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City Council Meeting Agenda September 8, 2014

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer



• Constitution Week –   pdf September 17- 23, 2014 (100 KB)


• Mayor

• Council Members




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting –  pdf August 25, 2014 (181 KB)

b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission –  pdf August 4, 2014 (294 KB)

c) Approve Bills – pdf 081514-082114 (126 KB) pdf 082214-082814 (91 KB)

d) Approve Wine on Lincoln Committee Request –  pdf October 4, 2014 (108 KB)

2) Addition of Territory to the Lee County Enterprise Zone #9 – Project Red

3) Treatment Plant Blower Replacement Project

4) Engineering Firm Selection – Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Grant


1) Service Order System

2) Integrated Voice Response System


Agenda Item #2 Addition of Territory to the Lee County Enterprise Zone #9 – Project Red


pdf Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 – Enterprise Zone (8 KB)
pdf Amendment #17 to Intergovernmental Agreement (80 KB)
pdf Site Location Map (257 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 (Enterprise Zone)
Consider Intergovermental Agreement Amendment #17

History and Fact:

In 1986 the City of Dixon and County of Lee entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement to provide for the administration of an enterprise zone encompassing contiguous portions of the City of Dixon and County of Lee. The agreement was subsequently amended to include the City of Amboy, Village of Ashton, Village of Franklin Grove, Village of Paw Paw, City of Rochelle and Ogle County.


On August 25th Enterprise Zone Administrator John Thompson conducted a Public Hearing in Rochelle to provide information on plans to expand the Lee County Enterprise Zone by approximately 45 acres. This territory expansion includes a portion of the Centerpoint Intermodal Center (Rochelle Phase One), north of Route 38 West, which is anticipated to house the new Project Red facility.


Approve an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 (Enterprise Zone)
Approve Intergovermental Agreement Amendment #17

Agenda Item #3 Treatment Plant Blower Replacement Project


pdf Recommendation from Trotter and Associates, Inc. (222 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Treatment Plant Blower Replacement Project

History and Fact:

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, approximately one-third of a municipality's electrical budget is for the treatment plant, with the aeration system blowers accounting for one-third to one-half of that power. The Rochelle Treatment Plant has had an average electric bill of $18,589 per month over the past twelve months.
A new technology, the turbo blower, was introduced to the industry about seven years ago. Since that time, staff members have been investigating the possibility of installing one to help reduce the plant's electric bill and sources of funding for the improvements. Last November the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation awarded the City $54,000 to help pay for the purchase and installation of a new turbo blower.
Discussion: Subsequent to the required public notice, the Deputy City Clerk opened four bids for the project on August 22nd. Staff and our consultant, Mark Sikora, from Trotter and Associates, Inc. have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the lowest responsible base bid from Dahme Mechanical Industries, Inc. of $248,888, minus a reduction of $37,000 to utilize Aerzen equipment, for a total amount of $211,888.

The RMU Water Reclamation Capital Outlay Budget for Fiscal Year 14/15 includes $125,000 for the Treatment Plan Blower Replacement project. Based on an annual savings of $26,295, our consultant expects a payback of six years with the use of a more energy efficient blower.


Accept the bid of $248,888, minus a reduction of $37,000 to utilize Aerzen equipment, for a total amount of $211,888 for the Treatment Plant Blower Replacement Project and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #4 Engineering Firm Selection – Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Grant


pdf Memo from Community Development Director Michelle Pease (78 KB)

Recommended Action:

Consider the selection of a consulting firm to assist with the US EPA Brownfield City-Wide Assessment Grant

History and Fact:

Earlier this year, the City applied for a grant through the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program. This program empowers states, communities, and other stakeholders to work together to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse real property which may be complicated by the presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. In June the EPA awarded the City of Rochelle two Brownfields Community Wide Assessment Grants of $200,000 each for petroleum and hazardous substance. These grant funds will be used to perform environmental site assessments on properties throughout the City of Rochelle. Grant funds also will be used to maintain an inventory of brownfield sites, prioritize sites based on redevelopment potential, prepare hazardous substances and petroleum cleanup plans, and conduct community outreach activities.


The City of Rochelle's Community Development Department invited interested parties to submit Statements of Qualification (SOQ) to provide environmental and engineering consulting services to the City in support of its Brownfields program. The City encouraged firms with documented experience in providing Brownfields-related consulting services associated with projects funded by the US EPA Brownfields Grants.

On September 3rd a committee comprised of the City Manager, the Community Development Director and a City Council Member reviewed SOQs from four firms. As a result, the committee is recommending Fehr Graham as the consulting firm to assist with the US EPA Brownfields City-Wide Assessment Grant.

The project period for the grant is from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2017.


Approve the selection of Fehr Graham as the consulting firm to assist with the US Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield City-Wide Assessment Grant.

Discussion Item #1 Service Order System

The City of Rochelle has initiated a new work order system to improve interactions, optimize daily work flow procedures and increase productivity. The new work order system streamlines the work flow process so that information is collected, work can be completed efficiently, and no issues are overlooked.

Rochelle Municipal Utilities Customer Service Supervisor Barbara Bell will provide information about the system and respond to questions from the Mayor and Council.

Discussion Item #2 Integrated Voice Response System

Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) is always looking for better ways to serve our customers. An integrated voice response system (IVR) allows customers quick access to information. It can handle a large capacity of calls during an outage, provide customers with more automated solutions and route messages to specified recipients.

RMU Customer Service Supervisor Barbara Bell will in attendance to provide an overview of this system and respond to questions from the Mayor and Council.