City Council Agenda October 09, 2012

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N. 6th Street

Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer



default National Community Planning Month - October 2012


• Mayor

• Council Members




a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - September 24, 2012

b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission – default 8/6/12 and default 8/22/12

c) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Administrative Committee – default 04/05/12 , default 05/04/12 , default 05/23/12 , default 07/12/12 , default 08/02/12

d) Approve Bills – default 09/14/12-09/20/2012 , default 09/21/12-09/27/12

e) Approve Payroll – default 09/03/12-09/16/12

f) default Authorize the Rochelle Lions Club Annual Candy Sale as Requested - October 12-13, 2012

g) default Accept and Place on File Minutes of Joint Review Board Rochelle Lighthouse Pointe – 10/02/12

2) Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 (Traffic and Vehicles)to Provide for Permitting of Overweight Trucks and to Establish Permit Fees

3) Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Bicycle Transportation Plan

4) Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Chapter 5, Transportation

5) Annexation and Zoning to A Airport District - 3 Parcels at the Municipal Airport

6) Proposal from Baker Tilly for Updated Electric Cost of Service Study


Agenda Item #2 -Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 (Traffic and Vehicles) to Provide for Permitting of Overweight Trucks and to Establish Permit Fees


default Ordinance Amending Chapter 94

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 94

History and Fact:

A number of local industries, grain elevators and the intermodal facility consider overweight transports to be important for their businesses' continued success. However, the Rochelle Municipal Code currently prohibits trucks weighing more than 80,000 pounds from using city streets, including designated truck routes. With the City's May 1st acceptance from Ogle County of a portion of Steward Road, the overweight trucks using Steward Road (primarily between the Illinois River Energy facility and the Global Crossing III intermodal facility) would be illegal and have always been illegal on other city truck routes. To allow time for staff and the trucking community to discuss changes to Code that would allow the overweight transports, the City has issued a moratorium since May 1st on the enforcement of the Code's weight restrictions under certain conditions.


Since last Spring, City staff has solicited advice from truckers and other stakeholders on proposed changes to City Code. At the truckers' suggestion, the City also commissioned a study by Willett-Hofman Engineers to determine the cost impact of overweight transports on Steward Road and Intermodal Drive which could provide guidance on setting an appropriate fee for overweight permits. The Willett-Hofman report determined that each overweight trip involving a shipping container reduces the life of pavement at a cost to the City of approximately $5.08.

The truckers provided valuable information regarding the costs associated with trucking, the volume and nature of overweight trucks using Steward Road, Intermodal Drive and other city truck routes and the need for a solution that is not harmful to their businesses. City staff suggested that the optimum ordinance would facilitate a balance between the needs of the trucking industry while creating a source of new funds to support future road maintenance projects. Since that time, City staff and representatives of local industries and trucking companies have met on a number of occasions in a cooperative effort to work out a solution. City staff has incorporated many of the truckers' suggestions into the proposed ordinance. Unfortunately, the truckers and staff could not reach a full agreement over the proposed ordinance, particularly the permit fee amounts.

On August 27, 2012 a draft ordinance was presented to the Mayor and Council. Following further discussion a consensus was reached to refer the topic to the Public Works Committee. Council members Berg and Rice have had subsequent meetings with stakeholders from the trucking industry and have developed a mutually agreeable solution which provides for the City issuing daily overweight permits at $25.00 per day. In addition, the ordinance also provides the option for truckers to get an annual permit at a fee $350.00.

Finally, it is important to note that these changes will become effective on May 1, 2013, when the City accepts the remaining section of Steward Road; until that time the City will continue the moratorium.


Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 (Traffic and Vehicles) to Provide for Permitting of Overweight Trucks and to Establish Permit Fees

Agenda Item #3 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Bicycle Transportation Plan


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan

default Bicycle Transportation Plan

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan

History and Fact:

The most recent Comprehensive Plan Update was adopted by the Mayor and City Council in 2009. Chapter 5 of the plan includes a section on Pedestrian Shared-Use Path Systems and specifies that "pedestrian and bike paths should be an integral part of the transportation system." Over 4 miles of bike path, known as the 4-Sister Bike Path, have already been constructed along 20th Street and the Kyte River corridor through the efforts of the Rochelle Area Cycling Committee, the City of Rochelle, and the Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District. The Comprehensive Plan suggests that this system should be extended throughout the City in order to link employment centers, neighborhoods, parks, schools, and the downtown.


