City Council Agenda - April 8, 2013

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer




• Mayor
• Council Members
Employee Introduction - Ryan Baylor




2) Contract for Grant Administration – Golden Prairie CDAP Grant
3) Amendment to Restated Host Agreement for the Operation and Development of Rochelle Landfill #2 - Mulford Road Improvements


1) Quiet Zones




Agenda Item #2- Contract for Grant Administration – Golden Prairie CDAP Grant

References: Consultant’s Agreement

Recommended Action:

Consider an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Ellen
Burgeson for Grant Administration related to the Electric System Upgrade Benefiting Golden Prairie

History and Fact:

Earlier this year the City of Rochelle applied for funding through the Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) to construct a dedicated electric feeder line to serve the proposed Golden Prairie facility. City staff members expect the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity(DCEO) to formally announce a grant award of $750,000 for this project in the near future.


In anticipation of the formal CDAP grant award announcement, it is time to proceed with the grant administration phase. The City contracted with Ellen Burgeson for assistance in preparing the original CDAP grant application, making her the logical choice to administer the grant. The proposed contract between the City and Ellen Burgeson includes services necessary to comply with procedures and regulations required by DCEO at a cost not to exceed $21,000.


Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Ellen Burgeson for Grant Administration related to the Electric System Upgrade Benefiting Golden Prairie


Agenda Item #3 - Amendment to Restated Host Agreement for the Operation and Development of Rochelle Landfill #2 – Mulford Road Improvements


Recommended Action:

Consider an Amendment to Restated Host Agreement for the Operation and Development of Rochelle Landfill #2 – Mulford Road Improvements

History and Fact:

The Mayor and City Council entered into a Restated Host Agreement in 2006 with Rochelle Waste Disposal in preparation for an application to expand the City landfill. The following year the council approved an Application for Local Siting Approval for the expansion of the landfill subject to thirty seven conditions. Conditions #16, #33 and #34 addressed improvements to Mulford Road and the timeframe for completion. In 2008 the City Council approved an amendment to the Restated Host Agreement which provided for the construction of Mulford Road improvements from south of Illinois Route 38 to and including the intersection of Creston Road in two phases as follows: Phase 1 from Route 38 to the existing landfill entrance, Phase 2 from the existing landfill entrance to and including the Creston Road intersection.


Rochelle Waste Disposal (RWD) has requested that Phase 1 of the Mulford Road improvements be allowed to end at the Union Pacific (UP) rail instead of the existing landfill entrance, a distance of about 200 feet. Phase 2 would then be expanded to include everything south of the UP rail and RWD has agreed to accept responsibility for the maintenance of this section until the improvements are completed.

Kathy Cooper and Sam Tesreau have evaluated the request and believe that it is reasonable. Transferring this section to Phase 2 will prevent the cost of tearing out and replacing the newly constructed roadway when the landfill entrance is moved and increase the life of the roadway south of the UP by eliminating a joint.

The Phase 1 project design is complete, has been approved by the City and County and is ready for the bidding process. The Operator plans to begin construction this year. In addition, the Operator plans to complete the new landfill entrance by 2017 and Phase 2 of the Mulford Road improvements would occur in the same construction season.


Adopt an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Restated Host Agreement for the Operation and Development of Rochelle Landfill #2 – Mulford Road Improvements

Discussion Item #1 Quiet Zones

The Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) and the Union Pacific (UP) railroad traffic in the City continues to increase following the construction of the Intermodal Facility and the expansion of the City Industrial Rail. This has resulted in additional noise caused by the train horns and whistles. Both the 2009 Comprehensive Plan and the City Council's Strategic Planning Summary developed in 2011 identify the need to eliminate or mitigate the train noise in our community. This is a quality of life issue, especially for those living and working near the tracks.

Last year the City contracted with Quite Zone Technologies to conduct an evaluation of the BNSF and UP roadway and pedestrian crossings and provide a written report outlining the options involved with reducing train horn noise. Following receipt of that report, Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental was hired to determine the roadway improvements and estimated costs necessary to meet the Federal Railroad Administration's requirements to establish a full Quiet Zone for the least initial cost. Fehr Graham subsequently reviewed eleven at-grade crossings and two pedestrian crossings to determine the roadway improvements necessary including pavement widening, realignment, curb and gutter, property acquisition and relocation of access points to construct raised medians or channelization devices. In addition they prepared a color exhibit for each crossing detailing the recommended improvements and an engineer's estimate of probably cost.

On March 27th the Public Works Committee met to discuss the Quiet Zone topic, Fehr Graham report and associated timeline. The consensus of the committee was to refer the topic to the full council at the April 8th meeting.

Reference: Quiet Zones Analysis Report Prepared by Fehr Graham