City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Week of the Young Child – pdf April 10-16, 2016 (87 KB)
• National Telecommunicators Week - pdf April 10-16, 2016 (62 KB)
• pdf Arbor Day Foundation Names Rochelle Tree City USA (32 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Employee Introduction – pdf Mike Hudetz (131 KB)
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf March 28, 2016 (139 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Rochelle Police and Fire Commissioners – pdf December 15, 2015 (228 KB)
c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Rochelle Planning and Zoning Commission – pdf March 7, 2016 (160 KB)
d) Approve Bills – pdf 031816-032416 (94 KB) , pdf 032516-033116 (84 KB)
e) Approve Payroll – pdf 031416-032716 (53 KB)
f) Authorize Rochelle Elementary Schools Fun Run Event - pdf May 18, 2016 (37 KB)
2) Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street
3) Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 194 N 15th Street
4) Resolution in Support of a TIGER Grant Application for the Lee-Ogle Freight Rail Expansion Project
5) Resolution Establishing City of Rochelle Water Reclamation Rates Effective May 1, 2016
6) Resolution Adopting New Logo for Rochelle Municipal Utilities
7) Contractor Quote - 5Kv Phase One Project
8) Skid Load 6 MW Generator Project Phase II – Additional Project Components
9) Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Municipal Code to Allow the Issuance of a Liquor License to the City
1) Budget Fiscal Year 2016-17
Agenda Item #2 Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street
pdf Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage - 1310 N 7th Street (140 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street
History and Fact:
Keith Scott has petitioned the City for a Special Use Permit to allow outdoor storage at 1310 N 7th Street. This property is approximately 0.86 acres in size and includes the El Tapatio Mexican restaurant. The lot fronts Illinois Highway 251 on the east and North 8th Street on the west.
Mr. Scott would like to use the additional parking area to the west, not required for the restaurant, for vehicle storage associated with his towing business. If approved the area will contain perimeter fencing and pervious paving. The property is currently zoned B-2, Highway Commercial, and “Storage Outdoor” is a permitted use in this zoning district if a special use permit is issued.
The Planning and Zoning Commission heard the original petition on November 2, 2015 and recommended that the City Council deny the request for a special use permit. On November 23, 2015 the Mayor and Council referred the petition back to the Planning and Zoning Commission in order for the petitioner to appear before the Commission, which had not occurred on November 2nd.
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition at its meeting on January 4th. Following some discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission prepared a report of findings which includes:
• The proposed use is allowed in the proposed zoning district with a special use permit
• The proposed use is detrimental or dangerous to public health due to the possible infestation of rodents, fluid run off that might leak in to the ground and stormwater drainage.
• The proposed use will impair property values in the neighborhood because you wouldn’t want to own property there with concerns of rodents and an empty restaurant with only an outdoor storage facility.
• The proposed use will not impede on the normal development of the surround properties because the properties are already developed with consistent land uses.
Based on these findings, the Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 6-0, recommended that the City Council deny the issuance of a special use permit for outdoor storage at 1310 N 7th Street.
This Special Use Permit was included on the January 11th council agenda but was removed at the petitioner’s request until a later date. The item was subsequently included on the March 28th agenda. Following some discussion between the petitioner and City Council the item was carried over to the April 11th meeting to give Mr. Scott and City staff time to attach some additional conditions to the Special Use Permit.
Consider a Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 1310 N 7th Street
Agenda Item #3 Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 194 N 15th Street
pdf Planning & Zoning Commission Report of Findings (161 KB)
pdf Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – Part of 194 N 15th Street (68 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage – 194 N 15th Street
History and Fact:
Jack Pease has petitioned the City for a Special Use Permit to allow outdoor storage at 194 N 15th Street and a variance of setbacks. This property is approximately 5.8 acres in size and fronts North 15th Street on the west, BNSF Railroad on the north, UP Railroad on the east and Illinois Route 38 on the south.
By court order, the petitioner demolished the eastern portion of the building, leaving the north wall and foundation. Mr. Pease plans to improve the existing building in order to use it for vehicle maintenance, utilizing the existing foundation on the east side for outside storage and leaving the north wall standing for screening. If approved a perimeter fence will be installed on the south side. The property is currently zoned I-2, General Industry, and “Storage Outdoor” is a permitted use in this zoning district if a special use permit is issued.
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to review the petition at its meeting on March 7th. Following some discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission prepared a report of findings which includes:
• The proposed use is allowed in the proposed zoning district with a special use permit
• The proposed use is not detrimental or dangerous to public health based on an inspection of the free standing wall by a structural engineer
• The proposed use will not impair property values in the neighborhood
• The proposed use is not likely to be an impediment to normal development of the surrounding property
Based on these findings, the Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7-0, recommended that the City Council approve the issuance of a special use permit for outdoor storage and the variance of setbacks with the following conditions:
1. Perimeter screening for the outdoor storage area that meets the requirements found in Section 110-347 of the Rochelle Municipal Code. Such storage shall be effectively screened from adjacent public streets by a solid fence, compact hedge or similar opaque landscaped element.
