• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
• default Financials - February 2012
a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - March 12, 2012
b) default Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board Meeting - December 12, 2011
c) default Approve Bills - 03/02/12 - 03/08/12 default 03/09/12 - 03/15/12
d) default Approve Payroll - 02/20/12 - 03/04/12
e) default Approve Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival Request - August 17-19. 2012
f) default Resolution Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival Request - August 19, 2012
g) default Authorize the Use of City Hall for National Day of Prayer - May 3, 2012
2) South Main and 4th Avenue Water Main Project
3) Development Agreement between the City, Illiana Realty and Central Big R Stores
4) Agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates –EDA Grant Engineering and Grant Administration
1) default City Rail Expansion Plans
Agenda Item #2 - South Main and Fourth Avenue Water Main Project
default Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper
default Recommendation from Willett Hofmann & Associates
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the South Main and Fourth Avenue Water Main Project
History and Fact:
In 2011 the Illinois Department of Transportation, through the Economic Development Program, approved a request for funding assistance to
reconstruct and widen South Main Street from Steward Road to Steam Plant Road. The multi-year roadway
reconstruction project is anticipated to begin in fiscal year 2014-15. In advance of the roadway reconstruction, the
replacement of approximately 1100 feet of 12-inch water main on South Main Street from Steam Plant Road to the Erie Foods entrance is proposed. In addition, the replacement of 350 feet of
six-inch water main on Fourth Avenue, from South Main Street to North 3rd Street, is included due to deterioration of the main.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for the South Main and Fourth Avenue Water Main Project were
opened by the City Clerk on March 14, 2012 with eight contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Willett
Hofmann & Associates, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Stenstrom Excavation & Blacktop Group, with a
bid of $199,140.50. The proposed 2012-13 Water Division Capital Outlay Budget includes $267,125 for the replacement of this water main. Following the bid award,
the project is expected to begin in late April or early May and be completed within 60 days.
Accept the bid for the South Main and Fourth Avenue Water Main Project from Stenstrom Excavation & Blacktop Group for a total of $199,140.50 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #3 Development Agreement between the City, Illiana Realty and Central Big R Stores
default Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman to Chris Limas
default Memo from Building Inspector Kip Countryman to Attorney Alan Cooper
default Development Agreement between the City, Illiana Realty and Central Big R Stores
default Sales Tax Rebate Calculation
default Ordinance Approving Development Agreement
Recommended Action:
Consider Development Agreement between the City, Illiana Realty and Central Big R Stores
History and Fact:
A variety of incentive options including: real estate tax abatements, sales tax rebates and waiving and/or reducing specific City fees were discussed at the June 13,
2011 City Council meeting in an effort to spur the redevelopment of the former Wal-Mart facility on Route 251. Following the discussion, the Mayor and Council voted to support offering incentives in
order to maintain the vitality of the northern gateway commercial corridor.
Earlier this month the former Wal-Mart facility, located at 1240 North 7th Street, was purchased by Illiana Realty, LLC. The owner intends to develop the property for use as a "Big R" farm, home and ranch
retail store. Improvements will include the construction of a 12,000 square feet warehouse addition and renovation of the existing structure with completion no later than September 1, 2012. Once operational, the Big R will employ a
minimum of 40 full-time employees. Based on the development of the property as outlined, and the anticipated economic impact, the following incentives are proposed:
Real Estate Tax Abatement – Abatement of the City's real estate taxes attributed to any newimprovements over five years as follows: 90%, 75%, 60%, 45% and 20%.
Sales Tax Rebate – Rebate of ½ of the 1% portion of the Operator's Retail Occupation Tax for a period of three years. (Findings listed in the ordinance, and substantiated by memos from Building Inspector Countryman, support the ability to offer this incentive.)
Stormwater – Existing impervious surface areas will not be subject to current stormwater provisions of the Municipal Code.
Electric Rate – The facility will qualify for the Commercial Redevelopment Electric Rate #190 which provides a discounted rate for the first twelve months.
Building Permit Fees – Waiver of building permit fees for new construction and renovations for one year.
Codes – Un-renovated portions of the facility will remain subject to the codes that were in affect at the time of construction, providing it was in compliance at that time.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Development Agreement between the City, Illiana Realty and Central Big R Stores
Agenda Item #4 Agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates –EDA Grant Engineering and
Grant Administration
default Agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates - EDA Grant Engineering and Grant Administration
Recommended Action:
Consider an Agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle submitted an application to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) in 2011 for funding assistance to improve the water and sanitary sewer system in the southeast industrial region and to construct rail to serve the Coated Sand Solutions facilities. On March 15th the City received notification from the U.S. Department of Commerce that an EDA Financial Assistance Award was approved in an amount not to exceed $2,488,461. This award is fifty percent of the approved project cost of $4,976,923. Most of the City's required "local share" will be available through grant funds awarded by the Bureau of Railroads and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Approval of the EDA funding allows the City to move forward with the design and construction of an additional $1.8 million in rail improvements. These improvements include the extension of the City of Rochelle Railroad from the eastern edge of the Illinois River Energy property, across Steward Road, to a terminus north of the eastern edge of the Coated Sand Solutions property. The proposed agreement includes all engineering aspects of the project that are eligible through the EDA grant. These aspects include design of the remaining rail improvements, construction engineering not covered in the Bureau of Railroads Track Construction Grant Agreement, and administration of the EDA grant for a fee of $311,800. Approval of this agreement is critical in
order to meet the requirements included in the Bureau of Railroads Agreement and complete the rail required for Coated Sands Solutions to be operational by August of 2012.
Approve an agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates for services related to EDA Grant Engineering and Grant Administration.