City Council Agenda - May 14, 2012

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL  61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer



•  default Police Week May 13-19, 2012


• Mayor

• Council Members




a)  default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – April 23, 2012

b) Approve Bills – default 04/13/12-04/19/12 , default 04/20/12-04/26/12 default 04/27/12-05/03/12

c) Approve Payroll – default 04/02/12-04/15/12 default 04/16/12-04/29/12

d) Accept and Place on File default Community Development Department 2011 Annual Report

e)  default Authorize VFW Floyd J. Tilton Post 3878 Poppy Drive – May 26, 2012

f)   default Authorize VFW Floyd J. Tilton Post 3878 Memorial Day Parade – May 28, 2012

g)  default Agreements between the City of Rochelle and J&L Oil – 901 S 7th Street

h)  default Ordinance to Create Two Restaurant/Recreation Liquor Licenses and Delete One Club License

i)  default Resolution Amending Utility Services Price Schedule for Electric - Power Cost Adjustment Clause

j)  default Approve Flagg Township Historical Society’s Request associated with Lincoln Buy-Ways Event August

2) Purchase of 2012 Tandem Cab & Chassis – Street Department

3) Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the Ogle County Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium and Office Building Authority – a/k/a OCCCA

4) Rezoning – 703 Lincoln Avenue

5) Outdoor Storage/Display Special Use Permit and Sign Variance – 1240 North 7th Street

6) Resubdivision of Lot 4 Caron Ridge Subdivision Final Planned Unit Development

7) FBC Front Yard Variance – 110 Avenue H

8) Mile and ½ Planning Jurisdiction Review – 16989 East Ritchie Road




Agenda Item #2: Purchase of 2012 Tandem Cab & Chassis – Street Department


default Memo from Don Elliott, Superintendent of Streets, Cemetery & Airport

default New Truck Proposal – State of Illinois

Recommended Action: Consider the purchase of 2012 Tandem cab and chassis for the Street Department

History and Fact: The 2012-13 General Fund Capital Budget includes $128,000 for the purchase of a tandem axel truck equipped with a dump body, front plow, wing plow and spreader. Once in service this truck will replace an existing 1983, single axel dump truck in the Street Department.

Discussion: Superintendent of Streets, Don Elliott, recommends purchasing the cab and chassis through the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program in the amount of $74,888, including delivery, since no local dealers are able to supply this portion of the vehicle. In addition, it takes several months to receive delivery and a cost increase of approximately 4% is expected to take effect at the end of business on May 15, 2012. In order to obtain the most competitive price, the equipment portion of the vehicle will be bid at a later date.

Recommendation: Approve the purchase of a 2012 International 7400 Series tandem cab and chassis in the amount of $74,888 from the Illinois Department of Central Management Purchase Program.

Agenda Item #3 - Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Ogle County Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium and Office Building Authority a/k/a Ogle County Civic Center Authority


default Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Ogle County Civic Center Authority

default Ordinance Approving Intergovernmental Agreement

Recommended Action: Consider an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Ogle County Civic Center Authority

History and Fact: The Hickory Grove Civic Center, located at 1127 North 7th Street, is owned and administered by the non-profit Ogle County Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium and Office Building Authority commonly known as the Ogle County Civic Center Authority (OCCCA). For the past several years OCCCA has leased the restaurant and dining space to the Hickory Grove Banquet & Conference Center/Abraham's Grille & Lounge and the fitness and aquatic space to Flagg Rochelle Community Park District. Earlier this year, citing financial reasons, the park district made the decision to discontinue operations at the fitness/aquatic facility by May 1, 2012.

Discussion: Prior to and following the park district's decision, several meetings were held between representatives from the City, OCCCA, Flagg Rochelle Park District, Comfort Inn & Suites, and Abraham's Grill & Lounge. These meetings were held to explore collaborative options to keep the Hickory Grove Civic Center facility open and viable on the North Route 251 commercial/retail corridor. OCCCA subsequently announced that officials from Comfort Inn & Suites were taking over operations of the facility and that they had entered into an agreement for 20 months, including the remainder of 2012 and 2013. On May 4, 2012 the Administrative Committee of the City Council met to discuss the possibility of providing financial assistance to the Ogle County Civic Center Authority in order to help ensure the viability of the Hickory Grove Civic Center during this transition. The proposal discussed was to provide OCCCA with $3,000 per month for a period of up to 1 year, at which time the financial situation at the facility would be reevaluated. Funds for this contribution would be made available through the City's portion of the hotel-motel tax. In addition, Comfort Inn & Suites plans to invest a substantial amount of time and capital into the facility so that it can remain an amenity for both their hotel patrons and the community.

Recommendation: Authorize an Ordinance Approving Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the Ogle County Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium and Office Building Authority Regarding Hickory Grove Civic Center

Agenda Item #4 - Rezoning – 703 Lincoln Avenue


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Rezoning Property Located at 703 Lincoln Avenue

Recommended Action: Consider an Ordinance Rezoning Property Located at 703 Lincoln Avenue

History and Fact: The property located at 703 Lincoln Avenue is currently zoned B-1, Central Business District. Peter Alfano has petitioned the City to rezone the property to B-2, Highway Commercial, to allow the operation of an auto service station at the location. The structure was originally designed and operated as an auto service station, prior to the construction of the 7th Street overpass, but that use is not allowed in the current B-1 district. The existing lot is 24,000 square feet which is substantially larger than the minimum lot requirement of 15,000 square feet in a B-2 district.

