City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – default June 9, 2014
b) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – default June 23, 2014
c) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – default June 30, 2014
d) Approve Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – default June 2, 2014
e) Approve Bills – default 061314-061914 , default 062014-062614 , default 062714-070314
f) Approve Payroll – default 060914-062214
g) Approve Use of Rochelle Municipal Airport for Rochelle Area Chamber of Commerce default Summer Country Jam Concert - August 9, 2014
2) Ordinance Amending Article XIII (Signs) of Chapter 110 of the Municipal Code
3) Rezoning and Special Use Permit for 800 North 2nd Street
4) Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking along the South Side of Seventh Avenue between Lincoln Highway and Main Street
5) Consideration and Action on a Resolution Expressing Intent to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of an Obligation Issued by the City
6) Agreement for Professional Services – Branding Rochelle for Success
Agenda Item #2 Ordinance Amending Article XIII (Signs) of Chapter 110 (Zoning) of the Municipal Code
Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman
Ordinance Amending Article XIII (Signs) of Chapter 110 (Zoning) of the Municipal Code
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Article XIII (Signs) of Chapter 110 (Zoning) of the Municipal Code.
History and Fact:
For the past several years, staff has struggled with administering the provisions in the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle related to signage for businesses and homeowners. As a result, Community Development Department staff members spent several months researching sign ordinances in other communities to address some of these issues.
The Planning and Zoning Commission has held several workshops over the past few months to discuss the current sign ordinance and proposed revisions to it. On July 7th the Planning and Zoning Commission completed its final workshop on this topic and subsequently recommended approval of the revised ordinance by a vote of 5-0.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Article XIII (Signs) of Chapter 110 (Zoning) of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle.
Agenda Item #3 Rezoning and Special Use Permit– 800 North 2nd Street
Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman
Ordinance Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility at 800 N 2nd Street - Rochelle Community Hospital
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility
History and Fact:
Rochelle Community Hospital (RCH) has petitioned the City to rezone the property at 800 North 2nd Street from R-2 to R-4 and to have a special use permit issued to allow the hospital to expand its campus. The hospital plans to demolish the existing dwelling to facilitate the expansion of its medical facility.
On July 7th the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the petition for rezoning and the request for conditional (special use) permit and subsequently voted to recommend approval by a vote of 5-0. Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission felt that the requests were consistent with the current zoning of the hospital.
Authorize an Ordinance Amending Boundaries of R-2 and R-4 Districts, Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Rochelle, and Approving a Special Use Permit for Medical Facility at 800 N 2nd Street
Agenda Item #4 Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking along the South Side of Seventh Avenue between Lincoln Highway and Main Street
Memo from Streets and Cemetery Superintendent Tim Isley
Ordinance Amending the Municipal to Prohibit Parking along the South Side of Seventh Avenue between Lincoln Highway and Main Street
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking along the South Side of Seventh Avenue between Lincoln Highway and Main Street
History and Fact:
The facility manager at the Lincoln Manor Senior Housing complex has requested that the City consider designating the south side of Seventh Avenue, between Lincoln Highway and Main Street, as "No Parking". The facility has a parking lot entrance and exit that is located on the south side of Seventh Avenue. Residents at the facility have had several close calls and a few accidents when exiting the parking lot because it is difficult to safely see around the cars parked on the south side.
Seventh Avenue is designated as a collector street and conveys a considerable amount of traffic from Route 251 to Caron Road. Therefore, Streets and Cemetery Superintendent Tim Isley recommends approval of this request.
Parking in the area will still be available to residents on the north side of Seventh Avenue and Main Street.
Approve An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking along the South Side of Seventh Avenue between Lincoln Highway and Main Street
Agenda Item #5 Consideration and Action on a Resolution Expressing Intent to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of an Obligation Issued by the City
Memo from Finance Manager Chris Frye
Reimbursement Resolution
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving a Resolution Expressing Intent to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of an Obligation Issued by the City
History and Fact:
Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) has identified three capital projects for potential funding through an electric revenue bond in an amount not to exceed $6 million. The projects and their estimated costs are as follows:
1) Purchase and installation of diesel generators - $2,040,000
2) Design, engineering, site preparation, improvement, expansion and repairs to the Steward Road transmission line - $2,760,000
3) Design, engineering, site preparation, improvement and expansion to the Caron Road Substation - $1,200,000
Council approval of the proposed Reimbursement Resolution will allow all project costs paid within 60 days prior to or any time after the passage of the Resolution to be reimbursed to RMU Electric through bond proceeds.
A Parameters Ordinance will be presented at the July 28th City Council meeting. This ordinance will include the maximum maturity, maximum interest rate, maximum amount and authorize the City to proceed with the bond issuance.
Approve a Resolution Expressing Intent to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of an Obligation Issued by the City
Agenda Item #6 Agreement for Professional Services – Branding Rochelle for Success
Memo from Rochelle Area Chamber of Commerce Director Peggy Friday
Agreement for Professional Services
Recommended Action:
Consider approving an Agreement for Professional Services with Roger Brooks International
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle, Flagg-Rochelle Park District, Rochelle Township High School, Rochelle Community Consolidated District #231, Rochelle Community Hospital, the Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation (GREDCO) and the Rochelle Area Chamber of Commerce have formed a Brand Development Team (BDT) to pursue the development of a unique community brand. The common goal is to help Rochelle become a destination of choice for economic development and business growth, an outstanding place to live and a premier visitor destination.
A Request for Proposal was sent to several marketing firms and the Roger Brooks International firm was subsequently selected due to their experience and overwhelming success in creating public sector community branding. The firm has outlined a 12-step branding process at a cost of $100,000 along with proposed contribution levels for the various partners.
At the June 23rd City Council Meeting, Peggy Friday presented information on the Community Branding Proposal. The goal is to secure funding commitments from the various partners so that the Brooks branding initiative can be brought to Rochelle later this year.
The 2014-15 Administrative Services Budget includes $30,000, under professional services, for this project. In addition, it has been suggested that the City's Community Development/Tourism Department be added to the BDT, with a proposed contribution of $20,000, since community branding will also benefit tourism. This combined contribution will lay the foundation for the branding initiative. GREDCO has already voted to contribute $10,000 and the other lead members of the BDT are working with their respective boards to approve their financial contributions.
Approve a total funding commitment of $50,000 ($30,000 from the City and $20,000 from Tourism)
Authorize the City Manager to sign an Agreement for Professional Services with Roger Brooks International subject to securing commitments for the remaining funds.