MONDAY, July 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – default July 8, 2013
b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – default July 1, 2013
c) Approve Bills – default 062813-070513 , default 070613-071113
d) Approve Payroll – default 062413-070713
e) Authorize the Annual Kiwanis Peanut Day at Designated Intersections – default September 6, 2013
2) Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking on Caron Court North of Steward Road
3) Rochelle Municipal Airport Runway Extension
4) Amendment One to the Agreement with Hanson Professional Services – Update to Airport Layout Plan
Agenda Item #2 Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking on Caron Court North of Steward Road
default Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Prohibit Parking on Caron Court
Recommended Action:
Consider an ordinance amending the municipal code to prohibit parking on Caron Court North of Steward Road
History and Fact:
Earlier this year the Mayor and Council approved the final plat for the Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four Subdivision, located between Steward Road and Interstate 88. In addition, Council approved a Third Amendment to the associated Annexation Agreement which included a provision that the City accept the existing private street, Caron Court, as a public street.
Due to the lack of traffic to-date on Caron Court, truckers waiting to access other businesses in the area have become accustomed to using the street for parking. The contractor for Nippon Sharyo's Shop #3 is gearing up for construction and has expressed concern that the trucks parked on both sides of the road will make it very difficult to access the site at the north end of Caron Court. Since Caron Court is intended to provide access to the entire subdivision, staff recommends designating the road "No Parking". Upon approval of this ordinance, signs will be installed on both sides of Caron Court from Steward Road north to the cul-de-sac. The addition of this signage will also facilitate enforcement by the Rochelle Police Department if necessary.
Approve An Ordinance Amending Section 94-224 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Prohibit Parking on Caron Court North of Steward Road.
Agenda Item #3 Rochelle Municipal Airport Runway Extension
default Memo from Airport Manager Mark Delhotal
default Federal 2013 Airport Improvement Program Letter
default Contract Schedule and Award Concurrence Letter
default State Local Agency Agreement
Recommended Action:
Consider Award Concurrence and State/Local Agency Agreement
History and Fact:
In 2008 the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Aeronautics approved plans to extend the runway at the Rochelle Municipal Airport from 4,226 feet to Category B criteria of 5,000 feet. Last year, as authorized by the Mayor and Council, the City acquired approximately 60 acres of property to facilitate this expansion. In addition, in May of 2012 IDOT sent the City a letter which indicated that the Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Proposed Airport Improvement Program included a 90% federal match for the runway extension project based on federal funding levels.
In early 2013 Hanson Engineering submitted plans, specifications and bid documents for the project to be placed on the March 8th IDOT bid letting. Five contractors subsequently submitted bids, including Alternate #1 for LED lighting. IDOT has reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Martin & Company Excavating, with a bid of $1,232,005.08 plus Alternate #1 in the amount of $32,735 for a total of $1,264,740.08. The State sent a letter on March 13th requesting the City's concurrence with the award. At that time the State/Local Agency was not available because the Federal government had not released their portion of the funding. Federal discretionary funds have since been identified and IDOT recently provided the State/Local Agency Agreement for the City to execute. The agreement identifies the local share as 7.06% of estimated project costs, including engineering and permitting, for a total of $106,695 which must be remitted prior to commencement of the project.
The FY 2013-14 City of Rochelle Capital Improvement fund includes $160,000 for the runway extension and taxiway improvements. These funds will be available through a transfer from the Sales Tax fund.
Authorize the Mayor to sign the Illinois Department of Transportation Award Concurrence/Authorization for the Rochelle Municipal Airport Project No. RPJ-4243
Authorize the Mayor to Sign an Agency Agreement Airport Improvement Program for Illinois Project No. RPJ-4243
Agenda Item #4 Amendment One to the Agreement with Hanson Professional Services – Update Airport Layout Plan
default Memo from Airport Manager Mark Delhotal
Recommended Action:
Consider Amendment One to the Agreement with Hanson Professional Services to Update Airport Layout Plan
History and Fact:
In 2008 the City of Rochelle entered into a Professional Services Agreement with Hanson Professional Services to update the Airport Layout plan for Rochelle Municipal Airport. This update has been performed under the direction of the City with review by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Aeronautics and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Over the course of the Airport Layout Plan update the FAA revised the associated criteria. Recently, IDOT requested that Hanson make changes to address the FAA revisions which were beyond the original scope of work included in the agreement. IDOT Division of Aeronautics has reviewed Amendment One to the Hanson Agreement for these services, including additional fees of not-to-exceed $54,000, and found it to be acceptable. The additional engineering expense will be paid for with Federal discretionary funds through the runway extension project and will not require additional local share.
Authorize the City Manager to Sign Amendment One to the Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Hanson Professional Services to Update the Airport Layout Plan.