City Council Meeting Agenda - May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer



•  default Police Week May 11-17, 2014


• Mayor

• Council Members




a)  default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – April 28, 2014

b) Approve Bills – default 041814-042414 default 042514-050114

c) Approve Payroll –  default 041414-042714

d)  default Approve Dairy Queen Request – Closure of Currency Court for Cruise Night July 21, 2014

e)  default Approve Chicagoland Skydiving Center Request to Hold a Concert September 13-14, 2014

f)  default Approve Women of the Moose Request – Closure of Municipal Lot for Pork Chop Dinner and Kids Carnival on September 20, 2014

2) Route 251 South Sewer Improvement Project

3) Sludge Dewatering Improvement Project

4) Engineering Services Agreements - City Industrial Rail Extension

5) Down Payment on Skid Load Generators







Agenda Item #2 Route 251 South Sewer Improvement Project


default Memo from Water Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper

default Recommendation from Willett Hofmann & Associates

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Route 251 South Sewer Improvement Project

History and Fact:

The existing sewer main on Highway 251 South is too shallow to handle the increased flow resulting from expanded operations at facilities in the area. As a result, a project has been developed to construct 447 lineal feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer from Central Refrigerated Services, south along the west side of Highway 251 to an existing manhole. The 2014-15 Water Reclamation Division Capital Outlay Budget includes $75,000 for the sewer extension along Highway 251 South.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened bids for the Route 251 South Sewer Improvement Project on April 30th with three contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Willett Hofmann & Associates, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Martin and Company, with a bid of $55,218.71. Upon approval of the bid, the project is expected to begin around July 1st.


Accept the bid of $55,218.71 from Martin and Company for the Route 251 South Sewer Improvement Project 

Agenda Item #3 Sludge Dewatering Improvement Project


default Memo from Water Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper

default Recommendation from Trotter and Associates

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Sludge Dewatering Improvement Project

History and Fact:

The three centrifuge units used for dewatering sludge at the Water Reclamation Plant are nearing the end of their expected life cycle. As a result, the City hired Trotter and Associates in 2012 to evaluate the existing process, explore other options, and provide a report on the most cost effective way to proceed. Mr. Trotter and his associates evaluated the processes at the plant and determined that, based on life cycle costs, the best option is to replace the three existing centrifuges with two larger centrifuges.


Trotter and Associates performed the design work and prepared the bid packages for the project. The base bid includes the removal of three existing small centrifuges and replacement with two new larger centrifuge units. The deductive alternative removes one of the new larger centrifuges from the scope of the project and retains two of the three existing smaller centrifuges.

Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened two bids on April 15th for the Sludge Dewatering Improvement Project. Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Boller Construction Company, with a base bid of $1,794,000. The 2014-15 Water Reclamation Division Capital Outlay Budget includes $1,800,000 for the Sludge Dewatering Improvement Project. The funds for this project are available through a transfer from the

Equipment Replacement Account which currently has a balance of $2,874,648.

The City has received a number of inquiries about purchasing the three centrifuges that are now in use. We expect to get $70,000 each for the centrifuges and the control panels in addition to approximately $20,000 for the sludge conveyor system. This will help offset the additional cost and maintain funds in the Equipment Replacement Account for future needs.


Accept the base bid of $1,794,000 from Boller Construction Company for the Sludge Dewatering Improvement Project and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #4 Engineering Services Agreements – City Industrial Rail Extension


default Memo from Airport Manager Mark Delhotal

default Proposal for Engineering Services - Completion of North Switch Yard

default Proposal for Engineering Services - Johns Creek Structure

Recommended Action:

Consider two agreements between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental

History and Fact:

The City Industrial Rail (CIR) has been an economic driver in our region for several years. The demands on the CIR are expected to increase dramatically by the end of this year as a result of operational changes at Coated Sand Solutions. Annual rail volumes are expected to surge from the current capacity of approximately 3,800 cars to an estimated 14,000-18,000 cars.


The Economic Development Department recommends that the City approve an agreement for the completion of the CIR North Switch Yard located south of Creston Road. Fehr Graham has provided a proposal for the work which includes the design of one parallel storage track, approximately 1,500 linear feet in length, and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan at a cost of $27,650. The 2014-15 Railroad Capital Outlay Budget includes $350,000 for this expansion of the Union Pacific Siding switch yard.

The Economic Development Department also recommends that the City approve an agreement for the design of the John's Creek Structure that will allow the CIR to extend to the south. Fehr Graham has provided a proposal for the work which includes the design and permitting of a single bridge to accommodate four parallel rail tracks for a fee of $109,500. There is $90,000 available in the 2014-15 Railroad Capital Outlay Budget to fund this project. This was originally budgeted as the local share for a Crossing Guard Project that will not be funded by the ICC this year. The remaining $19,500 will be available through increased revenues and storage fees on the CIR.


Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham for the design of one parallel storage track to complete the CIR North Switch Yard.

Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham for the design of a rail structure to span John's Creek in order to extend the CIR.

Agenda Item #5 Down Payment on Skid Load Generators


default Memo from Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin

Recommended Action:

Consider a down payment towards the purchase of skid load generators.

History and Fact:

Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) owns and operates three generating stations totaling 22MW of generating capacity. Our 9th Street station houses 8 units, some of which date back to the 1940s. These units are maintenance intensive, due to their age, and are not always available to supply capacity when desired.

RMU's ability to generate capacity is very important for both peak shaving, the ability to reduce our demand on the grid when market prices for energy are exceptionally high, and to provide power during emergencies such as the wind shear which destroyed a large section of 138 kV transmission line last year. To improve RMU's ability to meet these needs, staff has identified a set of cost efficient generator sets that are available for purchase and could be deployed into the distribution system to provide 6 MW of capacity.


The total cost to provide the proposed skid load generators is estimated to be $2,042,060. A 10% down payment of $124,746 is required to secure their availability. The Utility Advisory Board formally recommended approval of the investment in these units at its meeting last December.

RMU has applied for a construction permit to include these generators into RMU's overall air permitting which we believe will be successful.


Approve a down payment of $124,746 towards the purchase of skid load generators

Discussion Item #1 Rochelle Energy Center sale

Rochelle Energy Center, LLC., owns and operates an electric generation facility at the Rochelle Municipal Landfill using methane gas produced by the landfill. The company is attempting to sell itself to prospective buyers. Representatives from Evansol, a company that is interested in purchasing the facility, have asked for the opportunity to introduce their company to Council and provide information about the pending sale.

The Council will need to consent to the sale. The request will be placed on the agenda of an upcoming meeting.