City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• pdf Veterans Day, November 11, 2014 (60 KB)
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – pdf October 27, 2014 (165 KB)
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – pdf October 6, 2014 (77 KB)
c) Approve Bills – pdf 100314-100914 (87 KB) , pdf 101014-101614 (103 KB) , pdf 101714-102314 (107 KB) , pdf 102414-103014 (86 KB)
d) Approve Payroll – pdf 101314-102614 (116 KB)
e) Approve Downtown Rochelle Association Request – pdf Old Fashioned Christmas Walk (74 KB)
f) Authorize Lighted Christmas Parade – pdf December 5, 2014 (85 KB)
2) Lincoln Highway/Route 38 Pedestrian Traffic Signal Upgrade Project
3) Wiscold Drive Improvement Project
4) Request for Variance of Setbacks - 903 North 16th Street
5) Risk Insurance Renewal
Agenda Item #2 Lincoln Highway/Route 38 Pedestrian Traffic Signal Upgrade Project
pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (34 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the Lincoln Highway/Route 38 Pedestrian Traffic Signal Upgrade Project.
History and Fact:
Over the past couple of years the pedestrian traffic at the intersection of Lincoln Highway and Illinois Route 38 has increased. In order to make this area safer for both pedestrians and motorists an improvement project has been designed that includes traffic signal modifications, pedestrian signal heads, pavement markings, PCC sidewalk, and detectable warnings.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened one bid for the project on October 23rd. City staff reviewed the bid of $96,744.90 from William Charles Electric, LLC and found it to be 53% higher than the estimate of $63,000 prepared by Fehr Graham and Associates. As a result, staff recommends rejecting the current bid and re-bidding the project in the future in order to obtain a more appropriate bid proposal.
Reject the bid for the Lincoln Highway/Route 38 Pedestrian Traffic Signal Upgrade Project.
Agenda Item #3 Wiscold Drive Improvement Project
pdf Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau (110 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the Wiscold Drive Improvement Project
History and Fact:
In association with the expansion of Sara Lee Corporation in 2009, the City of Rochelle applied for Economic Development Program (EDP) grant funds through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to assist with roadway improvements along Wiscold Drive. The City subsequently received an award letter from IDOT committing EDP funding of up to 50% of the Wiscold Drive improvements and associated expenses in an amount not to exceed $1,123,860. The Mayor and Council have since approved several agreements to facilitate this project.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk will open bids for the Wiscold Drive Improvement project on Thursday, November 6th. City Engineer Sam Tesreau and our consultant from Fehr Graham will review the bids and provide the Mayor and City Council with their recommendation at the meeting.
This project has been identified as a multi-year capital improvement project. The 2014-15 Capital Improvement Fund includes $1,890,000 for engineering and initial improvements on Wiscold Drive which will be funded through a combination of EDP, Motor Fuel Tax and Sales Tax.
The contract award for this project must take place prior to December 31, 2014 to meet the EDP funding requirements.
Approve the bid for the Wiscold Drive Improvement Project as recommended.
Agenda Item #4 Request for Variance of Setbacks – 903 North 16th Street
Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman
(85 KB)
Ordinance Approving a Variance to Setback Lines – 903 North 16th Street
(78 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving a Variance to Setback Lines at 903 North 16th Street
History and Fact:
Resident Don Romes submitted a petition for a variance of setbacks at 903 North 16th Street in order to build a 19 by 20 attached garage on the southwest corner of the property. The residence was built in 1967 with a detached garage at the rear, northeast corner of the property which does not have an access driveway. The property is the most southern residence on 16th Street and abuts the Lawnridge Cemetery. The proposed attached garage would have a front yard setback of 9 feet, compared to the allowed building setback of 25 feet, and a 5 foot building setback on the southwest side yard, compared to the allowed side yard setback of 6 feet.
The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the facts at their November 3rd meeting. The commission found that since the property abuts the Lawnridge Cemetery there is no effect on the neighboring property owners, the proposed garage is consistent with the stormwater ordinance allowing less than one third of total lot coverage and the sight distance of the property is not a nuisance because of the contour of the right of way at the end of 16th Street. Therefore, the commission voted to recommend approval of the requested variance to setbacks by a vote of 6-0 subject to final site plans, building plans and a building permit and the construction of a 5 foot by 5 foot concrete landing at the end of the public sidewalk for pedestrians to turn around.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Variance to Setback Lines at 903 North 16th Street
Agenda Item #5 Risk Insurance Renewal
pdf Standard and Minimum-Maximum Renewal Options (150 KB)
Recommended Action:
Consider Renewal of Risk Insurance
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle's Risk Insurance Plan Year expires annually on December 31st. Since 1997, the City has participated in the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA) property and liability insurance program which covers worker's compensation, auto liability, general liability, portable equipment, physical damage to auto and property.
Since staff solicited risk insurance proposals from other agencies each of the past two years and chose to remain with IMLRMA, no other quotes were pursued for 2015.
ILRMA submitted two renewal options, the standard renewal option and the Minimum-Maximum Program option. The Min-Max Program includes a premium savings of 15% over the standard option and an exposure of approximately 30% extra in contributions and penalties if losses and claim costs are greater than anticipated.
After reviewing the options, staff believes that it is in the City's best interest to stay with the IMRLMA Standard Option. If the premium is paid before November 21st, the City can take advantage of the early pay discount of 1.5% for a total premium of $617,828.44.
Approve participation in the IMLRMA Standard Option.