City Council Meeting Agenda - August 26, 2013

MONDAY, August 26, 2013

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members




a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting –  default August 12, 2013

b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Railroad Advisory Board Meeting – default February 28, 2013

c) Approve Bills – default 072613-080113 , default 080213-080813 , default 080913-081513

d) Approve Payroll –  default 072213-080413

e)  default Approve Resolution Regarding the Release of Executive Session Minutes

2) Contract No. 1 – Drilling and Developing Well #12

3) 20th Street Improvements – Phase 1 Paving Project

4) Purchase of Brush Chipper – Street Department

5) State/Local Agency Agreement – Airport Land Acquisition

6) Minimum/Maximum Additional Billing for Contract Years 2007, 2009, and 2010 - Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association





Agenda Item #2 Contract No. 1 – Drilling and Developing Well #12


default Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper

default Recommendation from Willett Hofmann & Associates

 Recommended Action:

Consider bids for Contract No. 1 - Drilling and Developing Well #12

History and Fact:

Over the past decade the volume of water delivered to customers in Rochelle has significantly increased. As the existing system nears the maximum design capacity, the City has taken steps towards the construction of a new well in the southeast quadrant of the City. The City has applied for, and in February received approval for, a low interest loan through the State of Illinois to fund the estimated $3.5 million well project. In addition, the Council approved the purchase of one acre of property located near the intersection of Hayes and Steward Roads for the siting of Well #12 in March.


Willett Hofmann & Associates performed the design work for the drilling of the well. The scope of Contract No.1 includes the drilling of a new well to an anticipated depth of 970 feet, installing a road way to the well, testing and televising the new well, and performing a water quality analysis. Once operational the well is expected to pump approximately 1300 gallons per minute.

Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened bids for Contract No. 1 – Drilling and Developing Well #12 on August 15th with three contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Matt Hansen of Willett Hofmann & Associates, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Municipal Well and Pump, with a bid of $496,467. The 2013-14 Water Division Capital Outlay Budget includes $500,000 for the construction of Well #12 to be paid through the State of Illinois loan. Following the bid award, the project is expected to begin in mid-October.


Accept the bid of $496.467 from Municipal Well and Pump for Contract No. 1 - Drilling and Developing Well #12 and reject all other bids.



Agenda Item #3 20th Street Improvements – Phase 1 Paving


default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau

default Bid Tabulation

Recommended Action:

Consider Bids for 2013 20th Street Improvements – Phase 1 Paving

History and Fact:

The Engineering Department identified the need to make improvements to 20th Street, from Atwood Park to 8th Avenue, due to the general deterioration of the road and a width that was not compliant with roadway standards. The improvements subsequently identified in the project include roadway widening for approximately 1900 feet, removal of unsuitable/unstable sub-base material, re-grading of ditches, culvert removal and replacement, asphalt paving, connection to the existing bike path and other related work.

Street Department crews have completed a majority of the project in-house over the past month. The Engineering Department has developed plans and specifications to seek bids for the hot mix asphalt binder course.


Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened two bids on August 19th. City Engineer Sam Tesreau reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, William Charles Construction Company, with a bid of $88,584.85. The 2013-14 Capital Improvements Fund budget includes $112,000 for this project which will be funded through a transfer from the Sales Tax Fund. Upon approval of the bid, the project is expected to be completed by September 11th.

The final roadway surface will be constructed in fiscal year 2014/15 as funding allows.


Accept the bid from William Charles Construction Company in the amount of $88,584.85 and reject all other bids.


Agenda Item #4 Purchase of Brush Chipper – Street Department


default Memo from Streets and Cemetery Superintendent Tim Isley

Recommended Action:

Consider the purchase of a 2013 brush chipper for the Street Department

History and Fact:

Over the past four months, the Street Department has tried out three different brush chipper models in order to determine the best option to replace their existing 1996 chipper. They have concluded that the Vermeer BC 1500 is the best option due to its exceptional safety features, smart feed system, ability to manipulate the material automatically and "Ecoidle" feature which idles down the machine to conserves fuel between jobs.


The 2013 Vermeer BC 1500 brush chipper is available through the National Joint Power Alliance, through Vermeer Midwest, for $45,970. This price includes an optional winch system which would be useful for dragging large material to the chipper. In addition, Vermeer Midwest will provide a trade in allowance of $11,500 for the 1996 model for a net purchase price of $34,470.

The 2013-14 Street Department Capital Outlay Budget includes $29,500 for the purchase of a brush chipper based on a price quote obtained in January. Due to an increase in cost for the 2013 model year and the addition of the optional winch system, the proposed purchase price is approximately $5,000 more than the budgeted amount. Superintendent Isley recommends proceeding with the purchase, including the optional winch system which will reduce the risk for back and other related injuries, and delaying the purchase of the budgeted wheel loader to offset the additional cost.


Approve the purchase of a 2013 Vermeer BC 1500 brush chipper through the National Joint Powers Alliance in the amount of $45,970, minus a trade in allowance of $11,500 for a net purchase price of $34,470.


Agenda Item #5 State/Local Agency Agreement – Airport Land Acquisition


default Memo from Airport Manager Mark Delhotal

default State/Local Agency Agreement

Recommended Action:

Consider the State/Local Agency Agreement for Airport Land Acquisition

History and Fact:

In 2008 the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Aeronautics approved plans to extend the current runway at the Rochelle Municipal Airport from 4,226 feet to Catergoy B criteria of 5,000 x 75 feet. In early 2012 the Mayor and Council approved an agreement to purchase 60 acres of property to expand the runway.


The total cost of the airport land acquisition, including land purchase, attorney fees, airport consultant fees and engineering, was $655,066. The City of Rochelle was required to upfront the cost of the land purchase and associated expenses and seek reimbursement of 97.5% (95% from Federal Entitlement Funds and 2.5% from the State of Illinois) once the purchase was complete. In order to authorize reimbursement of the State and Federal funds, IDOT Division of Aeronautics has provided a State/Local Agency Agreement for the City to approve. The City's local share of 2.5%, included in this agreement, is $16,669.07.


Authorize the Mayor to Sign the State/Local Agency Agreement for Airport Land Acquisition


Agenda Item #6 Minimum/Maximum Additional Billing for Contract Years 2007, 2009 and 2010 – Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association


default Memo from HR/Risk Manager Lynette Fischer

default Detailed Breakdown of Previous Years History

 Recommended Action:

 Consider additional billings for contract years 2007, 2009 and 2010.

 History and Fact:

 The City of Rochelle has participated in the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association (IMLRMA) property and liability insurance program since 1997. This insurance program covers worker's compensation, auto liability, commercial general liability, portable mobile equipment, and the physical damage to auto and property. In addition, the City has taken advantage of the IMLRMA's "Minimum/Maximum Premium Program" for the past several years in order to reduce our premium costs by accepting some risk of loss. To date, the City has realized savings through the Min/Max Program due to our loss experience.


The IMLRMA agreement includes a provision for billing on a yearly basis when paid claim dollars are in excess of the Minimum Loss Fund until such time as the Maximum Loss Fund limit is attained or all claims initiated during the coverage period are closed. The City has received three additional billings from IMLRMA for the City's claims in years 2007 ($30,617.46), 2009 ($50,379.49) and 2010 ($32,704.02) for a total of $113,700.97.

 The 2013-14 Insurance Fund and Enterprise Funds Budgets include a total of $125,000 to cover these anticipated additional billings.


 Authorize the City Manager to pay the additional billings totaling $113,700.97 for contract Years 2007, 2009 and 2010 to the IMLRMA.