4) Professional Construction Services – Quiet Zone Improvements
Agenda Item #2 Special Use Permit and Setback Variance for a Solar Farm at the Rochelle Landfill (Public Hearing)
Recommended Action:
Open and Continue the Public Hearing
History and Fact:
Rochelle Municipal Utilities has petitioned the City for a special use permit to allow for the construction of a solar farm at the Rochelle Landfill and a setback variance. The proposed solar farm will be located on the south side of the landfill, parallel to Creston Road, at the top of the berm with panels facing to the south. The farm will consist of two rows of panels, each 2,700 feet long north of Creston Road and will be surrounded by a fence.
This solar farm will enable Rochelle Municipal Utilities to continue to diversify its energy sources.
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition at its meeting on August 3rd. Following some discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the special use permit and setback variance as requested by a vote of 6-0. However, the commission suggested that additional research be done on the landscaping requirements at the landfill prior to the council vote. Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing as published and continue the topic to the August 24th council meeting so that additional information can be gathered.
Open and continue the public hearing to the August 24, 2015 Rochelle City Council meeting.
Agenda Item #3 Purchase of Street Sweeper – Street Department
pdf Memo from Streets and Cemetery Superintendent Tim Isley (87 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider the purchase of a 2015 street sweeper for the Street Department
History and Fact:
Over the past year, the Street Department has tested several different street sweeper models in order to determine the best option to replace the existing 2005 Elgin Pelican street sweeper. Staff has concluded that the Elgin Pelican remains the best option due to its three wheel design which provides excellent maneuverability and a conveyor system that is able to move large debris, sticks and piles of leaves without jamming.
The 2015 Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper is available through the National Joint Power Alliance, through Standard Equipment Company, for $189,955. In addition, Standard Equipment Company will provide a trade in allowance of $14,500 for the 2005 model for a net purchase price of $175,455.
The 2015-16 Solid Waste Capital Outlay Budget includes $195,000 for the purchase of a street sweeper. Elgin has notified staff that the Pelican Street Sweepers will be switching over from the Tier 4 Interim engines to Tier 4 Final engines which will increase the price $8,000 to $10,000. Therefore, Superintendent Isley recommends proceeding with the purchase of the 2015 Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper at this time.
Approve the purchase of a 2015 street sweeper through the National Joint Powers Alliance in the amount of $189,955, minus a trade in allowance of $14,500 for a net purchase price of $175,455.
Agenda Item #4 Professional Construction Services – Quiet Zone Improvements
pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (46 KB)
pdf Proposal for Professional Construction Services (80 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a proposal from Fehr Graham for professional construction services associated with the Quiet Zone Improvements
History and Fact:
On July 13th the Mayor and Council approved a bid from Martin and Company for Quiet Zone improvements which include concrete raised medians, centerline delineators, grading and excavation, concrete curb and gutter, hot-mix asphalt pavement, concrete sidewalk, storm sewer and drainage inlets, pavement markings, signage and restoration. These improvements, along with the installation of four-quadrant flashers and gates by the BNSF Railway at 15th Street, will allow the City to establish a Quiet Zone and mitigate the train noise.
During the July 13th council meeting City Engineer Sam Tesreau stated that an engineering services agreement would also be forthcoming for the construction portion of the project. Construction on the Quiet Zone Improvements is expected to begin in late August with substantial completion by the end of November.
City staff requested a proposal from Fehr Graham for professional construction services. The proposed scope of services includes construction observation, contract management and coordination of the Notice of Establishment to the FRA. The fee for the Construction Engineering services is for a not to exceed amount of $75,000. In addition, the final Notice of Establishment services will be completed at a not to exceed amount of $6,500.
City Engineer Sam Tesreau recommends approval of the Construction Engineering services agreement so that the Quiet Zone Improvements can move forward.
The Quiet Zone Improvement project is being funded through General Obligation Debt Certificates issued on July 7th for $2,000,000.
Approve the proposal from Fehr Graham for professional construction services associated with the Quiet Zone Improvements