City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 N 6th Street
Rochelle, IL 61068
· Pledge to the Flag
· Prayer
· Mayor
· Council Members
a) Minutes Of City Council Meeting December 10 2012
b) Approve Bills – 113012-120612, 120712-121312,121412-122012, 122112-010313
c) Approve Payroll –112612-120912,121012-122312,
d) Administrative Committee Minutes-August 2 2012
e) Railroad Advisory Board Minutes-October 25-2012
f) Planning And Zoning Board Minutes-October 1 2012, November 5 2012
g)Police And Fire Commission Minutes-September 11 2012
2) Addition of Territory to the Lee County Enterprise Zone #9 – Project Golden Prairie
4) Preliminary and Final Plat – Harms Subdivision 571 South Main
5) Conditional (Special) Use Permit Amendment – First National Bank Antenna
6) Preliminary and Final Plat – Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four Subdivision
Agenda Item #2 - Addition of Territory to the Lee County Enterprise Zone #9 – Project Golden Prairie
Ordinance Amending Ordinance No 01-3051-Enterprise Zone
Amendment #16 To Intergovernmental Agreement
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 (Enterprise Zone)
Consider an Intergovermental Agreement Amendment #16
History and Fact:
On December 23, 1986 the City of Dixon and County of Lee entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement to provide for the administration of an enterprise zone encompassing contiguous portions of the City of Dixon and County of Lee. The agreement was subsequently amended to include the City of Amboy, Village of Ashton, Village of Franklin Grove, Village of Paw Paw, City of Rochelle and Ogle County.
On November 26, 2012 Enterprise Zone Administrator John Thompson conducted a Public Hearing in Rochelle to provide information on plans to expand the Lee County Enterprise Zone by approximately 92 acres. This territory expansion includes a portion of the ProLogis Industrial Park, north of Ritchie Road, which is anticipated to house the new Project Golden Prairie manufacturing facility.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 (Enterprise Zone)
Approve an Intergovermental Agreement Amendment #16
Agenda Item #3 - Resolution Accepting Water Main Extension for Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 Development and Authorizing Reimbursement to Developer
Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper
Resolution Accepting Water Main Extension for Creekside Subdivision Unit 1
Recommended Action:
Consider approving a Resolution Accepting Water Main Extension for Creekside Subdivision Unit 1
History and Fact:
On February 13, 2012, the Mayor and City Council approved the Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement between the City and Creekside Land Holdings, LLC. Among other things, this amendment provided for the construction and installation of a 12" water main from Well #12 to the existing water main terminus on 20th Street by the Developer with the City reimbursing 50% of the cost upon acceptance of the improvement.
The RMU estimate for the construction of the water main was $191,000, including contingency. The actual cost of the project, as submitted by the developer, was $150,613.15. Per Rochelle Municipal Code, Section 86-50, reimbursement will be made to the developer upon acceptance by the City Council. In addition the developer must provide a contractor's affidavit and lien waivers for the installation and material used for the project. Superintendent Kathy Cooper recommends acceptance of the infrastructure and reimbursement of $75,306.57 to the Developer based on the following: the water main has been installed in compliance with City and State requirements, all required testing meets the standards and the IEPA permits, contractor's affidavit and lien waivers have been received. In exchange for the reimbursement, the developer will provide a bill of sale conveying the title to be free and clear.
Approve a Resolution Accepting Water Main Extension for Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 and Authorizing Reimbursement to Developer.
Agenda Item #4 - Preliminary and Final Plat – Harms Subdivision 571 South Main
Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat for Harms Subdivision
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat for Harms Subdivision
History and Fact:
Arlen Harms has petitioned the City of Rochelle for a two lot subdivision at 571 South Main. The proposed subdivision includes an existing lot and a previous City well site which Mr. Harms purchased from the City. Lot 1 contains an existing house and lot 2 contains an existing shed.
Staff found that both lots are located in the R-5 (multi-family high density) zoning district and meet all of the requirements except for the corner side setback on Main Street which is shown at 9.3 feet instead of the required 20 feet. On January 7, 2013 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for Preliminary and Final Plat for the Harms Subdivision. Residents in the area gave testimony in regards to a fence located on the east property line. Providing that the subdivision is approved, this matter will be settled when the final property pins are set. Following the testimony and discussion the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the petition. Therefore, Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat subject to the following: that the Final Plat reflects any changes recommended by staff prior to recording, that a stormwater management and special flood hazard plan be approved according to City code upon development of Lot 2, and appropriate surety be provided per code.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat for Harms Subdivision
Agenda Item #5 - Conditional Special Use Permit Amendment - First National Bank Antenna
Memo from Community Development Director Chirs Limas
Ordinance Approving an Amendment to a Conditional (Special Use) Permit
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to a Conditional (Special Use) Permit to Allow the Construction of an Antenna with an Increased Height (First National Bank of Rochelle)
History and Fact:
The First National Bank of Rochelle has petitioned the City to amend the Conditional (Special Use) Permit approved in June of 2012 which allowed the installation of a 65-67 foot antenna at their facility at 340 May Mart Drive. The petitioned has since discovered that the antenna needs to be between 81-91 feet in height (from the ground) to facilitate communication with their branch in Ashton. Per City code, the maximum allowable height of an antenna is 15 feet from the roof.
On January 7, 2013 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a Public Hearing on the petition to amend the Conditional (Special Use) Permit to allow the installation of an antenna 81-91 feet in height. Following some discussion the commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the request.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to a Conditional (Special Use) Permit to Allow the Construction of an Antenna with an Increased Height (First National Bank of Rochelle)
Agenda Item #6 - Preliminary and Final Plat – Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four
Memo from Community Developement Director Chris Limas
Ordinance Approving Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four
Preliminary Plat Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four
Final Plat Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four
Recommended Action:
Consider Preliminary and Final Plat for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four
History and Fact:
The petitioner, Prologis, has requested the approval of a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four which is located in Prologis Park between Steward Road and Interstate 88. Lot 1 of the proposed subdivision is the anticipated site for Project Golden Prairie, a 350,000 square foot manufacturing facility.
Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four is proposed as a five lot subdivision containing two buildable lots and three lots designated for stormwater management. All public utilities have been installed and a small amount of right-of-way is being dedicated to the City for possible future rail expansion. On January 7, 2013 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for the preliminary and final plat and voted to recommend approval by a vote of 5-0. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat subject to the following: final plat reflects any changes recommended by staff prior to recording, stormwater management and special flood hazard plan be approved according to the City code, and appropriate surety be provided.
In addition, staff is working with the developer on an agreement to dedicate the existing private street, Caron Court, to the City in exchange for the developer's construction of a sidewalk along Caron Court, dedication of an easement and future participation in the construction of a shared use path along Steward Road and future participation in the construction of streetlights on Steward Road. This agreement will require council approval once it is finalized.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Four.