2. The Special Use of Outdoor Storage shall be limited to a use that is accessory to the primary use of the property, maintenance of vehicles, and specifically not include storage of anything that is not accessory to that use, including the storage of used vehicle parts.
3. Site development plan approved by the City.
4. Building permit approved by the City.
Approve a Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage at 194 N 15th Street with the conditions outlined.
Agenda Item #4 Resolution in Support of a TIGER Grant Application for the Northern Illinois Freight Safety and Expansion Project
pdf Memo from Economic Development Jason Anderson (197 KB)
pdf Resolution in Support of TIGER Grant Application (132 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Resolution
History and Fact:
Earlier this year the United States Department of Transportation announced that approximately $500 million will be made available for transportation projects across the country under the eighth round of the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program. The TIGER Discretionary Grant program provides an opportunity for the Department of Transportation to invest in surface transportation infrastructure projects. Since 2009, Congress has dedicated more than $4.6 billion to innovative projects that have a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area or a region.
The City of Rochelle (CIR) Railroad currently facilitates rail switching services for a number of industrial users. Over the past decade, the volume of railcars has increased from an average of 3,500 per year to over 10,000 railcars this past year. Gross annual Railroad revenue has also increased from an average of $275,000-$300,000 over the past decade to an estimated gross of $1,700,000 in the current fiscal year.
The dramatic increase in rail car volume has consumed most of the CIR’s capacity. In order to continue to attract rail served companies, and to continue to increase rail revenue, the CIR needs to expand. Therefore, the City is putting together a TIGER grant application for funding to advance the Northern Illinois Freight Safety and Expansion Project. This project would include the addition of 18,000 feet of rail, switches for increased switching/storage of railcars and the installation of crossing gates to improve safety at all of the CIR rail crossings. Furthermore, with this expansion of switching capacity City staff believes there is a business case for both the UP and BNSF to install new automated mainline switches to serve the CIR. These new switches would facilitate additional rail car volumes and reduce the number of crossings both railroads utilize in Rochelle which would greatly improve public safety.
The total cost of this CIR expansion project is $12,000,000. The proposed resolution supports an application to the TIGER grant program for up to 60% of the project cost, $7,200,000 and commits local matching funds of 40%, $4,800,000. Final applications for the TIGER Grant must be submitted by April 29th.
Approve a Resolution in Support of a TIGER Grant Application for the Northern Illinois Freight Safety and Expansion Project
Agenda Item #5 Resolution Establishing City of Rochelle Water Reclamation Rates Effective May 1, 2016
pdf Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Adam Lanning (73 KB)
pdf Surrounding Communities Tabulation (9 KB)
pdf Resolution Establishing City of Rochelle Water Reclamation Rates Effective May 1, 2016 (96 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving a Resolution Establishing City of Rochelle Water Reclamation Rates Effective May 1, 2016
History and Fact:
Over the last two years the RMU water reclamation division has seen a 3% annual increase in labor costs and a 5% increase in electric rates last year. The total proposed budget for electricity and labor alone next fiscal year is $1,096,131 and accounts for approximately 40% of non-debt revenue. The proposed budget for these two line items reflects a $74,239 increase over the last two years.
The projected revenue for 2015/16 is $2,491,212, which does not include industrial surcharges or miscellaneous revenues of approximately $300,000 annually. The increase in labor and electricity expenses account for 2.98% of the projected revenues this year. Therefore Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Adam Lanning proposes a one time annual rate increase of 3% to account for the increases over the last two years and also for the next fiscal year. This rate increase does not take into account increased costs for materials or supplies.
There are a total of 3,173 residential water reclamation accounts. The 3% increase would translate to an average monthly increase in a residential water reclamation bill of $1.15. Superintendent Lanning recommends that the City Council adopt an ordinance authorizing a rate increase of 3% effective May 1, 2016.
The UAB formally recommended approval of the 3% increase in water reclamation rates at its meeting March 30th.
Approve a Resolution Establishing City of Rochelle Water Reclamation Rates Effective May 1, 2016
Agenda Item #6 Resolution Adopting New Logo for Rochelle Municipal Utilities
pdf Memo from Marketing and PR Manager Jenny Thompson (252 KB)
pdf Resolution Adopting New Logo for Rochelle Municipal Utilities (56 KB)
pdf Exhibit A – RMU Logo (57 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Resolution Adopting New Logo for Rochelle Municipal Utilities
History and Fact:
In 2014 the City of Rochelle, along with several community partners, hired the Roger Brooks International firm to develop a unique brand for our community. After seeking public input in a variety of forums, Brooks unveiled the new brand in May of 2015.
In association with the rebranding, the Brooks firm also created a Brand Style Guide which sets the parameters and guidelines for creating a cohesive visual identity for our community. On January 25th the Mayor and Council approved a Resolution adopting the Branding Style Guide for the City of Rochelle which includes a new logo, color scheme, fonts and design elements that reflect the industrial nature of our community.
