City Council Agenda - May 29, 2012


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members

•  default Financials – April 2012




a)  default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – May 14, 2012

b) Approve Bills – default 05/04/12-05/10/12 default 05/11/12-05/17/12

c)  default Approve Payroll – 04/30/12-05/13/12

d)  default Authorize The Catholic Church of St. Patrick to use City streets for a Procession on June 10, 2 012

2) Electric Division Building Improvement Project - Contract 2

3) 2012 Sidewalk Project

4) Text Amendments to Chapter 110 (Zoning) - Transloading

5) Resolution in Support of Shared Use Path Along South Main Street

6) Quest Addition Subdivision Preliminary and Final Plat - 300 West 1st Avenue




Agenda Item #2 - Electric Division Building Improvement Project - Contract 2


default Memo from Electric Division Superintendent Joe Orlikowski

default Recommendation from Willett Hofmann & Associates

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Electric Division – 2012 Building Improvements Project – Contract 2

History and Fact:

Due to maintenance concerns, the engineering firm of Willett Hofmann & Associates evaluated the buildings in the Electric Division complex and designed an improvement project based on their findings. The resulting project includes the removal of damaged brick, installation of a new masonry wall, repair and/or replacement of existing masonry walls, roof modifications and the installation of new membrane roof systems. For budget purposes the project was broken into two contracts (Contract 1 & 2). The Mayor and Council awarded Contract 1, consisting of the various masonry improvements, to Bruns Construction on March 12, 2012.


Contract 2 includes the installation of the new roof systems. Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for Contract 2 were opened by the City Clerk on March 9, 2012 with four contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Willett Hofmann & Associates, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Bruns Construction, with a bid of $127,260. The 2012-13 Electric Fund Capital Outlay Budget includes $176,000 for the Contract 2 building improvements.


Approve the bid for the Electric Division 2012 Building Improvements Project Contract 2 from Bruns Construction for a total of $127,260 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #3 - 2012 Sidewalk Project


default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer

default Attached Bid Tabulation Sheet

default Attached Map of 2012 Sidewalk Maintenance Program Locations

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the 2012 Sidewalk Program

History and Fact:

In March of 2006, the condition of existing sidewalks in the City were inspected and rated by Street Department personnel. The sidewalks were then organized into a seven year maintenance program based on their condition. The 2012 Sidewalk Project, year seven of the program, includes the replacement of approximately 45,000 square feet of sidewalk and installation of several accessibility ramps on Highland Road, Joanne Lane, Woolf Court and Fourteenth Street as well as sections of Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Street and Second Avenue located between Lincoln Avenue and the Union Pacific Railroad. The 2012-13 Capital Improvements Fund budget includes $315,000 for the sidewalk improvement project.


Subsequent to the required public notice, six bids for the project were opened by the City Clerk on April 24, 2012. City Engineer, Sam Tesreau reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, AA Construction, with a bid of $256,012.11. The City of Rochelle will purchase the detectable warning plates for use on the accessibility ramps and the contractor will provide curb replacement around the handicap ramp locations.


Accept the bid from AA Construction in the Amount of $256,012.11 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #4 -Transloading Text Amendments


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving Various Text Amendments to Chapter 110

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Approving Various Text Amendments to Chapter 110

History and Fact:

Over the past few months City staff members have been contacted by multiple developers interested in the possibility of constructing transloading facilities in Rochelle. Transloading, as defined by Wikipedia, is "the process of transferring a shipment from one mode of transportation to another. It is most commonly employed when one mode cannot be used for the entire trip, as for instance when goods must be shipped internationally from one inland point to another." Currently transloading is only allowed in the I-3, Heavy Industrial District, as a permitted use since an "intermodal" facility is a form of transloading and included in the "Railroad hub facility" definition.


The City of Rochelle is a transportation hub due to our unique location at the intersection of two transcontinental railroads, two interstates highways and two State highways. In addition, the City Industrial Rail and Union Pacific's Rochelle Global III Intermodal Terminal provide transportation alternatives that other communities cannot provide. All of these transportation amenities make the City well suited for the operation of transloading facilities that could facilitate the transfer of shipments from railcar to truck (and vice-versa). On May 7, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the petition for text amendments to Section 110 of the Rochelle Municipal Code. The Commission subsequently voted to recommend approval of the transloading definition and to allow transloading as a special use in the I-2, General Industrial District, by a vote of 4-0.


Authorize an Ordinance Approving Various Text Amendment to Chapter 110 of the Rochelle Municipal Code (Zoning)

Agenda Item #5 - Resolution in Support of Shared Use Path Along South Main Street


default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau

default South Main Street Shared Use Path Project Location Map

default Resolution in Support of Shared Use Path

Recommended Action:

Consider Resolution in Support of Shared Use Path Along South Main Street

History and Fact:

In 1996 the City established a 1.5% municipal utility tax (MUT) with a portion of the proceeds designed for sidewalk repair and replacement. In 2008, proceeds from the MUT were expanded to include the construction of new sidewalk extensions and connections. Several new potential routes were discussed at that time, including one along South Main Street linking Veterans Parkway to the residential neighborhoods, numerous industries, and recreational facilities located in that area.


In late February the City was notified that approximately "$50 million in federal funds would be awarded to eligible communities for local projects that expand travel choices and improve the transportation experience in Illinois." These federal funds will be administered through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) for selected projects that enhance the transportation system. The proposed shared use path project, located on the east side of South Main Street and extending from north of Veterans Parkway to the Lake Lida recreational area, meets a majority of the requirements identified for funding eligibility. The preliminary estimate of cost for the proposed shared use path, including related expenses, is $580,000. If the project is selected, ITEP will fund 80% of the eligible costs with the remaining 20%, approximately $116,000, being paid by the City through MUT funds.


Approve a Resolution in Support of Shared Use Path Along South Main Street and Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Grant

Agenda Item #6 - Quest Addition Subdivision Preliminary and Final Plat - 300 West 1st Avenue


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat

default Preliminary Plat (Exhibit B)

default Final Plat (Exhibit C)

default Letter from Spencer Hayden (Exhibit D)

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat for Quest Addition Subdivision

History and Fact:

The City of Rochelle received a petition from Diana Quest for a four lot subdivision in the southeast quadrant of the First Avenue and Main Street intersection. The subdivision includes 2.7 acres of property and is located in the R-5 (multi-family high density) zoning district. Proposed Lots 1 and 2 contain existing homes, Lot 3 includes an existing storage building and lot 4 would be vacant.


On May 7, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for Preliminary and Final Plat for the Quest Addition Subdivision. Staff found that all of the proposed lots conform to the minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet, minimum lot width of 80 feet and meet all of the other zoning regulations. During testimony by the petitioner's representative, it was indicated that the subdivision did not need to comply with subdivision requirements since the petitioner was only adjusting lot lines. Based on this testimony, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-1 to recommend denial of the petition since it was not a subdivision. After further legal review, it was determined that reconfiguration of the existing underlying lots does qualify as a subdivision and therefore is subject to those requirements. The petitioner has requested, via a letter from Spencer Hayden, that the Mayor and City Council consider the petition and variances as noted in the letter. Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat subject to the following: a sidewalk be provided along Main Street from First Avenue to ten feet past the north lot line of Lot 4, all easements and stormwater management be provided on the Final Plat, City easement certificates be provided prior to recording of the Final Plat, and surety be posted for the public improvements.


Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat for Quest Addition Subdivision