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City Council Meeting Agenda March 24, 2014

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer



default Week of the Young Child  - April 7-11, 2014


• Mayor

• Council Members

•  default Financials February 2014




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting –  default March 10, 2014

b) Approve Bills – default 022814-030614 default 030714-031314

c) Approve Payroll –  default 021714-030214

2) 26 kW Solar Plant Project

3) Purchase of the Hub Theater

4) Amendment to Professional Services Agreements - Rochelle Municipal Airport

5)Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement - City Industrial Rail Extension





Agenda Item #2 26 kW Solar Plant Project


default Memo from Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin

default Recommended Action:

Reject all bids for the 26 kW Solar Plant Project.

History and Fact:

Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) applied for a grant last year through the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (ICECF) to fund up to 60% of a 26 kW solar plant. In November, ICECF notified RMU staff that a grant of $63,600 was approved for the project.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened seven bids for the project on March 4th. RMU staff and our consultant from Freedom Fields reviewed the bids and subsequently met with ICECF to discuss the location of the plant. As a result of that discussion, it has been determined that it may be a better fit with the Grantor's requirements to place the plant at the 2nd Avenue Electric complex. Therefore, staff recommends rejecting the current bids and evaluating a re-bidding of the project to fit the activities required for placement on the roof of a 2nd Avenue Electric Operations building.


Reject all bids for the 26 kW Solar Plant Project. 

Agenda Item #3 Purchase of Hub Theater – 416 Lincoln Highway


default Letter from Attorney Alan Cooper

Recommended Action:

Consider Purchase of the Hub Theater at 416 Lincoln Highway

History and Fact:

The Hub Theater originally opened in 1931 in downtown Rochelle. It was constructed as a 950-seat Art Deco-style stage theater. In the 1980's the theater was split into a three screen complex and remained as such until its closure in early 2011. The theater has remained vacant since that time.

In May of last year, Architect John Mahon presented a report to the City Council on the condition and feasibility of renovating the Hub Theatre. Following that presentation, Attorney Alan Cooper volunteered to spearhead an effort to promote the renovation of the Hub Theater.


Attorney Cooper, along with several committee members, developed a plan for renovation and operation of the theater, created a power point presentation and brochure outlining the plans, gathered signatures on petitions in support of the plan and created and operated a Facebook page dedicated to the renovation effort.

Their plan includes the renovation of the Hub Theater through the use of landfill funds. The proposed design includes flexible caberet seating and a proscenium stage. The renovated theater would be run by a professional theater manager/events coordinator and volunteers would serve as ushers, staff the box office and provide routine maintenance.

The power point presentation has been shown eleven times-once to the city council, four times to the general public and six times to private groups, including local service groups. Approximately 200-300 people have attended the showings and voiced both support and opposition for the project.

As of March 14th approximately 500 citizens of Rochelle have signed the petition, indicating their support for the renovation and the use of landfill funds for that purpose. In addition, approximately 100 non-citizens have signed petitions indicating their support.

The asking price for the Hub Theater is $100,000 and renovation costs are expected to be $1-$1.5 million. That being said, this project has the potential to serve as a catalyst for the revitalization of downtown Rochelle.


Consider Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a contract for the purchase of the Hub Theater at 416 Lincoln Highway subject to council approval.


Agenda Item #4 Amendments to Professional Services Agreements – Rochelle Municipal Airport


default Memo from Airport Manager Mark Delhotal

default Amendment to Professional Services Agreement - Extension to Runway 7-25

default Amendment to Professional Services Agreement - AMCORE Property Acquisition

default Amendment to Professional Services Agreement - Update to Airport Layout Plan

Recommended Action:

Consider Amendments to the Agreements with Hanson Professional Services for Services related to the Rochelle Municipal Airport

History and Fact:

In 2008 the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Aeronautics approved plans to extend the current runway at the Rochelle Municipal Airport to 5,000 feet. Since that time the Mayor and Council have approved several agreements and amendments with Hanson Professional Services related to the property acquisition, expansion, and Airport Layout Plan.


The Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics (IDOT DOA) recently approved the following three amendments:

• Amendment related to the runway extension – This amendment is required for the aerial imaging necessary to document the new approach and establish the end coordinates. This specialized element will be performed by a sub consultant, Quantum Spatial, at a cost of not to exceed $30,625.

• Amendment related to environmental efforts to Update Airport Layout Plan – This was required toward the end of the runway extension project design phase, prior to the bid letting, but was just approved by IDOT DOA at a cost of not to exceed $16,000.

• Amendment related to the AMCORE land acquisition- After the initial acquisition and during the environmental review, the 7.7 acres of land outside of the assessment area was questioned. As a result, this area must also be cleared of environmental concerns at a cost of not to exceed $8,000.

All of these amendments are eligible for reimbursement and will either be covered by existing contingencies included in the projects or by the City at a 5% local share of $2,731.25.


Authorize the City Manager to sign an amendment to the agreement between the City and Hanson Professional Services related to the Extension to Runway 7-25, to the Update to Airport Layout Plan and to the AMCORE Property Acquisition.


Agenda Item #5 Preliminary/Construction Engineering Services Agreement – City Industrial Rail Extension


default Memo from Airport Manager Mark Delhotal

default Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering and Environmental

Recommended Action:

Consider an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental

History and Fact:

The City Industrial Rail has been an economic driver in our region for the past several years. It offers local industries a competitive advantage by providing access to both the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroads for their shipping needs.


In January of this year, Coated Sand Solutions shipped its first unit train of coated sand. They project that they will ship 2 unit trains per week by June. In addition, multiple prospects are considering locating in Rochelle to take advantage of the CIR and unit trains opportunities. All of this activity has driven the need to design future extensions of the CIR.

The Economic Development Department recommends that a 3rd track extension in the unit train yard be designed and constructed. This extension would make it possible for two unit trains to be assembled on the CIR at the same time. In addition it would allow the City to take advantage of $750,000 of remaining Economic Development Administration funds and $100,000 available from the Coated Sand Solutions Project before the end of 2014. Fehr Graham Engineering and Environmental has provided a scope of services for the preliminary/construction engineering associated with a 2300 linear foot extension of industrial rail for a fee of $55,348.


Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental for preliminary/construction engineering services related to the extension of the City Industrial Rail.