Following the City’s logo change, a new logo was created for Rochelle Municipal Utilities by local graphic designer, Kyle Elliott. The logo features a distressed, cursive font that coordinates with the City logo and utilizes the color “sky” from the secondary color palette contained in the style guide. The logo includes two variations – one that spells out Rochelle Municipal Utilities and one with the letters RMU.
Pending Council’s approval, the newly designed RMU logo will be implemented slowly by replacing items internally or as supplies of disposable items are depleted.
Approve Resolution Adopting New Logo for Rochelle Municipal Utilities
Agenda Item #7 Contractor Quote - 5Kv Phase I Project
pdf Memo from Electric Operation Superintendent Jason Bird (38 KB)
pdf Big D Electric Hourly Rates Schedule March 1, 2016-February 29, 2017 (144 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider quote for contractor assistance with the 5Kv Phase I Project
History and Fact:
In June of 2014 the Mayor and Council approved a bid for the conduit and installation required for Phase I of the 5Kv project which converts our 4160kV distribution circuit to a 13.8Kv feeder in the northwest section of the community. On February 22nd the City Council approved the hiring of Big D Electric to assist RMU crews on site with the 5Kv conversion in an amount not to exceed of $165,000.
Pending budget approval, the 2016-17 Electric Operations Capital Outlay Budget includes $900,000 to convert the 5Kv system. Electric Operation Superintendent Jason Bird recommends extending the contract with Big D Electric for time and equipment costs necessary to have contractors assist RMU crews in an amount not to exceed $450,000.
Approve the hiring of Big D Electric, based on the hourly rates schedule provided, to assist RMU crews with the 5Kv Phase I project in an amount not to exceed $450,000.
Agenda Item #8 Skid Load 6 MW Generator Project Phase II – Additional Project Components
pdf Memo from Director of Utilities Business Management and Energy Production Dan Westin (159 KB)
pdf BHMG Fuel System Installation Recommendation (75 KB)
pdf Fuel System Installation Quote Evaluation (71 KB)
pdf Independent Mechanical Quote (1012 KB)
pdf BHMG Electrical Installation Recommendation (100 KB)
pdf Wilson Electric Quote (58 KB)
pdf Morse Electric Quote (93 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider additional project components for skid load generator project.
History and Fact:
Council approved the overall project for 6 MW of additional peak shaving generation at the October 27, 2015 meeting. These items are components of the previously presented project total.
RMU staff, Altorfer and BHMG have created a project for these generators which includes a highly efficient integration into RMU’s distribution network with a large amount of reuse of the initial skid load project.
This recommendation is for executing the purchase of the following for the gen sets so they can be readied for implementation into the overall project in the spring of 2016:
- Fuel system installation $ 45,067
- Electrical underground installation: $ 23,295
- Site preparation: not to exceed $ 150,000
RMU has received have received competitive quotes on all components and the low bid has been chosen on the Fuel and Electrical components. The quotes for the site preparation will be received from Fehr Graham on April 8th.
Funds for the units are in the budget as part of the transmission line upgrade which is now moved out of FY16 and the rest coming from the Depreciation, Improvement and Extension account.
Approve the Fuel System Installation from Independent Mechanical Industries at a cost of $45,067 without competitive bidding.
Approve the Electrical Conduit Installation from Wilson Electric Co. at a cost of $23,295 without competitive bidding.
Approve the site preparation as presented at the City Council Meeting in an amount not to exceed $150,000 without competitive bidding.
Agenda Item #9 Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Municipal Code to Allow the Issuance of a Liquor License to the City
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Rochelle Municipal Code
History and Fact:
On March 20, 2013 the Mayor and Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District relating to the acquisition and leasing of 74.285 acres improved with a golf course and restaurant. The City and Park District subsequently entered into lease agreements for the operation of the golf course and restaurant, all of which have since expired or been terminated.
The City and Park District have agreed to cooperatively operate the golf course for the 2016 golf season, excluding the restaurant. The parties are currently working to finalize the terms of the joint operation in an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement that will be sent to both government bodies for approval.
In order for the Illinois Liquor Control Commission to issue a license to the City for liquor to be sold and delivered at the Fairways Golf Course, the City must amend the Municipal Code to authorize the City to issue a liquor license to itself. The proposed ordinance also allows the City Manager or his designee to sign City and State liquor licenses and ancillary documents.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Rochelle Municipal Code to Allow the Issuance of a Liquor License to the City
Discussion Item #1 Budget Fiscal Year 2016-17
The City Council met as a Committee of the Whole on March 7th and 21st to discuss the upcoming 2016-17 budget. During the meetings, management staff provided information on expenditures as compared to 2015-16 projections and requests for new hires, capital purchases and projects for 2016-17. These meetings gave council the opportunity to interact directly with the staff for clarifications and questions.
City Manager Plyman has reviewed the draft budget prepared by staff. He will provide council with a detailed list of modifications necessary to present a balanced, fiscally responsible budget for 2016-17.