City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Week of the Young Child – pdf April 13-17, 2015 (89 KB)
• National Telecommunicators Week - pdf April 12-18, 2015 (72 KB)
• Motorcycle Awareness Month – pdf May 2015 (50 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf March 23, 2015 (175 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board – pdf January 26, 2015 (205 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – pdf March 2, 2015 (175 KB)
d) Approve Bills – pdf 031315-031915 (48 KB) , pdf 032015-032615 (126 KB) , pdf 032715-040215 (94 KB)
e) Approve Payroll – pdf 031615-032915 (52 KB)
f) Approve Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival Request – pdf August 14-16, 2015 (100 KB)
g) Approve Resolution Authorizing Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival Parade – pdf August 16, 2015 (10 KB)
h) Authorize Rochelle Elementary Schools Fun Run Event - pdf May 27, 2015 (37 KB)
i) Authorize Closure of 10th Avenue between Illinois 251 and 8th Street – pdf 2015 Outdoor Markets (14 KB)
2) Development Agreement – Rochelle Community Hospital
3) Purchase of Circuit Breaker, Disconnect Switches and Instrument Transformers – Caron Road Substation Expansion
4) Budget Amendment Fiscal Year 2014-15
1) Budget Fiscal Year 2015-16
Agenda Item #2 Redevelopment Agreement for Rochelle Community Hospital Redevelopment Project
Redevelopment Agreement
(785 KB)
Ordinance Approving Redevelopment Agreement
(79 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Redevelopment Agreement for Rochelle Community Hospital
History and Fact:
Rochelle Community Hospital currently owns 4.58 acres of land located between North 2nd Street and North 3rd Street and between West 8th Avenue and West 10th Avenue. In the past year the Mayor and Council approved the rezoning of several properties near Rochelle Community Hospital (RCH) and the issuance of a special use permit to allow the hospital to expand its campus. The hospital has since demolished several residential dwellings to prepare for the expansion.
The hospital plans to construct a new medical offices building adjacent and attached to the current Rochelle Community Hospital facility. In order to facilitate the construction, the City and hospital have agreed to the following provisions included in the Redevelopment Agreement:
• Unless otherwise stated in the agreement, the construction of public improvements for the development shall be the responsibility of the hospital.
• The hospital shall prepare a final plat and engineering plans for the property and shall obtain the City’s approval before commencing construction.
• Prior to approval of the final plat, the hospital shall deposit adequate security with the City.
• The hospital shall construct curb and gutter across all currently existing drive-way cuts that will no longer be in use after the construction.
• The hospital shall pay the cost of constructing the necessary sewer improvements and the City shall construct the sewer improvements at an estimated cost of $228,000.
• The City shall, at the hospital’s cost, construct electric and fiber optic service to serve the hospital property at an estimated cost of $14,922.
• Stormwater facilities will be constructed on the hospital property in accordance with the Rochelle Municipal Code.
• The hospital shall pay for, and the City shall install, up to eight street lights not located on the hospital property at an estimated cost of $23,600.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving Redevelopment Agreement for Rochelle Community Hospital
Agenda Item #3 Purchase of Circuit Breaker, Disconnect Switches and Instrument Transformers – Caron Road Substation Expansion
pdf Letter of Recommendation from Sargent & Lundy (583 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider purchase of circuit breaker, disconnect switches and instrument transformers for the Caron Road Substation Expansion
History and Fact:
Due to the industrial growth over the past several years, the Caron Road Substation is currently down to one available feeder/circuit. As a result, the Mayor and Council approved an Engineering Services Agreement last year with Sargent & Lundy for the expansion of the substation. In the past couple of months the council has approved the purchase of a transformer and switchgear for the expansion.
Bids for the circuit breaker, disconnect switches and instrument transformers were originally opened on February 17th. The bids were subsequently rejected by the Mayor and Council on March 9th due to a United States Postal Service holiday which disrupted the delivery of bid packets.
New bids was issued for these materials and, subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened bids on March 10th for the design, manufacture and delivery of the following three, separately bid, equipment items: three capacitor voltage transformers, six “V” type disconnect switches and one SF6 puffer circuit breaker.
Contractors submitted 5 bids for the disconnect switches, and two for the other pieces of equipment. Our consultant, Sargent & Lundy, has reviewed the bids and recommends acceptance of the following bids:
• Award the contract for the 138kV Capacitor Voltage Transformers to Trench in the amount of $28,125.
• Award the contract for the Manual Disconnect Switches to Wesco in the amount of $56,386.
• Award the contract for the 138kV SF6 Dead Tank Circuit Breaker to Alstom in the amount of $59,950.
Award the contract for the 138kV Capacitor Voltage Transformers to Trench in the
amount of $28,125.
Award the contract for the Manual Disconnect Switches to Wesco in the amount of $56,386.
Award the contract for the 138kV SF6 Dead Tank Circuit Breaker to Alstom in the amount of $59,950.
Agenda Item #4 Budget Amendment Fiscal Year 2014-15
pdf Memo from Finance Director Chris Frye (29 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider a Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2014-15.
History and Fact:
As noted in previous audits, the Insurance Fund, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) and Social Security Fund have had negative fund balances for some time.
Finance Director Chris Frye recommends transferring available funds from the Health Insurance Fund as follows:
• Transfer $831,000 from the Health Insurance Fund to the Insurance Fund
• Transfer $68,000 from the Health Insurance Fund to the IMRF Fund
• Transfer $21,000 from the Health Insurance Fund to the Social Security Fund
Assuming council approves the transfers as proposed, the Health Insurance Fund will have an approximate remaining balance of $375,000.
Approve a Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2014-15 as presented.
Discussion Item #1 Budget Fiscal Year 2015-16
The City Council met as a Committee of the Whole on March 16th and 30th to discuss the upcoming 2015-16 budget. During the meetings, management staff provided information on expenditures as compared to 2014-15 projections and requests for new hires and capital purchases or projects for 2015-16. These meetings gave council the opportunity to interact directly with the staff for clarifications and questions.
City Manager Plyman has reviewed the draft budget prepared by staff. He will provide council with a detailed list of modifications necessary to present a balanced, fiscally responsible budget for 2015-16.