In early 2012 the City of Rochelle formed a Bike Plan Steering Committee, consisting of various interested parties, to explore the possibility of developing an official Bicycle Transportation Plan. The City also hired Ed Barsotti, Executive Director of the League of Illinois Bicyclists, on a consulting basis to assist with development of the plan. Mr. Barsotti has since developed the City of Rochelle Bicycle Transportation Plan based on input from committee members and a public brainstorming session held in February. The plan includes detailed recommendations that specify a preferred network for bicycle travel throughout the City via a combination of off-road and on-road designated bikeways. In addition it includes a prioritized project list for implementation and strategies for making the plan a reality. On October 1, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Bicycle Transportation Plan and related Comprehensive Plan amendment and voted 5-0 to recommend approval.


Approve an Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan to include the Bicycle Transportation Plan

Agenda Item #4 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Chapter 5,Transportation


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan

History and Fact:

Chapter 5 of the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Update includes information on roadway classifications and associated improvements planned for the various street types.


Earlier this year, during a public hearing on the new elementary school project, the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the need to expand the language in the Comprehensive Plan to require a road connecting 20th Street to Queens Road north of the Elementary School property. This collector designation will provide a future secondary east-west connection between the streets to alleviate traffic on Flagg Road and is included on the Comprehensive Plan's Transportation Plan map exhibit. On October 1, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed language and voted to recommend amending the Transportation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan as proposed by a vote of 5-0.


Approve an Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan to incorporate text in regards to a collector street connecting 20th Street to Queens Road north of the new elementary school property.

Agenda Item #5 - Annexation and Zoning to A Airport District – 3 Parcels at the Municipal Airport


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory and Zoning to A District - PIN# 24-35-400-015

default Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory and Zoning to A District - PIN# 24-35-300-006

default Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory and Zoning to A District - PIN# 17-05-02-100-005

Recommended Action:

Consider three ordinances Annexing Certain Territory to the City of Rochelle and Zoning it A Airport District

History and Fact:

In January of this year the City Council approved an ordinance authorizing the execution of a land acquisition purchase agreement for three parcels of property, required for the extension of the runway at the Rochelle Municipal Airport. The three properties, which are contiguous to the airport, were purchased by the City in July.


On October 1, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted public hearings to review the City of Rochelle's petitions for annexation and rezoning of the three properties. After review, the Planning and Zoning Commission found that these parcels are part of the Future Airport Layout Plan included in the Comprehensive Plan and are shown in the Future Land Use Plan as Municipal Institutional. Based on this information, the Commission recommended approval of the three petitions to annex and rezone these properties to A Airport District.


Authorize an Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the City and Zoning it A Airport District - PIN# 24-35-400-015

Authorize an Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the City and Zoning it A Airport District - PIN# 24-35-300-006

Authorize an Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the City and Zoning it A Airport District – Part of PIN# 17-05-02-100-005

Agenda Item #6 - Proposal from Baker Tilly for Updated Electric Cost of Service Study


default Attached Proposal from Baker Tilly

Recommended Action:

Consider a proposal from Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP

History and Fact:

In June of 2011, the Mayor and Council authorized the City Manager to hire the Baker Tilly firm for consulting services related to electric revenue requirements, cost of service and rate design for Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU). At that time, RMU electric rates were based on cost of service methodology compiled in 1998.


Russ Hissom of Baker Tilly presented the Electric Cost of Service Forecast report jointly to the City Council and Utility Advisory Board on December 12, 2012. The report included a recommendation to increase the electric rates by approximately 14% in order to more closely meet the cost of providing service. At that time, City Manager Plyman recommended that the rate increase be phased in over two years to ease the impact on the customers. Therefore, the rate schedules that were subsequently drafted by Baker Tilly and approved by the City Council on April 23, 2012 represented an overall rate increase of approximately 7%.

On September 26, 2012, the Utility Advisory Board (UAB) participated in a teleconference with Russ Hissom from Baker Tilly regarding customer requests to unbundle electric rates. Mr. Hissom recommended that the City proceed with a subsequent cost of service study so that a second consecutive year of data can be compared (2012/13 versus 2013/14) as opposed to the earlier study which compared data from 1998 to 2012/13. It is believed that the subsequent study will provide a more complete analysis and therefore a better basis for unbundling the rates. Since it is extremely important that RMU continues to remain competitive in the electric market, the UAB voted to recommend that the City proceed with an updated Cost of Service study as soon as possible subject to any required City Council approval.

Baker Tilly has identified a scope of services to update the cost of service study, prepare unbundled rates based on the cost of service study and prepare a cash flow forecast for the next five years for a fee of $24,000. Pending approval of the proposal, Baker Tilly anticipates completion of the updated report approximately 60 days following receipt of the required data.


Authorize the City Manager to sign an engagement letter with Baker Tilly for services

to update the electric cost of service study, prepare unbundled electric rates and prepare forecasted five year cash flows.