Discussion: On May 7, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the petition for rezoning and subsequently voted to recommend approval of the petition by a vote of 4-0. Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission felt that the request was appropriate due to similar businesses in the area.

Recommendation: Authorize an Ordinance Rezoning Property Located at 703 Lincoln Avenue from B-1, Central Business District to B-2, Highway Commercial District

Agenda Item #5 - Outdoor Storage/Display Special Use Permit and Sign Variance – 1240 North 7th Street


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving a Conditional (Special Use) Permit

Recommended Action: Consider an Ordinance Approving a Conditional (Special Use) Permit

History and Fact: Earlier this year the former Wal-Mart facility, located at 1240 North 7th Street, was purchased by Illiana Realty, LLC for development as a "Big R" farm, home and ranch retail store. As part of the property redevelopment, Illiana Realty, LLC has petitioned the City to allow an 80 by 225 fenced in outdoor (display) storage area in the parking lot along Carrie Avenue. In addition, the petitioner has requested a variance to allow the installation of a 520 square foot ground sign, including a 14 by 14 foot two sided sign with a 64 square foot reader board. Per City code the maximum allowable size of a sign is 300 square feet.

Discussion: On May 7, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the petition for outdoor storage and the requested sign variance. Following some discussion the commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the requests with the condition that the outdoor storage area be located in the southeast corner of the parking lot with slats placed in the fence facing Carrie Avenue.

Recommendation: Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Conditional (Special Use) Permit for Outdoor Storage (Display) and a Sign Variance for Property Located at 1240 North 7th Street

Agenda Item #6 - Resubdivision of Lot 4 in the Caron Ridge Subdivision Final Planned Unit Development


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving the Final Planned Unit Development

Recommended Action: Consider an Ordinance Approving the Final Planned Unit Development

History and Fact: On March 12, 2012 the Mayor and Council approved both the rezoning of 4.48 acres, located east of the Caron Ridge Shopping Center, to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and the Preliminary PUD Plan and Plat for the property. The Preliminary Plat contains a six lot resubdivision of Lot 4 of the original Caron Ridge Subdivision with four buildable lots and two lots reserved for stormwater management/detention facilities.

Discussion: The Final PUD also contains four buildable lots but only one lot reserved for stormwater management. The petitioner decided not to create a lot for the existing stormwater pond along Il Route 38 but stormwater will still be handled the same as proposed in the Preliminary Plan. The developer expects to construct two buildings on lots 6 and 8 on the east side of the development during the 2012 construction season. On May 7, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on Sullivan Food's petition for Final PUD for the resubdivison of Lot 4 in Caron Ridge Subdivision and voted to recommend approval of the petition by a vote of 4-0 subject to approval of final stormwater management plan and engineering by staff, modification of the final plat as required by staff and posting of required surety. The remaining site development reviews for lots 7 and 9 will be handled administratively.

Recommendation: Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Final Planned Unit Development for the Resubdivision of Lot 4 in Caron Ridge Subdivision

Agenda Item #7 - FBC Front Yard Variance – 110 Ave H


default Memo and Attachments from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving Front Yard Setback Variance

Recommended Action: Consider an Ordinance Approving Front Yard Variance Setback

History and Fact: The City has received a request from FBC Industries, Inc. for a variance to the requirements contained in Chapter 110, Section 321 which provides for a minimum 20 foot front yard setback in the I-2 (General Industry) zoning district. The applicant has plans to construct a 4,955 square foot building addition and loading dock that would be 14 feet from the front yard property line along Quarry Road.

Discussion: On May 7, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the variance request and subsequently voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the petition subject to staff approval of the final engineering and dedication of a small piece of right-of-way at the intersection of Quarry Road and Wood Street. City staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission felt that the request was appropriate since several of the buildings in this area do not conform to the required front yard or corner yard setbacks.

Recommendation: Authorize an Ordinance Approving Front Yard Setback Variance for Property Located at 110 Ave H (FBC Industries Inc.)

Agenda Item #8 - One and One-Half Mile Planning Jurisdiction Review – 16989 East Ritchie Road


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Resolution Recommending Approval of a Special Use Permit

default Site Plan

Recommended Action: Consider Resolution Recommending Approval of a Special Use Permit

History and Fact: A petition for a Special Use Permit has been filed with the Ogle County Zoning Board of Appeals by Maria Pena to allow a Rodeo facility at 16989 Ritchie Road. Since this location is within a mile and one-half of the City of Rochelle's corporate limits, the City has a right to review the request and make a recommendation on the application to Ogle County.

Discussion: Community Development Director Chris Limas met with the petitioner on May 4, 2012. At that time Maria Pena indicated that the viewing area would be located behind the barn and parking would be located behind the house. She plans to hold two events per month and anticipates attendance of approximately 300 people. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request at their meeting on May 7, 2012 and subsequently voted to recommend approval of the Special Use Permit to allow a Rodeo facility at 16989 Ritchie Road by a vote of 5-0.

Recommendation: Authorize Resolution Recommending Approval of a Special Use Permit to Allow Rodeo Facilities at 16989 East Ritchie Road