Monday, June 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – default May 27, 2014
b) Approve Bills – default 051614-052214 , default 052314-052914
c) Approve Payroll – default 051214-052514
d) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – default April 7, 2014
e) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board Meeting – default March 24, 2014
f) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Railroad Advisory Board Meeting – default March 27, 2014
g) default Authorize VFW 4th of July Parade - July 4, 2014
h) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code to default Delete One Package Liquor License
2) Second Avenue Water Main Project
3) Purchase of Skid Load Generators
4) Engineering Agreement - Generator Site Design Services
5) Rezoning and Special Use Permit – 813 North 3rd Street
6) Rezoning and Special Use Permit – 808 North 2nd Street
7) Rezoning and Special Use Permit – 221 and 223 8th Avenue
8) Special Use Permit – 1010 South 7th Street
Agenda Item #2 Second Avenue Water Main Project, Phase 2
default Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper
default Recommendation from Willett Hofmann & Associates
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the Second Avenue Water Main Project, Phase 2.
History and Fact:
In 2012 the City Council approved an engineering agreement for the design of the Second Avenue Water Main Project. The project included the replacement of 1,550 feet of four-inch water main that was in poor condition between Washington Street and the east end of Second Avenue. In addition, the project was designed to improve the water system by connecting Well #2 and the Second Avenue tower to the east side of the City.
In 2013, after the installation of 1,000 feet of PVC water main, the construction was halted due to contaminated soils from leaking underground storage tanks in the area. Hintzsche Oil has since reached an agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) to remediate the soils in front of their property. That work will take place prior to the City proceeding with Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Water Main Project.
The initial estimate for the water main project was $275,000. The IEPA requires ductile iron pipe in areas where water main is installed in contaminated soils. To date, $244,440 has been spent, including the purchase of ductile iron pipe and Viton gaskets at $52.70 per linear foot instead of PVC at $15.62 per linear foot.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened bids for the Second Avenue Water Main Project, Phase 2 on May 30th with four contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Matt Hansen of Willett Hofmann & Associates, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, O'Brien Civil Works, with a bid of $55,730.
Accept the bid of $55,730 from O'Brien Civil Works for the Second Avenue Water Main Project, Phase 2
Agenda Item #3 Purchase of Skid Load Generators
default Memo from Business and Financial Analyst Dan Westin
Recommended Action:
Consider purchase of skid load generators
History and Fact:
Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) owns and operates three generating stations totaling 22MW of generating capacity. Our 9th Street station houses 8 units, some of which date back to the 1940s. These units are maintenance intensive and are not always available to supply capacity when desired. The proposed addition of 6 MWs of capacity is the first step in replacing some of the old generator sets, two of which have been taken out of production and will be dismantled this winter.
RMU's ability to generate capacity is very important for both peak shaving and to provide power during emergencies. (This summer the capacity price is up five times compared to last summer.) To improve RMU's ability to meet these needs, staff proposed purchasing a set of cost efficient generator sets that could be deployed into the distribution system to provide 6 MW of capacity. In December of 2013 the Utility Advisory Board recommended investment in these units. In addition, the Mayor and Council approved proceeding with a down payment of $124,746 to secure the purchase of the proposed skid load generators in May.
RMU staff created a project for these generators which includes a highly efficient integration into RMU's distribution network. The combined integration has created a capability of black-starting a non-protected area with 9 MW of power. Black starting means there is no power from the regional grid and RMU can start these units by itself.
The total project cost to provide the proposed skid load generators is estimated to be $2,042,060. Providing council approves the purchase, the units are expected to be operational in August-September of this year.
RMU has received preliminary approval of the construction permit to include these generators into RMU's overall air permitting.
Approve the purchase of 6MW Skid Load Generators at a total cost of $1,247,460, subject to receipt of the official air permit.
Agenda Item #4 Engineering Services Agreement – Generator Site Design Services
default Proposal for Engineering Services – Generator Site Civil and Structural Design Services
Recommended Action:
Consider an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental
History and Fact:
The 6 MW Skid Load Generators, proposed in the previous agenda item, will be located on pads near the Caron Road substation. In addition a foundation and containment wall will be required for the associated diesel tank used to fuel the units.
Fehr Graham has provided a proposal for the work which includes the civil and structural design services for the generator pads, fuel tank foundation and fuel containment wall at a cost of $30,200. These expenses are included in the overall project cost estimate of $2,040,000.
Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham for the civil and structural design services for the 6MW generator site.
Agenda Item #5-7 Rezoning and Special Use Permit– 813 North 3rd Street, 808 North 2nd Street, 221 and 223 8th Avenue
default Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman
default Ordinance Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility at 813 N 3rd Street, 808 N 2nd Street, 221 & 223 8th Avenue - Rochelle Community Hospital
Recommended Action:
Consider Ordinances Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility
History and Fact:
The former property owners at 813 North 3rd Street and 808 North 2nd Street have petitioned the City to rezone their respective properties from R-2 to R-4 and to have a special use permit issued to allow Rochelle Community Hospital, the now current owner, to construct a medical facility on the properties. The hospital plans to demolish the existing dwellings to facilitate the expansion of its medical facility.
Rochelle Community Hospital (RCH) owns a duplex located at 221 and 223 8th Avenue. RCH has also petitioned the City to rezone the property from R-2 to R-4 and to have a special use permit issued to allow for medical purposes on this property. The hospital plans to demolish the duplex to allow for expansion of the hospital campus.
On June 2nd the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the petitions for rezoning and the request for conditional (special use) permits and subsequently voted to recommend approval by a vote of 6-0. Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission felt that the requests were consistent with the current zoning of the hospital and is consistent with the future land use plan found in the Comprehensive Plan.
Authorize an Ordinance Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Rochelle, and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility at 813 N 3rd Street
Authorize an Ordinance Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Rochelle, and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility at 808 N 2nd Street
Authorize an Ordinance Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Rochelle, and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility at 221 & 223 8th Avenue
Agenda Item #8 Special Use Permit – 1010 South 7th Street
default Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman
default Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for Place of Worship at 1010 South 7th Street
Recommended Action:
Consider a Special Use Permit for Place of Worship at 1010 South 7th Street
History and Fact:
The First National Bank of Rochelle has petitioned the City to allow a special use permit for a place of worship at 1010 South Seventh Street. The property is located in the B-2 Commercial Highway District and was originally developed in 1985 as a 2300 square foot financial institution. Multiple businesses and financial institutions have occupied the property until 2012.
The property is surrounded by other commercial businesses. At this time, the adjacent property to the north has a liquor license, although its primary business use is retail fuel sales and a convenience store. Per the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, a place of worship needs to be 100 feet away from the nearest part of any building. There are no restrictions for the proximity of a place of worship to the neighboring business where the sale of liquor is not the primary business, nor does it apply if the license was issued prior to a place of worship being established.
Per the Rochelle Municipal Zoning Code for off street parking, a place of worship is required to have one parking space for six seats. The property currently has 22 parking spaces which would allow up to 132 people in the building.
On June 3rd the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition and found the use to be consistent with other businesses in the district, the petitioner has adequate parking and the building meets the proposed occupant load. The Commission subsequently voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the special use permit to allow a place of worship at 1010 S 7th Street.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for Place of Worship at 1010 South 7th Street subject to the owners addressing any life safety issues within the building and any future expansion conforms to the current City of Rochelle Municipal Code.